About Me - Milton Laene Araujo

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Lake Worth, Florida, United States
My name is Milton and I am a reader. I love to feed my mind with what if’s?, through stories.


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ABORTION. In favor or not in favor. Is it a governmental issue or a pesronal?


It is hard to talk about abortion. But I think it favors some people more than others. 

At first hand, our question is: When life begins? 

1- Does it begin on the night of conception?

2- Does it begin when you find out you are pregnant?

3- Does it begin when your baby is born?

During conception, we just need to have a combination of male and female seeds by having intercourse. They both have to be fertile. This practice happens many times, and most of the time the woman knows whether there was a conception or not. She feels differently almost immediately. If she waits one month she sees her breast increase and she will have a glow within her aura for everyone to observe. A pregnant woman brings continuance for herself and her partner. 

  • Was it rape?
  • Was it consensual?
  • Was it incest?
Rape can happen when sexual intercourse was not consensual. Yet, this can create drama "he said, she said". 

When you find out you are pregnant,  You just need to talk to your parents, guardian, mentor, best friend, etc. Then talk to the father. At this time you will have knowledge-based of the damage it can cause to your life before you hear the father's side. If it was rape, simply decide what is best for yourself and make it clear to everyone in the family about your decision. Seek counseling for you to live with yourself. Do not decide anything on your own. 

When your baby is born?

Now, we are talking about life and thy shall not kill. 

In Summary, I believe that 12 weeks is enough to decide what to do with the embryo. The involved parties need to make a decision based on their principles. When a child can be put at risk of self or the life of the mother, this matter needs to be discussed between the decisive parties. But remember that it is important to involve everyone in this decision. A life is sacred and has the protection of the great creator. A member of the family can offer a dignified life to a child, and at the same time say that you are the mother. Keep sending money to help with education and feel free. 

The government has a lot to say about this matter because it has become a social catastrophe, and eventually will become a political decision.  

As a First Nation, the USA is simply deciding whether 25 or 30 years from now our population will be only old people. In this situation, abortion would not be encouraged. However, when we have a baby boom, certain countries try to control the population, and with this control, the black market sells medication for abortion for couples afraid to be penalized by having more than 2 children.

I believe the government's willingness to explain the reasoning behind abortion, other than religious values, or beliefs will prevail. 

I believe in educating people about what is going on with our population. 

I believe we should tell all Americans that immigrants are welcome. We've lost many people in the Vietnam War; we cannot have a balance of population and age to defend ourselves. 

YOU MUST BELIEVE that we have enough money to create cities and accommodate 800 million people who came here in search of a place in the sun. Babies are welcome.

This abortion law has not been explained in detail. The idea is to maintain a population of Americans larger than the population of immigrants. 

It is hard to talk about abortion. But I think it favors some people more than others.  

This part I left for last. MEN are the only ones who would favor abortion. 

I hope you get it. Men will be able to have sex all over without a condom and simply make babies without thinking of the woman. More STDs will appear and another pandemic would take place. If the abortion law is approved everywhere we will have a society without order. Men will decide to have sex without protection leaving the women in limbo. 

So, think again about all topics before placing your opinion.

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