About Me - Milton Laene Araujo

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Lake Worth, Florida, United States
My name is Milton and I am a reader. I love to feed my mind with what if’s?, through stories.


My dream of a global world government

My dream of a global world government  - July 18, 2013

Since the beginning of times the earth has never had one minute of peace. As I write this text we have about 20 Countries involved in wars along with 300 plus militia-guerrillas and separatist groups involved. In Africa alone we have 16 countries battling, and a participation of at least 100 separatist groups involved.  The hot spots are Central African Republic, Darfur, Democratic Republic of Congo, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Punt land, Somalia, Somaliland. In Asia we have 10 countries; Europe 4 countries; Middle East 4 countries; America 3 countries. The hot spots for the remaining places mentioned above, along with a better information of the conflict is listed at the site Wars in the world or similar sites.  I am not going to write about what is happening because you can visit these sites and have an idea about the conflicts and decide for yourself if it is really happening. My point, however, is to talk about peace.

As defined in Wikipedia, World peace is an ideal of freedom, peace, and happiness among and within all nations and/or people. World peace is an idea of planetary non-violence by which nations willingly cooperate, either voluntarily or by virtue of a system of governance that prevents warfare. The term is sometimes used to refer to a cessation of all hostility amongst all humanity. For example, World Peace could be crossing boundaries via human rights, animal rights, technology, education, engineering, medicine, diplomats and/or an end to all forms of fighting.

Since 1945, the United Nations and the 5 permanent members of its Security Council (the US, Russia, China, France, and the UK) have worked to resolve conflicts without war or declarations of war. However, nations have entered numerous military conflicts since that time.

World peace is achievable when there is no longer conflict over resources. Buddhists believe people can live in peace and harmony only if we abandon negative emotions such as anger in our minds and cultivate positive emotions such as love and compassion. According to Islam, faith in only one God and having common parents Adam and Eve is the greatest reason for humans to live together with peace and brotherhood. Islamic view of global peace is mentioned in the Quran where the whole of humanity is recognized as one family.

Besides these two views mentioned above, there are other views that I will refrain to mention because it doesn’t make much difference, as we can see for ourselves that at least for more than 4000 years we have been in battle for one reason or another.

In my mind, a viable solution is the creation of a Global World Government that recognizes humans as the biggest part of the equation as “we the people” and not as “we the salves of the elite”.  

It is important to remember that what we call elite can be a one group of people, or various groups of people that control the economy of the earth. These groups must get together to discuss the best way to achieve a common ground without creating an economic collapse or any international crisis that could only affect the population. If many people lose their savings due to an economic collapse in the market, they will be driven to poverty, and consequently they will start protests and anarchy among themselves, forming groups against the elite.  This situation is not viable because the army will fight against the people, and soon, diseases will emerge making assembly and protests a death trap. The people will suffer and ultimately lose this battle, no matter how much people try to organize against this force.

If the idea it is to privatize every sector of the industry, it is not a bad idea at all. But if we have a collapse of the economy, many groups will riot and not even know that this could be a plan of the elite. I question why? Why is it necessary to create rebellion against something that can be avoided all together? Is it to create a martial law to gain control? If so, it is not necessary because we surrender. What I mean is - if we know that there is a plan to stop all wars and achieve some peace, it will be better than what we have now, at this minute.  So many innocent people are not getting a shot of life and dignity. So many people are being killed in the name of patriotism, when it actually doesn’t exist. We the people are created equal and we are used to be controlled, one way or another. We have no problems about having elite controlling our lives. Truly! We want simply to know whether this plan involve us as participants. In the end, ideas come from people, and everyone, working together, will make easier to relax and be ingenious.  

We have today so many angry and anti-social people in this world that can well be recruited to stop the riots at any cost. And they will offer their services in exchange to recognition. We know all this, already.  

If we have an economic collapse we will be lost! We will be very vulnerable, therefore anarchy is imminent because there will be groups of people in the social media inviting others to participate into manifestations that can cause even more damage. The world will be out of control…more than what it is right now.

We do not need the people to organize and create riots for an idea that when explained well, doesn’t seem so bad, after all.

Please, do not take me wrong. I love The United States of American and I abide by the Constitution, and I live for it, but I also know that with the technology we have today, privacy is something from the past. We are voluntarily exposing ourselves through the social media with no problems, and we are well aware that anything we write can be traced. Yes, I exchange my privacy for my security.

What we want is a government that cares about us. We want a Government that recognizes our value and appreciates it, be it a corporation or a state, or anything we want to call it.

I have seen in movies people being inserted a chip that would pin point his or hers whereabouts…I think it is clever. I have no problems having a chip inserted in my body, for it will give the government a correct position of my whereabouts. In reality people can live in truth. No one needs to be hiding from the truth. Truth is the ultimatum for freedom. I feel free even though I know that my life can be scrutinized and exposed…yet, it is my life. I made it that way, therefore I am responsible.  I would love a cashless society, as long as I can eat and sleep and take a shower every day. I am not looking for an easy life. I like to be able to live and enjoy national parks and movies and books without worrying if a robber is coming into my house or into my Movie Theater and act crazy. Besides, if the truth is exposed, we will know who is in favor and who is not, and act accordingly, instead of decimate a larger group of people who will manifest  not knowing what for.  

Mass control is necessary! It is necessary to have a system that keeps track of people. In the end, whoever checks it will be bored to see that people are the same. People want happiness, love, food, security and the freedom to walk outside and not been killed. People love to work.

We don’t need wars! We need to stop all of them (wars) right now! We need to search for viable solutions for all disputes, and in my point of view…we need to be truthful to one another, and for many individual it will require complete surveillance.

Why not take the fight into a higher level? What I mean is…Elite fighting for complete control without engaging people, for we are sacred. We love discipline and control.

What infuriates people is the fact that some elected politicians exists for the mere reason of self-recognition, instead of being there to represent their constituents. People are different, and politicians are there to find this difference and make it easier to live day by day.

Can we stop regional wars? Can we do something to prevent escalation into countries that have nothing to live for?

As I write this open letter, I am so sorry for so many lives being wasted. I believe in reincarnation, and I believe that peace will get here one way or another. But I know that if we continue the way it is now, we will not obtain peace ever in this earth in my lifetime.

So, I am asking for the elite – or groups – to engage with the United Nations  - instead of only keeping the peace - start procedures to make peace where wars is happening right now. By having a stronger United Nations this can be accomplished with the help of all members. In the end, everyone wants peace. So, let’s have the UN carry all military weapons to intervene whenever necessary. This will stop hate among nations because a larger body will be deciding. This will be a step towards one global entity. No more borders, for everyone will be tracked. No need to have immigration laws, for everyone will be pretty much alike. Let’s have 10-12 large Nations cooperating with one another to make sure all resources are well divided.

I know for a fact that all the people of the earth will do their part to make sure this system will work well.

Ps. As I am writing this text, in Brazil they are preparing for a manifestation for September 7th 2013. It needs to have the intervention of the United Nations to shake the country with international laws and make some people accountable for whatever they did for self-enrichment with the nations’ money. Brazil needs to have the world cup and the Olympic Games - But at the same time, the people are asking for more buses, more doctors more hospitals… not too much to ask. Unfortunately, manifestations can turn into riots and the country doesn’t need it.

Yours truly,
