About Me - Milton Laene Araujo

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Lake Worth, Florida, United States
My name is Milton and I am a reader. I love to feed my mind with what if’s?, through stories.


A sede depois de beber! O Efeito do Alcool

Alcool - Aqui referido como alcohol -

Quando pegamos a molecula do alcohol, tipo ethanol - C2-H5-OH, comumente misturado nas bebidas, e colocamos em nosso corpo, a mistura de ethanol com os ingredientes de nosso organismo formam  acucar.  composicao quimica C6-H12-O6. Obeserve aqui que o Carbono, o Hidrogenio, e tambem o Oxigenio estao presentes, tanto na molecula do alcohol como tambem na molecula do assucar.

O nosso organismo e composto de muita agua (H2O).  Tanta agua que significa  60% de nosso corpo. A agua e base pra tudo, e quando dissolvemos o excesso de acucar que foi criado no organismo, bate uma sede muito grande, daquelas que so batem quando comemos algo doce na hora. Se tivermos dormindo, acordamos e nos enchemos de agua.

Se nos nos hidratassemos diariamente, e tambem exercitassemos, acababariamos exalando algumas  moleulas de agua, e tambem de alcohol, atravez de nosso suor. Com isso o corpo nao conservaria esta invasao repetina do alcohol. e nao federia - veja ao lado um post sobre tomar banho.

O sangue se mistura com a composicao do alcohol e logo esta mistura rica em carbono, e hidrogenio, quando misturados com os acidos oriundos do alcool se trasnformam em gorduras. Ai entao entra o aumento de gordura, com areas do corpo desidratads formando bolsos de gorduras, ou murcilhas.

---- Voce vai ficar gordo, ou gorda! Ou voce vai ficar desidratado completamente, e parecer envelhecido por mutios anos nos olhos da sociedade. O pior simtoma do alcohol esta na aparencia do individuo. Uns ficam avermelhados, outros ficam velho depressa, com gordura espalhadas em lugares errados. Claro, alem da deteriorizacao fisica, aparece as sequelas das intoxicacoes. ---- Obom do negocio e que se pode parar por um tempo e melhorar a aparencia quase que de imediato.

Veja que uma bebida alcoholica e acida ja por natureza. Quando falamos em acidez aqui, estamos falando deste queimor no peito, diariamente, ou em certas horas do dia. Trata-se de uma gastrite oriunda da quantidade de acido que ficou despositado no sistema digestivo. Acidez significa um "potencial hidrogenionico"  (PH), com um valor menor que 7. A agua, pra ser boa pra beber deve ser neutra - ou seja, ter o PH igual a 7. Um elemento como a agua, embora seja clara aos nossos olhos pode estar acida ou basica sem que percebamos. Um Ph abaixo de sete significa acidez,  e acima de sete significa ama  base.

Mas saiba que potencial hidrogenionico nao e somente medido pelos atomos de hidrogenio. Existe outras combinacoes de elementos involvidos, e por isso e chamado "potencial", e nao quantidade.

Ja o acucar age como um criador de problemas. Na verdade, o acucar tem 12 hidrogenios, mas tambem tem carbono, observe acima. E por isso, alem da acidez no estomago, podera haver uma criacao de acucar, e com isso, aquela sede grande, e devido nossa composicao fisica, temos tendencias a conservar carbono e hidrogenio desta mistura. Perai - nao falamos em carbono. Bem, este esta no sangue, e isso tudo ja entrou na rede sanguinea. Esta combinacao de hidrogenio e carbono cria gordura, qual se alimenta do acucar, e se armazena no corpo, cada dia se modificando, e criando areas desidratadas, e envelhecidas, e tambem areas gordas, com grande concentracao de oxigenio e carbono. O Hidrogenio da agua e usado pra criar mais gorduras, que viajam nas veias junto ao sangue e se aglomeram por aqui e por ali.

A falta de exercicio e o excesso de alcohol somente cria problemas

Em resumo, alem de salientar o que acontece com o excesso de acool no organismo, eu demonstrei como isso afeta a gordura e a aparencia. Nem quero tocar no lado mental - esta podera ser discutudo depois. O importante, aqui, e que saibamos os efeitos do alcohol em nosso organismo.

Um outro assunto seria os tipos de pessoas alcoholicas. Existe 2 tipos. Um que bebe ate ver o final, e o outro que bebe ate cair e dormir.
O que bebe ate ver o final se anestesia, se esquece o que faz e quer beber uma bebida atras da outra. No outro dia acorda mal humorado e desconta nos que estao perto. Acaba perdendo emprego por falta de disciplina. Este ate pode ter um pouco de controle, pois somente faz isso nos finais de semana. Quando um ser se anestesia com a bebida, ele desliga a memoria daquele dia. Nao pode participar de conversas. Isso acontece com todo mundo que fica bebado. Se vomitar, melhor, mas os acidos se vao, e o corpo perde muito potassio, e com isso e preciso se alimentar, senao no outro dia fica doente com o mundo e com o corpo.

O que bebe e cai , quer beber sempre pra poder cair e dormir, e acaba misturando o que tiver. Esquece da vida e das consequencias de estar bebado, e sempre entra em encrencas. No periodo de intoxicacao, qual e mais demorado, pois o organismo ja vivenciou esta mistura outras vezes, o individuo participa em tudo, e ate faz mais sentido varias vezes, mas logo sai da conversa e vai se deitar.

Ambos podem e bebem socialmente, pois sabem as consequencias do dia a dia e bebem para perder a timidez, e sabem ate que ponto podem chegar.

Se voce nao precisa de bebida no dia a dia, mas quando bebe nao pode mais parar, como se fosse numa viagem de bebedeira por 3 a quatro dias, voce e um caso perigoso que deve procurar ajuda. Estes se afastam do trabalho por dias e quando voltam estao bom pra umas duas semanas de sobriedade.

O resultado sempre deve ser estes. Nao se meta com bebado, e cu de bebado nao tem dono.

Entenda que nao se deve argumentar com pessoas embriagadas. Eles perderam a razao. Elas ficam valentes as vezes, enquanto outras ficam gentis.  Somente um ser sem sabedoria procura encrencas com bebado.
Estabelecimentos que vendem bebidas devem manter ordem e nao embriagar alguem. Saber a hora de parar de vender pra certos individuos.

Veja que a esposa, dentro de casa, quando recebe o marido bebado deve ignora-lo, mas nao dispreza-lo. Se ela iniciar o assunto, acaba em briga. Por mais dificil que seja se conter, e imperativo pra que nao haja brigas. O sao deve ignroar o bebado.

Ja quando ambos saem a beber em locais publicos e se intoxicam, a briga e certa.

A todos que bebem, fiquem sabendo que a alteracao quimica vai trazer depressao no outro dia. E normal se acordar muito mal humorado, e sem paciencia, e se um casal acorda assim, devem se evitar ate que a comida entre no organismo e a mente entao pode aceitar as condicoes do corpo.

Quando um bebado chegar em casa inteiro - agrade-o , ele chegou! - Lide com o resto no outro dia.

Por hoje e so isso.

Milton Laene Araujo


Substitute Teacher - Forest Hills Community High School, FHCHS, in West Palm Beach, FL

My years of substituting at the Forest Hills Community High School, FHCHS, in West Palm Beach, FL. were the best years of my life. It started in 2006 and ended in 2010, however, during this time, I substituted at other schools, but the one I remember the most is Forest Hills High in West Palm Beach.

Its location is just 2 miles away from my house. Very easy access. The administration is outstanding. The school is a paradise. A enormous kitchen, various garbage cans all over the place, for students to make use of it. The place is clean. Classrooms are neat. There is a patio where students can sit outdoors, even during the rain. The design is extraordinary. From various points you can see the entire out-side area of the school. It is well patrolled by security, and every student needs a pass to leave the classroom.

Students at FHCHS are from different ethnic groups, and they get along very well. Yes, there were a few fights throughout the years, but nothing major.

For a period of 4 months I substituted for students who needed special education. Although, I had no training, I copied others teachers . One Student got my attention, and he was the reason why I decided to stay longer. His name is Maynor, and he was 16 years old at that time. He had speech impairment, along with autism, and muscle dystrophy in his back making him look up sideways while walking. Maynor was very loud, and mumbled his words with different pronunciation, but clearly stated. I learned his language, and was able to communicate with him, read his intentions and even smile when I caught him trying to disrupt others. Maynor loves to touch people while he is talking. Some teachers did not like that, and tried to tell him many times to keep his hands to himself. Maynor could not draw, but he did it anyway. Lines crossing each other, and some bad shaped circles, mixed with what could be a head. When I asked him what was in that picture he said that it was what was written in the card for him to draw. He pointed each item, and for whatever reason, a semi circle was the coca-cola can. It was as if he could see half of the can from the top, and a dot was the straw. I memorized his drawing and placed every one's draw on the wall. Robert, 17 was Mynor's best friend and colleague. He was able to communicate better and they were inseparable. They always walked together, and did everything together. It was great to see their friendship. Robert was able to understand Maynor 100%, and he translated to me many times what Maynor was saying. They sat together, and on bad days, when one of them was not feeling well, they could exchange words that only they understood, but it was loud enough to ask them to cut it out.

Every day at 10 Am, after they had placed their belongs into proper shelves, returned their homework, placed it inside their folder for the teacher to check it during the class period, they would line up to take a walk at the soccer field.

We did all sort of work inside the school, such as pick up the garbage and place a new trash bag inside each container, clean the cafeteria tables, picking up whatever other students left behind. It was all scheduled during the day, who was going to do what. No one dare to separate Maynor and Robert. They both resented the cafeteria job, for both wanted to stay outside, but they took their turn. All this work was to make them feel responsible. They loved to go outside and do their shores. It was not too much. It took a lot of work from us teachers to get them ready for something that would take no time if done by the proper people. I have to say that at FHCHS they have staff to do all the work mentioned above. They were always present while we were "helping". They understood it. Sometimes they did it all and when we got there we had a free time. The staff knew every student by name, and referred to them properly. Maynor was the most popular, for he knew everyone, and talked to everyone, with Robert always translating.

Inside the classroom they had computer time, where they would do their lessons online. After they would play word games or anything in that program. They washed their hands constantly, and teachers were aware of everything. There were teachers that took care of only one child. I had a chance to be with every children, and my memorable day was when a few graduated. They were in the age to graduate and leave the system for reaching 18 years old. They did not complete all credits, but they got their diploma, they attended to prom, and they participated in the school album as well. I took 2 of them to the prom and we had a ball dancing. Everyone took our pictures, and some even cried watching them having fun. A teacher later told me that she thought I had done something extraordinary by taking the girls and dancing with them. We actually stayed in the dancing floor all night.

Every day before the class was over, we would go to each classroom and pick up the attendance sheet. I would take a group of 6 students, and divided into 3 groups of 2 and watch them ring the bell and ask for the attendance sheet. For them it was a party, to enter into a classroom and see other students.

I command FHCHS for this work and I highly recommend this school.


PS. One day a teacher asked- What is this on the wall? referring to Maynor's drawing mixed with everyones. I said, well, I see here a can of soda, and over here an eagle, and she looked at me strangely, while Maynor and Robert got up from their seat to show her the other 3 pictures. She looked at me and said that it was nice. Maynor then asked me: Mr. Milton, Maynor pan dan the gom now? Yes, Mr. Milton, Yes? Yes? - I said - Not now Maynor, but when we return from our walk, I will let you use it for 15 minutes. He smiled and said OK. The Teacher later asked me what he said, and I told her that I alowed him to play with the video game for 15 minutes after his walking. She was happy that while I was there we all got along well.  

How parents should educate their children

Parents must have this path down, or problems will arouse soon.

1- Create a written down schedule about the rules in the house.
  • Time to get up in the morning
  • Time to do homework
  • Time for leusure alone
  • Time for leusire with family members
  • Time to eat
  • Time to put away all toys
  • Time to do a shore
2- Create a written down poster about what is not allowed in the household.
  • Not:  yelling, screaming, pushing, answering back to parents, kicking furniture, writing on the walls etc etc.
3- Create a written poster of the consequences of braking the rules. "Time out" is imperative for children less than 10 years of age. They have to stay put in a place from 3 to 10 minutes. However, this technique only works when the child understands it. An adult must talk to a child face to face, in a firm, not loud voice, and give warnings that a rule is being  broken, and that if it doesn't stop that child will be put in time out.
  • No cell phone
  • No TV
  • No Computer
  • Curfew
4- Teach your child about the "food family group" and write the name of all foods in a chart and decide what they can have in the morning, afternoon etc. Do not serve them junk food at all times. Have a jar or a  bowl with all his snacks for the entire day placed in the kitchen. Have an apple, an orange, a banana, have some chips, juices, candies, and let your child know that he is allowed to have anything from that jar or bowl. However, have the time set for each snack.

5- IF YOUR CHILD IS UNDISCIPLINED  - Here is what you do!

  • Tell your child that, from today on, things are going to be different.
  • Unload all your faults as a parent - Starting from saying that you have not spent enough time with him or her or all of them, for that matter; and that you have been away most of the time. Let him know that you are sorry for being so rude with him, when he was just being a child. Let him know that you have not payed enough attention to his needs as a parent, and that you are going to make things better. Talk with your child as if he was a co-worker this time, by respecting your child as you would respect any other human being.
  • Stop being so authoritary!
  • Do not spank! It is not necessary!
  • Spank yourself!
  • Do not yell! It is annoying!
  • Again, set the rules up front, and share with them what the new rules are and how they are going to be followed.
  • Be a parent - and stop being a child!
  • If your child has no discipline, it is your fault!
  • BE the adult!
  • Do not play the "victim" part.
  • You chose this life, therefore, take it, and make it better. Learn about discipline, and apply into yourself.
  • Remember once and for all, if your child has no discipline, you are the only one to blame. Start with the person in the mirror.
  • Do not drink or smoke near them.
  • Do not enoucrage bad behavior!
  • Be aware of your child schedule and participate!