About Me - Milton Laene Araujo

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Lake Worth, Florida, United States
My name is Milton and I am a reader. I love to feed my mind with what if’s?, through stories.
Showing posts with label Brasil Presidência. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brasil Presidência. Show all posts




O décimo terceiro e o mito ao redor disso. Pessoalmente penso que o 13th salário foi criado dentro de uma sem-vergonhice dos bancarios antigos donos de industrias.

Perguntei pra Siri quando foi criado o décimo terceiro?
Ela respondeu:
Quando foi criado o 13º salário???
Brasília – "Uma das principais conquistas do trabalhador brasileiro está fazendo aniversário. O 13º salário completou ontem 60 anos. Equivalente à remuneração mensal, a gratificação natalina foi sancionada em 13 de julho de 1962 pelo então presidente João Goulart".

Vamos ver alguns fatos simples.
1 ano tem 365 dias e seis horas, e disconsiderando as 6 horas, um ano tem 52 semanas.
Se um individuo recebe semanalmente, sempre vai receber em todas as sextas feiras, e acaba recebendo em um ano 52 pagamentos semanais.
Já no Brasil o ser humano trabalhador recebe 12 salários por ano. Isso faz com que ele recebe 48 semanas trabalhistas, porque cada dia 10 somente vem 12 vezes, separados em quatro semanas. Para pagar 52 semanas deveríamos ter 4 semanas extras, o que significa um mes - e que se chamam decimo terceiro.
Aqui nos Estados Unidos os pagamentos são feitos em cada duas semanas, porem sempre, uma sexta feira sim, e a outra nao!
Aqui todo trabalhador recebe 26 pagamentos durante um ano, pois usamos dias de semana e nao o dia do mes. Assim sendo o trabalhador sempre receberá cada semana trabalhada, mesmo que sejam duas semanas de cada vez. Ja no Brasil se voce recebe todo dia 10, nos meses com 5 semanas voce acaba perdendo dinheiro, e quando somarmos os dias que perdemos se da exatamente 4 semanas faltantes.
Ninguém esta ajudando ninguem. Pelo contrario. Nesta epoca um dos Bancarios era Henrique Lage, que tinha o INCO, qual pagava as mineracoes.

Agora vejam so! No Brasil lá pelo dia 20 de Dezembro eles dispersam o dinheiro que você ganhou trabalhando, ja com atraso. O pior desta matematica acontece que nesta epoca de natal os precos estao acima de quaisquer outras épocas. Voce acaba gastando mais do que deveria se comprasse presentes em Fevereiro para guardar ate natal devido os precos. Aqui se faz muito isso.
Se algum presidente decidir acabar com o décimo terceiro, agradeca. Porém saiba que cada ano tem 52 semanas e isso significa 13 meses de pagamento dividido em 12 pagamentos.
Espero que você tenha entendido que nada mais foi do que uma falcatrua para guardar o dinheiro dos empregados para usar em compras e dobrar.

O Lula sabe disso, pois foi metalurgico. Hojes os bancos sao internacionais, e eles se atraem com paises que praticam esta poupanca dos empregados porque podem investir.

Entao minha conclusão seria que voce recebesse o que trabalhou cada duas semanas, e assim pode comprar coisas quando elas tiverem baratas, e nao somente pagar a comida no dia 10 e sobrar nada.
Um abraco -
Milton Laene Araujo


Carta aberta ao Presidento do Brasil -

 12 de Outubro de 2022

Carta aberta ao Presidente da República Federativa do Brasil

Neste momento de transição da mentalidade nacional não podemos esquecer de 5 tarefas que o atual presidente tem por obrigação com o povo Brasileiro de cumprir. A ordem numérica não significa prioridade, porém todas são prioritárias.


  • Saneamento Básico envolvendo esgotos, coleta de lixo, área de depósitos do lixo em cada municipalidade e o tratamento da água potável por completo. 

  • Demandar completa diligência dos responsáveis pela divisão dos dinheiros arrecadados em cada municipalidade, e que todas as planilhas aprovadas sejam distribuídas de acordo com o contrato da obra. Ou seja, uma obra aprovada com background investigado, somente recebe 1 ⁄ 4 do pagamento (como empréstimo) quando iniciar as obras, e o segundo montante somente será depositado mediante inspeção de fiscais de obras, que mantém documentado o andamento de cada projeto, com plena surveillance e com 100% transparência. Se houver atraso nas obras maior do que 30 dias, haverá negligência com o contrato, e confisco de equipamentos para cobrir os gastos, e outra empresa pode pegar a obra. Trata-se de um contrato. 

  • Manutenção corretiva nas rodovias estaduais, federais, e municipais. Manutenção preventiva em pontes que não obtiveram manutenção corretiva. Além de criar projetos de novas rodovias de acordo com o tráfego em cada municipalidade. 

  • Neste contexto a palavra” manutenção corretiva” significa imediatamente corrigir o problema que já existe há algum tempo, enquanto “manutenção preventiva” significa manter funcionando até que se crie um momento oportuno de parar a produção e prevenir que algo quebre.

  • Trata-se de saber o tempo de durabilidade de cada projeto, ou partes, como rolamentos e engrenagens. Assim, cada equipamento fica lubrificado e as partes velhas trocadas por partes novas e documentadas, e tudo se transforma em manutenção corretiva. 

  • Passar as estradas federais para os estados pertinentes, e pagar aos estados pelos trabalhos de manutenção. 

  • Criar uma completa unidade de segurança da internet (cyber security) em várias localidades com equipes profissionais sobre este assunto. 

  • Neste contexto, a palavra "segurança da internet” significa não perder o controle da energia elétrica, da água, e todas as utilidades necessárias à vida humana.   

  • Trata-se de proteger as áreas de utilidades necessárias para a nossa existência. 

  • Demandar transparência em sua legação todos os momentos que você tiver presente ao público ou a um grupo de cidadãos. Demandar transparência em todas as atividades governamentais.  Que o livro dos gastos seja aberto para todos verem. 

Elegemos um presidente para nos representar em termos de Federação. 

A gente…  Nós, o povo, pagamos o salário de cada representante. Pagamos o salário dos policiais e de todos os serviços públicos.

Favor compartilhar - sei que vai concordar! Muito obrigado,

Milton Laene Araujo


Brasil intensificará esforços pelo fim da pena de morte no mundo

Nao deve e nem pode haver pena de morte em hipotese alguma no mundo. Nao importa o crime. Pra comecar, mais ou menos 50% dos presos estao cumprindo pena por crimes relacionados as drogas. Isso equivale a dezenas de bilhoes de reais sendo gastos para manter estes presos. policiar as ruas, e manter o departamento vivo. Se as drogas forem legalizadas como o cigarro e a bebida, cada um fica por si. A bebida acaba casamentos e o cigarro acaba a vida. Infelizmente, a legalizacao de tudo mantem um comercio mais transparente. Sim, havera mortes por todos os lados, mas tambem havera educacao - pois estes gastos podem ser direcionados a educacao. O fato do traficante ter sido executado, significa uma barbaridade num sistema de leis. Ha paizes que nao conseguem manter uma vigilancia adequada, e sabem que seus residentes usam drogas, pois caso contrario nao haveria necessidade desta morte -  partem para o barbarismo de matar. Isso tambem se chama coercao. A Raiz do problema esta - De onde vem as drogas? Quem as controla?... Vamos entao comecar um processo diplomatico para legalizar tudo. Se os usuarios pagassem impostos ao comprar, passariam por um sistema de vigilancia  e seriam proibidos dirigir enquanto intoxicados.  A economia estabiliza, os usuarios vao morrer rapidinho, os educados entendem os problemas, e a vida continua. Mais educacao com enfaze neste aspecto de drogas e necessario porque as guerras mundias estao em torno disso. Ja os estrupadores, precisam de um medicamento que inibi o libido. Os assassinos precisam ficar presos. Ah, os que roubam, devem pagar devolta e assim a vida segue - nada de matar ninguem! Nada de matar alguem. 


My dream of a global world government

My dream of a global world government  - July 18, 2013

Since the beginning of times the earth has never had one minute of peace. As I write this text we have about 20 Countries involved in wars along with 300 plus militia-guerrillas and separatist groups involved. In Africa alone we have 16 countries battling, and a participation of at least 100 separatist groups involved.  The hot spots are Central African Republic, Darfur, Democratic Republic of Congo, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Punt land, Somalia, Somaliland. In Asia we have 10 countries; Europe 4 countries; Middle East 4 countries; America 3 countries. The hot spots for the remaining places mentioned above, along with a better information of the conflict is listed at the site Wars in the world or similar sites.  I am not going to write about what is happening because you can visit these sites and have an idea about the conflicts and decide for yourself if it is really happening. My point, however, is to talk about peace.

As defined in Wikipedia, World peace is an ideal of freedom, peace, and happiness among and within all nations and/or people. World peace is an idea of planetary non-violence by which nations willingly cooperate, either voluntarily or by virtue of a system of governance that prevents warfare. The term is sometimes used to refer to a cessation of all hostility amongst all humanity. For example, World Peace could be crossing boundaries via human rights, animal rights, technology, education, engineering, medicine, diplomats and/or an end to all forms of fighting.

Since 1945, the United Nations and the 5 permanent members of its Security Council (the US, Russia, China, France, and the UK) have worked to resolve conflicts without war or declarations of war. However, nations have entered numerous military conflicts since that time.

World peace is achievable when there is no longer conflict over resources. Buddhists believe people can live in peace and harmony only if we abandon negative emotions such as anger in our minds and cultivate positive emotions such as love and compassion. According to Islam, faith in only one God and having common parents Adam and Eve is the greatest reason for humans to live together with peace and brotherhood. Islamic view of global peace is mentioned in the Quran where the whole of humanity is recognized as one family.

Besides these two views mentioned above, there are other views that I will refrain to mention because it doesn’t make much difference, as we can see for ourselves that at least for more than 4000 years we have been in battle for one reason or another.

In my mind, a viable solution is the creation of a Global World Government that recognizes humans as the biggest part of the equation as “we the people” and not as “we the salves of the elite”.  

It is important to remember that what we call elite can be a one group of people, or various groups of people that control the economy of the earth. These groups must get together to discuss the best way to achieve a common ground without creating an economic collapse or any international crisis that could only affect the population. If many people lose their savings due to an economic collapse in the market, they will be driven to poverty, and consequently they will start protests and anarchy among themselves, forming groups against the elite.  This situation is not viable because the army will fight against the people, and soon, diseases will emerge making assembly and protests a death trap. The people will suffer and ultimately lose this battle, no matter how much people try to organize against this force.

If the idea it is to privatize every sector of the industry, it is not a bad idea at all. But if we have a collapse of the economy, many groups will riot and not even know that this could be a plan of the elite. I question why? Why is it necessary to create rebellion against something that can be avoided all together? Is it to create a martial law to gain control? If so, it is not necessary because we surrender. What I mean is - if we know that there is a plan to stop all wars and achieve some peace, it will be better than what we have now, at this minute.  So many innocent people are not getting a shot of life and dignity. So many people are being killed in the name of patriotism, when it actually doesn’t exist. We the people are created equal and we are used to be controlled, one way or another. We have no problems about having elite controlling our lives. Truly! We want simply to know whether this plan involve us as participants. In the end, ideas come from people, and everyone, working together, will make easier to relax and be ingenious.  

We have today so many angry and anti-social people in this world that can well be recruited to stop the riots at any cost. And they will offer their services in exchange to recognition. We know all this, already.  

If we have an economic collapse we will be lost! We will be very vulnerable, therefore anarchy is imminent because there will be groups of people in the social media inviting others to participate into manifestations that can cause even more damage. The world will be out of control…more than what it is right now.

We do not need the people to organize and create riots for an idea that when explained well, doesn’t seem so bad, after all.

Please, do not take me wrong. I love The United States of American and I abide by the Constitution, and I live for it, but I also know that with the technology we have today, privacy is something from the past. We are voluntarily exposing ourselves through the social media with no problems, and we are well aware that anything we write can be traced. Yes, I exchange my privacy for my security.

What we want is a government that cares about us. We want a Government that recognizes our value and appreciates it, be it a corporation or a state, or anything we want to call it.

I have seen in movies people being inserted a chip that would pin point his or hers whereabouts…I think it is clever. I have no problems having a chip inserted in my body, for it will give the government a correct position of my whereabouts. In reality people can live in truth. No one needs to be hiding from the truth. Truth is the ultimatum for freedom. I feel free even though I know that my life can be scrutinized and exposed…yet, it is my life. I made it that way, therefore I am responsible.  I would love a cashless society, as long as I can eat and sleep and take a shower every day. I am not looking for an easy life. I like to be able to live and enjoy national parks and movies and books without worrying if a robber is coming into my house or into my Movie Theater and act crazy. Besides, if the truth is exposed, we will know who is in favor and who is not, and act accordingly, instead of decimate a larger group of people who will manifest  not knowing what for.  

Mass control is necessary! It is necessary to have a system that keeps track of people. In the end, whoever checks it will be bored to see that people are the same. People want happiness, love, food, security and the freedom to walk outside and not been killed. People love to work.

We don’t need wars! We need to stop all of them (wars) right now! We need to search for viable solutions for all disputes, and in my point of view…we need to be truthful to one another, and for many individual it will require complete surveillance.

Why not take the fight into a higher level? What I mean is…Elite fighting for complete control without engaging people, for we are sacred. We love discipline and control.

What infuriates people is the fact that some elected politicians exists for the mere reason of self-recognition, instead of being there to represent their constituents. People are different, and politicians are there to find this difference and make it easier to live day by day.

Can we stop regional wars? Can we do something to prevent escalation into countries that have nothing to live for?

As I write this open letter, I am so sorry for so many lives being wasted. I believe in reincarnation, and I believe that peace will get here one way or another. But I know that if we continue the way it is now, we will not obtain peace ever in this earth in my lifetime.

So, I am asking for the elite – or groups – to engage with the United Nations  - instead of only keeping the peace - start procedures to make peace where wars is happening right now. By having a stronger United Nations this can be accomplished with the help of all members. In the end, everyone wants peace. So, let’s have the UN carry all military weapons to intervene whenever necessary. This will stop hate among nations because a larger body will be deciding. This will be a step towards one global entity. No more borders, for everyone will be tracked. No need to have immigration laws, for everyone will be pretty much alike. Let’s have 10-12 large Nations cooperating with one another to make sure all resources are well divided.

I know for a fact that all the people of the earth will do their part to make sure this system will work well.

Ps. As I am writing this text, in Brazil they are preparing for a manifestation for September 7th 2013. It needs to have the intervention of the United Nations to shake the country with international laws and make some people accountable for whatever they did for self-enrichment with the nations’ money. Brazil needs to have the world cup and the Olympic Games - But at the same time, the people are asking for more buses, more doctors more hospitals… not too much to ask. Unfortunately, manifestations can turn into riots and the country doesn’t need it.

Yours truly,



Existe ceu e inferno?

O que Acontece depois que morremos? Existe ceu e inferno?

Uma das perguntas mais intrigantes de cada ser humano e a vida depois da morte. Para onde iremos? Existe ceu e inferno?

Usarei a definicao de religiao do wikipedia para poder entao usar esta palavra.
Religião (do latim religare, significando religação com o divino [1]) é um conjunto de sistemas culturais e de crenças, além de visões de mundo, que estabelece os símbolos que relacionam a humanidade com a espiritualidade e seu próprios valores morais.[2] Muitas religiões têm narrativas, símbolos, tradições e histórias sagradas que se destinam a dar sentido à vida ou explicar a sua origem e do universo. As religiões tendem a derivar a moralidade, a ética, as leis religiosas ou um estilo de vida preferido de suas ideias sobre o cosmos e a natureza humana.
Nao e somente por descuido da natureza que hoje vemos varios “destinos” para a nossa alma. Existe mais de  quatro mil religioes ou denominacoes no mundo, e cada uma tem uma resposta. Uma grande quantiade de pessoas acreditam em reincarnacao. A crença de renascer noutro corpo; a crença de que vivemos antes e viveremos novamente noutro corpo após a morte. Era uma crente vulgar nas religiões orientais como o hinduismo e o budismo, mas agora é uma pedra base de teorias como a dianética e o canalizar.
Para as pessoas que acreditam em reincarnacao, apos sua morte, elas serao reincarnadas. Portanto – a resposta para os que acreditam, sera uma confirmacao daquilo que sempre souberam de corpo e alma. Num livro de Carol Bowman, “Return from Heaven” a autora descreve sobre amigos, parentes, reincarnados em sua mesma area. Hoje temos como exemplo de reincarnacao, Dalai Lama que e o decimo quarto de um grupo Tibetan.
Para as pessoas que acreditam que tudo acaba, tudo certamente vai acabar, e aquela alma cessa de existir, pois nao havera busca nem procura – Talvez um resgate.
Em poucas palavras: Cada ser vai experimentar aquilo que colocou sua fe. Cada ser nasce numa area e esta propicio a acreditar naquilo que lhe passam. Trata-se de uma vida digna de ser vivida dentro de um padrao social limitado aquilo que lhe e passado, lido, observado e vivido.
O mais dificil comeca quando somos apresentados a varios ensinamentos religiosos, varias formas de acreditar num fim, e nos perdemos completamente de uma so verdade ou crenca, e passamos a conviver com todas ao mesmo tempo. Um exemplo disso seria um catolico que vai visitar uma cartomante. Ai ja entra conflito de interesses, e o conhecimento abre portas para mais perguntas, mais crencas e assim o ser segue numa vida de busca, com varias respostas e menos certeza.
No momento em que morremos, nosso cerebro comeca a se desconectar eletricamente do nosso organismo devido a falta de exigenio, e esta conexao pode levar varios minutos para concretizar. Embora os aparelhos confirmem a morte, uma parte do cerebro pode trazer ao individuo uma recapitulacao clara daquilo que ele vivenciou, ou escutou, e geralmente isso acontece somente em casos de pessoas que foram detectadas mortas e voltaram, por assim dizer, depois de alguns minutos, e contaram as mesmas historias.
Quando um ser vai e volta, este ser vem modificado pela historia de sua vida, e o tal ultimo grasp de oxigenio que o cerebro recebe e bem maior do que os anteriores, porque antes estava dividindo com outros orgaos, e assim num flash, a pessoa acorda, e os equipamentos voltam a funcionar, e o ser fica entao paralizado temporariamente, mas vivo com as memorias que presenciou…e o medico fica pasmo, a familia acredita, e logo vem um livro contando o que viu, e assim se formam grupos de crentes nesta obervacao de que no alem e assim ou assado.
Depois que morrermos, nossa alma vai ao encontro da luz que nos cria e nos mantem. Seja em forma de alma, de espirito, de energia,ou ate com a mesma forma fisica,  Antes de chegar la ela passara por todos os obstaculos que criamos e nao reparemos. Obstaculos estes que afetaram a nos e tambem ‘aqueles que involvemos.
A nossa vida aqui na terra e uma passagem maxima de 100 anos aonde poderemos criar momentos (ou energias), sejam de bondade, sejam de crueldade. Estas energias terao repercusoes nas vidas que tocamos, e consequentemente em nossas. Veja por exemplo que gastamos mais energia ficando de mal com alguem do que ficando de bem.
Entedemos a diferenca entre Guerra e paz, pois estamos em Guerra desde que o mundo era mundo, porem, cada ser colabora nesta energia de Guerra. Cada ser mantem um sentimento, ou julgamento, baseado naquilo que acredita, ou tem fe. Ha guerras por todos os lados. Dentro de casa, nas ruas da cidade, e.na vida de cada um.
Quando dirigimos um veiculo e nos aproveitamos agressivamente no transito, estamos radiando uma energia de descontentamento, ou de Guerra. Quando roubamos, ou quando nos aproveitamos de qualquer outro ser, estamos criando obstaculos. Estes, refletirao em nossa vida, e na vida dos afetados. Se conseguirmos nos arrrepender completamente daquilo, poderemos ter uma melhor chance de nao sermos atormentados, pois o tormento existe enquanto vivemos. Se procurarmos ver o outro ser humano como uma replica nossa, poderiamos ate ser mais generosos.
Quando eu me pergunto sobre a riqueza do mundo, vejo que esta passando da mao de um para a mao do outro, e sempre aparecendo jovens ficando milionarios. Se eu acreditasse em reincarnacao, poderia deduzir que estes jovens tiveram uma vida passada com muita bondade e filantropia, num mundo aonde somente existiu Guerra, e mereceram ter dinheiro para poder entao fazer algo melhor para aqueles que nao tem. Muitos milionarios ajudam varias causas no mundo. Digo, a maioria deles. Pois doar significa deduzir nos impostos, entao isso se torna quase que uma imposicao. Assim sendo cada milionario tem a sua propria agencia filantropica, nao profitavel, aonde eles podem entao doar diretamente para uma causa que interessa o milionario. Sei que a vida de milionarios nao e um mar de rosas como se pensam. Os artistas sao perseguidos, as princesas sao presas nos palacios, os que saem na rua, saem disfarcados. Por isso nao posso confirmar minha teoria de que os que hoje sao milionarios fizeram somente bondade na vida passada.
A teoria basica da vida e a seguinte:
·        Devemos obedecer as leis criadas pelo homem,
·        Devemos praticar nossa fe seja ela qual for, sendo sempre tolerante as outras praticas, sejam elas quais forem,
·        Devemos ser toleraveis.
·        Devemos ensinar sobre varias religioes aos nossos filhos menores.
Ninguem esta acima da lei. Todo mundo obedece as leis. Elas foram criadas para resolver disputas que acontece entre os seres humanos. Ha lei pra tudo, e a cada dia se criam mais de mil leis que repara esta e aquela, e que tem precedente sobre esta ou aquela.
Todos devem praticar fe em alguma coisa que se relacione com o ser humano, e a sua capacidade de entender perdas sem retaliacoes. Como entender sonhos? Como entender a morte? como entender a razao da vida? Senao por ensinamentos religiosos. Aqueles que nao tem fe em nada vivem como luzes apagadas. Eles nao iluminam.
Se praticamos tolerancia, seremos toleravies. Somente aprenderemos a ser tolerantes quando aprendemos sobre o assunto.
Todo casal que tem bom senso sabe que existe muitas perguntas que somente fe em Deus e a certitude de que tudo ficara bem pode aclamar uma crianca. Elas merecem estarem envolvidas e praticarem a religiao dos pais, pois todas tem um caminho somente – Deus.
Cada qual escolhe o seu caminho, ou a sua forma de praticar e experimentar esta vida. Aquilo que voce acreditar acontecera com voce, e voce vivenciara isso. Entao pergunte a voce mesmo o que acontecera com voce depois que voce falecer.
Ceu e um lugar de completa felicidade e positividade, aonde todas as experiencias negativas se transformaram em positivas, dando a luz uma imensidao. O ceu nao e relativo a nada. Para o ceu voltamos para reestabelecer nossas energias, e entao continuar a jornada, ou ficar la.
O inferno e um lugar de tormento, falta de luz, falta de bondade que experimentamos enquanto vivos, devido a coisas que fizemos ou que fizeram pra nos. Este prossegue alem da vida quando somos mais negativos do que positivos, e isso nao cabe a nos julgar.  
Para finalizar, quero acrescentar que Deus criou Adao e Eva e os colocou no paraizo. La, depois de estarem por algum tempo, eles desobedeceram a Deus. Deus deu a eles o castigo da morte. Assim, logo em seguida comecou o bem e o mal a se proliferar. Antigamente se pensava que o mal seria o primojenito, e o bem o seguinte, tudo isso baseado no assassinato de um dos filhos de adao, Abel por Cain, seu irmao mais velho. E assim o mundo se desenvolveu com o bem e o mal dentro de cada um de nos. Somos os dois, e somente se soubermos viver com outros, poderemos ser mais posotivos do que negativos, e isso cabe no dia a dia de cada um de nos.
Nos veremos mais aqui e depois no Ceu.

Milton Laene Araujo 


Dog's Bathroom for the future

A bathroom for Dogs

I live in Lake Worth, Florida. In my town everyone is a pet owner of some sort, but we only see on streets dog owners. My street, Harvard Drive, is located in the north East side of the City, in a neighborhood called College Park. All streets were named over popular American universities. Harvard is a very well manicured road. The road has been paved and new side-walks have replaced the old ones. Most residents have palm trees in their front yard, and the entire street is the closest thing to a paradise. My front yard is a well-taken-care piece of land. It has at least 80 different varieties of plants and a small space with grass. While writing this post, I decided to stop typing, and moved myself out to take a picture of the road for you to see.

The picture on top shows a resident walking his dog. If you look closely into the picture you will see that it is a man who is taking his dog for a walk, or a dog who is taking his man for a walk. The man holds the leach with his left hands while with his right hand he holds a plastic bag with excrement.

The other 2 pictures show Harvard Drive. Zip 33460

How can in this world a man pick up dog excrement and carry with him inside a bag during a walk. How humiliating this could be to humanity. Think for a moment. A man picking up his animal manure right after he (it) disposed it. Not in a million years a man used another man to execute this type of function, which, of, could be perfectly normal if rich people did it in the past with their slaves. Today, January 25th 2012 I took a picture of a pedestrian walking his dog and making sure his dog's poop would not stay wherever it was placed. I admired this, at times, but other times, like today, it truly bothers me. I am not bothered by the fact that many dogs have used my yard. It did killed a few plants, but nothing that could not be replaced or rearranged. My yard is a part of nature and is available to all fauna.

I love watching the squirrels making their nest in my back yard and reproducing in large quantities, while my cats, Ruby and Thomas treat them as family. We also have raccoons wandering around, and on top of a palm tree, there is a large nest of possums, that adds to my animal kingdom each time they reproduce.  My cat Toby was murdered by a momma possums, who decided to bring her babies down from the tree into my yard for a walk. In the middle of the night there was a big commotion that woke us up. After checking that things were OK, we went to bed, to later find Toby dead on my neighbors back yard. Toby was Thomas' brother, and he is missed terribly by all of us. I am sure Toby's curiosity took the best out of him. "Do not mess with mothers. They will die for their offspring's". I always had this in mind.

Getting back to the dog business, after a few minutes of focusing on the barbarity of man kind I came up with the idea of a dog bathroom. At first it was a simple concept, but to make sure it worked I became very creative. I put into practice this concept by creating a spot that attracted most dogs. Once sure that my experiment worked for 4 days, I decided to destroy the "bathroom area" and I brought my front yard back to its originality. Most dog owners do not bring their dogs to my front yard because I have a signal stating that it is not permitted. Once, a while back, I took all the dog poop and placed them on the side-walk, so each dog could smell its own excrement, and find out that it had been removed. It caused some panic in my house, for I was not suppose to do that. But after I stepped on dog doo a few times, I simply placed them on my side-walk to express that I was aware that some owners were not obeying this crazy law of cleaning after your own dog.

He goes how the Dog bathroom works.

Built a poll in an grassed yard. This pool can have different form or shapes, even a design of a fire hydrant on the bottom. The poll has to be in an elevated area... 1 foot above the level of the drain.
Use an area in a park with at least 15 feet in diameter.
Around the poll, plant grass and a few "not spike" plants.
Around the circle, in its out-side, build a drain that would take everything from the grassed area into it, and carry it into the sewage line. See picture for more details.

For my experiment, I used some used pooped newspaper from a pet store, and I mixed it with water, and placed under the grass. Once it attracted a few dogs, everyone wanted to use that place.

Now, for a Park it is necessary to make it a very nice and clean place, where dog owners would meet, talk, knowing that their dogs had used the bathroom for number 2. There will be dogs on line, waiting to use the bathroom...

As you and I know, dogs are trainable animals. They will know that they are in a place where they can use it as a bathroom because there will not be any other place with that urine smell that only them can sense it. Once all dogs stop using people's yard, and start using their own bathroom, they will not be tempted do make mistakes. They will gladly enjoy the visit in a place where other dogs have visited.

When a dog licks you, they do it for your sense of smell and not because they are kissing you. They want to lick anyone who comes from outside mainly because they want to experience the smell of life and to know what is out there. Do not get carried away with kisses, for dogs are there to sense smell, which brings them to a different world.

Once all cities and local parks create dogs bathroom, we will not see mankind picking up his dog-doo.
We will see men cleaning the bathroom by either scoping it into the drain or washing it with water and pressure. Something simple that can be done every half an hour.

To attract more dogs, spray a can of dog smell/urine into the poll along with other indications that this is the place.

It can be build in every street. Just choose a place where to create it, and when it works, start the building permits to make it safer for usage. But first try with the simple way, by making a location where dogs meet, and later build the drainage, etc.

Good walk - this time to take your dog to the right place. As far as pee is concerned... it is just water for the plants, when done accidentally.



Poverty is at a high of 49.1 million or 16% in the U.S.A

On September 17, 2013 the news announced poverty as being 46.5 Million People

As described in Wikipedia, Poverty is the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or money.[1] Absolute poverty or destitution is inability to afford basic human needs, which commonly includes clean and fresh water, nutrition, health care, education, clothing and shelter. About 1.7 billion people are estimated to live in absolute poverty today. Relative poverty refers to lacking a usual or socially acceptable level of resources or income as compared with others within a society or country.

About 25,000 people die every day in the world of hunger or hunger-related causes, according to the United Nations.
This is one person every three and a half seconds, Yet there is plenty of food in the world for everyone. The problem is that hungry people are trapped in severe poverty. They lack the money to buy enough food to nourish themselves. Being constantly malnourished, they become weaker and often sick. This makes them increasingly less able to work, which then makes them even poorer and hungrier. This downward spiral often continues until death for them and their families. - Hunger and World Poverty Sources: United Nations World Food Program (WFP), Oxfam, UNICEF.

….In America, let’s start by:
Improving the quality of education for poor children and education opportunities and incentives, and by Improving opportunities and incentives for poor young females to have children only when they can assure their wellbeing, and by Improving work opportunities and incentives for the poor so they can provide well for themselves and their families..
We need responsible policies and responsible behaviors, starting with each individual behaving more consciously. Every child needs to be educated.

The remedy at this moment is to increase minimum wage to $10.00 across the board and pay for this difference with tax incentives to the employer. Meaning, the employer will not pay for this tab.The remedy is also: America needs to put to rest all time consuming litigations that cost millions of dollars to tax-payers. Put them on the back burner, and let’s deal with things that are far more important, such as poverty and lack of education. Too much money has been spent with paper work and documentation for cases that have once been resolved. We are spending too much time litigating about abortion when we can not even keep up with all children we have alive today. It is such a waste of money, and time.

American Government needs to take a break of outside activities and concentrate in its people at home.

We the People are suffering today more than ever. The absurd increase of the crude oil price in 2008, which can’t ever be explained in detail by anyone, went from $75 per barrel to $145 in a period of six months, oscillating up and down, making the biggest future trading in history, where speculators wanted to buy calls on crude oil and gasoline, and trade every other commodity contract to be a part of the oil trading. It was blamed in the number of refineries that America possess, and the age and condition of each refinery, which was not able to keep up with the demand for gasoline, thus making the oil prices go up, for America buys refined combustive from other countries, such as Venezuela, etc.

A reason given by the news about oil prices increase was all the disruption that was taking place in certain OPEP countries at that time. For whatever reason, the tab was handed to us. Very soon after the record oil price of 2008, food also doubled in price at food stores. Everyone blamed the transportation of goods and materials.  People could not keep up with the increase in prices and with their high mortgage prices. A trip to the supermarket became something painful.

When oil prices wend town, as it did it slowly, gave speculators the chance to take another ride into the volatile roller-coast of oil pricing. The damage to the people was already created, and prices for food went down a small fraction of its increase. People were able to retain less money.  (By the way, we are still talking about poverty here).

The biggest factor of all involves the banking industry and financial institutions. House lenders, in 2004-2005-2006 offered mortgages with monthly payments of 1% to 2% of the price of the immobile. People jumped into buying big houses in large communities  priced at $500.000 dollars and signed their contract for a mortgage– Many chose to pay around $1500 per month to be near the 2% range, and signed a contract for 30 years with mortgage ranging from $1,500.00 to $3,500.00 per month.

These types of mortgages sounded very attractive and a boom in house industry echoed around the country. However, Banks were not able to keep up with their lending because they were not receiving enough deposits to justify it, and little by little it showed its face, bringing house prices down to justify the amount of money that have been invested and the amount of money it will collect. Once revealed, house prices started to decline, to a point where everyone is up-side-down on their mortgages. Those who bought big homes can not keep up with maintenance and utilities bill, defaulting on their mortgage and making even worse for the banking industry to recover its loss. The government pitched in and helped Bank of America and other entities with our tax dollars.

Once housing industry is in decline, businesses in all areas will go to where labor is cheaper. So, a boom in taking your company overseas where labor is cheaper contributed to the job loss we see today.

People are not spending as much money as before; therefore many places go out of business for not being able to stay afloat. Hence, it brings poverty.

Today we have a country with all amenities, but we are not able to afford them. People are losing their jobs, their houses, their income, and their families. Everyone takes xanax or paxil to relieve their anxiety of facing a reality that once was different. Pharmaceutical industry blooms making all sorts of drugs to make one sleep, or stay awake. What to do when you are hungry and there is nothing to eat?
Like I said, we need new policies that encourage teens not to get pregnant – We need to let aside the abortion discussion for one entire year and concentrate in those that are here, and educate them, feed them. Why create so many policies when we are not able to keep our children alive to follow theses policies.

I am sorry to say that the reality is far worse than what we perceive now.


Legalization of Drugs - By Milton Laene Araujo

During the prohibition of Alcohol, often referred to simply as prohibition, which was the practice of prohibiting the manufacture, transportation, import, export, sale, and consumption of alcohol and alcoholic beverages.    After several years, prohibition became a failure in North America and elsewhere, as bootlegging (rum-running) became widespread and organized crime took control of the distribution of alcohol.  Today America is facing a bigger challenge with the Drug market. Too much money spent to fight the war on drugs, which will not end, unless drugs are legalized.
Today we spend yearly:

  1. 27.5$ billion for Law Enforcement. The third biggest cost is law enforcement activities at 27.5$ billion(subfunction 751) This is the police, FBI, DEA, etc…  This doesn’t count court costs.
  2. 7.3$ billion for Prisons. The cost of Federal Correctional activities(subfunction 753) is recorded as a separate subfunction from Law Enforcement.
Considering the amount of people that are incarcerated by drug related offenses (51%) it would be viable to legalize drugs and use the saved 10 Billion to invest on Education about drugs.

Today America is number 37 in the rank of 132 countries distributing a percentage of the GDP into Education. It contributes with only 5.7 % in a percent range starting from 1.6% to the United Arab Emirants and ending with 18% with Cuba. America Spends 4% of its budget in Education and 2% in protection.

Observing only the economical factor, one should consider that by legalizing drugs more money would be collected in taxes to be applied in education. Today America spends 23% of its budget in defense, and it is fair to think that it interrelates with defense against drug related cartels all over the world; Investigation costs  related to international trafficking etc. Therefore, it is fair to say that by legalizing drugs a small percentage would be used to invest in education. To finalize, consider marketing, and sales and profits and taxation. Some types of drugs may become a commodity and participate in the futures marketing.

This process will be interesting to watch, for every dealer will be against one another, and some riots would be imminent. As far as We the people, the only thing to do is to educate everyone and enforce mandatory classes about the consequences of using drugs to obtain a license to purchase.

In a "Local Store Drugs" - The name of the Facility where people will purchase their drugs, there will be various containers with all types of drugs and bellow each of them will have a description of the consequences of using it.
Bellow the crack-cocaine jar a big sign with this description: If you take this drug you will die. At frist you will get an intensive high and a feeling of awesomeness that will last 3 minutes. Then you will crave for more, and more, until you can not stay awake. Meanwhile your digestive system shrinks. You can not eat. You become de-hydrated and you lose weight rapidly. Moods swings will make you lose your job, lose friends and consequently you will lose everything.  Life Expectancy - 1 Year.

The entire purchase would be recorded and only people above 21 can purchase it. Doctors will prescribe and monitor patients, while science is developing a home kit of self-drug-test for people to be able to control their intake and keep in to a range acceptable to their blood flow. Employees will be tested as they arrive at work, and be sent home if not sober. There will be more clinics for addicts, who will learn to cope with their addition or else, be incarcerated.

Families will be educated of the danger and expose their kids at an early age to all the bad associated with all drugs, to prepare them for a productive life.

By legalizing drugs, we are letting the evil of addiction to become a choice between yes and no. It is not as easy as  "Just Say No" to drugs, for one has to learn what happens when influenced by such a drug. The same type of education must be given about any other drug that is sold in drugstores today. Most of them are addictive. I know people addicted to chap sticks, pain killers, cough drops, nasal spray, eye drops, cortisone, xanax, .... and so forth and so on. Drugs, as medication, will make you feel better, but eventually dependent forever. Yet no one knows what they are truly taking. The Drug company is one of the biggest in the world and manufactures on drug to fight the other drug - It is a mix-bag of chemicals that will target a population.
For example: If you have heart-burn you take a Pepsid AC., which is a base, and it neutralizes the acidity in your stomach giving a sensation of well being. Once you start taking a base to neutralize the acidity in your system, you are opening a door for an addiction. Next day you wont be able to drink a glass of orange juice if you do not take a Pepsid before or after. It is normal to have acidity after drinking alcohol, and the remedy is any base such as tagamet, Pepsid, Milk of Magnesium, etc.

Unfortunately, most of the people are not well educated to accept this as a solution for some of our problems and some problems in the world. But the idea of this article is just to compare what can be done with what is happening now in our Country. And furthermore, to express  "it is all about the money". It all makes sense.

See bellow our prisons and the amount of people doing time for drug related crimes.

Total population:217,363
Total sentenced population:198,459
Inmates in BOP facilities:180,725
Inmates in privately-managed secure facilities1:22,939
Inmates in other contract facilities2:13,699

Today, American Citizens are paying top dollars to keep people incarcerated. Lets check the offenses committed:
Drug Offenses:101,929(50.4 %)
Weapons, Explosives, Arson:30,733(15.2 %)
Immigration:24,279(12.0 %)
Robbery:8,366(4.1 %)
Burglary, Larceny, Property Offenses:7,165(3.5 %)
Extortion, Fraud, Bribery:10,529(5.2 %)
Homicide, Aggravated Assault, and Kidnapping Offenses:5,571(2.8 %)
Miscellaneous:1,798(0.9 %)
Sex Offenses:9,772(4.8 %)
Banking and Insurance, Counterfeit, Embezzlement:883(0.4 %)
Courts or Corrections:645(0.3 %)
Continuing Criminal Enterprise:515(0.3 %)
National Security:97(0.0 %)


President's Emergency Powers by Milton

The Constitutional views of the president’s emergency powers have brought “erosions” into civil liberties, but the formal powers of the executive provided by article II are without substance if the president is unable to persuade the major constituencies in and beyond the government that their interest are mutual.
This discussion of executive power involves one central question: To what extent is the president authorized to act on behalf of national interest in times of foreign and domestic emergencies in absence of law, or in defiance of law? If we consider presidential actions in time of crisis from the earliest days, President Washington considered a constitutional prerogative of his office to quell domestic insurrection by using force, if necessary, against Indian tribes. Thomas Jefferson stretched the outer boundaries of his office to his successful campaign to purchase Louisiana from France in 1803. Several presidents in the nineteen-century, engaged American troops to fight the so-called quasi-wars, to secure American commercial interests. Lincoln’s’ broad and bold use of executive power defended the prerogative of the executive to go beyond what either the court or congress had recognized as the written law governing the president’s roll as commander in chief. Then again, no president had been faced with an internal crisis that was remotely comparable to the civil war. Thus it was no surprise that the court was soon called upon to decide whether Lincoln’s invocation of executive power to conduct and manage the Civil War violated the Constitution. The Court in Prize Cases (1963) was presented with the question of whether President Lincoln’s command to impose a naval blockade of Southern Ports usurped the power of congress to declare war. The court provided Lincoln with his constitutional foundation to conduct his aggressive prosecution of the Civil War. Later, the Court made clear that Presidential power to suspend constitutional rights of civilians and exercise executive prerogative, not extended beyond wartime emergencies. By the time U.S entered into World War II, the court had given President Roosevelt fully and complete power to impose emergency domestic measures in the service of National security interests, whether economical or political in nature, regardless of their impact on the civil liberties of the United States Citizens. As an exercise in raw executive power, in 1942 President Roosevelt decided to order the evacuation of Japanese Americans from the West Coast and intern them indefinitely into makeshift prison camps. In Korematsu V. U.S (1944) the court upheld President Roosevelt’s evacuation and internment as valid exercise of wartime powers.  In 1977, during the Vietnam War, The United States brought actions to enjoin publication in the New York Times and in the Washington Post of certain classified material, had not met the “heavy” burden of showing justification for the enforcement of such a prior restraint. The Case New York Times Co. v. U.S (1971), the president’s emergency power violated the First Amendment. In 1979 Iranians invaded the American Embassy in Iran and took a few diplomats hostages. President Carter froze all Iranian Assets in the United States. The case Dames & Moore V. Reagan (1981) illustrates how intertwined domestic and foreign interests can be in the exercise of emergency presidential Power.  Undoubtedly, it is the fear and fervor surrounding emergency times that allow imposition of laws that infringe civil liberties. But once a judicial opinion rationalizes such an order to show that it conforms to the Constitution, or rather rationalizes the Constitution to show that the Constitution sanctions such an order, the Court for all time has validated the principal of racial discrimination in criminal procedures and of transplanting American Citizens. This principle lies like a loaded weapon ready for the hand of any authority that can bring forward a plausible claim of an urgent need.


Socialized Democracy

Socialized Democracy – By Milton Laene Araujo – September 1, 2011

1-     Freedom—not only individual liberties, but also freedom from discrimination and freedom from dependence on either the owners of the means of production or the holders of abusive political power;
2-     Equality and social justice—not only before the law but also economic and socio-cultural equality as well, and equal opportunities for all including those with physical, mental, or social disabilities;

3-     Solidarity—unity and a sense of compassion for the victims of injustice and inequality.

Certain things in life, such as home, food, and education need our attention.

To begin with Home – It consists of a residence – Every human being must have a right to own a house. Food – It consists of what we eat – Every human being must have access to food in abundance. Education – It consists of where you are in relation to “all that is”. It means that you are growing spiritually.

By just thinking of certain things, such as home, and food you can travel-on in the idea of a perfect world. Imagine living in a place where you are happy to be a part of that community, and also able to move away whenever you feel it is the right moment. Imagine being fed and sheltered in your existence –

Now when we move to education, things get more complicated. Education means that our body is accepting the environment that has been created, in every-way possible, yet, receiving waves of information from all over. The desire for knowledge persists as a self-instinct to be.  

Milton L Araujo


role of the supreme court as interpreter of the constitution

1- Discuss the role of the Supreme Court as interpreter of the Constitution, as seen in Merbury V. Madison, Martin V. Hunter Lessee, Cooper V. Aaron, and City of Boerne V. Flores. The Supreme Court’s involvement in the intricacies of the social, political, and economic forces that shapes the lives of American citizens and their institutions can be traced to its assertion and use of judicial review, or the power to decide whether federal, state, and local laws violate the Constitution. Although the Court has no affirmative power to initiate legal action, it has encouraged a more litigious society through its willingness to accept and decide cases that raise questions once thought to be private or political in nature. Judicial review enables the Court, in a single judicial stroke, to replace the customs, approaches, and rules of various regions, states, and localities with national constitutional standards. As we have reviewed many Supreme Court cases in our Constitutional Law class with Professor Brannon, one would think that the Court strikes down federal, state, and local laws with great regularity. Quite the opposite is, in fact, the case. Since the Court, in Marbury v. Madison (1803), first declared an act of Congress unconstitutional, the Court has upheld federal, state, and local laws against constitutional challenges much more often that it has not. Judicial review as a component of judicial Power is not mentioned in the Constitution. Ample evidence exists that the Framers intended the courts to have some sort of power to control the unconstitutional excess of majority rule. Although, judicial review can be seen as a profoundly anti-democratic exercise because the courts are not bound to the electorate, they have proved, in a majority of the cases that judges are not dominating the government, but walking right along with it. Judicial review, while the most potent instrument of judicial power, is not the sole element that defines the constitutional responsibilities of the federal courts. In Calling the Judicial Power of the United States to be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as Congress may from time to time ordain and establish, the Framers handed victories to both, federalists and ant-federalists. The consensus of the delegates was that one appellate court positioned at the pinnacle of the nation’s judicial system was essential to ensure uniformity among the various federal and state courts. The First Congress made passage of the Judiciary Act of 1879 among its highest legislative priorities, and created a multi-tiered federal system of lower district and circuit courts, spelled out in even greater detail the original and appellate jurisdiction of the federal courts described in article III, and authorized the Supreme Court to hear appeals from these courts and also appeals from state supreme courts if the claims involved federal constitutional questions and cases that involved challenges to federal constitutional law. Section 25 permitted the Supreme Court to hear cases appeal from state supreme courts when such courts 1-declared a federal law treaty unconstitutional, 2- ruled against an assertion of federal constitutional claim of right or privilege, or 3- upheld a state law that had been challenged as unconstitutional or illegal under the law of the U.S. The law, however, said nothing in Section 25 or anywhere else about the power of the federal courts to review congressional laws or executive actions. The power of the federal courts to review federal laws, long assumed as implicit to the exercise of judicial power, was assumed by the Court, after more than a decade of silence, in Marbury v. Madison. After two centuries after John Marshall explained and defended judicial review on behalf of a unanimous Supreme Court in Marbury v. Madison, scholars continue to debate the power that this landmark decision gave the Court to declare unconstitutional laws enacted by the political branches. The Supreme Court, despite its professed concern for judicial independence, had to impose self-restraint on its power to exercise judicial review, which concludes that the “courts as well as other departments, are bound” by the requirements of the Constitution. Marbury was used as an instrument through which to achieve equality rather than supremacy for the Court in the American constitutional system. It established the legitimacy of the Court in the American Constitutional system. The Supreme Court role as an interpreter of the constitution on the case Marbury v. Madison decided that it has the power to review acts of the congress and declare them unconstitutional. The case is set forth when Marbury, appointed Justice of peace by outgoing President Adams, did not have his signed and sealed position delivered. Although Marbury has a right to his commission, and the appropriate remedy is a writ of mandamus, congress doesn’t have the power, under the constitution, to give the Supreme Court additional original jurisdiction. The original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court is defined by the constitution and cannot be enlarged by the congress. As mentioned before, Section 25 of the Judiciary Act gives the Supreme Court appellate jurisdiction in such cases. Is section 25 constitutional? Text of Article III Section 2, Paragraph 1: - The Judicial Power shall extend to all cases in law and Equity arising under this constitution; and Section2, Paragraph 2: - In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make. In the case Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee (1816), the Supreme Court gains ground by showing its capability of reviewing and potentially set aside decisions of State courts on questions of federal law. Judicial Supremacy takes a turn when the Court, in Cooper V. Aaron (1958), announced “the basic principle that the federal judiciary is supreme in the exposition of the law of the Constitution” and that the court is the final, supreme expositor of the Constitution –into one inseparable package. (Ivers-60). In this case the Supreme Court cited the fourteenth Amendment and the Brown v. Board of Education to bind the ruling, making it clear that Legislatures are not allowed to nullify Court Judgments. On City of Boerne v. Flores (1997), Congress exceeds its enforcement power under section 5 of the fourteenth Amendment by enactment of the Religion Freedom Restoration Act. It is the duty of the Supreme Court to interpret the meaning of the constitution. Congress exceeds its authority when it attempts to override such an interpretation by statute. The Court considers congress’s power “of inquiry-with process to enforce it- [as] an essential and auxiliary to the legislative function” and thus implied by the very nature of the legislature’s role in separation of powers.