About Me - Milton Laene Araujo

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Lake Worth, Florida, United States
My name is Milton and I am a reader. I love to feed my mind with what if’s?, through stories.
Showing posts with label Gay - Transgenders -. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gay - Transgenders -. Show all posts


Transgender and misconceptions

 Olá - Nós vamos ter um bebê!

Nunca havia imaginado escrever algo assim! Mas esta missiva sera para repartir

algo sobre o sexo do infante. Vou descrever três etapas importantes que fazem

parte do desenvolvimento da ideia de ter filhos; do desenvolvimento que se pode

esperar, aprender, e observar sobre a sexualidade; e pra finalizar, o

desenvolvimento que já sabemos que pode acontecer, e uma opiniao sobre



Se voces tiverem planejando engravidar devem saber que o sexo do bebe sera

determinado pelo pai. Portanto é importante que o casal se prepare dois meses

antes da concepcao. Isso significa mudar vários habitos, como parar com bebidas

alcoólicas e tambem cigarros, e manter uma rotina saudavel. O Pai deve fazer um

exame para contar a quantidade de espermatozoids antes e depois desta dieta. A

quantidade nao importara, mas a qualidade será o melhor resultado. Quando

planejamos trazer um ser para este mundo temos a responsabilidade de criar desde

o momento da concepcao. Isso significa que se tivermos fortes teremos filhos

capazes de viver no futuro. Se nao tivermos fortes desencadearemos uma série de

eventos na vida do novo ser humano que estarao ligados aos genes que estavam

ativos durante a concepcao.

O sexo da crianca sera determinado pelo tipo de esperma que fertilizou o ovulo.

Existe somente 2 tipos de cromossomos no espermatozoid do homem que vao

determinar o sexo da crianca. e eles se chamam X e Y. Na mulher os dois

cromossomos são femininos e chamados XX.

Homem = X, Y

Mulher = X, X

Assim sendo, um novo ser é composto de 50% do DNA da mãe e 50% do DNA do

pai, porém somente um par de cromossomos vai decidir sobre a sexualidade.

Se o pai ejacular X e a mãe (só pode contribuir com X), será uma menina. Se o pai

ejacular Y, será um menino. (Logo depois da fecundacao se forma um Zygote que

pode ser menino ou menina).

O homem com o Y cromossome tem algo chamado “a determinacao do sexo do


A determinação do sexo é um sistema complexo de genes, proteínas codificadas

por eles e suas funções em vários órgãos-alvo que determinam cumulativamente o

desenvolvimento das características sexuais em um organismo.

● Os cromossomos X e Y, também conhecidos como cromossomos sexuais,

determinam o sexo biológico de um indivíduo: as mulheres herdam um

cromossomo X do pai para um genótipo XX, enquanto os machos herdam

um cromossomo Y do pai para um genótipo XY (as mães só transmitem os

cromossomos X).

● O cromossomo X é maior em tamanho e contém um número maior de genes

em comparação com o cromossomo Y.

● O cromossomo Y é mais dominante que o X? O cromossomo X é

significativamente mais longo que o cromossomo Y e contém centenas de

genes a mais. Como os genes adicionais no cromossomo X não têm

contrapartida no cromossomo Y, os genes X são dominantes.

Cabe lembrar que um ser humano tem 23 pares de cromossomos. Ou seja, 46

cromossomos. 23 vem do pai e 23 vem da mãe. Porém, enquanto 22 destes pares

(2) são identicos, o par com dois cromossomos diferentes são os que determinam a

sexualidade do novo ser. (sexualidade e sexo em todo este contexto significa

genero masculino ou feminino). Nada relacionado com orientation sexual.


Esperamos que seja sadiu e que venha completinho.

Devido ao pai ter um cromossomo menor que o da mae, (quando se refere aos

cromossomos do sexo), ele ja vem faltando genes, e isso faz com que as vezes uma

crianca pode nascer menino, porem com “tendencias femininas” e vice-versa.

Os cromossomos X e Y determinam não apenas o sexo de um indivíduo, mas

também muitas características amplas. Da força de preensão à agressão, existem

inúmeras diferenças entre homens e mulheres além de simplesmente seus órgãos

sexuais. Isso é conhecido como dimorfismo sexual e é encontrado na maioria das


● Anormalidades genéticas não tornam os gêneros obsoletos. As pessoas

podem pensar que isso não é normal ou que algo está “errado” com você,

mas esse tipo de coisa ocorre naturalmente e foi normalizado em muitas

culturas por muito tempo.

● A determinação do sexo é um sistema complexo de genes, proteínas

codificadas por eles e suas funções em vários órgãos-alvo que determinam

cumulativamente o desenvolvimento das características sexuais em um


● O processo de determinação do sexo em um organismo começa com o

desenvolvimento das estruturas reprodutivas masculinas e femininas bem no

estágio do desenvolvimento embrionario.

● O sistema de determinação do sexo é ligado de forma indiferenciada,

dependendo do tipo de cromossomos sexuais presentes nele. O que se segue

é uma cascata de eventos que compreende a síntese e ativação de proteínas e

o silenciamento de genes, e a síntese de várias proteínas (fatores) que agem

de maneira diferente em vários órgãos e levam ao seu desenvolvimento

específico ao sexo.

● Os cromossomos são estruturas em forma de bastonetes que se tornam

claramente visíveis na célula. São moléculas de DNA altamente

superenroladas que permanecem enroladas em torno de proteínas histonas e

não histonas. Os cromossomos estão presentes como estruturas semelhantes

a fios menos enrolados chamadas cromatina no núcleo de uma célula que

não se divide formando uma rede chamada retículo de cromatina. O número

de cromossomos em uma espécie permanece constante. No entanto, às vezes

são vistas aberrações cromossômicas que causam anormalidades nos seres


● Além destes, existem centenas de genes que não estão envolvidos na

determinação do sexo feminino. Os machos humanos têm apenas um

cromossomo X, enquanto as fêmeas humanas têm dois. Assim, nos estágios

iniciais de desenvolvimento, um dos dois cromossomos X é

permanentemente inativado nas células somáticas, de modo que a expressão

gênica de um cromossomo X dos dois é restrita após o desenvolvimento

bem-sucedido dos órgãos sexuais nas fêmeas. Isso garante que o número de

proteínas produzidas pela expressão gênica dos cromossomos X em homens

e mulheres humanos permaneça o mesmo. Este fenômeno é conhecido como

compensação de dosagem. O processo de inativação é chamado de

lionização e o cromossomo X inativado na forma de heterocromatina

facultativa é conhecido como corpo de Barr.

Defeitos Cromossômicos Sexuais em Seres Humanos

As anormalidades numéricas dos cromossomos X e Y são responsáveis por causar

diversas condições em seres humanos. Alguns deles são discutidos a seguir.

i. Síndrome de Klinefelter: Uma condição em que o cariótipo 44+XXY dá

origem a indivíduos do sexo masculino com deficiência reprodutiva,

estrutura alta, baixo QI de aprendizado e dificuldades de leitura.

ii. Síndrome do X Triplo: Uma condição em que o cariótipo 44+XXX dá

origem a indivíduos do sexo feminino que são férteis, com QI médio e

estatura mais do que o de uma mulher média.

iii. Síndrome de Turner: Condição em que o cariótipo 44+X0 dá origem a

indivíduos do sexo feminino com estrutura curta. Eles são inférteis, pois têm

partes reprodutivas mal desenvolvidas.

iv. Síndrome XYY: Condição em que o cariótipo 44+XYY dá origem a

indivíduos do sexo masculino com estatura aumentada, problemas de

aprendizagem etc.

Summary -

Agora que já temos uma ideia melhor sobre a formação de um ser, podemos deixar

de lado discriminacao e diferencas, e aprender a ser mais tolerantes com um ser


Recentemente um homem fez ressonancia e descobriram que ele era uma mulher, pois tinha os tubos de falopio. Porem este homem era casado e tinha 6 filhos. O que aconteceu foi uma mistura dos cromossoos que acontece de forma mais visivel hoje em dia nos seres que apresentam tendencias diferentes as do seu sexo original. 

Transgenders sofrem de uma deviacao mental se acham no sexo errado, porem ficicamente tem o corpo normal e visivel de um ser humano feminino ou masculino. Nao se percebe a diferenca neles como precebemos em homens afeminados porque o problema deles se cria na mente, e nao na parte fisica, porem so pode ser corrigido por mudancas na parte fisica. 

Um transgender imagina que o sexo que foi determinado ao nascer nao condiz com a sua identidade. Trata-se de uma identidade sexual. 

Alguns psychologistas usam o termo Dysphoria qual significa distress e tambem a confusao entre o corpo e a mente. Trata-se de uma doenca mental na realidade, e pode ser comparada com anorexia. 

  1. Como a identidade transgênero é diferente da orientação sexual?
  2. As pessoas muitas vezes confundem identidade de gênero com orientação sexual. Mas ser transgênero não é a mesma coisa que ser lésbica, gay ou bissexual. A identidade de gênero, seja transgênero ou cisgênero, é sobre quem você É por dentro como homem, mulher, ambos ou nenhum deles. Ser lésbica, gay, bissexual ou heterossexual descreve por quem você se sente atraída e por quem você se sente atraída romanticamente, emocionalmente e sexualmente.

  3. Uma pessoa transgênero pode ser gay, lésbica, heterossexual ou bissexual, assim como alguém que é cisgênero. Uma maneira simples de pensar sobre isso é: orientação sexual é sobre com quem você quer estar. A identidade de gênero é sobre quem você é.

    O que significa passar?
    Passar descreve a experiência de uma pessoa transgênero sendo vista por outros como o gênero que eles querem ser vistos. Um exemplo seria uma mulher trans usando o banheiro feminino e sendo vista como mulher pelas pessoas ao seu redor.

    Passar é extremamente importante para muitas pessoas trans. Passar pode ser emocionalmente importante porque afirma sua identidade de gênero. O passe também pode fornecer segurança contra assédio e violência. Por causa da transfobia, uma pessoa transgênero que passa pode ter mais facilidade em se mover pelo mundo do que uma pessoa que é conhecida como transgênero ou parece mais andrógina.

  4. Mas nem todas as pessoas transgênero sentem o mesmo sobre a passagem. Embora a passagem seja importante para algumas pessoas, outras acham que a palavra sugere que a apresentação de gênero de algumas pessoas não é tão real quanto outras. Eles podem sentir que passar implica que ser visto pelos outros como cisgênero é mais importante do que ser conhecido como transgênero. Algumas pessoas transgênero se sentem confortáveis e orgulhosas de serem trans e não sentem a necessidade de se passar por uma pessoa cisgênera.


Casamento Gay Discussao entre mae e filho

Discussao sobre casamento gay entre filho gay e mae!

 “Mas meu filho, Casamento e uma instituicao entre um homem e uma mulher”!

“ Oh mae, este argumento e o mais facil de se dizer, porem o mais fraco de todos os argumentos. Afinal quem deve decidir como um casamento deve ser definido? Um casal? Uma pessoa solteira que pretende se casar? Quando alguem diz que o casamento e uma instituicao entre homem e mulher, esta pessoa esta sendo racista. So o fato de nao dar os mesmos direitos a um grupo de pessoas significa tirar os direitos desta pessoa em ser e existir, e isso esta contra os direitos humanos”.

“Bem, eu queria dizer que casamento e para procriacao, ou seja, para ter filhos e criar uma familia”.

“Se e assim, entao o Mauro e a Maura nao deveriam se casar, pois eles nao podem ter filhos. Ah mae, por favor, voce acha que as mulheres que saem da menopausa devem engtregar seus aneis e dar adeus ao casamento? Elas nao podem mais procriar. Seria ate engracado ver que cada casal que nao pode ter filhos devem acabar com o casamento. Desculpe mae, mas nossa conversa esta levando a gente para um beco sem saida, e muitas pessoas entram nele, e ficam la, com isso na cabeca para o resto da vida, porem esta ideia nao cola, pois a sociedade aceita casamentos de todo homem e mulher, independentemente se vao ou nao ter filhos”.  

“Credo filho, casal do mesmo sexo nao e algo bom para criar filhos. Imagine”!

“Pode ate se pensar assim mae, mas veja hoje quem a sociedade deixa casar. Ate algumas barbaridades sao vistas como normais, pois veja que um assassino, um es-prisioneiro de todos os tipos, ate mesmo de estrupo, tambem aqueles que molestam as criancas sao todos livres para se casarem, procriarem, e fazem isso todos os dias, e as pessoas que veem, nem imaginam em criticar, ou melhor, nem passa pela cabeca delas.  Ah mae, se as criancas sao realmente as prioridades, porque entao estas pessoas tem este direito? Acho que aqueles que veem os gays improprios para educarem criancas deveriam procurar proibir algumas categorias de pessoas de criar criancas”.

“Bem, neste ponto voce ate me fez pensar, pois tenho visto algumas criancas que foram criadas por casais gays e elas pareciam felizes. O que faz diferenca mesmo e o amoe. Mas meu filho, eu sempre achei um relacionamento gay algo imoral que ate vai contra a sagrada escritura”.

“Sim mae, pode ate ir contra algo sagrado, mas como ser humano todos tem o direito de ter qualquer religiao, ou ate de nao ter, se caso nao querem ter. A bilbia nao tem espaco dentro das leis, pois seria impossivel acomodar duas mil religioes com leis que favorecem a todos. Uma lei nao pode ser criada simplesmente por algo que alguem decidiu que e mandatorio pela biblia. Nem todas as religioes tem problema com homossexualismo. Se devemos acreditar em liberdade de ter uma religiao, a proibicao do casamento gay quando baseada em argumentos religiosos perde seu valor por completo. “

“Mas filho, pense num mudo mais pro futuro, e como vai seguir a procriacao, se todos acharem que e moda ser gay? Casamento e para afirmar a continuacao da especie humana”!

“Gostei deste ponto mae, mas veja a quantidade de criancas que estao ai soltas pelo mundo. Mas o nosso assunto e sobre casamento gay, e quem achar que continuacao de especie e necessario, deve entao compactuar com a lei de que casais que nao podem ter filhos nao podem se casar.  Vejo ironicamente que quando um casal de velhos decidem se casar, todos acham lindo, eao mesmo tempo concordando que casamento e sobre amor, compromisso, suporte entre pessoas, e nao sobre procriacao, entao como pode isso?”

“Nao faco a menor ideia, mas ainda acho que casamentos gays vao desmoronar com o sacramento do casamento”.

“Eu nao vejo nada desmoronando, pois como voce acaba com um sacramento em dando direito a outros de usufruirem? Eu sempre pensei que se deixarmos um casal gay se casar, ate podera fazer com que eles nao se casem com alguem que eles tenham pouca afinidade, ou alguem incompativel, e ate diminuiria divorcios.  O sacramento foi desmoronado quando criaram leis como divorcio. Se esta e a preocupacao, entao devem se criar leis obrigando a ficar casado”.

“Continuo nao achando que deveriam alterar uma coisa que e entre um homem e uma mulher, algo ja tradicional que vem desde que o mundo comecou.”

“Entendo ate que a senhora pense assim, eu as vezes tenho este dilema, mas moralmente falando, escravidao era algo tradicional, mas por volta de 1800 acabaram com esta instituicao, ou melhor, abolirao o estatuto legal disso. Acharam imoral. O casamento gay nao esta pedindo para mudarem o casamento heterossexual. So esta mostrando que nao existe argumentos que possam claramente decidir o porque de nao deixa-los se casarem. Se esta tradicao e importante, nao deveriam ter criado divorcios. Como voce pode achar importante este sacramento quando voce ao mesmo tempo concorda que pode ser desmanchado? Isso so me afirma que nao esta nada ligado com tradicoes antigas, mas as pessoas usam este argumento para cobrir outro, ou um motivo mais aceitavel”.

“Continue filho”!

“Por que nao perceber que trata-se de uma hipocrisia? O conceito de casamento nao e rigidamente tradicional como as pessoas alegam”.

“Ja existe isso no mundo, ou isso e algo que estao criando aqui no Brasil”?

“Num paiz chamado Denmark desde 1989. Mas claro, foi rejeitada a principio pela igreja, mas hoje em dia a propria igreja percebeu que a lei e boa, e esta se alastrando. So o fato de algumas igrejas nao aceitarem evidencias como esta, fala mais sobre a igreja do que sobre o casamento gay”.

“Mas sera que se for autorizado casamento gay, o mundo entra numa catastrofe e logo se autoriza incesto, poligamia, e outras formas com consequencias terriveis”?

“Isso e uma forma de colocar medo nas pessoas. Usado por pessoas que estao contra gays, e nao verdadeiramente querendo proteger familia, criancas, ou instituicao”.

“No Brasil todos sao considerados iguais, por lei, e criando uma lei para gays, estaria colocando eles num caso expecial, Nao”?

“Nada, so estaria reconhecendo a eles os mesmos direitos de aposentadoria, de todas as coisas legais que casais heterossexuais tem o direito. Ninguem pede nada especial, mas somente para ser incluido nas gorjetas que o governo da para casais heterossexuais, como direito de estar no hospital ao lado do parceiro. Hoje se um gay ficar doente, a familia pode expulsar o parceiro do quarto de hospital ate em horas de visitas. A familia pode alegar tudo o que quer e ate colocar o parceiro de 20 anos fora da casa, se nao for deixado um testamento. Pior ainda, se for deixado um testamento, o parceiro recebe uma percentagem daquilo, pois o resto e cobrado em impostos por ser algo herdado. Sem o beneficio do casamento, nao ha solucao. Os gays perdem e sao descriminados aonde existe homofobia e aonde nao existe.  Hoje os gays pagagm taxa em dobro, pois pagam como dois solteiros.”

“Minha nossa filho. Entao as igrejas serao obrigadas a casarem gays, mesmo se elas nao querem”?

“Nao, a igreja vai casar quem ela quer. Lembre-se ate hoje existe igrejas que nao casam gente de fe diferente, ou de raca diferente, ou quem ja foi divorciado. Nao existe lei que impoe a igreja a fazer nada. O direito de casar na igreja, e um direito dado a igreja, mas nem todos os casamentos religiosos sao reconhecidos pela lei. Trata se de um direito, mas nao um requerimento visto por lei.

“Mas tu ja imaginastes, que se for legalizado, logo vao ate promover isso nas escolas”.

“Casamento gay ja e legal em varios estados e paises, ate mesmo Canada, mas ate hoje nunca ouvi ninguem promovendo isso em escolas. Na verdade o que estao pedindo e somente tolerancia aos gays, e nao estao promovendo homossexualidade. Se a tolerancia nao for aceita, o contrario de tolerancia se chama bigotria. Se nao se promove tolerancias em escolas, estaremos promovendo bigotria – sera que isso e bom? – Agora veja que se for promovido homossexualidade nas escolas nao mudaria nada. As pessoas sao gays porque nascem assim. Ninguem pode ser recrutado gay.

“A gente escuta tanta coisa”.

“Sei mae, mas a senhora ja sabe que ser gay nao e uma escolha. E muito mais complexo do que comportamento ou genetica, pois e parte de cada ser. Se alguem e gay, nao tem escapatoria, vai ser gay sempre. As propagandas sempre vao existir, e os ignorantes vao seguir imaginando que este lider religioso disse isso e aquilo, e deve ser seguido. Quem acha que ser gay e uma escolha, deve tambem achar que ser heterossexual tambem seja uma escolha, e a mais desejada, e a mais moral para se escolher. E o pior, estao decidindo que se deve escolher isso ao invez daquilo porque alguem nao se sente confortavel com esta ou aquela decisao.  Fica ate dificil para mim ver como um lider religioso, ou anti-gay bigot sinceramente pode ter o direito e a arrogancia do poder de vetar. Sabemos que religiao e uma escolha, sexualidade nao”.

Bem mae, a gente tocou nas suas perguntas, e eu ja esperava perguntas como essa da senhora, porem existe fatores mais profundos porque as pessoas se opoem ao casamento gay, ou melhor, temem.

E assim nossa discussao acabou!


Na verdade trata-se de nao estar muito confortavel com a ideia, porem um governo com constituicao existe para proteger uma minoria de abusos e tiranias da maioria. Ha alguns que argumentam que casamento gay ofende a religiao. Porem numa sociedade que oferece liberdade de religiao, nao se pode usar o governo para apoiar sensibilidades privadas de membros religiosos.  Casamento gay simplesmente e uma parte do processo evolucionario e progresso social.  

Ja foi sugerido que homofobia e um instinto de medo de ser estrupado por alguem que o homofobico considera abaixo de sua classe. A propriio medo de que um gay possa estrupa-lo e um medo que vem de instinto.  Isso acontece com humanos e, e a causa de estrupos homossexuais  em prisoes. Os estrupos na prisao nao tem nada haver com o ato sexual, mas com a firmeza de que o dominio e o controle existe.  Portanto os heterossexuais nao devem temer os gays, mas se este for o caso, podem entao relaxar, pois a maioria dos gays gostam de ter sexo nas mesmas condicoes emocionais que os heterossexuais tem, como parte do amor e afeicao. Um gay nao busca um hetero para ter um relacionamento, pois repeita como ser humano, e um hetero nao deve temer um gay, ou temer ser levado a mudar. Ninguem muda. Homofobia e um sinal de que algo nao esta certo, pois um homem de verdade nao tem medo de estar perto de gays. Nada e ninguem vai muda-lo, exceto na prisao.  Porem quando saem da prisao os homens voltam a festar com as mulheres. Isso prova que era algo de dominio, e nao de orientacao sexual.  O medo de ser gay as vezes cria pessoas que repressam sua identidade, e acabam cometendo crimes. Ter medo de ser controlado por um outro homem simplesmente demonstra que esta com algo escondido, e a acao de um homofobico geralmente se da em fazer piadas, e rebaixar aquilo que nao gostaria de ser, mas la no fundo ja e.

Toda clinica mental, ou psiquiatrica ja tem reconhecido que homossesualidde e uma normal e perfeita variacao de como o ser humano se desenvolve. Existe varias evidencias cientificas do porque esta se evolvendo. Nao e pervertida, nao faz um ser humano ser nos do que aquilo que pode ser. Nao se trata de uma ameaca a raca humana. Os homofobicos e os religiosos criaram falsos pretextos que sao provados scientificamente que sao falsos, mas eles continuam. A moral da historia e que os que opoem contra o casamento gay fazem parte de uma sociedade que tem medo das consequencias religiosas contidas nisso, e nao conseguem perceber nada alem disso. Muitas pessoas sabem que homofobia existe, mas nao percebem que faz parte da vida dos gays, como racismo faz parte da vida de um negro. Para muitas pessoas e facil simplesmente deixar de lado, ate que isso venha afetar diretamente – atravez de mebros da familia. Ai entao mudam de pensamento.

Hoje sabemos claramente que ha grupos organizados contra o casamento gay, e o primeiro motivo e homofobia, seguido pela sua crenca. Assim eles pregam odio, discriminacao, mesmo estando vestidos em formatos religiosos. Porem, isso nao diminue o fato de que pregar odio e discriminacao nao deve ser efetuado – e colocando fantasias religiosas nao demonstra que ainda estao discriminando. Colocar batom num porco nao o faz menos porco.  Eliminar aborto e pecado, mas vamos deixar nascer e matamos de fome quando ja tiverem maiores. Vamos fechar os olhos para a quantidade de criancas que estao passando fome, mas vamos seguir com a agenda falsa que pregamos.

Para mim, particularmente, casamento gay e algo civil, e nao religioso. Eu quero tomar decisoes medicas e quero que meu parceiro tenha este direito. Hoje hospitais chamam a familia, que as vezes ate ja se desligou de nos por decadas, e as vezes ate apresentam hostilidade contra nos, e ignoram os nossos desejos como parceiros. Eles agem de acordo com a lei. Se tiver dinheiro involvido, a familia pode ate excluir a gente de visitar nosso parceiro. Quer dizer que somos parceiros por 20 anos, mas somos excluidos das leis. Isso e legal?

Se meu parceiro for preso, eu posso testemunhar contra ele, e sou forcado a dar evidencias contra ele, enquanto casais nao sao forcados a incriminar o parceiro.

Um casamento heterossexual e reconhecido no mundo, e eles podem mudar e viver como casados, e usufruir das leis, enquanto os gays devem ficar aonde a lei existe. Isso e legal?

Varios testamentos deixado por parceiros gays foram jogados no lixo, ou contestado por membros da familia, que geralmente ganharam as causas na justica. Isso fez com que um parceiro nao pudesse nem frequentar o funeral do outro. Se estas causas sao apresentadas a um jury de gente homofobica, logo se perde tudo.  Eu conheco varios casais gays com historias tristes que se contadas, voce logo mudaria de opiniao, ou ate olharia seu pastor com olhos mais escrutinantes. Qual a sua agenda?

Nao estamos falando aqui de casamento de igreja ou publicacao em jornais, mas sim um direito humano, que nao pode ser falsificado como algo civil, ou outro nome porque trata-se dos mesmos direitos. Nao se pode separar seres humanos com leis para negros e brancos como antes, nem para gays e hetero – eles existem desde que o mundo era mundo.

Isso tudo se resume – em – dinheiro –

Um abraco



Living in Truth

Living in Truth

I am going to skip any explanation related with why people lie. Just take a look at yourself in the mirror, look inside your eyes and ask your inner soul to guide you to have a day with more truthfulness. 
There is a very interesting movie called The Invention of Lying, which is a 2009 fantasy romantic comedy film. The film stars Ricky Gervais as the first human with the ability to lie. The film features a narrative set in an alternative reality in which there is no such thing as lying and everything said is the absolute truth. In this world (different from ours) people make blunt, often cruel statements, including those that in our world people would normally keep to themselves. This text “Living in truth” is not a movie or a drama. It is a step into evolving our mass consciousness and spirituality to a level we can not imagine. It is not an alternative reality, but a necessary one, so we can achieve more spirituality and consequently, having our mass consciousness with more light. When we achieve a greater level of spirituality, we have the answers to all the questions we have. Although, the movie shares interesting points, it doesn’t depict a reality with any history of them living in truth, other than cruel statements to express “telling the truth”. I loved the movie, for it was comical and an interesting addition to our society.
Leaving the movie aside, if we, as a group, start practicing expressing the truth, within months, we will be in a different dimension. Yes, we can surpass this agony of uncertainty we have around us. We have more questions than answers, and educators nowadays are simply teaching what has been written as the truth. A Great disregard for the truth has been engulfing our atmosphere and molding our mass consciousness to a realm of darkness, instead of a realm of brightness.

We have lived, so far, accepting whatever is passed to us as if it reflects the truth. Since the beginning of times we were exposed to lies, rivalry, betrayal, battles, war, and disagreements. The simple explanation is that we, as a human race, started in a point ZERO of  spirituality. We started very barbaric like a cave man. We had an idea of a higher force, but we could not express it for the lack of words. Like animals we were struggling to survive and whenever possible making friends to form a group and fight to preserve that group.

Why we had to start from zero?  It is a good question, and the answer is that our mass consciousness at one point and time was totally complete and humans lived in harmony and they communicated through telepathy, like animals and birds do it today. The human mind was so advanced that with a blink of an eye, reality would transform itself, an object could be created by the vision of the complete object and the intelligence to know what components would be used. There were no need to touch components to create anything, but the thought would make it happen, for the thought would control all elements in form of light, and they would connect in the exact precision  to form whatever you want. I know it sounds far fetched, but one time in the past humanity had achieved what we have now and much more. Humans were able to create pure gold!

Very soon we will have machines that will do exactly this. We would program the equipment and have designs of all products that can be made with all elements known and have the machine receive the proper ingredients, and the final product will be whatever you created. At first we would try with metals, for it is easy to melt, and then we will have it built internally all parts and attach them, and in a push of a bottom, a final product would emerge. Then we would do it with plastic, and so forth and so on, until we manage to built ourselves with self creating calories to banish the need to ingest living things.
But returning to the point, something drastic happened to human kind, and my guess is as good as yours, However,  I know with certainty is that most of us have no remembrance of a different life previous to this one. Our memory is clean as if it had been wiped out of almost everything, and most of us have a sensation that this life is our first. Our brain is so “not used” and while we multiply in quantity, we rarely change the way we think and act. What I mean is that we are growing in population, but clarity is very scarce. Here and there a genius (by our standards) is born, but while using different parts of the brain, some of them develop aptitudes for all sort of things, but individually, they lack some elementary skills, most of the time social adequacy. While we see our children grow and observe how smart they are when dealing with new technology, such as cell phones, computers, we ask ourselves where does it come from? It comes from their inner-self. This is the reason why the population doesn’t take a step back in our history and try to live like a cave man.
We are adapting to the good things for the body and we are growing as human.

What drastically happened was the arrival of different civilizations into the earth, disputing for control of the territory. Beings with different knowledge observed that the earth did not have the mass consciousness grid totally complete, and stepped in to help it to complete. However, in order to complete the grid, it was necessary to concentrate the incoming force in one area, (Sacred Land), to help humans to achieve a faster evolution of consciousness and sureness, and these beings were not to get involved with earthlings.

In reality, when we achieve a higher degree of understanding, we simply do not mix with other species. It would be the same as one race with 23 pairs of chromosomes mixing with a race that has 26 pairs. It was done as such.

Leaders had a direct communication with the creator and the population lived happily, in a harmonious celestial place called earth. People lived infinitely and we have not a clue how good it was. They could go anywhere and had free spirit to explore other areas within the galaxy. The entire galaxy turns itself in a helicoidal form, and in the center comes the force that keeps it turning. The earth is part of the entire galaxy, and therefore it is moving in spiral along with the sun and maintaining the same distance for as long as it might. There are areas of the earth where the energy received by the entire force is more prevalent, and it was clear that it was possible to have other centers of communication with the force.

It was then, built various temples on earth with an exact measurement between them and it was known by the leaders of each group when to use each temple to receive the necessary energy. The points formed a geometrical figure and on each season a different temple was used to receive different forms of energy, but the central place would remain the sacred land.

The harmony stopped when leaders acted upon their desire to create different figures and have more control. An unbalance occurred on earth and the superior force was not going to allow earth to be without a complete connection. Leaders became more impatient and modified humans to different form and shapes that would remind their ancestors. Each group had various beings with different shapes and forms, but what infuriated the superior force was the fact that it was a combination of humans and gods, making a being with just a fraction of the power, which was used mostly to fight and win combats.

Once a being was created with half of the potential of a god, a discontentment emerged among all other beings. It was hard to explain what this unhappiness was, for it was new to all. It was a sense of incompleteness that evolved each new creation. Very soon most spirits left their bodies behind and went to other dimensions, but there were many spirits who did not have the capacity to leave due to the connection that once existed in most temples was absent almost completely. Just a fraction of that energy was available, and not enough intelligence to go back the way it was.

It was catastrophic, for an earth once totally habited was left behind with almost everyone moving away. Well, not everyone, for some leaders stayed and felt with time that the energy once received was dissipating. Their way of communication with the force changed and it was not easy to maintain that connection. Most people, continued living, but there were no more order.

People were being inconsiderate and semi-gods were abusing whenever they could. There were times when a semi-god used his power to make others unhappy, for he was not complete and did not know what to do. Empathy had vanished from most people and a perpetual war took place all around. The most powerful took advantage of others and just a few had the capacity of communicating with the force.

In reality the force was always open at the sacred land, but just a hand full of people were able to receive information about what to do to make things better. Even though, whenever an information appeared, others claimed it to be false. In order to receive any more information it was necessary to show devotion and to respect the desires of the force, who had other things in mind than to worry about a population that neglected what was not to be neglected.

Time passed and more people occupied the land (earth) making even hard to share information. The intelligence that once existed to make the earth perfect for existence had diminished to a mere fraction, and earth became very susceptible to anything that came on its path. One destruction after the other took place and no one could prevent, stop or change the course. The entire earth went haywire and less people had access to the force, mainly because they forgot little by little and got engaged with their daily lives. The force intervened many times and touched the lives of those who listened, but among those there were some who inherited some traces of unhappiness with the force, and it made even harder to bring it back to normal. Little by little minds were forgetting their origin. People started to die, something that did not occurred while in full potential, but once the force was cut, it felt as a tree without strong root.
With few interventions, the force was capable of sharing messages and people started to believe, however, there were always the opposite force lingering among people who did not care much for what was to be done. People lost their consciousness and with that forgot completely about the meaning of life. Man went from a point of completeness to a point of nothingness, or merely saying, the bottom level of existence. Human race went to the bottom of consciousness.

Living the truth is just a step towards our Ascension to a higher level of spirituality. A level we have been exposed to, but we lost connection one time and we descended to a lower level.

Before the Incas, the Mayas, and the Aztecs there were other civilizations. We have not been told because our books expresses that human being appeared around 20-30 thousand years ago in America, and no one want to start changing things. We truly believe in evolution, although, we have not found a link when a man was being turned into a monkey, we have to accept this as a fact, for no one will tell you otherwise. If an archaeologist finds a human skull dating 250 thousand years ago, he or she can not reveal this to the population because it would change our history. If revealed, it will not be shown.

We know today that the earth turns around the sun. In the past. some people were killed when they expressed this truth to the authorities. Until then the earth was the center of the universe, and no one could change that. Tomorrow, we will learn that the sun and the earth are changing places in a spiral movement, the same way a hurricane does or the entire galaxy is shaped. We do not see anything going around on its own when we check into space, but everything is part of a massive spiral movement called galaxy. Why shouldn’t the earth move in spiral like our DNA shape, or like wind and hurricanes? It is all part of the same universe, isn’t it?

When we see a symbol of medicine being two snakes going up in spiral, we should have an idea that this means something other than just snakes dancing, it means life preservation.
As we can see, since the beginning of times we were not exposed to the entire truth about almost anything. We live our lives with what we have inherited from our ancestors, and we have forgot to think with clarity. We are running from the truth, but it is in front of us.Today we live in a world where people tell stories about being abducted by aliens and no one believes them. We are programmed to accept what is presented to us as the truth, but the reality the truth never comes out easily.

The earth is moving and changing its polarity as times go by. The magnetic filed of the earth is going wild. We are not sensitive to this magnetism directly, but our entire fauna is. Our birds are flying all over the place looking for that magnetic field they were used to, but they end up in other areas and thousands of them simply fall from the sky dead. Manatees are going from one place to another and dying right in front of our eyes, as we see sharks in areas they do not belong.
There are certain areas of the earth which forms a vortex, which can suck you into a different dimension of the space, where you simply would vanish from the face of the earth, and it is mostly connected with the magnetic field when it is in full power in certain areas. We have heard of strange things happening in the skies in Alaska, where a pilot loses contacts with his instruments, and he doesn’t appear in any radar, but later emerges in the sky losing track of what happened in that period of time that passed without his perception. Another case involves the Triangle of Bermuda where planes and ships simply vanish without a trace. At first we blamed hurricanes, but it happened during times where no hurricane was present. What do we know about Polar Shift? What do we know about Tectonic Plates and how they move. What do we have in the center of the earth? Are there other beings visiting us? Are they telling us what to do? If so, have anyone come to you directly? Why so much secrecy over something so simple to understand?
Why is necessary to have secret societies when we know that the truth can be told and no one will care. What secret can they hold from us and why? Is it necessary for a fraction of the cohabitants to have a clue of what is going on and the rest of us just live in the dark? What is the plan? Can it be changed to protect everyone in the process?

Living in truth means to share intentions. It means to change the books and history as we learn, for we are learning more and more each day. Living in truth has to do with freedom. It has to do with empathy.
In my reality of life, we are here to contribute to society while growing spiritually to more closeness with our creator and with an understanding of our mission of sharing everything. I accept the fact that the earth is moving and everything in it is also moving, as I understand that when the tectonic plates meet there will be earthquakes, and humans should stay away from these places. I have a feeling that before we came down to zero knowledge, we were empowered by divinity and we inherited some of it until today. We manifest our faith in a great force, and we know that what was left to us was created by intelligent beings. When I look at places where we have buildings we can not explain their origin,  we see some celestial connection, between those buildings, giving us a doubt to whether the earth was inhabited by other beings or visited and abandoned when it shifted its movement.

I believe that we humans are capable of stepping ahead in life, and it must begin with each one of us. To start, let’s try to be more honest and then require it from others. I also believe that in this earth we have millions of people who have no empathy for others, and are capable of doing terrible things. We can fix it if we learn to be more open and honest with ourselves first.

Living in truth doesn’t mean to blame the government for withholding information. It means we start to take more responsibility for our actions. We share what we know. I have a feeling that the earth has started to build another grid, but this time it is almost complete, and humans can communicate in a blink of an eye with people from anywhere in the world. Since Internet emerged, a large mass of consciousness has formed around the earth waiting to see if we can finish closing it completely or if we are going to leave wholes in it. It is up to us, and the next step has to do with truth. When everyone writes on social media something that is true, light emerges, but when someone lies, it turns dark.

Nowadays, we see more religious tolerance among people, and it is necessary for us to be able to ascend to a spirituality near to the spirituality of Jesus.

We have to prepare ourselves to open a window for the truth. We can not maintain our brain in one stage and our desires on another. In other words, we must share the truth about us to be able to live in contact with this reality and possibly with the desire of our God Almighty.

This is a simple step that starts every morning when we look in the mirror. We simply ask God to lead us to a day with more truth in our hearts, and little by little we will rescue what we have for so long abandoned within ourselves, for our spirit never forgets a thing, but it can not share with our brain when it is underdeveloped. Even a psychic will tell you in order to connect with spirits it must feel clean and empty of all thoughts. The energy is here, among all of us, and we must be able to feel it and explore it. I believe that meditating one can transport self to different dimensions of the mind and a closeness with the force.
It is so true that we are forming our grid almost perfectly that we now see among us people with heavenly voices, song and music, as we have never seen before. Our spirit feels the music from eternity, but our brain is not capable of digesting it with the same strength.

We have certain areas of the world where people are more developed spiritually, and India (Tibet) is a perfect example with the Buddhism. But now, the written word has been spread and almost everyone has heard of the new Pope, about Jesus and about the Bible. These texts were left to us by beings who received information to share and they did exactly was they were told. Yes, many information got distorted with time, as mankind shifted its interest, but the truth live within us, and when we hear it, we know it to be true or not. It is that simple.

We are not evolved technologically, to change the direction of an asteroid or a meteor, but we are getting there, and when we all achieve this understanding, it will not be necessary the technology, for our mass consciousness will move it away simply because our desire is greater and we are protected by ourselves and our superior force. It must have a connection...

While there is injustice in the world, we are not going to finish the grid, and turbulence will be imminent. Injustice only happens when people are not straight and forward with their intentions. Unhappiness only appears where we are not satisfied with the outcome of something, and it has to do with people.
In summary, we must ignore speculation about aliens, other beings and other “worlds” visiting us. No one will take a trip to visit us when they know that our sense of spirituality is extremely low and we have nothing attractive to anyone, except those who are on level one, like we were a few decades ago. However, it is possible that we receive some information from outer space, and they show us how to go from iron to fiber optics and save time with our communication system. Yet, who cares? The main factor still is the same. We need to learn to get along and we need to learn to cherish each day and be thankful for having a place with everything in abundance. If a spirit doesn’t want to return because it has nothing to learn, it can watch from wherever it is and at times even psycograph a message through channels we are not familiar with. All this is possible and there is nothing that can say it should not exist.

Finally, God is goodness, and it is expected from us. When we lie we are bad. We are disconnected and we cheat. We distance ourselves from the main force. Always remember that there are people who are able to do great things, even though, they may not have social adequacy, for in our level things happen in spare of a moment, and no one, except Jesus in our time was able to live an entire life without offending the creator. So, it is possible to expect anything from anyone, even those close to us. We still inherited a bad side that can only be eliminated when we learn to be honest every second of our lives about everything we do. It works.

Imagine this scenario.

Imagine that the Government has been receiving information from aliens about a great destruction that is going to happen on earth. This destruction has to do with a polar shift that is about to occur, but mostly because there is a planet bigger than Earth which is on the opposite side of the sun, doing the same movement that earth does, but behind our sun and in a different elliptical way. However, this planet is not visible from the earth but every 26000 years this planet comes very close to the earth and affects the magnitude of the earth, making a polar shift, and the earth stop turning for 3 days (the crust of the earth moves, but the center stops). When it happens the Pacific Ocean would contract and generate waves of at least half a mile high, while the Atlantic Ocean would spread and turn bigger. There will be massive earthquakes and death for at least 1/3 of the population. This planet has a long tail of debris that will come towards the earth, as hundred of pieces are coming every day and hitting earth in different spots, yet not shared with anyone, but the few that observed. At this time the government learns this news and decide to ignore. Not because it is not the truth, but because he cannot prevent it, and he cannot alarm everyone to stop working and abandon their posts. The government is afraid to tell the truth because it would create a state of chaos among the population. It also would uncover some aspects of the faith, and it can be very dangerous to deal with. Every leader is aware of this, but each leader belong to a different fraternity, with different goals for the world, and in common, they preserve this information for the survival of their group. What would you do in his place?  How should the president act?

All of a sudden many billionaires decide to create their own spaceship to go away from the earth and return to become the lords for those who survive, however, they have no place to go, and the government has abandoned space travel for this mere reason. The aliens want to see this destruction and will do nothing to help to prevent it. The negative force wants souls. The government who received this information was counting on their help for anything that could happen, but they lied to him. They took the gold with them and left the knowledge we have acquired in the last one hundred years. Gold is what every creature wants because it is the purest element used to transform million other elements unknown to us. And this way, many countries were lied to, and deceived, and gave their gold in exchange to knowledge in science. They even transformed into humans to do their job without being recognized. One thing they lack is empathy and emotions. They see earth habitants as humans with a temper and high emotion. This event coincidentally was written in the bible, on revelations, where chaos takes place and a superman will emerge promising peace. He will be known to all, hated by some and loved by others. He will bring peace because during each event of destruction, people will rebel against the government due to famine and diseases. He will be empowered by a bad force, the worse of all forces that visited. He will do things that no one can explain, and he will pretend to be the real son of the great creator. He lies, but too many people will idolatrize him. Except those who read the book and understood what is happening. The creator sends back his son to judge the good and the bad and take them as spirits away from this mess to a place not ever imagined because our brain can not comprehend. We want what is good for the body, and we can not imagine being only soul... or a form of pure energy that can change into anything...being transported to a place of love and harmony, after being living in a place of destruction, war, lies etc.

Unfortunately, the only solution is to read the book. Be aware of what is taking place and try to separate science from revelation, but observing that they go in tandem, for it was meant to be this way. What we are looking for is our salvation, and with more truth between us, we can achieve a change of plans from our Creator. If our mass consciousness becomes positive we may have a chance of a divine intervention before this all take place.
PS. The last part is a supposition - visit on Google the word:
V838 Mon, a star with an expanding light echo, purported as photographic evidence of Nibiru
The Nibiru cataclysm is a supposed disastrous encounter between the Earth and a large planetary object (either a collision or a near-miss) which certain groups believe will take place in the early 21st century. Believers in this doomsday event usually refer to this object as Planet X or Nibiru. The idea that a planet-sized object will collide with or pass by Earth in the near future is not supported by any scientific evidence and has been rejected as pseudoscience by astronomers and planetary scientists.[1]
The idea was first put forward in 1995 by Nancy Lieder,[2][3] founder of the website ZetaTalk. Lieder describes herself as a contactee with the ability to receive messages from extra-terrestrials from the Zeta Reticuli star system through an implant in her brain. She states that she was chosen to warn mankind that the object would sweep through the inner Solar System in May 2003 (though that date was later abandoned) causing Earth to undergo a pole shift that would destroy most of humanity. The prediction has subsequently spread beyond Lieder's website and has been embraced by numerous Internet doomsday groups, most of which linked the event to the 2012 phenomenon. Although the name "Nibiru" is derived from the works of the late ancient astronaut writer Zecharia Sitchin and his interpretations of Babylonian and Sumerian mythology, Sitchin denied any connection between his work and various claims of a coming apocalypse.

Milton Laene Araujo


Suicide is not the answer, by Milton Laene Araujo


I am not going to start with statistics, or other information about why and how people commit suicide. People go through hardships in life, and if you think about it, life is not easy in any aspect.

You cost a pretty penny to be born – You are born wet and naked. As you saw the light of the day for the first time, your lungs inhaled air and you cried. Your first cry brought joy to everyone around you, especially to your caretakers. For five years of your life you have someone around. They are watching you, feeding and providing comfort to you as much as they have for themselves, if not more.

You think, therefore you are!

Sooner than expected you are a being with a mind of your own. As soon as you think, you feel the reality of your existence in this space and time. You think about sleeping time, playing time, studying time. You learn some likes and dislikes of your life, and you think about them too. You discover that you want to be loved.

Time flies. You question about your existence. You see yourself in comparison with others. Life has not been as good for you as it has been for others around you. Groups are formed. A complete sense of “not belonging” takes over your existence. You become rebellious at home. You disobey your parents, teachers, and eventually the law. You are controllable.

Sex comes into the picture!

Now you experience sex. You have faced two roads diverging. Both will take you into a path of uncertainty, and bring you back into the same path you had before.  I will clarify this by stating that, before you have sex for the first time, you were more controllable. Yes, you were a teenager, and your hormones were unbalanced, but you were not the first teenager that ever existed, and your parents know well that this age group is the hardest one to deal with. It comes with the package. The body is changing both physically and mentally. At this time you have a conscious and a personality to develop. If you chose to develop your conscious side, the road would not diverge. You would have listened to your parents, and do as told. But once you had sex, you automatically chose to develop your personality side, the side that wants you to fit in at all cost into the popular group of friends, you will travel into the path of uncertainty, created by you in cahoots with your group. Only among your pears you feel social adequacy. It is missing home adequacy.

Sex among teens can be influenced by peer pressure, drugs, alcohol, pot, parties, etc. The path of uncertainty starts with an infatuation. At this time, the entire consciousness has been shut off. Let me remind you that personality develops as consciousness shrinks. They are the opposite. You can not have both at full array. As a personality person, you start to take care of your body physically, and want to show it off, as if this is the most gorgeous thing you will ever have, and it will remain the same forever. See here that a touch with reality has vanished, and this is why this path is dark. Jealousy comes into play immediately after sex. Battles are fought between girls for one guy who plays with both at the same time. Usually no one blames the guy. Other battles are fought among peers who feel alienated or undesirable. Personality people want attention. They crave for admiration and sell themselves to satisfy a lust that only sex will remediate.

Parents lose control of their teens!

Once sex got into the picture, school became secondary, new friends are on the horizon, drugs are at play and personality people are together socializing while playing the blame game. Priorities have been changed, and parents have not a clue how to modify it. Parents forgot that their children copy what they see outside when they miss it inside their home.

Most people use their personality phase for about fifteen years of their existence, and then shift into consciousness for the remaining of their lives. It is very important to have a good personality because it attracts others into your realm of existence, as it is very important to be an individual. When you balance both, you live a full life with love for others and a sense respect for their individuality. It is not as important to be important, as it is important to be good to others. 

When teens are getting in trouble, parents need to intervene immediately. But remember. You are to be blamed! Start with apologizing for not being there when it started, and give the teen a chance to explain how it all begun. Embrace your child’s problem as yours and fight with your child to overcome. Not against your child. It doesn’t mean picking up a fight with others either. It means to find out what personality phase your child is experiencing. Has drugs been involved, has sex been a part of it? It is infatuation?

Stay closer to your teen and monitor every friend and conversation. This is your obligation. Check phone, text messages, school bag, etc. to find out what little person you are being responsible for. Until your child is 18 you have the obligation to educate, discipline, control and participate. This is a mission you have with life. Ask for help, find help.

One to Blame

Everyone has something or someone to blame for their problems in life. We start with our parents and the way they educated us. Either we come from a broken home, or a dysfunctional family, or divorced parents, or from an orphanage, we always will hang on something to justify our choices in life, and therefore blame it for. When we can not do it, others will do it for us. It is very convenient to find others to blame. It is time to stop this cycle. It is old and passé.

Now you are going to have a baby!

You are only a teen! What to do? The baby is your brother’s baby. The baby has no father. The father doesn’t want the baby. Oh Gosh! You have a problem in your hands. What to do? For starters, you have a home. You have parents and you have a family that you abandoned. You feel all alone. Remember that you abandoned them but they do not you. They hate your actions because of their love for you. If they truly dislike you, they would not care and you would not be worried about them. Now the damage has been made, and it is time to clean up the mess. Take responsibility and share with your guardians your problem. Be honest, and you will be set free of this worry. Reveal what is happening and for one time face life as it is, and not as you have created in your head. To have a baby while teen is not a big deal. It happens every day people have sexual intercourse without protection. The problem will be after birth. Are you going to create a person the way you were created? Are you going to rear with discipline? What are you going to do? Well, you are faced with the same challenges expressed in the beginning of this post. The solution is to talk with an adult. The gift of life is never a problem.

Now you are hooked on drugs!

Wow, it must be terrible, for you need money to buy it and you may not have. At least you will not overdose. But kidding aside, drugs are a drag. The high once acquired will never return, but the search for the same high will remain. Free base is not free, for it can cost you a house, family, friends and even yourself. Drugs are depressant, and sooner or later you will be depressed. Only another shot will put you back in track, or so you think, and this way you are killing yourself one day at a time, and leaving traces of disagreements and unhappiness among everyone you touch. Most addicts commit crimes. The end is in a cell or on rehabilitation facilities. Drug is not a solution, but it is there and you need to learn to live with it, and not be a part of it. Most addicts have a family. They come from some place; they were somebody else one time. Drugs changed them, and we need to accept the fact that this force was greater than his force to resist. We need to extend a hand and offer help. In other words, addiction is bad, but it can be cured only with love and care.

Love Triangle!

If involved in a love triangle, get out! I know you can not hear me, but this is the worse love situation a human being can get exposed to. It always has bad ramifications. Not long ago, only guys used to go after girls for sex, but nowadays, it is the opposite. Girls will do whatever they can to have sex with guys. There are girls who are popular in school because they use boy’s restrooms to give anyone who is interested a blow job. You can not imagine how creative teens are nowadays. They are aggressive towards sex, and when infatuated, no one can change it. They will have sex at all cost. In most love triangle, one guy usually plays with two girls mind until a fight occurs between the girls, who for stupid reason, hate one another and compete for the same guy. It has to do with sex. Usually, in a love triangle parties involved are not aware that they are not the only ones, but when they know about the third person, they enjoy the secrecy and practicing sex with more intensity. Secrecy can make sex very intense, therefore partners continue in a love triangle for as long as it is not known by the third party. Once it comes out, the girls are the ones to suffer. Do not ask me why, but in most love triangle where two girls fought for one guy, they never blamed the guy. Yet, he was the main reason why they were in that place to begin with. Love triangle usually happens when couples decide to try something else, and end up agreeing in having a threesome, but later, one party can not disconnect from the other. While it is a secret, love making takes its toll and both party feel in love. Off course, they are in love with their lives in that present moment, while sex is good and the conversation is light. But not in love enough to the point of being honest and come clean. An affair with bad consequences is about to happen. Everyone will be hurt. Love triangle can and has ended in tragedy. If you are involved in a love Triangle, just remember that you are up to deception. Chances are you a more personality person than consciousness person, and you let your personality take over your life, making it impossible to love with full array of human emotions. Your love is not real. It feels real, but it is an obsession. It is a drug and you are addicted to it. You become blind and the only remedy is to remove this person from your system. True love comes with responsibility. It comes with truthfulness of who you are in relation to the person you love. It means that you are honest and sincere about your feelings. You respect the other being as you want to be respected. This is love. The rest is obsession, confusion, lust, and lack of love. My advice is: Do not be cruel. Do not through it out there for everyone to talk about. Be discrete, end the relationship and relate where you are with your partner. Be honest and ask for help in find out if what you really feel is love or if it is something else. I know it is something else, but you need to have this doubt to start the process of seeing it more clearly. Once it is not a secret, you have a choice or a choice will be presented to you. If you slept with your brother’s wife, it also can be fixed. It took two to do it, and off course, alcohol and whatever was involved. Again, it is something that makes who you are, and you can not ignore the fact that others depend upon you, therefore you need to be clean, and face the consequences. We are all humans and we all make mistakes. No mistake is greater enough to prevent a bigger force to dissipate.

In this life you have a choice!

It is easy for me to say that a person who contemplates suicide has been placed in a predicament. However, it is not easy for me to distinguish whether this predicament is mental or physical. Physical is easier to fix, for it involves money, betrayal, shame, sickness in the family, lost of a loved one or a child, or lost of something as big as a career, status, fame etc. Mental, on the other hand is not easy to fix, for it involves lack of desire to live, medical depression and social inadequacy.

Our brain is responsible for our moods. When you are happy, you feel and act happy and when you are sad we feel and act sad. There are many factors that can make you sad, but usually there are more factors that make you happy. For example: you have a life and you can create great things for others while you are here. You can have a family of our own, you can enjoy a warm bath, you can drive, etc. You are free to do many things. If your brain only brings sad thoughts, you need to see a doctor, who will prescribe a small dosage of medication to your brain that would balance chemically your brain fluids and present you with a moderate mood. When depressed, you lose your physical desire to move. Depression alone can make you have suicidal thoughts, but you can conquer it by taking proper medication. First and foremost, tell a doctor or a suicidal hotline how you feel, and if it is a medical depression, you can be treated. Remember that not all brains can produce serotonin in normal quantity for one to function and face reality with eyes wide open. Take your medication and take one day at a time.

Our body responds to our mood, therefore one thing is connected to the other, except that a depression caused because you lost a child or your money is normal to a certain extent. Our brain will not produce a chemical that makes you happy when you are going through sorrows. It would make you crazy if it produced stamina when you need to be calm and in touch with reality. If you were exposed to faith when you were a child, you would overcome the death of a loved one with less trouble. You would understand that your life is precious and that you are protected by many laws that prevent others of causing you harm, to the point where you walk on streets knowing that no one will shoot you just because. You have a certainty of security, but you can not stop others of making their choices, as no one can stop you of making yours. Lives are important, and while you are contemplating suicide, remember that many people will be affected if you go through with it. For starters, they will question for generations why such and such person committed suicide? What could I have done to prevent it? Why we did not see it? Who is going to marry his children, knowing that they may have tendencies to do the same?  Whose fault was it? Was it his mother or his Estranged father? What took him to actually do it? Was it mental? …and the list goes on for many years to come. Then, families will suffer, separate, change sides and start a war among them with the blame game. I do not think it is worth it. To take one’s life for a physical reason is a very selfish way of departure. It is to let the others deal with the situation, as long as you leave some money. This is selfish because you are here to live a life and set examples to others to do the same. You are here to face your problems and resolve them. Cut your losses and live in poverty, but live with dignity. It is even more selfish when one contemplates murder and suicide. It means complete disconnection with others, lack of empathy and lack of divinity. It means that this human being has never felt empathy for anyone. This is not physical.

To summarize, suicide is not the answer because you are a million pieces. Your family gave you love from the first moment you were born. You have others who depend on you. You are loved by many people and your life is very important for the country, which would place in jail anyone who would harm you. You are important for everyone you have been in touch with, and if you were not here, many people’s life will take different turns because of you, who could guide, or direct or even be a friend when they needed you the most. Your departure will cause an effect greater than your imagination can reflect. It will affect everyone’s life, from the person who hears the news to the person who participates in your life. It will be a tragedy for all human beings to know that together no one could prevent it. Your life will have an end only for you. Others will suffer and be tempered for their entire life.

From the moment you thought about suicide, you realized that you are tired or upset or disgusted with life. It is a normal feeling, for no one is happy and dandy all life. This is the reason we have one day after the other. Every day is a new beginning. If life was a parallel with no days and no nights, and time would not pass, then it would be terrible, but life is not this way. Life is taking one day at a time. Life is hard and costly, but we can manage to exist. We make friends to help us in desperate times. You have helped many people in your life even not knowing them. Face the music! Dance. But please, do not end your life short.

I have heard many things about people that take their own lives.

1-     They are insane
2-     They went bankrupt
3-     They lost something

Others use a different approach and say:

1-     They worth more dead than alive
2-     They were not prepared for this or for that
3-     They could not surpass depression

It doesn’t matter what is bothering you, it will come to pass. We have one day after the other with new opportunities. Whatever the problem is, for one minute let me help you. I will listen to you and I will help you to find a solution. I just want to be your eyes and ears for one minute to comprehend what is taking you to this ultimatum sacrifice.

Write to me: Milton@ibt-eft.com and as a subject line write life