About Me - Milton Laene Araujo

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Lake Worth, Florida, United States
My name is Milton and I am a reader. I love to feed my mind with what if’s?, through stories.
Showing posts with label Doencas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doencas. Show all posts


Genetically modified everything!

Genetically modified EVERYTHING!
We humans are composed with a DNA configuration that has in it every single existing DNA in the universe.  In our DNA we can find traces of DNA of any species that ever existed in this earth. We are talking about billions of years. We came from out of space, as powder, bacteria and virus, and we evolved, not by creating new strings of DNA, but awaken what we have inherited. As the earth changed so did we. We at one time lived in the water, and later became animals and now we call ourselves humans. The major difference between a human and a monkey is the brain configuration, which is also part of the DNA. The transition from humans to monkeys did not happen as stated by Darwin, by selective manner. It happened by simply awaken our DNA to adjust with our environment. The entire configuration was there and it occurred naturally on earth. We have different eras with different types of animals living on earth, until we achieved a level of human beings taking place and many animals vanishing.
As I am writing this post, I know that many species of animals are vanishing; giving place to other species that can take the heat. This way life has been. But Darwin forgot that the DNA was there at all times. It was not creating as we grow.
Because the earth is only 4 and half billions years old, we are where we are by getting here naturally. Therefore it is fair to say that in an environment earth -like, it would take this much time for us to be where we are today, naturally.
We are made in the image of God, and for this reason our brain has achieved the capability of turning us into God-like beings.  We could have been animals for another trillion of years; yet, our DNA would have within it the entire configuration of a human, yet, not awaken.  
When we evolved into Monkeys, there were at least fourteen species fighting for space. One survived and we called it Homo sapiens. Every human is called Homo sapiens. The DNA configuration of humans made possible for mankind to survive in the earth environment, and with the help of God we then achieved our reasoning, thinking, planning, emotions, and certain feelings we did not see in animals. We also developed the speech coordination.  Homo sapiens developed their brain in size. This development opened communication with various strings of DNA configuration necessary to survive, and also to feel sorrow.
We have not found the link between Homo sapiens and monkeys simply because the brain development came along with spirituality, and it was given to us by God. Without God we would be animals.
Think for a moment, that the earth having 4.5 billions of years, we are where we are today. What would it be if the earth had 13 billion of years?
Knowing that we are the result of star explosions and dust, and we developed as we did because the earth has been what it has been, giving space to different species as time went by, we can predict that there are beings that have developed their brain configuration based on their longevity as species. So it is fair to say that in the entire universe we have beings more intelligent, or more developed just by being older than us a few billion years.
Now, at our age, we are able to study DNA and even pin point areas of the brain where it is more active. We can easily combine our DNA with anything that exist and create a different life form.  Yes, we can create half a man and half animal, if it is necessary, but what for? Just understanding that we can do it, we already passed the point of creating monsters.

Very soon we will live to be looking young forever, but we will not live forever because whenever we manipulate DNA without understanding the environment, we are creating short lived beings. It doesn't matter how much we try to replicate a human being, we will not achieve eternity because it comes with adapting to different areas. We cannot survive in cold temperature, unless we are trained since children to accept the cold. The same will be with anything we modify. It can be good for a short period of time, but there will be consequences due to the artificiality of the thing. We can modify food and make them stay fresh for a longer period of time, but at the same time we get sicker and develop cancer in a faster pace. Unfortunately we are not able to genetically modify anything by adding DNA( for it is a destruction). We can modify by awakening what we already have.  We can alter, or awake certain strings we think would do the job, but we never know, and never will know if it will be the secret for eternity. But we can not take the DNA of one animal and inject into another, for we have it all already. We just need to learn how to wake them up.

I believe that most aliens have played this game, and they arrived where they are today, playing Gods to a vast population that acquired brains, and inducing them to get a jump start into the new DNA configuration that will survive it all, but needless to say, they have no idea what needs to be done.

They are souls who are living forever, and going from one place to another, but never living the darkness.  They play Gods to most governmental institution by teaching reverse-engineering, but they cannot bring peace. They refused God - as we are doing it right now!

When we inherited from God our brain capability, it came with responsibility. One was not to destroy our earth, and respect the environment. The other was not to kill. We failed on both. Now, without any experience we are already creating clones, and replicas of people. We are mixing and altering DNA, when we should only awaken them – We have it within us.

Yes, it is agreeable that we can make dormant a gene responsible for obesity, but it will shorten a human life to a minimum because that obesity is already a result of another genetically modified DNA we ate, or we placed into our system, and it awoke strings that should be sleeping on the first place.

The pharmaceutical industry lives and breathes ‘altering DNA drugs’ to put into our body. Almost everyone takes pills. We are killing ourselves by allowing people to alter our lives. We are not using our brain to better ourselves, but to conquer more and more money – for nothing – once dead, the money stays here.
Humans are playing with embryos. We are replicating them, and we are even creating them in labs. We can create them as we can discard them, without any value for life. We create life, and we destroy it to make one life better. We have no regard for life, and we were told once that this is our chance to redeem ourselves, and have eternal life in a paradise where we can be anything we want, and transform ourselves into anything. We were offered a place where we find peace and comfort, and ultimately love. But we are being guided by a malignant force. We became the dormant ones. 

The only problem is that we have no idea what we are doing, and those who are teaching us, have their agenda. If we are receiving help from extra-terrestrial intelligence, they can consider themselves God to us, but in reality they are lost souls, who have lost God a long time ago. They go from place to place in the darkness, in search of whatever they need to survive with their DNA configuration.

As a DOG thinks that humans are God, we can easily think they are gods because they have given us for the last 100 years more knowledge than we have achieved in 2000 years. Yet, it is deceiving. Their agenda is too secretive.  They do not appear in the sky every day. They do not participate in our lives, except by giving us technology, which will backfire whenever we do not have electricity. And soon we may end up without electricity.

We have created so much comfort to our body that our DNA is already changing without us even noticing it. No one can live without TV, or internet, and water only comes when there is electricity. An elevator only operates with electricity, and a bank card will have no value when we lose some of our technology. In other words, we are placing ourselves in their mercy.

I know, it sounds absurd to imagine that Aliens are among us, but they are. How can we explain this sudden interest in our lives? Why are they so interested on us? I am sure they have an agenda, as we do when we spend billions of dollars sending a man to Mars or to the moon. We are looking for pure gold as they are as well. With Gold we can create anti-gravity machinery to travel 10 times the speed of light. They will teach us, and soon we will forget our messenger, Jesus Christ, who came here to lead us into an exit of this repetition.

In less than one hundred years we have achieved technology we never imagined existed, and we are soon getting into teleportation, and whatever else we can get. Meanwhile, we are destroying our rivers, our oceans, and our atmosphere. We have no regards for human life and we care only about money. We have no idea how to make peace! We want what others have. 
Is this a life we are supposed to live?

The biggest sin, so far, humans are doing at this time is the loss of regard for life. Yes, we are killing left and right, and we are also killing little children by neglecting those who are alive. We are spending billions to keep laws anti-abortion, which, we don’t follow. We are a mess!
Since genetically modified food was introduced, we have seen thousands of cases of diverticulitis in middle aged humans, along with premature death of infants. We have more deaths from cancer than ever before. Breast Cancer is in its highest.

I planted an avocado tree to find out that the seed inside the avocado was not fertile. It was genetically modified and it would not grow fruit. So, I cared for an avocado tree for seven years to never seen an avocado. I planted passion fruit, and got only passion flower, for it was created to be an ornamental tree.
All of these modified seeds come with altering DNA (trigger) configuration in humans, and unfortunately the only winners are the drug industry and the hospitals.
Yes, this system of things is a mess. Money is the root of all evil.
People forgot that they cannot take their money with them after they die, and those who inherit it, will be poor of spirit.

This undated photo made available by Oxitec shows a genetically modified Aedes aegypti mosquito in their U.K. lab. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is considering releasing the non-biting male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes modified by Oxitec to pass along a birth defect to their progeny, thus killing off the next generation of the mosquitoes that can carry dengue and chikungunya. The FDA is planning to release the mosquitos in a neighborhood of 444 homes near Key West, Fla. (AP Photo/Oxitec, Derric Nimmo)


Toxicology Tests – Mandatory! By Milton Laene Araujo

Toxicology Tests – Mandatory!  By Milton Laene Araujo

Toxicology test should be a regular procedure for everyone who visits a doctor. This is the only way to find out whether patients abuse certain medication, or if they take the correct amount of the prescribed drug.
It shouldn’t be confidential. Everyone should have access to everyone’s blood works, specially doctors and scientists who are doing comparative analysis of prescribed drugs. It goes against people’s right of privacy, but it is necessary to have our blood examined every semester and have a complete toxicology report attached to it, and make it available for others to compare, study, help, and share information.
The goal here is transparency!  In this life our objective is to help others.  What difference does it make if your neighbor has access to your blood work and decides to compare it with his?
In today’s age where computers do the work, we just need to add data to a bank, and let the machine decipher its content, comparing and contrasting and giving a complete report to a researcher.
Only Doctors would have access to the database of each individual patient, but the complete data would be accessible to members who work in this area, and those who want access for determined reason.   
It is a step ahead for Science. If it is implemented, it can change the entire pharmaceutical industry.
Until today, year 2015, we have not found a cure for a mild cold that comes and goes every year.  We have no idea which medication is better, if any.
By having a HUMAN-HEALTH-BANK-CENTER, we can store medical information of each individual and facilitate research. We cannot do research only with animals, in other words, we should not ever do experiment with animals, when we can use our own blood test and DNA configuration to compare and contrast with anything related to either, animal or person,  and achieve results.
Today we create medications for anything we can imagine, yet people are not living to be 100 years old. What is wrong with this?
Toxicology Test is a procedure that determines what type of known chemicals are present in the human body, and it is done usually with dead bodies to find out the nature of the death. Unfortunately, it is done a little too late. If it is done on a regular basis, a human being and a doctor can discuss what to do to prevent whatever combination is happening inside the body.  
As far as privacy, who truly cares? As long as your name is not used and your picture is not exposed for lucrative means without your permission, you are safe.
This is not to become Mandatory, but it is just common sense. No one needs to create a law to approve this information because it should not be regulated to begin with. I always imagined that Doctors had access to all information available, about any patient and what drugs were prescribed and what side effects it generated in a global manner. Off course, each doctor’s staff would have access to his patients only, and those who purchase this type of information would sign a privacy ordinance of usage for means of research, and check in regularly with the HHBC.
Check some sites related to people being killed by overdose. Don’t stop there. See how many people are killed by poisoning.
“Deaths from drug overdose have been rising steadily over the past two decades and have become the leading cause of injury death in the United States.1  Every day in the United States, 114 people die as a result of drug overdose1, and another 6,748 are treated in emergency departments (ED) for the misuse or abuse of drugs.2 Nearly 9 out of 10 poisoning deaths are caused by drugs.3 (http://www.cdc.gov/homeandrecreationalsafety/overdose/facts.html) “

Milton Laene Araujo 12/29/2014 


Get a grip on yourself - by Milton L. Araujo: How to Cure Cancer, by learning about Enzymes

Get a grip on yourself - by Milton L. Araujo: How to Cure Cancer, by learning about Enzymes: How to cure Cancer, Period! Whether you have been diagnosed recently or a while ago, there is only one way to fight cancer. It is to fee...

How to Cure Cancer, by learning about Enzymes

How to cure Cancer, Period!
Whether you have been diagnosed recently or a while ago, there is only one way to fight cancer. It is to feed your immune system with natural enzymes.  For starters, do a google search and learn about enzymes and its function in our body.  Start here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enzyme
I will share with you that our body has a certain number of enzymes, like a bank account. Our body never creates new ones. They (the enzymes) can however, be inhibited and incapable of doing their job. But they are there. Their job is the extreme importance, for they decide how long we can live, how fast we age, and how intellectual we can be. They must be used wisely, or not used at all by our social life style. They must be cherished with good nutrition.
How about the cure?
Stop eating cooked food for 30 days. Make yourself a vegetarian. Drink natural juices made with all types of fruits and vegetables. Stop eating red meat of any sort, and avoid dairy products, or any processed food. Only raw food carry enzymes, therefore they self-digest without using your own enzymes. A rest to your enzymes will replenish them with nutrients, such as water, and lots of water. When we cook anything, we kill the enzymes, and if we do not chew it well, we will use our enzymes to digest it and make it sizable to continue its journey into the intestine. While our enzymes are being used to digest food, they are not doing their work of maintaining the body machine, but doing the job of digesting various types of food. Red meat uses thousands of groups of enzymes to be digested. It takes 3 to 4 days to leave our system.
When we have for dinner three different types of cooked starches, we will use 3 different groups of enzymes to digest them, and this process can paralyze the entire system, and trigger inhalation of enzymes responsible in keeping our immune system checked.  When we eat white bread, we are also eating a product that may come with industrially produced enzymes, and they will work against our natural enzymes.
STEP 1 – Read about Enzymes
STEP 2 – Understand the text taken from the Wikipedia site, mentioned in the beginning of this text – here it goes:Since the tight control of enzyme activity is essential for homeostasis, any malfunction (mutation, overproduction, underproduction or deletion) of a single critical enzyme can lead to a genetic disease. The importance of enzymes is shown by the fact that a lethal illness can be caused by the malfunction of just one type of enzyme out of the thousands of types present in our bodies. One example of enzyme deficiency is the most common type of phenylketonuria. A mutation of a single amino acid in the enzymephenylalanine hydroxylase, which catalyzes the first step in the degradation of phenylalanine, results in build-up of phenylalanine and related products. This can lead to intellectual disability if the disease is untreated.[89] Another example is pseudocholinesterase deficiency, in which the body's ability to break down choline ester drugs is impaired.[90]
A further example is when germline mutations in genes coding for DNA repair enzymes cause hereditary cancer syndromes such asxeroderma pigmentosum. Defects in these enzymes cause cancer since the body is less able to repair mutations in the genome. This causes a slow accumulation of mutations and results in the development of many types of cancer in the sufferer.
Oral administration of enzymes can be used to treat several diseases (e.g. pancreatic insufficiency and lactose intolerance). Since enzymes are proteins themselves they are potentially subject to inactivation and digestion in the gastrointestinal environment. Therefore a non-invasive imaging assay was developed to monitor gastrointestinal activity of exogenous enzymes (prolyl endopeptidase as potential adjuvant therapy for celiac disease) in vivo.[91
STEP 3 – Have a “before Test” on day one, and talk with your doctor about your diet change. Control you weight, mood, blood pressure on a daily basis, and if sweats occur, make sure to drink water. Nothing but water
STEP 4 – Go grocery shopping and get oranges, carrots, celery, spinach, raspberry, beets, strawberries, potatoes, and anything you can shred or make juices, or eat naturally. Eat one banana per day, one apple, and one clove of garlic when possible, and lots of raw onions.
STEP 5 – Bellow some recipes to help in creating a balanced diet.
·         Juices. – Carrots and Orange . One large orange pealed lightly, and one medium size carrot in the blender with one spoon of honey. (Water if needed).
·         Do research about all types of great juices made with fruit and vegetable mixed.
·         Salads:
1-      Cucumber and Onion salad –
2-      Tomato and Onion Salad –
3-      Avocado and onion Salad –
4-      Roasted (lightly) yellow and red peppers, cut into strips and marinated with raw garlic and olive oil, and a pinch of salt. Let it sit for later.
5-      Shredded (beets and carrots and cabbage) salad. Season with olive oil and vinegar, or lemon juice.
6-      Green salads
7-      Steam Vegetables, such as green beans can be added to the menu, when it is crispy
8-      Vegetable soup – with vegetable broth can be added into the menu, considering that it will carry vitamins needed. Have the same ingredients raw in a separate plate, for example. If you made a vegetable soup, have also some shredded carrots in your salad. This way the enzymes of the raw carrots will do the work, and have more raw than cooked food.
9-      Eat pineapple and watermelon in abundance.
10-  Have a small spoon of honey with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top every day.
·         Main Course
1-      Slice an eggplant vertically in various slices, and sprinkle some salt, pepper, and olive oil. On a sauté pan, when it is hot, place the sliced eggplant for 3 seconds each time, to make it tender, but not overcooked. Place them on a dish and cut some fresh garlic and add olive oil (raw). Let it seat.
2-      Hummus (homemade). Place in the blender a can of Chick peas drained, and rinsed. Add 4 cloves of garlic and 4 spoons of olive oil. Squeeze one lime and blend it. If it is too thick add one spoon of water. Salt to taste. Eat with carrot sticks, broccoli, cauliflower, green pepper, celery, yellow pepper, red pepper, etc. (all Raw).
3-      Avocado sliced in strips with sliced raw onions and vinegar and oil, salt and pepper.
4-      Vegetable soup – the cooked vegetables will not have enzymes, therefore it must be cooked well, and serve as a side dish for anything.
·         Dessert – All types of fruit – and pop corn
AVOID – white sugar, bread, red meat, gluten, MSG, processed food, fry food, candies.

STEP-6 If you are able to enter into a vegetarian diet with raw food, check with sites about nutrition factors, and remember that the goal here is to avoid using our enzymes and give them a chance to bring-up our immune system. Drink Juices every day, and make them with banana and carrots and other vegetables. Use ice and water only.
STEP-7 We want to get rid of all industrialized enzymes our body carries because they trigger inhalation. This way we cannot take supplements sold in stores – unless already decided by the doctor that your body lack completely one or two types of enzyme. When one has enzyme deficiency, one cannot digest properly, and other symptoms occur.
STEP 8 – After 7 days you will see the difference. But don’t get carried away. Visit a doctor only 10 days after the diet started and have all tests done, and compare results. Not finished yet.
STEP 9 – Remember that raw onions, and raw garlic is something miraculous, whenever ready for sweets, have a spoon of honey along with a dash of cinnamon. Sprinkle cinnamon on honey dew and melon too. Use raw garlic and olive oil together – they go well.
STEP 10 – With a cotton swab rub Iodine (those sold in drug store) on the bottom of your feet. Make it orange, and repeat once a week – 4 times during the diet.
STEP 11 – Learn to use ginger, and if you like, you may treat yourself with a sashimi of tuna. You may eat Seared Tuna – to start bringing back some omega 3 into your body.
STEP 11 – Check with your doctor and had some tests. You are ready to start to live a life with moderation. It may be in remission, and it means that your immune system is working better. Now it is time to add chicken soup, and some old style food as a side dish to your commitment to a complete cure.    

In summary, I have a few loved ones who died with cancer, and I will have many others who will lose this battle. Unfortunately science has not guided us into the right direction. We never knew about our bank of enzymes being a huge factor in our health. It is. Imagine a factory losing all employees. Our enzymes are responsible for the function of our immune system. Genetically speaking, we inherited cancer cells from our ancestors, but it doesn't mean that they have to be awakened. Our DNA may carry the disease, but our nutrition will decide whether it will erupt or not. With the explosion of processed food and genetically altered crops, we are being exposed to chemicals that alter the function of our enzymes. We see more people being diagnosed with cancer than ever before. Breast cancer did not existed before industrialization. Everyone is taking medication for something, and it also triggers cancer. I am writing this text because 15 years ago I read various journals about enzymes and I always had this idea in mind. I have never shared my idea of this type of diet. I just know that it will work.

When you have your blood work done, get a copy of it. Check in the internet about your deficiencies before and after the diet. I know it will make a difference, and this is why I am writing.  If you have ever tried the raw food diet and got cured, please let me know by writing to Milton@ibt-eft.com . I want to know the results. Hugs, Milton 


Drama, Doenca, Carencia - by Mateus Ramos Cardoso

Drama, doença e carência

"Nossa, eu tenho sofrido tanto." "Ai, acho que estou com algum problema muito grave." Nada melhor do que poder expressar nossos problemas. Mas, fica difícil quando isso se torna um problema, uma doença crônica. Então, ter doença passa a ser a maior doença. E o passo seguinte é fazer dela a estrada preferida para chamar atenção. Quem nunca conviveu com alguém que passa 24hs reclamando, remoendo o seu estado de saúde que não está bem? Ao analisarmos um pouco mais percebemos que no caso onde a maior doença é querer ter uma doença, nota-se uma maneira de chamar a atenção não pelo que se tem de melhor, mas, pelo pior. Interessante! Não é difícil entender, principalmente quando convivemos numa sociedade que valoriza a competição. Apenas faça o exercício de inverter o raciocínio. Geralmente as pessoas disputam por suas qualidades pelo que elas tem de melhor e com isso conseguem chamar atenção sobre si. Mas, em alguns casos, como não se conseguem estar na linha de competição, a coisa fica diferente. Como não se consegue chamar a atenção sendo o melhor, alguns indivíduos passam a competir com o que tem de pior. Assim, aciona-se o mecanismo de culpa e o outro para não se sentir culpado, cede ao medo de não cumprir sua missão de ser "bom". Para conseguir algum afetoResumindo, como "o doente" não consegue existir com o que tem de melhor passa a competir com o que tem de pior em si.Até se ouve disputas para ver quem tem a pior doença. (credo). O laudo médico parece óbvio, pessoas pessimistas. Ser pessimista é a resposta mais fácil, não implica em mudança alguma, mas, apenas em sentar sobre nossos defeitos. E, aliás, há pessoas que se acostumaram com o que tem de pior dentro delas, deram a si mesmo uma autorização de derrota. Creio que não podemos ir arrastando pedaços de histórias que não deram certo, momentos de tristeza, etc. Certa vez ouvi uma frase linda, “Um erro na vida, não pode ser a uma vida de erros.” Da mesma maneira a experiência da dor. Detectamos pessoas obcecadas pela dor, por sofrimento, a tal ponto que o desejo de adoecer acaba por convencer tais pessoas de que não serão felizes. Afinal, ser feliz é ser infeliz. Um pessimismo crônico no qual até mesmo os sorrisos carregam traços de dor. Fazem do sofrimento sua morada existencial e acabam somente se sentindo inteiros quando se destroem.

Professor Matêus Ramos Cardoso. Especialista em Ética e Ciência das Religiões.


Doping in Sports and a viable solution

Doping in Sports and a viable solution

The use of drugs to enhance performance (Doping) is considered unethical by most international sports organizations, and the reasons for the ban are mainly the health risks of performance-enhancing drugs, the equality of opportunity for athletes, and the exemplary effect of drug-free sport for the public. Anti-doping authorities state that using performance-enhancing drugs goes against the "spirit of sport."

It is wrong to strip anyone of their achievements simply for the fact that they were caught in a lie, our used stimulants before or during  past competition. If the competition already took place and was not reported any wrongdoings at that time, it is too late.

It is wrong to go back in time and strip Olympic participants who used performance enhancing drugs, unless we go back 2000 years ago and start scrutinizing all horses in competition to find out what they were fed, and if doping was present. Unless we go back and analyze the creation of the medication Benzedrine, and its relation to sports, we can learn that amphetamine (another name for Benzedrine) leads to a lack of judgment and a willingness to take risks, which in sport could lead to better performances. We also learn that this medication should not be used while trying to fly an airplane. To properly judge any wrongdoing or bad activity in sports, it must be done before the game.  If later, much later, some wrongdoing transpires, it must be dealt on a management level, by firing all those who were involved in covering it up with the big organ or facility that sponsored the event. It should not ever be dealt with the individual athlete alone, especially if such individual went through “medical tests”, and passed them. If Doctors were involved, they are accountable. Not the player.

Like any other drug, doping can be addictive, and lead to death. Any sportsman, when on top is under pressure from sponsors, fans, and specially the team management. Youngsters are influenced by hungry managers.

Once it is proved that a player who won the tour of France, for example, was using doping, everyone in charge should be accountable for allowing such disgrace to take place, but not Armstrong, all by himself. He holds little, if not zero accountability because he is another victim of the “doping athlete’s system”, in existence since the beginning of times.

Furthermore, doping should be allowed in sports.  Sports will be a more challenging competition  of  super humans, capable of running one 1000 miles, or endure days of starvation, or a six-hour tennis match in the hot sun.  Anabolic steroids have been used for decades by all types of people, and a few died because they took it on their own, without a proper guidance.

I vote for science! I want to see a doping that is designed for each sport. A doping that when taken, does exactly what it is supposed to do. I want to see a complete engineering of doping been explored, created and presented.

We are spending too much money screening athletes, when we know that the entire system of screening doesn’t work well. It makes mistakes. In the end, people’s consciousness speaks louder. The athlete will drink alcohol and tell the truth about doping, and the newsman calls it "what is trending today".  Others athletes are caught during screening and later exposed. One way or another most will confide into others what took place. No one likes to be a cheater forever.

The biggest problem with doping is that because they are illegal, most drugs are not available in any market, and are created by private organs with the purpose of dominating the doping business. Doping has many side-effects, more so because it changes the entire metabolism of the body affecting liver, kidneys, and ultimately the heart. It tells the body to endure certain tasks, mostly physical, but it doesn’t tell the user it is addictive, and when mixed with any other medication can affect the emotional side, sometimes creating a beast out of a man.

People are addicted to sports. Sport is the mass form of entertainment. People go to stadiums, gymnasiums, tracks, etc. to see a competition of endurance. Removing doping from sports will encourage the doping pharmacy to create the newest undetectable drug that will enhance performance, available to a few, while everyone else will be in disadvantage.

My point is: It is a waste of time to watch someone to “fall from grace” when grace was everything, but graceful. We should hide it and move on. It is not even fair to expose how such athlete was caught, when we know that he did not act alone. Shame on inspectors! Shame on the team (athlete) management! Shame on the Athlete!  More shame to the industry that creates such a drug and places it into a clandestine market. Yes, it is a shame because these industries may as well have people in various areas of the sport, as inspector of this or that department and maintain control of this entire business of making, showing and destroying an athlete, while making millions of dollars, if not billions each year to control the anti-doping screening process worldwide. Who knows?

It is very ironic for us to get entangled into a dispute between something as banal as doping. Like any illegal market, doping has a lord behind a bigger lord who controls the entire monopoly of that commodity. Because it deals with drugs, it should be legalized once and for all. Lords should deal among themselves the process of legalization of all drugs, making the user liable for his actions. Prohibition will not work because it divides society. Today society is divided in the war against drugs. The same people, who plow, plant and harvest the drug, are doing for a larger group, this larger group is so large that it is composed of complete infra-structure for mass distribution. If a member decides to boycott or create a small distribution, this member will be then exposed to the media, the drug will be recuperated and burned and everyone is appeased.  The fight to control the drug distribution should be minimum, but it escalates when greedy from the lords dissatisfy those who are involved. The business is so big that it creates an entire army of soldier ready to fight against another group who is interested in taking the distribution away from them. These fights are orchestrated by the lords, who furnish artillery to both sides, control the fight and win regardless of the outcome because both sides’ works for the same lord.  Sometimes, to make it good with the authorities, the lord calls the police and gives a tip about the traffic that is taking place. It is usually done to expose certain individuals who are becoming trouble makers within the organization. Most have no desire to expose their bosses, and end up incarcerated for a while, returning to the same life as before.

The drug business is so large that no Lord will allow any country, nation, or any organization to take control. This business belongs to the richest group in the world, and if it could be combined with the group that owns the banking industry, it is fair to say that they own the whole world.

Now we can get to the point of the story.

An Athlete who uses doping is a human being who needs enhancement in certain areas. Unfortunately, the doping is a mixed bag of cocktails and medications that no one can ever imagine what could result from such act. He won, but probably will die not old enough to solidify roots.

If all medication are exposed ---- all competitions will be about who can get the best results with what type of medication. Nothing wrong with that! We will see super-humans doing things unimaginable if they can keep focus. If not, don’t post it.

Until a time when we find out that our mind can control our body, we will be taking all sorts of medication to better one thing or another. By allowing doping, science can study the consequences of each drug and eventually create one that is less damaging. Eventually they will create a drug that will enhance the brain to do its job without any other drug-related interaction.



Suicide is not the answer, by Milton Laene Araujo


I am not going to start with statistics, or other information about why and how people commit suicide. People go through hardships in life, and if you think about it, life is not easy in any aspect.

You cost a pretty penny to be born – You are born wet and naked. As you saw the light of the day for the first time, your lungs inhaled air and you cried. Your first cry brought joy to everyone around you, especially to your caretakers. For five years of your life you have someone around. They are watching you, feeding and providing comfort to you as much as they have for themselves, if not more.

You think, therefore you are!

Sooner than expected you are a being with a mind of your own. As soon as you think, you feel the reality of your existence in this space and time. You think about sleeping time, playing time, studying time. You learn some likes and dislikes of your life, and you think about them too. You discover that you want to be loved.

Time flies. You question about your existence. You see yourself in comparison with others. Life has not been as good for you as it has been for others around you. Groups are formed. A complete sense of “not belonging” takes over your existence. You become rebellious at home. You disobey your parents, teachers, and eventually the law. You are controllable.

Sex comes into the picture!

Now you experience sex. You have faced two roads diverging. Both will take you into a path of uncertainty, and bring you back into the same path you had before.  I will clarify this by stating that, before you have sex for the first time, you were more controllable. Yes, you were a teenager, and your hormones were unbalanced, but you were not the first teenager that ever existed, and your parents know well that this age group is the hardest one to deal with. It comes with the package. The body is changing both physically and mentally. At this time you have a conscious and a personality to develop. If you chose to develop your conscious side, the road would not diverge. You would have listened to your parents, and do as told. But once you had sex, you automatically chose to develop your personality side, the side that wants you to fit in at all cost into the popular group of friends, you will travel into the path of uncertainty, created by you in cahoots with your group. Only among your pears you feel social adequacy. It is missing home adequacy.

Sex among teens can be influenced by peer pressure, drugs, alcohol, pot, parties, etc. The path of uncertainty starts with an infatuation. At this time, the entire consciousness has been shut off. Let me remind you that personality develops as consciousness shrinks. They are the opposite. You can not have both at full array. As a personality person, you start to take care of your body physically, and want to show it off, as if this is the most gorgeous thing you will ever have, and it will remain the same forever. See here that a touch with reality has vanished, and this is why this path is dark. Jealousy comes into play immediately after sex. Battles are fought between girls for one guy who plays with both at the same time. Usually no one blames the guy. Other battles are fought among peers who feel alienated or undesirable. Personality people want attention. They crave for admiration and sell themselves to satisfy a lust that only sex will remediate.

Parents lose control of their teens!

Once sex got into the picture, school became secondary, new friends are on the horizon, drugs are at play and personality people are together socializing while playing the blame game. Priorities have been changed, and parents have not a clue how to modify it. Parents forgot that their children copy what they see outside when they miss it inside their home.

Most people use their personality phase for about fifteen years of their existence, and then shift into consciousness for the remaining of their lives. It is very important to have a good personality because it attracts others into your realm of existence, as it is very important to be an individual. When you balance both, you live a full life with love for others and a sense respect for their individuality. It is not as important to be important, as it is important to be good to others. 

When teens are getting in trouble, parents need to intervene immediately. But remember. You are to be blamed! Start with apologizing for not being there when it started, and give the teen a chance to explain how it all begun. Embrace your child’s problem as yours and fight with your child to overcome. Not against your child. It doesn’t mean picking up a fight with others either. It means to find out what personality phase your child is experiencing. Has drugs been involved, has sex been a part of it? It is infatuation?

Stay closer to your teen and monitor every friend and conversation. This is your obligation. Check phone, text messages, school bag, etc. to find out what little person you are being responsible for. Until your child is 18 you have the obligation to educate, discipline, control and participate. This is a mission you have with life. Ask for help, find help.

One to Blame

Everyone has something or someone to blame for their problems in life. We start with our parents and the way they educated us. Either we come from a broken home, or a dysfunctional family, or divorced parents, or from an orphanage, we always will hang on something to justify our choices in life, and therefore blame it for. When we can not do it, others will do it for us. It is very convenient to find others to blame. It is time to stop this cycle. It is old and passé.

Now you are going to have a baby!

You are only a teen! What to do? The baby is your brother’s baby. The baby has no father. The father doesn’t want the baby. Oh Gosh! You have a problem in your hands. What to do? For starters, you have a home. You have parents and you have a family that you abandoned. You feel all alone. Remember that you abandoned them but they do not you. They hate your actions because of their love for you. If they truly dislike you, they would not care and you would not be worried about them. Now the damage has been made, and it is time to clean up the mess. Take responsibility and share with your guardians your problem. Be honest, and you will be set free of this worry. Reveal what is happening and for one time face life as it is, and not as you have created in your head. To have a baby while teen is not a big deal. It happens every day people have sexual intercourse without protection. The problem will be after birth. Are you going to create a person the way you were created? Are you going to rear with discipline? What are you going to do? Well, you are faced with the same challenges expressed in the beginning of this post. The solution is to talk with an adult. The gift of life is never a problem.

Now you are hooked on drugs!

Wow, it must be terrible, for you need money to buy it and you may not have. At least you will not overdose. But kidding aside, drugs are a drag. The high once acquired will never return, but the search for the same high will remain. Free base is not free, for it can cost you a house, family, friends and even yourself. Drugs are depressant, and sooner or later you will be depressed. Only another shot will put you back in track, or so you think, and this way you are killing yourself one day at a time, and leaving traces of disagreements and unhappiness among everyone you touch. Most addicts commit crimes. The end is in a cell or on rehabilitation facilities. Drug is not a solution, but it is there and you need to learn to live with it, and not be a part of it. Most addicts have a family. They come from some place; they were somebody else one time. Drugs changed them, and we need to accept the fact that this force was greater than his force to resist. We need to extend a hand and offer help. In other words, addiction is bad, but it can be cured only with love and care.

Love Triangle!

If involved in a love triangle, get out! I know you can not hear me, but this is the worse love situation a human being can get exposed to. It always has bad ramifications. Not long ago, only guys used to go after girls for sex, but nowadays, it is the opposite. Girls will do whatever they can to have sex with guys. There are girls who are popular in school because they use boy’s restrooms to give anyone who is interested a blow job. You can not imagine how creative teens are nowadays. They are aggressive towards sex, and when infatuated, no one can change it. They will have sex at all cost. In most love triangle, one guy usually plays with two girls mind until a fight occurs between the girls, who for stupid reason, hate one another and compete for the same guy. It has to do with sex. Usually, in a love triangle parties involved are not aware that they are not the only ones, but when they know about the third person, they enjoy the secrecy and practicing sex with more intensity. Secrecy can make sex very intense, therefore partners continue in a love triangle for as long as it is not known by the third party. Once it comes out, the girls are the ones to suffer. Do not ask me why, but in most love triangle where two girls fought for one guy, they never blamed the guy. Yet, he was the main reason why they were in that place to begin with. Love triangle usually happens when couples decide to try something else, and end up agreeing in having a threesome, but later, one party can not disconnect from the other. While it is a secret, love making takes its toll and both party feel in love. Off course, they are in love with their lives in that present moment, while sex is good and the conversation is light. But not in love enough to the point of being honest and come clean. An affair with bad consequences is about to happen. Everyone will be hurt. Love triangle can and has ended in tragedy. If you are involved in a love Triangle, just remember that you are up to deception. Chances are you a more personality person than consciousness person, and you let your personality take over your life, making it impossible to love with full array of human emotions. Your love is not real. It feels real, but it is an obsession. It is a drug and you are addicted to it. You become blind and the only remedy is to remove this person from your system. True love comes with responsibility. It comes with truthfulness of who you are in relation to the person you love. It means that you are honest and sincere about your feelings. You respect the other being as you want to be respected. This is love. The rest is obsession, confusion, lust, and lack of love. My advice is: Do not be cruel. Do not through it out there for everyone to talk about. Be discrete, end the relationship and relate where you are with your partner. Be honest and ask for help in find out if what you really feel is love or if it is something else. I know it is something else, but you need to have this doubt to start the process of seeing it more clearly. Once it is not a secret, you have a choice or a choice will be presented to you. If you slept with your brother’s wife, it also can be fixed. It took two to do it, and off course, alcohol and whatever was involved. Again, it is something that makes who you are, and you can not ignore the fact that others depend upon you, therefore you need to be clean, and face the consequences. We are all humans and we all make mistakes. No mistake is greater enough to prevent a bigger force to dissipate.

In this life you have a choice!

It is easy for me to say that a person who contemplates suicide has been placed in a predicament. However, it is not easy for me to distinguish whether this predicament is mental or physical. Physical is easier to fix, for it involves money, betrayal, shame, sickness in the family, lost of a loved one or a child, or lost of something as big as a career, status, fame etc. Mental, on the other hand is not easy to fix, for it involves lack of desire to live, medical depression and social inadequacy.

Our brain is responsible for our moods. When you are happy, you feel and act happy and when you are sad we feel and act sad. There are many factors that can make you sad, but usually there are more factors that make you happy. For example: you have a life and you can create great things for others while you are here. You can have a family of our own, you can enjoy a warm bath, you can drive, etc. You are free to do many things. If your brain only brings sad thoughts, you need to see a doctor, who will prescribe a small dosage of medication to your brain that would balance chemically your brain fluids and present you with a moderate mood. When depressed, you lose your physical desire to move. Depression alone can make you have suicidal thoughts, but you can conquer it by taking proper medication. First and foremost, tell a doctor or a suicidal hotline how you feel, and if it is a medical depression, you can be treated. Remember that not all brains can produce serotonin in normal quantity for one to function and face reality with eyes wide open. Take your medication and take one day at a time.

Our body responds to our mood, therefore one thing is connected to the other, except that a depression caused because you lost a child or your money is normal to a certain extent. Our brain will not produce a chemical that makes you happy when you are going through sorrows. It would make you crazy if it produced stamina when you need to be calm and in touch with reality. If you were exposed to faith when you were a child, you would overcome the death of a loved one with less trouble. You would understand that your life is precious and that you are protected by many laws that prevent others of causing you harm, to the point where you walk on streets knowing that no one will shoot you just because. You have a certainty of security, but you can not stop others of making their choices, as no one can stop you of making yours. Lives are important, and while you are contemplating suicide, remember that many people will be affected if you go through with it. For starters, they will question for generations why such and such person committed suicide? What could I have done to prevent it? Why we did not see it? Who is going to marry his children, knowing that they may have tendencies to do the same?  Whose fault was it? Was it his mother or his Estranged father? What took him to actually do it? Was it mental? …and the list goes on for many years to come. Then, families will suffer, separate, change sides and start a war among them with the blame game. I do not think it is worth it. To take one’s life for a physical reason is a very selfish way of departure. It is to let the others deal with the situation, as long as you leave some money. This is selfish because you are here to live a life and set examples to others to do the same. You are here to face your problems and resolve them. Cut your losses and live in poverty, but live with dignity. It is even more selfish when one contemplates murder and suicide. It means complete disconnection with others, lack of empathy and lack of divinity. It means that this human being has never felt empathy for anyone. This is not physical.

To summarize, suicide is not the answer because you are a million pieces. Your family gave you love from the first moment you were born. You have others who depend on you. You are loved by many people and your life is very important for the country, which would place in jail anyone who would harm you. You are important for everyone you have been in touch with, and if you were not here, many people’s life will take different turns because of you, who could guide, or direct or even be a friend when they needed you the most. Your departure will cause an effect greater than your imagination can reflect. It will affect everyone’s life, from the person who hears the news to the person who participates in your life. It will be a tragedy for all human beings to know that together no one could prevent it. Your life will have an end only for you. Others will suffer and be tempered for their entire life.

From the moment you thought about suicide, you realized that you are tired or upset or disgusted with life. It is a normal feeling, for no one is happy and dandy all life. This is the reason we have one day after the other. Every day is a new beginning. If life was a parallel with no days and no nights, and time would not pass, then it would be terrible, but life is not this way. Life is taking one day at a time. Life is hard and costly, but we can manage to exist. We make friends to help us in desperate times. You have helped many people in your life even not knowing them. Face the music! Dance. But please, do not end your life short.

I have heard many things about people that take their own lives.

1-     They are insane
2-     They went bankrupt
3-     They lost something

Others use a different approach and say:

1-     They worth more dead than alive
2-     They were not prepared for this or for that
3-     They could not surpass depression

It doesn’t matter what is bothering you, it will come to pass. We have one day after the other with new opportunities. Whatever the problem is, for one minute let me help you. I will listen to you and I will help you to find a solution. I just want to be your eyes and ears for one minute to comprehend what is taking you to this ultimatum sacrifice.

Write to me: Milton@ibt-eft.com and as a subject line write life


Existe ceu e inferno?

O que Acontece depois que morremos? Existe ceu e inferno?

Uma das perguntas mais intrigantes de cada ser humano e a vida depois da morte. Para onde iremos? Existe ceu e inferno?

Usarei a definicao de religiao do wikipedia para poder entao usar esta palavra.
Religião (do latim religare, significando religação com o divino [1]) é um conjunto de sistemas culturais e de crenças, além de visões de mundo, que estabelece os símbolos que relacionam a humanidade com a espiritualidade e seu próprios valores morais.[2] Muitas religiões têm narrativas, símbolos, tradições e histórias sagradas que se destinam a dar sentido à vida ou explicar a sua origem e do universo. As religiões tendem a derivar a moralidade, a ética, as leis religiosas ou um estilo de vida preferido de suas ideias sobre o cosmos e a natureza humana.
Nao e somente por descuido da natureza que hoje vemos varios “destinos” para a nossa alma. Existe mais de  quatro mil religioes ou denominacoes no mundo, e cada uma tem uma resposta. Uma grande quantiade de pessoas acreditam em reincarnacao. A crença de renascer noutro corpo; a crença de que vivemos antes e viveremos novamente noutro corpo após a morte. Era uma crente vulgar nas religiões orientais como o hinduismo e o budismo, mas agora é uma pedra base de teorias como a dianética e o canalizar.
Para as pessoas que acreditam em reincarnacao, apos sua morte, elas serao reincarnadas. Portanto – a resposta para os que acreditam, sera uma confirmacao daquilo que sempre souberam de corpo e alma. Num livro de Carol Bowman, “Return from Heaven” a autora descreve sobre amigos, parentes, reincarnados em sua mesma area. Hoje temos como exemplo de reincarnacao, Dalai Lama que e o decimo quarto de um grupo Tibetan.
Para as pessoas que acreditam que tudo acaba, tudo certamente vai acabar, e aquela alma cessa de existir, pois nao havera busca nem procura – Talvez um resgate.
Em poucas palavras: Cada ser vai experimentar aquilo que colocou sua fe. Cada ser nasce numa area e esta propicio a acreditar naquilo que lhe passam. Trata-se de uma vida digna de ser vivida dentro de um padrao social limitado aquilo que lhe e passado, lido, observado e vivido.
O mais dificil comeca quando somos apresentados a varios ensinamentos religiosos, varias formas de acreditar num fim, e nos perdemos completamente de uma so verdade ou crenca, e passamos a conviver com todas ao mesmo tempo. Um exemplo disso seria um catolico que vai visitar uma cartomante. Ai ja entra conflito de interesses, e o conhecimento abre portas para mais perguntas, mais crencas e assim o ser segue numa vida de busca, com varias respostas e menos certeza.
No momento em que morremos, nosso cerebro comeca a se desconectar eletricamente do nosso organismo devido a falta de exigenio, e esta conexao pode levar varios minutos para concretizar. Embora os aparelhos confirmem a morte, uma parte do cerebro pode trazer ao individuo uma recapitulacao clara daquilo que ele vivenciou, ou escutou, e geralmente isso acontece somente em casos de pessoas que foram detectadas mortas e voltaram, por assim dizer, depois de alguns minutos, e contaram as mesmas historias.
Quando um ser vai e volta, este ser vem modificado pela historia de sua vida, e o tal ultimo grasp de oxigenio que o cerebro recebe e bem maior do que os anteriores, porque antes estava dividindo com outros orgaos, e assim num flash, a pessoa acorda, e os equipamentos voltam a funcionar, e o ser fica entao paralizado temporariamente, mas vivo com as memorias que presenciou…e o medico fica pasmo, a familia acredita, e logo vem um livro contando o que viu, e assim se formam grupos de crentes nesta obervacao de que no alem e assim ou assado.
Depois que morrermos, nossa alma vai ao encontro da luz que nos cria e nos mantem. Seja em forma de alma, de espirito, de energia,ou ate com a mesma forma fisica,  Antes de chegar la ela passara por todos os obstaculos que criamos e nao reparemos. Obstaculos estes que afetaram a nos e tambem ‘aqueles que involvemos.
A nossa vida aqui na terra e uma passagem maxima de 100 anos aonde poderemos criar momentos (ou energias), sejam de bondade, sejam de crueldade. Estas energias terao repercusoes nas vidas que tocamos, e consequentemente em nossas. Veja por exemplo que gastamos mais energia ficando de mal com alguem do que ficando de bem.
Entedemos a diferenca entre Guerra e paz, pois estamos em Guerra desde que o mundo era mundo, porem, cada ser colabora nesta energia de Guerra. Cada ser mantem um sentimento, ou julgamento, baseado naquilo que acredita, ou tem fe. Ha guerras por todos os lados. Dentro de casa, nas ruas da cidade, e.na vida de cada um.
Quando dirigimos um veiculo e nos aproveitamos agressivamente no transito, estamos radiando uma energia de descontentamento, ou de Guerra. Quando roubamos, ou quando nos aproveitamos de qualquer outro ser, estamos criando obstaculos. Estes, refletirao em nossa vida, e na vida dos afetados. Se conseguirmos nos arrrepender completamente daquilo, poderemos ter uma melhor chance de nao sermos atormentados, pois o tormento existe enquanto vivemos. Se procurarmos ver o outro ser humano como uma replica nossa, poderiamos ate ser mais generosos.
Quando eu me pergunto sobre a riqueza do mundo, vejo que esta passando da mao de um para a mao do outro, e sempre aparecendo jovens ficando milionarios. Se eu acreditasse em reincarnacao, poderia deduzir que estes jovens tiveram uma vida passada com muita bondade e filantropia, num mundo aonde somente existiu Guerra, e mereceram ter dinheiro para poder entao fazer algo melhor para aqueles que nao tem. Muitos milionarios ajudam varias causas no mundo. Digo, a maioria deles. Pois doar significa deduzir nos impostos, entao isso se torna quase que uma imposicao. Assim sendo cada milionario tem a sua propria agencia filantropica, nao profitavel, aonde eles podem entao doar diretamente para uma causa que interessa o milionario. Sei que a vida de milionarios nao e um mar de rosas como se pensam. Os artistas sao perseguidos, as princesas sao presas nos palacios, os que saem na rua, saem disfarcados. Por isso nao posso confirmar minha teoria de que os que hoje sao milionarios fizeram somente bondade na vida passada.
A teoria basica da vida e a seguinte:
·        Devemos obedecer as leis criadas pelo homem,
·        Devemos praticar nossa fe seja ela qual for, sendo sempre tolerante as outras praticas, sejam elas quais forem,
·        Devemos ser toleraveis.
·        Devemos ensinar sobre varias religioes aos nossos filhos menores.
Ninguem esta acima da lei. Todo mundo obedece as leis. Elas foram criadas para resolver disputas que acontece entre os seres humanos. Ha lei pra tudo, e a cada dia se criam mais de mil leis que repara esta e aquela, e que tem precedente sobre esta ou aquela.
Todos devem praticar fe em alguma coisa que se relacione com o ser humano, e a sua capacidade de entender perdas sem retaliacoes. Como entender sonhos? Como entender a morte? como entender a razao da vida? Senao por ensinamentos religiosos. Aqueles que nao tem fe em nada vivem como luzes apagadas. Eles nao iluminam.
Se praticamos tolerancia, seremos toleravies. Somente aprenderemos a ser tolerantes quando aprendemos sobre o assunto.
Todo casal que tem bom senso sabe que existe muitas perguntas que somente fe em Deus e a certitude de que tudo ficara bem pode aclamar uma crianca. Elas merecem estarem envolvidas e praticarem a religiao dos pais, pois todas tem um caminho somente – Deus.
Cada qual escolhe o seu caminho, ou a sua forma de praticar e experimentar esta vida. Aquilo que voce acreditar acontecera com voce, e voce vivenciara isso. Entao pergunte a voce mesmo o que acontecera com voce depois que voce falecer.
Ceu e um lugar de completa felicidade e positividade, aonde todas as experiencias negativas se transformaram em positivas, dando a luz uma imensidao. O ceu nao e relativo a nada. Para o ceu voltamos para reestabelecer nossas energias, e entao continuar a jornada, ou ficar la.
O inferno e um lugar de tormento, falta de luz, falta de bondade que experimentamos enquanto vivos, devido a coisas que fizemos ou que fizeram pra nos. Este prossegue alem da vida quando somos mais negativos do que positivos, e isso nao cabe a nos julgar.  
Para finalizar, quero acrescentar que Deus criou Adao e Eva e os colocou no paraizo. La, depois de estarem por algum tempo, eles desobedeceram a Deus. Deus deu a eles o castigo da morte. Assim, logo em seguida comecou o bem e o mal a se proliferar. Antigamente se pensava que o mal seria o primojenito, e o bem o seguinte, tudo isso baseado no assassinato de um dos filhos de adao, Abel por Cain, seu irmao mais velho. E assim o mundo se desenvolveu com o bem e o mal dentro de cada um de nos. Somos os dois, e somente se soubermos viver com outros, poderemos ser mais posotivos do que negativos, e isso cabe no dia a dia de cada um de nos.
Nos veremos mais aqui e depois no Ceu.

Milton Laene Araujo