
This post has been written as a letter from me to you! I am writing as I process things in my mind. No spelling checks, no grammar, or proper sentence structuring was applied. I actually have not proofread my posts. It is just a personal message. Ha muitos posts em PORTUGUÊS mas também uma opção para traduzir. (posts in Portuguese can be translated) - I am not making any money with this Blog. I do not require anyone to follow.
About Me - Milton Laene Araujo
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- Milton Laene Araujo
- Lake Worth, Florida, United States
- My name is Milton and I am a reader. I love to feed my mind with what if’s?, through stories.
Showing posts with label Hospitality e higiene. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hospitality e higiene. Show all posts
How to be a good waiter!
Get a grip on yourself - by Milton L. Araujo: How to be a good waiter!: At the Dining Room - Welcome the Guest! Meet or greet your customers immediately after they sit. Smile! Do not make them wait to be ac...
Lake Worth, FL Scooter Place called: Lake Worth Scooters
Lake Worth Scooter Sales, Service and Repair -
I took my scooter to be checked and "Yunier," the owner, took care of my scooter and made it perfect.
He is a great mechanic. He doesn't over charge or invent problems to make money. He deserves this add - So, when you decide to get a scooter, come to Lake Worth, FL and I promise you will find it with LAKE WORTH SCOOTERS -
Lake Worth Scooter has a special $750.00 per 2013 scooters 49CC. Get one, you will be glad you did. It runs for $5/week for me, and I have put 6000 miles on (ours) Scooter. We have a 2009, which was purchased in February 2011 with zero miles in a different store, with different owners. I started using Yunier's services in 2013. I have been in other places in between, but I have never taken the time to express my sense of gratitude for a place with a professional who truly knows inside and out the mechanics of a scooter, and loves what he does.
Lake Worth Scooters honors the warrantee from the manufacturer.
This post was updated 10/11/2013
If you had any bad experience ( with service anywhere with your scooter), share it with me by leaving a comment.
Milton Laene Araujo
Phone: 561-200-8736
Open Tuesday - Sunday 9AM to 5 PM
1826 N. Dixie Hwy, Lake Worth, FL 33460
Email Lakeworthscooter@hotmail.com
I took my scooter to be checked and "Yunier," the owner, took care of my scooter and made it perfect.
He is a great mechanic. He doesn't over charge or invent problems to make money. He deserves this add - So, when you decide to get a scooter, come to Lake Worth, FL and I promise you will find it with LAKE WORTH SCOOTERS -
Lake Worth Scooter has a special $750.00 per 2013 scooters 49CC. Get one, you will be glad you did. It runs for $5/week for me, and I have put 6000 miles on (ours) Scooter. We have a 2009, which was purchased in February 2011 with zero miles in a different store, with different owners. I started using Yunier's services in 2013. I have been in other places in between, but I have never taken the time to express my sense of gratitude for a place with a professional who truly knows inside and out the mechanics of a scooter, and loves what he does.
Lake Worth Scooters honors the warrantee from the manufacturer.
This post was updated 10/11/2013
If you had any bad experience ( with service anywhere with your scooter), share it with me by leaving a comment.
Milton Laene Araujo
Phone: 561-200-8736
Open Tuesday - Sunday 9AM to 5 PM
1826 N. Dixie Hwy, Lake Worth, FL 33460
Email Lakeworthscooter@hotmail.com
Por um mundo Melhor by Milton Laene Araujo
No dia em
que as pessoas com forca de vontade e inteligencia suficiente tiverem um espaco
maior no banco do governo, o Paiz andara pra frente. Porem, enquanto os que se
dizem experientes usarem este banco como um assento para se tornarem politicos
profissionais, o paiz nao tem outra saida, e com isso o povo sempre vai sofrer.
Chegou a
hora de acabar com politicos profissionais. Pessoa que fazem da politica uma
carreira de vida, sem o maior grau de instrucao sobre a historia do paiz e
aonde ele deve chegar. Estes tipos de pessoas acabam com o patriotismo
existente na mente dos cidadoes.
Eu gostaria
de ver eleicoes por todos os lugares aonde cidadoes privados, nao politicos
profissionais, estejam dispostos a se candidatarem para um cargo politico com o
objetivo de emprestar seus conhecimentos para o servico da nacao por um tempo
determinado, e logo depois retornarem as suas atividades privadas. O Servico
publlico, tipo o servico de prefeitos e governadores
e tambem de senadores nao pode ser um destino a aposentadoria, mas uma
contribuicao temporaria para o beneficio do paiz. Eu espero que esta manifestacao de 2013 traga
um aumento de cidadoes para ocuparem os cargos ligislativos, e que isso se
transforme num modelo historico. O Brazil precisa de fazendeiros, advogados,
medicos, professores, maes de familia e tambem donos de pequenas empresas que
estejam dispostos a oferecerem seus talentos para o benenficio do paiz, e que
saibam quando chegar a hora de retornarem as suas atividades profissionais. Que
saibam a hora de deixar o banco para um proximo usar e dar continuidade.
Se todos
colocassem o futuro do paiz acima de seus proprios interesses, quem sabe o
espirito de generosidade do povo retorne. As pessoas estao assistindo tudo,
principalmente os mais jovens, porem nem todos estao se instruindo sobre como e aonde
tudo comecou.
A luta pela
liberdade nunca acaba; somente muda sua forma. Houve lutas pela independencia
do Brasil, lutas pela igualdade no ambiente de trabalho, revolucoes, etc... Agora
precisamos de uma luta aonde os proprios politicos, atravez da technologia
existente, encontrem alguem para o substituir.
muitas coisas que cada um de nos pode fazer para reejuvenecer o amor pela patria. Pra comecar
devemos ter um bom conhecimento sobre a historia do paiz, e alguns livros
existentes nos dao esta referencia enquanto outros nos mostram o porque estamos
assim hoje.
Um deles se
chama se: Pai dos Pobres? Vargas e sua
era; escrito por Robert Levine. Este livro examina a vida do Ditador Vargas
qual foi presidente durante a maior parte do tempo englobando 1930 ate 1954.
Ali se aprende como Vargas influenciou o Brasil, como tambem ate que extensao sua
legislacao social afetou a vida de cada cidadao. Ali se
aprende que Vargas devotou seu tempo e esforco para manipular os trabalhadores,
como tambem para beneficialos. No final de seu periodo, poucas coisas mudaram.
Continuou na mesma a velocidade em que as forcas armadas interferiram; a elite latifundiaria continuou segurando os seus privilegios. A distribuicao de rendas permaneceu uma das piores quando comparada com o mundo, porem Vargas nao percebeu isso como um problema que precisava ser resolvido. Vargas prometeu mais do que ele pode entregar, e mesmo assim, nao acabou a adulacao do povo perante ele. As pessoas com pouco conhecimento simplesmente dizem: “O presidente sempre lembrou da gente.”
Ele ate tenha melhorado algumas coisas, mas na epoca dele, digo na epoca de Vargas, Henrique Lage se aproveitou para comprar tudo o que se relacionava com as minas de carvao, as estradas de ferro etc... e somente depois da morte de Henrique Lage que o Governo entao toma posse de algumas empresas, e torna nacional... E isso muito tem haver com Gabrilela Bensanzoni que se disfez, ou ate possa ter sido forcada a se disfazer das empresas do legendario Lage.
Continuou na mesma a velocidade em que as forcas armadas interferiram; a elite latifundiaria continuou segurando os seus privilegios. A distribuicao de rendas permaneceu uma das piores quando comparada com o mundo, porem Vargas nao percebeu isso como um problema que precisava ser resolvido. Vargas prometeu mais do que ele pode entregar, e mesmo assim, nao acabou a adulacao do povo perante ele. As pessoas com pouco conhecimento simplesmente dizem: “O presidente sempre lembrou da gente.”
Ele ate tenha melhorado algumas coisas, mas na epoca dele, digo na epoca de Vargas, Henrique Lage se aproveitou para comprar tudo o que se relacionava com as minas de carvao, as estradas de ferro etc... e somente depois da morte de Henrique Lage que o Governo entao toma posse de algumas empresas, e torna nacional... E isso muito tem haver com Gabrilela Bensanzoni que se disfez, ou ate possa ter sido forcada a se disfazer das empresas do legendario Lage.
Um outro
exemplo seria de Alberto Flores Galindo,
em busca de um Inca; e assim por diante,. E bom ler a historia do carnaval
Brasileiro e tambem a historia do futebol, porem sempre observando o que estava
acontecendo na epoca no sentido politico.
Nao importa a epoca, o povo de Deus sempre tem sido massacrado, usado, humilhado por uma grande elite latifundiaria, ou aristocracia que mandava e desmandava, sem seque ter um pouquinho de empatia (simpatia) pelo povo.
Nao importa a epoca, o povo de Deus sempre tem sido massacrado, usado, humilhado por uma grande elite latifundiaria, ou aristocracia que mandava e desmandava, sem seque ter um pouquinho de empatia (simpatia) pelo povo.
Chegou a
hora de dar um basta. De buscar um candidato com um curruculo impecavel. Preferivelmente alguem que se tornou rico por seu sour, e ama sua profissao, e vai se desligar somente para dar uma assistencia periodica a nacao! Chega de candidatos que falam bonito, apresentam ser carismaticos, porem se ve que estao ali pelas mordomias.
Voce sabia que aqui nos Estados Unidos um prefeito ganha $1 dolar por mes para ser prefeito? Sim, e verdade, porem em cidades grandes, com mais de 30 mil habitants, eles entao tem um salario simbolico ate um pouco maior, justificando o tempo e o desgaste, mas na maioria das vezes se trata de pessoas com conhecimento bom sobre o que a cidade precisa.
Voce sabia que aqui nos Estados Unidos um prefeito ganha $1 dolar por mes para ser prefeito? Sim, e verdade, porem em cidades grandes, com mais de 30 mil habitants, eles entao tem um salario simbolico ate um pouco maior, justificando o tempo e o desgaste, mas na maioria das vezes se trata de pessoas com conhecimento bom sobre o que a cidade precisa.
Nao estamos
procurando santos para representar ao povo, mas estamos procurando pessoas
inteligentes, que provaram ser auto-suficientes em sua vida, e que podem de uma
forma ou de outra ajudar o paiz. Ninguem precisa prometer nada a ninguem! As
promessas sao falsas e comprometem o candidato.
Na verdade, a transparencia num caso de um politico, sera sempre a ALMA DO NEGOCIO. Pois estamos falando aqui de dinheiro recebido de impostos, quais sao usados para manter a area geografica em pauta.
Na verdade, a transparencia num caso de um politico, sera sempre a ALMA DO NEGOCIO. Pois estamos falando aqui de dinheiro recebido de impostos, quais sao usados para manter a area geografica em pauta.
Comece com
voce mesmo! Abra os livros e aprenda a historia do paiz ate os dias de hoje.
Entenda a escravidao e como este comercio aumentou, e a razao qual foi abolido.
Temos por obrigacao aproveitar o tempo de lazer para dar mais liberdade ao conhecimento.
Aprenda se foi por bondade humana ou por dinheiro. Quem estava se beneficiando deste comercio de pessoas?
Aprenda se foi por bondade humana ou por dinheiro. Quem estava se beneficiando deste comercio de pessoas?
Em seguida
aprenda sobre a sua religiao, e veja se pode ou nao ser misturada a
politica. Porque um religioso se involve com a politica? Quando as leis do mundo nao seguem uma religiao definitiva.
Veja que ha candidatos que sao contra o aborto, simplesmente porque a religiao decidiu em sua cabeca que deve ser contra...
Mas o que fazer quando ha uma gravidez por estupros? Ou uma gravidez forcada devido um mal carater ter forcado uma crianca de 12 anos se involver com ele sexualmente?
Sera que temos leis que podem autorizar que uma crianca nao seja uma mae? Ou devemos somente olhar com os olhos de uma religiao, quando sabemos que cada uma tem uma ideia deiferente.
Lembro que antigamente, e afirmo que isso esta na bilbia, os casais tinham diferentes habitos, e se por ventura o marido viesse a falecer, a esposa so poderia casar com um membro da mesma familia. Se ela fosse rejeitada, ela estava perdida. Sim, isso e um fato importante, pois os tempos mudaram, e com isso nao podemos ter em poder alguem com ideias q nao servem muito hoje. Este e o ponto!
Abra os seus olhos para o mundo, e assim pode entao dividir com os seus filhos com sabedoria o que aconteceu antes e o que nos levou a estarmos como estamos.
Veja que ha candidatos que sao contra o aborto, simplesmente porque a religiao decidiu em sua cabeca que deve ser contra...
Mas o que fazer quando ha uma gravidez por estupros? Ou uma gravidez forcada devido um mal carater ter forcado uma crianca de 12 anos se involver com ele sexualmente?
Sera que temos leis que podem autorizar que uma crianca nao seja uma mae? Ou devemos somente olhar com os olhos de uma religiao, quando sabemos que cada uma tem uma ideia deiferente.
Lembro que antigamente, e afirmo que isso esta na bilbia, os casais tinham diferentes habitos, e se por ventura o marido viesse a falecer, a esposa so poderia casar com um membro da mesma familia. Se ela fosse rejeitada, ela estava perdida. Sim, isso e um fato importante, pois os tempos mudaram, e com isso nao podemos ter em poder alguem com ideias q nao servem muito hoje. Este e o ponto!
Abra os seus olhos para o mundo, e assim pode entao dividir com os seus filhos com sabedoria o que aconteceu antes e o que nos levou a estarmos como estamos.
Nao se pode
construir patriotismo atravez de times de futebol somente!!!. Os jogadores tem a vida
ganha. Um jogo do Corinthias contra o Botafogo nao vai trazer um kilo de carne a sua mesa. Mas e uma forma de lazer boa, e deve ser apreciada...mas nao pode ficar so nisso.
As noticias da TV sao controladas, e por sinal a mesma noticia esta em todos os jornais do mundo. Ate como ela e descrita.
Nao fiquem observando o que lhes apresentam, pois isso e um "lixo" selecionado para manter a gentalha (nos mesmos) imaginando se nao esta na TV, nao devemos nos preocupar.
Quando tivermos um conhecimento melhor sobre o paiz, entao devemos questionar se este candidato esta apto para o cargo de dividir o dinheiro arrecadao da populacao sem nenhuma agenda propria.
Trata-se de um arrecadamento oriundo de cada individuo. Sim, politica nada mais e do que como dividimos o que arrecadamos. Se vamos constuir uma ponte ou um aeroporto ou se vamos criar estradas...isso tudo e politica, e cabe a todos os que votam decidirem se os candidatos tem esta vontade de dividir honestamente.
Por exemplo - Porque a ponte Anita Garibaldi no estado de Santa Catrina esta sendo construida numa altitude bem maior do que a original? Sera porque ja sabem que as aguas do oceano vao subir tremendamente? Se sabem, aonde divulgaram isso?
Observamos uma ponte enorme mais longa, porem muito mais alta. O que vai acontecer com a populacao que mora na parte baixa? Sera que serao todos submersos?
Se esta for a verdade. A pergunta entao se torna:
Quando podemos esperar um acrescimo dos ocenaos? Daqui 20 anos?
Na verdade ninguem vai nos previnir,!!!
Os que sabem nao podem falar.
O centro da terra, aonde tem o NIFE (nickel e ferro) faz com que a terra tenha dois polos - Um negativo e outro positivo - e esta combinacao, quando centralizada faz a terra mover respeitando o magnetismo do sol.
A terra fica balanceada, e move serenamente, com os dias de 24 horas cada um, mas quando algo estranho afeta um lado (digamos o lado positivo do iman magnetico central), o dia fica menor.
Desde 1974 o dia mudou! As 24 horas de antes nao sao as mesmas. Eu acredito (pelas minhas observacoes cientificas), que o dia perdeu ja 7 horas. Sim um dia tem aproximadamente 17 horas hoje, porem foi diminuindo aos poucos.
Isso acontece quando o eixo da terra que estava a 23 graus (se tivessemos uma linha reta no meio)e aos poucos foi mudando para mais de 30 graus. Assim, o sol NAO nasce na mesma hora , no mesmo lugar de outrora. Se voce tem uma foto do nascer do sol num determinado local voce vai observar que esta mudando pra direita... ou seja, se a foto via o sol as seis da manha no dia 6 de Julho de 1974, e no mesmo dia voce vai tirar uma foto depois (hoje), voce notara que nao esta no mesmo lugar.
Isso so acontece quando magnetismo da terra nao esta de acordo com o sol.
Bem, a verdade e que algo muito grande esta se aproximando, quem sabe um outro planeta que da uma volta ao redor do sol em 3500 anos, e que nunca tivemos noticia dele, porque ele se escondia, ou estava muito distante, porem quando ele se aproxima da terra, a terra querendo satisfazer o magnetismo imposto pelo sol, e ao mesmo tempo querendo satisfazer o magnetismo imposto por este corpo estranho se aproximando, acaba se movendo nos eixos, e neste caso pra direita, aumentado os graus.
Se os calendarios Incas decidiram que algo clataclismatico aconteceria em 2012, eles somente se enganaram a data certa.
As noticias se aproveitaram para divulgar que novamente houve engano. Porem ninguem comenta (digo as noticias) que ha realmente algo visivel na atmosfera, ou no ceu mudando a terra. Ou seja, esta mudando os dias, as aguas, o clima e tudo o que aprendemos, tipo 4 estacoes.
Um planeta que nunca foi falado, esta se aproximando e mudando totalmente e aos poucos, as condicoes aqui na terra. ( A terra tenta manter as condicoes viavieis para o corpo enstranho que esta aparecendo e ao mesmo tempo acolher o que o SOL sempre enviou. O sol sempre enviou um balanco entre os polos. Uma metade negativa e uma metade positive, porem numa inclinacao de 23 graus.
A presenca deste grande corpo, com sua propria magnitude afeta os raios magneticos da terra. A terra querendo satisfazer o sol e este corpo enorme que se aproxima, comeca a mover pela parte de dentro, gerando uma movimentacao grande dos tectonicos plates. Uma forte pressao em areas de vulcoes, e um cataclisma se aproxima.
Todo mundo esta no mesmo horario! Digo as horas sao as mesmas de outrora. mas os relogios mudaram, ficaram algo centralizado, e todo mundo somente ve a mesma hora. Nao existe mais relogios de dar corda, e mesmo se existissem, eles trabalham de acordo com o cilco magnetico e apresentariam o horario correto. Mas mudou!!!!
Quando isso acontece, ou seja, quando um corpo estranho se aproxima da area, sempre havera grandes catastrofes.
Ate entao mo ponto deste artigo foi a) e importante encontrar pessoas dedicadas para serem politicos. b) e tambem importante manter uma transparencia sobre os fatos conhecidos, quando este conhecimento veio de dinheiro publico, e c) nao deixar religiao influenciar na distribuicao da arrecadacao, como tambem na criacao das leis.
Enfim, o paiz precisa de uma agenda! O Paiz precisa decidir o que e importante e o que e superfluo.
Qual os
dados na educacao? Qual e a mortalidade infantil no Brasil? Quantos hospitais
existem para acomodar as pessoas
enfermas? ...O povo tem comida? Deve parar de ganhar filhos, para que haja um balance na populacao? As noticias da TV sao controladas, e por sinal a mesma noticia esta em todos os jornais do mundo. Ate como ela e descrita.
Nao fiquem observando o que lhes apresentam, pois isso e um "lixo" selecionado para manter a gentalha (nos mesmos) imaginando se nao esta na TV, nao devemos nos preocupar.
Quando tivermos um conhecimento melhor sobre o paiz, entao devemos questionar se este candidato esta apto para o cargo de dividir o dinheiro arrecadao da populacao sem nenhuma agenda propria.
Trata-se de um arrecadamento oriundo de cada individuo. Sim, politica nada mais e do que como dividimos o que arrecadamos. Se vamos constuir uma ponte ou um aeroporto ou se vamos criar estradas...isso tudo e politica, e cabe a todos os que votam decidirem se os candidatos tem esta vontade de dividir honestamente.
Por exemplo - Porque a ponte Anita Garibaldi no estado de Santa Catrina esta sendo construida numa altitude bem maior do que a original? Sera porque ja sabem que as aguas do oceano vao subir tremendamente? Se sabem, aonde divulgaram isso?
Observamos uma ponte enorme mais longa, porem muito mais alta. O que vai acontecer com a populacao que mora na parte baixa? Sera que serao todos submersos?
Se esta for a verdade. A pergunta entao se torna:
Quando podemos esperar um acrescimo dos ocenaos? Daqui 20 anos?
Na verdade ninguem vai nos previnir,!!!
Os que sabem nao podem falar.
O centro da terra, aonde tem o NIFE (nickel e ferro) faz com que a terra tenha dois polos - Um negativo e outro positivo - e esta combinacao, quando centralizada faz a terra mover respeitando o magnetismo do sol.
A terra fica balanceada, e move serenamente, com os dias de 24 horas cada um, mas quando algo estranho afeta um lado (digamos o lado positivo do iman magnetico central), o dia fica menor.
Desde 1974 o dia mudou! As 24 horas de antes nao sao as mesmas. Eu acredito (pelas minhas observacoes cientificas), que o dia perdeu ja 7 horas. Sim um dia tem aproximadamente 17 horas hoje, porem foi diminuindo aos poucos.
Isso acontece quando o eixo da terra que estava a 23 graus (se tivessemos uma linha reta no meio)e aos poucos foi mudando para mais de 30 graus. Assim, o sol NAO nasce na mesma hora , no mesmo lugar de outrora. Se voce tem uma foto do nascer do sol num determinado local voce vai observar que esta mudando pra direita... ou seja, se a foto via o sol as seis da manha no dia 6 de Julho de 1974, e no mesmo dia voce vai tirar uma foto depois (hoje), voce notara que nao esta no mesmo lugar.
Isso so acontece quando magnetismo da terra nao esta de acordo com o sol.
Bem, a verdade e que algo muito grande esta se aproximando, quem sabe um outro planeta que da uma volta ao redor do sol em 3500 anos, e que nunca tivemos noticia dele, porque ele se escondia, ou estava muito distante, porem quando ele se aproxima da terra, a terra querendo satisfazer o magnetismo imposto pelo sol, e ao mesmo tempo querendo satisfazer o magnetismo imposto por este corpo estranho se aproximando, acaba se movendo nos eixos, e neste caso pra direita, aumentado os graus.
Se os calendarios Incas decidiram que algo clataclismatico aconteceria em 2012, eles somente se enganaram a data certa.
As noticias se aproveitaram para divulgar que novamente houve engano. Porem ninguem comenta (digo as noticias) que ha realmente algo visivel na atmosfera, ou no ceu mudando a terra. Ou seja, esta mudando os dias, as aguas, o clima e tudo o que aprendemos, tipo 4 estacoes.
Um planeta que nunca foi falado, esta se aproximando e mudando totalmente e aos poucos, as condicoes aqui na terra. ( A terra tenta manter as condicoes viavieis para o corpo enstranho que esta aparecendo e ao mesmo tempo acolher o que o SOL sempre enviou. O sol sempre enviou um balanco entre os polos. Uma metade negativa e uma metade positive, porem numa inclinacao de 23 graus.
A presenca deste grande corpo, com sua propria magnitude afeta os raios magneticos da terra. A terra querendo satisfazer o sol e este corpo enorme que se aproxima, comeca a mover pela parte de dentro, gerando uma movimentacao grande dos tectonicos plates. Uma forte pressao em areas de vulcoes, e um cataclisma se aproxima.
Todo mundo esta no mesmo horario! Digo as horas sao as mesmas de outrora. mas os relogios mudaram, ficaram algo centralizado, e todo mundo somente ve a mesma hora. Nao existe mais relogios de dar corda, e mesmo se existissem, eles trabalham de acordo com o cilco magnetico e apresentariam o horario correto. Mas mudou!!!!
Quando isso acontece, ou seja, quando um corpo estranho se aproxima da area, sempre havera grandes catastrofes.
Ate entao mo ponto deste artigo foi a) e importante encontrar pessoas dedicadas para serem politicos. b) e tambem importante manter uma transparencia sobre os fatos conhecidos, quando este conhecimento veio de dinheiro publico, e c) nao deixar religiao influenciar na distribuicao da arrecadacao, como tambem na criacao das leis.
Enfim, o paiz precisa de uma agenda! O Paiz precisa decidir o que e importante e o que e superfluo.
Nao se pode
ir as ruas somente por estar presente, mas se deve ter um ideal.
Na minha
opiniao, o paiz precisa de pessoas inteligentes para governar, e isso significa
governar por um periodo e dar lugar a outro. Nao se pode fazer da democracia
uma profissao aonde poucos enriquecem as custas de muitos. Chegou a
hora de eleger pessoas distintas! Chegou a hora de dar um basta a dinheiro vindo de outros paizes com intencao de controlar parte ou a nacao
inteira. O paiz deve ganhar sua soberania e fazer com que o povo ame o paiz que
vive. O Governo precisa sentar com a elite e criar um plano que beneficie ambos.
Sabemos que uma das elite e o banco do mundo. Ou seja, os bancos controlam a area financeira, e os pagamentos do povo trabalhista sao depositados diretamente numa conta bancaria. O banco usa o dinheiro do povo pra financiar crescimento no mundo, porem o banco nunca teve nada seu para investir. Simplesmente toma o dinheiro do povo, ou segura atravez de anuidades ou bonds, e empresta para outras agencias financeiras com juros e correcao monetaria. Nada de errado nisso! Inclusive e ate uma forma bonita de crescer uma comunidade. O problema aparece quando o banco decide cobrar juros altissimos das pessoas que usam o banco como um adiantamento, ou ate mesmo um finaciamento.
As empresas de cartao de credito, ou ate mesmo as empresas que dao credito atravez de financiamentos deveriam ter um limite maximo daquilo que poderiam cobrar em juros. Afinal trata-se de uma forma de aniquilar o ser humano, e nao pode ser abuzada desta forma.
Estas mesmas empresas finaceiras sao as que preenchem os forums do brasil com litigacoes contra pagamento de juros absurdos que ocorrem no momento em que o ser humano mais precisa. Elas criam as leis de credito, mudam quando querem e aos poucos a populacao se ve endividada.
O povo Brasileiro paga mais juros do que qualquer outro paiz (povo) do mundo.
Esta elite precisa ser um pouco mais maleavel, e fazer entao uma mudanca para poder acomodar o povo que existe vivo hoje.
Nao se pode ter tanta ganancia! Nao e necessario criar inimigos por todos os lados com o unico objetivo de ganhar mais, ter mais, pra si proprio. Ate que ponto chega a ganancia pelo dinheiro?
Se a ganancia pelo dinheiro criasse pessoas maravilhosas, nao acharia nada de errado em ser ganancioso. Mas quando isso significa tirar dos outros, roubar, mentir, enganar, lograr, isso e um absurdo.
Queremos um governo que saiba dividir o que cultivamos, e saiba pagar a elite um valor justo e de acordo com as arrecadacoes reais. Nao se pode criar faturas erradas para enganar a elite. Sim, os governantes estao enganando a elite. Eles aumentam os valores das faturas, compram castelos para os filhos, compram terras, pensando que serao donos das terras e dos bens. Com isso o povo inteiro e assaltado com grandes impostos.
Isso esta errado!
Nao ha necessidade de manifestacao do povo. O bicho esta muito grande e somente uma intervencao de varias elites poderao dar uma sabatinada em cada politico e faze-los culpados por roubarem do povo e da elite.
Pra finalizar, gostaria de dizer que nao se deve nunca deixar com que os interesses do paiz sejam ultrapassados pelos interesses pessoais, e tampouco pelos interesses das elites. O interesse do povo vem em primeiro lugar, dpeois vem os interesses do paiz e da elite.
Sabemos que uma das elite e o banco do mundo. Ou seja, os bancos controlam a area financeira, e os pagamentos do povo trabalhista sao depositados diretamente numa conta bancaria. O banco usa o dinheiro do povo pra financiar crescimento no mundo, porem o banco nunca teve nada seu para investir. Simplesmente toma o dinheiro do povo, ou segura atravez de anuidades ou bonds, e empresta para outras agencias financeiras com juros e correcao monetaria. Nada de errado nisso! Inclusive e ate uma forma bonita de crescer uma comunidade. O problema aparece quando o banco decide cobrar juros altissimos das pessoas que usam o banco como um adiantamento, ou ate mesmo um finaciamento.
As empresas de cartao de credito, ou ate mesmo as empresas que dao credito atravez de financiamentos deveriam ter um limite maximo daquilo que poderiam cobrar em juros. Afinal trata-se de uma forma de aniquilar o ser humano, e nao pode ser abuzada desta forma.
Estas mesmas empresas finaceiras sao as que preenchem os forums do brasil com litigacoes contra pagamento de juros absurdos que ocorrem no momento em que o ser humano mais precisa. Elas criam as leis de credito, mudam quando querem e aos poucos a populacao se ve endividada.
O povo Brasileiro paga mais juros do que qualquer outro paiz (povo) do mundo.
Esta elite precisa ser um pouco mais maleavel, e fazer entao uma mudanca para poder acomodar o povo que existe vivo hoje.
Nao se pode ter tanta ganancia! Nao e necessario criar inimigos por todos os lados com o unico objetivo de ganhar mais, ter mais, pra si proprio. Ate que ponto chega a ganancia pelo dinheiro?
Se a ganancia pelo dinheiro criasse pessoas maravilhosas, nao acharia nada de errado em ser ganancioso. Mas quando isso significa tirar dos outros, roubar, mentir, enganar, lograr, isso e um absurdo.
Queremos um governo que saiba dividir o que cultivamos, e saiba pagar a elite um valor justo e de acordo com as arrecadacoes reais. Nao se pode criar faturas erradas para enganar a elite. Sim, os governantes estao enganando a elite. Eles aumentam os valores das faturas, compram castelos para os filhos, compram terras, pensando que serao donos das terras e dos bens. Com isso o povo inteiro e assaltado com grandes impostos.
Isso esta errado!
Nao ha necessidade de manifestacao do povo. O bicho esta muito grande e somente uma intervencao de varias elites poderao dar uma sabatinada em cada politico e faze-los culpados por roubarem do povo e da elite.
Pra finalizar, gostaria de dizer que nao se deve nunca deixar com que os interesses do paiz sejam ultrapassados pelos interesses pessoais, e tampouco pelos interesses das elites. O interesse do povo vem em primeiro lugar, dpeois vem os interesses do paiz e da elite.
Transparencia e necessario em todas as areas.
Caso isso venha acontecer, havera melhorias, caso contrario, o paiz nunca vai se levantar, ou sera tarde demais. Portanto, chegou o momento de falar a verdade!
Chegou a
hora de apontar o dedo, e dizer Basta! Porem chegou a hora dos politicos saberem que se nao falar a verdade ao povo, eles serao meros politicos que viveram para engordar.
Que pena que a vida levou a isso.
No minimo vao voltar e experimentar o fruto de sua plantacao! (Voltar, digo reencarnar e viver a vida que plantaram).
Bem, por hoje e so!!!
Um abraco
Que pena que a vida levou a isso.
No minimo vao voltar e experimentar o fruto de sua plantacao! (Voltar, digo reencarnar e viver a vida que plantaram).
Bem, por hoje e so!!!
Um abraco
Living in Truth
Living in Truth
I am going to skip any explanation related with why people lie. Just take a look at yourself in the mirror, look inside your eyes and ask your inner soul to guide you to have a day with more truthfulness.
There is a very interesting movie called The Invention of Lying, which is a 2009 fantasy romantic comedy film. The film stars Ricky Gervais as the first human with the ability to lie. The film features a narrative set in an alternative reality in which there is no such thing as lying and everything said is the absolute truth. In this world (different from ours) people make blunt, often cruel statements, including those that in our world people would normally keep to themselves. This text “Living in truth” is not a movie or a drama. It is a step into evolving our mass consciousness and spirituality to a level we can not imagine. It is not an alternative reality, but a necessary one, so we can achieve more spirituality and consequently, having our mass consciousness with more light. When we achieve a greater level of spirituality, we have the answers to all the questions we have. Although, the movie shares interesting points, it doesn’t depict a reality with any history of them living in truth, other than cruel statements to express “telling the truth”. I loved the movie, for it was comical and an interesting addition to our society.Leaving the movie aside, if we, as a group, start practicing expressing the truth, within months, we will be in a different dimension. Yes, we can surpass this agony of uncertainty we have around us. We have more questions than answers, and educators nowadays are simply teaching what has been written as the truth. A Great disregard for the truth has been engulfing our atmosphere and molding our mass consciousness to a realm of darkness, instead of a realm of brightness.
We have lived, so far, accepting whatever is passed to us as if it reflects the truth. Since the beginning of times we were exposed to lies, rivalry, betrayal, battles, war, and disagreements. The simple explanation is that we, as a human race, started in a point ZERO of spirituality. We started very barbaric like a cave man. We had an idea of a higher force, but we could not express it for the lack of words. Like animals we were struggling to survive and whenever possible making friends to form a group and fight to preserve that group.
Why we had to start from zero? It is a good question, and the answer is that our mass consciousness at one point and time was totally complete and humans lived in harmony and they communicated through telepathy, like animals and birds do it today. The human mind was so advanced that with a blink of an eye, reality would transform itself, an object could be created by the vision of the complete object and the intelligence to know what components would be used. There were no need to touch components to create anything, but the thought would make it happen, for the thought would control all elements in form of light, and they would connect in the exact precision to form whatever you want. I know it sounds far fetched, but one time in the past humanity had achieved what we have now and much more. Humans were able to create pure gold!
Very soon we will have machines that will do exactly this. We would program the equipment and have designs of all products that can be made with all elements known and have the machine receive the proper ingredients, and the final product will be whatever you created. At first we would try with metals, for it is easy to melt, and then we will have it built internally all parts and attach them, and in a push of a bottom, a final product would emerge. Then we would do it with plastic, and so forth and so on, until we manage to built ourselves with self creating calories to banish the need to ingest living things.
But returning to the point, something drastic happened to human kind, and my guess is as good as yours, However, I know with certainty is that most of us have no remembrance of a different life previous to this one. Our memory is clean as if it had been wiped out of almost everything, and most of us have a sensation that this life is our first. Our brain is so “not used” and while we multiply in quantity, we rarely change the way we think and act. What I mean is that we are growing in population, but clarity is very scarce. Here and there a genius (by our standards) is born, but while using different parts of the brain, some of them develop aptitudes for all sort of things, but individually, they lack some elementary skills, most of the time social adequacy. While we see our children grow and observe how smart they are when dealing with new technology, such as cell phones, computers, we ask ourselves where does it come from? It comes from their inner-self. This is the reason why the population doesn’t take a step back in our history and try to live like a cave man.
We are adapting to the good things for the body and we are growing as human.
What drastically happened was the arrival of different civilizations into the earth, disputing for control of the territory. Beings with different knowledge observed that the earth did not have the mass consciousness grid totally complete, and stepped in to help it to complete. However, in order to complete the grid, it was necessary to concentrate the incoming force in one area, (Sacred Land), to help humans to achieve a faster evolution of consciousness and sureness, and these beings were not to get involved with earthlings.
In reality, when we achieve a higher degree of understanding, we simply do not mix with other species. It would be the same as one race with 23 pairs of chromosomes mixing with a race that has 26 pairs. It was done as such.
Leaders had a direct communication with the creator and the population lived happily, in a harmonious celestial place called earth. People lived infinitely and we have not a clue how good it was. They could go anywhere and had free spirit to explore other areas within the galaxy. The entire galaxy turns itself in a helicoidal form, and in the center comes the force that keeps it turning. The earth is part of the entire galaxy, and therefore it is moving in spiral along with the sun and maintaining the same distance for as long as it might. There are areas of the earth where the energy received by the entire force is more prevalent, and it was clear that it was possible to have other centers of communication with the force.
It was then, built various temples on earth with an exact measurement between them and it was known by the leaders of each group when to use each temple to receive the necessary energy. The points formed a geometrical figure and on each season a different temple was used to receive different forms of energy, but the central place would remain the sacred land.
The harmony stopped when leaders acted upon their desire to create different figures and have more control. An unbalance occurred on earth and the superior force was not going to allow earth to be without a complete connection. Leaders became more impatient and modified humans to different form and shapes that would remind their ancestors. Each group had various beings with different shapes and forms, but what infuriated the superior force was the fact that it was a combination of humans and gods, making a being with just a fraction of the power, which was used mostly to fight and win combats.
Once a being was created with half of the potential of a god, a discontentment emerged among all other beings. It was hard to explain what this unhappiness was, for it was new to all. It was a sense of incompleteness that evolved each new creation. Very soon most spirits left their bodies behind and went to other dimensions, but there were many spirits who did not have the capacity to leave due to the connection that once existed in most temples was absent almost completely. Just a fraction of that energy was available, and not enough intelligence to go back the way it was.
It was catastrophic, for an earth once totally habited was left behind with almost everyone moving away. Well, not everyone, for some leaders stayed and felt with time that the energy once received was dissipating. Their way of communication with the force changed and it was not easy to maintain that connection. Most people, continued living, but there were no more order.
People were being inconsiderate and semi-gods were abusing whenever they could. There were times when a semi-god used his power to make others unhappy, for he was not complete and did not know what to do. Empathy had vanished from most people and a perpetual war took place all around. The most powerful took advantage of others and just a few had the capacity of communicating with the force.
In reality the force was always open at the sacred land, but just a hand full of people were able to receive information about what to do to make things better. Even though, whenever an information appeared, others claimed it to be false. In order to receive any more information it was necessary to show devotion and to respect the desires of the force, who had other things in mind than to worry about a population that neglected what was not to be neglected.
Time passed and more people occupied the land (earth) making even hard to share information. The intelligence that once existed to make the earth perfect for existence had diminished to a mere fraction, and earth became very susceptible to anything that came on its path. One destruction after the other took place and no one could prevent, stop or change the course. The entire earth went haywire and less people had access to the force, mainly because they forgot little by little and got engaged with their daily lives. The force intervened many times and touched the lives of those who listened, but among those there were some who inherited some traces of unhappiness with the force, and it made even harder to bring it back to normal. Little by little minds were forgetting their origin. People started to die, something that did not occurred while in full potential, but once the force was cut, it felt as a tree without strong root.
With few interventions, the force was capable of sharing messages and people started to believe, however, there were always the opposite force lingering among people who did not care much for what was to be done. People lost their consciousness and with that forgot completely about the meaning of life. Man went from a point of completeness to a point of nothingness, or merely saying, the bottom level of existence. Human race went to the bottom of consciousness.
Living the truth is just a step towards our Ascension to a higher level of spirituality. A level we have been exposed to, but we lost connection one time and we descended to a lower level.
Before the Incas, the Mayas, and the Aztecs there were other civilizations. We have not been told because our books expresses that human being appeared around 20-30 thousand years ago in America, and no one want to start changing things. We truly believe in evolution, although, we have not found a link when a man was being turned into a monkey, we have to accept this as a fact, for no one will tell you otherwise. If an archaeologist finds a human skull dating 250 thousand years ago, he or she can not reveal this to the population because it would change our history. If revealed, it will not be shown.
We know today that the earth turns around the sun. In the past. some people were killed when they expressed this truth to the authorities. Until then the earth was the center of the universe, and no one could change that. Tomorrow, we will learn that the sun and the earth are changing places in a spiral movement, the same way a hurricane does or the entire galaxy is shaped. We do not see anything going around on its own when we check into space, but everything is part of a massive spiral movement called galaxy. Why shouldn’t the earth move in spiral like our
When we see a symbol of medicine being two snakes going up in spiral, we should have an idea that this means something other than just snakes dancing, it means life preservation.
As we can see, since the beginning of times we were not exposed to the entire truth about almost anything. We live our lives with what we have inherited from our ancestors, and we have forgot to think with clarity. We are running from the truth, but it is in front of us.Today we live in a world where people tell stories about being abducted by aliens and no one believes them. We are programmed to accept what is presented to us as the truth, but the reality the truth never comes out easily.
The earth is moving and changing its polarity as times go by. The magnetic filed of the earth is going wild. We are not sensitive to this magnetism directly, but our entire fauna is. Our birds are flying all over the place looking for that magnetic field they were used to, but they end up in other areas and thousands of them simply fall from the sky dead. Manatees are going from one place to another and dying right in front of our eyes, as we see sharks in areas they do not belong.
There are certain areas of the earth which forms a vortex, which can suck you into a different dimension of the space, where you simply would vanish from the face of the earth, and it is mostly connected with the magnetic field when it is in full power in certain areas. We have heard of strange things happening in the skies in Alaska, where a pilot loses contacts with his instruments, and he doesn’t appear in any radar, but later emerges in the sky losing track of what happened in that period of time that passed without his perception. Another case involves the Triangle of Bermuda where planes and ships simply vanish without a trace. At first we blamed hurricanes, but it happened during times where no hurricane was present. What do we know about Polar Shift? What do we know about Tectonic Plates and how they move. What do we have in the center of the earth? Are there other beings visiting us? Are they telling us what to do? If so, have anyone come to you directly? Why so much secrecy over something so simple to understand?
Why is necessary to have secret societies when we know that the truth can be told and no one will care. What secret can they hold from us and why? Is it necessary for a fraction of the cohabitants to have a clue of what is going on and the rest of us just live in the dark? What is the plan? Can it be changed to protect everyone in the process?
Living in truth means to share intentions. It means to change the books and history as we learn, for we are learning more and more each day. Living in truth has to do with freedom. It has to do with empathy.
In my reality of life, we are here to contribute to society while growing spiritually to more closeness with our creator and with an understanding of our mission of sharing everything. I accept the fact that the earth is moving and everything in it is also moving, as I understand that when the tectonic plates meet there will be earthquakes, and humans should stay away from these places. I have a feeling that before we came down to zero knowledge, we were empowered by divinity and we inherited some of it until today. We manifest our faith in a great force, and we know that what was left to us was created by intelligent beings. When I look at places where we have buildings we can not explain their origin, we see some celestial connection, between those buildings, giving us a doubt to whether the earth was inhabited by other beings or visited and abandoned when it shifted its movement.
I believe that we humans are capable of stepping ahead in life, and it must begin with each one of us. To start, let’s try to be more honest and then require it from others. I also believe that in this earth we have millions of people who have no empathy for others, and are capable of doing terrible things. We can fix it if we learn to be more open and honest with ourselves first.
Living in truth doesn’t mean to blame the government for withholding information. It means we start to take more responsibility for our actions. We share what we know. I have a feeling that the earth has started to build another grid, but this time it is almost complete, and humans can communicate in a blink of an eye with people from anywhere in the world. Since Internet emerged, a large mass of consciousness has formed around the earth waiting to see if we can finish closing it completely or if we are going to leave wholes in it. It is up to us, and the next step has to do with truth. When everyone writes on social media something that is true, light emerges, but when someone lies, it turns dark.
Nowadays, we see more religious tolerance among people, and it is necessary for us to be able to ascend to a spirituality near to the spirituality of Jesus.
We have to prepare ourselves to open a window for the truth. We can not maintain our brain in one stage and our desires on another. In other words, we must share the truth about us to be able to live in contact with this reality and possibly with the desire of our God Almighty.
This is a simple step that starts every morning when we look in the mirror. We simply ask God to lead us to a day with more truth in our hearts, and little by little we will rescue what we have for so long abandoned within ourselves, for our spirit never forgets a thing, but it can not share with our brain when it is underdeveloped. Even a psychic will tell you in order to connect with spirits it must feel clean and empty of all thoughts. The energy is here, among all of us, and we must be able to feel it and explore it. I believe that meditating one can transport self to different dimensions of the mind and a closeness with the force.
It is so true that we are forming our grid almost perfectly that we now see among us people with heavenly voices, song and music, as we have never seen before. Our spirit feels the music from eternity, but our brain is not capable of digesting it with the same strength.
We have certain areas of the world where people are more developed spiritually, and India (Tibet) is a perfect example with the Buddhism. But now, the written word has been spread and almost everyone has heard of the new Pope, about Jesus and about the Bible. These texts were left to us by beings who received information to share and they did exactly was they were told. Yes, many information got distorted with time, as mankind shifted its interest, but the truth live within us, and when we hear it, we know it to be true or not. It is that simple.
We are not evolved technologically, to change the direction of an asteroid or a meteor, but we are getting there, and when we all achieve this understanding, it will not be necessary the technology, for our mass consciousness will move it away simply because our desire is greater and we are protected by ourselves and our superior force. It must have a connection...
While there is injustice in the world, we are not going to finish the grid, and turbulence will be imminent. Injustice only happens when people are not straight and forward with their intentions. Unhappiness only appears where we are not satisfied with the outcome of something, and it has to do with people.
In summary, we must ignore speculation about aliens, other beings and other “worlds” visiting us. No one will take a trip to visit us when they know that our sense of spirituality is extremely low and we have nothing attractive to anyone, except those who are on level one, like we were a few decades ago. However, it is possible that we receive some information from outer space, and they show us how to go from iron to fiber optics and save time with our communication system. Yet, who cares? The main factor still is the same. We need to learn to get along and we need to learn to cherish each day and be thankful for having a place with everything in abundance. If a spirit doesn’t want to return because it has nothing to learn, it can watch from wherever it is and at times even psycograph a message through channels we are not familiar with. All this is possible and there is nothing that can say it should not exist.
Finally, God is goodness, and it is expected from us. When we lie we are bad. We are disconnected and we cheat. We distance ourselves from the main force. Always remember that there are people who are able to do great things, even though, they may not have social adequacy, for in our level things happen in spare of a moment, and no one, except Jesus in our time was able to live an entire life without offending the creator. So, it is possible to expect anything from anyone, even those close to us. We still inherited a bad side that can only be eliminated when we learn to be honest every second of our lives about everything we do. It works.
Imagine this scenario.
Imagine that the Government has been receiving information from aliens about a great destruction that is going to happen on earth. This destruction has to do with a polar shift that is about to occur, but mostly because there is a planet bigger than Earth which is on the opposite side of the sun, doing the same movement that earth does, but behind our sun and in a different elliptical way. However, this planet is not visible from the earth but every 26000 years this planet comes very close to the earth and affects the magnitude of the earth, making a polar shift, and the earth stop turning for 3 days (the crust of the earth moves, but the center stops). When it happens the Pacific Ocean would contract and generate waves of at least half a mile high, while the Atlantic Ocean would spread and turn bigger. There will be massive earthquakes and death for at least 1/3 of the population. This planet has a long tail of debris that will come towards the earth, as hundred of pieces are coming every day and hitting earth in different spots, yet not shared with anyone, but the few that observed. At this time the government learns this news and decide to ignore. Not because it is not the truth, but because he cannot prevent it, and he cannot alarm everyone to stop working and abandon their posts. The government is afraid to tell the truth because it would create a state of chaos among the population. It also would uncover some aspects of the faith, and it can be very dangerous to deal with. Every leader is aware of this, but each leader belong to a different fraternity, with different goals for the world, and in common, they preserve this information for the survival of their group. What would you do in his place? How should the president act?
All of a sudden many billionaires decide to create their own spaceship to go away from the earth and return to become the lords for those who survive, however, they have no place to go, and the government has abandoned space travel for this mere reason. The aliens want to see this destruction and will do nothing to help to prevent it. The negative force wants souls. The government who received this information was counting on their help for anything that could happen, but they lied to him. They took the gold with them and left the knowledge we have acquired in the last one hundred years. Gold is what every creature wants because it is the purest element used to transform million other elements unknown to us. And this way, many countries were lied to, and deceived, and gave their gold in exchange to knowledge in science. They even transformed into humans to do their job without being recognized. One thing they lack is empathy and emotions. They see earth habitants as humans with a temper and high emotion. This event coincidentally was written in the bible, on revelations, where chaos takes place and a superman will emerge promising peace. He will be known to all, hated by some and loved by others. He will bring peace because during each event of destruction, people will rebel against the government due to famine and diseases. He will be empowered by a bad force, the worse of all forces that visited. He will do things that no one can explain, and he will pretend to be the real son of the great creator. He lies, but too many people will idolatrize him. Except those who read the book and understood what is happening. The creator sends back his son to judge the good and the bad and take them as spirits away from this mess to a place not ever imagined because our brain can not comprehend. We want what is good for the body, and we can not imagine being only soul... or a form of pure energy that can change into anything...being transported to a place of love and harmony, after being living in a place of destruction, war, lies etc.
Unfortunately, the only solution is to read the book. Be aware of what is taking place and try to separate science from revelation, but observing that they go in tandem, for it was meant to be this way. What we are looking for is our salvation, and with more truth between us, we can achieve a change of plans from our Creator. If our mass consciousness becomes positive we may have a chance of a divine intervention before this all take place.
PS. The last part is a supposition - visit on Google the word:
This article is about the doomsday scenario. For other uses, see Nibiru.
The Nibiru cataclysm is a supposed disastrous encounter between the Earth and a large planetary object (either a collision or a near-miss) which certain groups believe will take place in the early 21st century. Believers in this doomsday event usually refer to this object as Planet X or Nibiru. The idea that a planet-sized object will collide with or pass by Earth in the near future is not supported by any scientific evidence and has been rejected as pseudoscience by astronomers and planetary scientists.[1]The idea was first put forward in 1995 by Nancy Lieder,[2][3] founder of the website ZetaTalk. Lieder describes herself as a contactee with the ability to receive messages from extra-terrestrials from the Zeta Reticuli star system through an implant in her brain. She states that she was chosen to warn mankind that the object would sweep through the inner Solar System in May 2003 (though that date was later abandoned) causing Earth to undergo a pole shift that would destroy most of humanity. The prediction has subsequently spread beyond Lieder's website and has been embraced by numerous Internet doomsday groups, most of which linked the event to the 2012 phenomenon. Although the name "Nibiru" is derived from the works of the late ancient astronaut writer Zecharia Sitchin and his interpretations of Babylonian and Sumerian mythology, Sitchin denied any connection between his work and various claims of a coming apocalypse.
Milton Laene Araujo
Cheating is lack of love!
Love is the desire to grow spiritually with someone. Lack is the absence of completeness. Cheating is the consequence of both: Lack of Love!
To begin, I want to explain what spirituality is. We all have a soul, which is the only part of our being that doesn't die when we physically die. Our soul evolves, for it is a particle of our creator. Imagine for a moment that God with His magnitude wanted to experience Himself. He then placed a particle of Self into the air, at a distance where he could experiment what that particle would do in his realm. We as human are this particle, and we have freedom to do whatever we want in this life. We can be whatever we want, and God is experiencing Himself through us. There are moments when we are connected to our source, as there are moments when we are connected to an opposite force. God is goodness, forgiveness, love, and compassion. The opposite force is simply the lack of it. It is all God, for God is it all, however, our soul goes through good and bad, small and large, etc, etc, in order to evolve.
When we are in contact with our source, we evolve as souls. When we lack this connection, we simply exist. No one can evolve without a relationship, for in this relative world, a point A, "the force", and a point B, "us" can only experiment what is bad when we have an idea of what is good. When we relate with more people, or even the worst media, we are in contact with other people's experiences, and live both concepts of good and bad. Cheater is just a word used to describe a liar.
As humans we can only grow when we are able to share with another being our true self. When one lies to a loved one, the connection with the main source is interrupted. No goodness come out
CHEATING happens when couples lose their connection, therefore, they can not grow spiritually. They go after a lustful desire, and end up cheating. However, this is not the end of the world. EVERYONE has fantasies and if an opportunity appears, EVERYONE is capable of taking advantage of it. For this reason, if we create an idea or a concept, a different idea will emerge. For example: If we decide that we are not going to tolerate cheating. Just by confirming this idea, we will, then be cheated upon in real life and be put to test.
Love is complete when we are connected with our creator, and when we are honest at all times. Cheating is lack of love, for no one can grow spiritually when living in lies.
If a loved one has cheated on you, read bellow and think.
Maybe it is the first time it happened. Maybe it happens many times. Either way, think about your love. Is it unconditional, that you accept your life partner with his faults? Think about your faults. Are you capable of cheating? Have you ever done the same? Have you done such a thing to anyone else?
If you are not so perfect, why are you looking for perfection on others? Can you love an imperfect human being? What do you want from this relationship? Can you just end it? Do you have a point to prove? If so, maybe this led to whatever happened.
What to do?
Do not leave immediately. Learn to have a heart to heart conversation, where all values are placed on the table. Do not instigate, do not ask for the truth, for it is already written in his/hers' face that it happened, but have the grace to understand that your lover is a human being capable of such thing as you are, given the right opportunity. We are all led into temptations, unless we ask to be led the other way. If your lover is capable of being truthful with you about desires, etc, then you have a good thing going, for growth comes from accepting and showing how we feel while doing so If your partner refuses to be himself completely with you, and pretend it never happened, you then need to go away.
A cheater is always a cheater. Yes, because a cheater is a liar and everyone lies, however, a cheater can stop cheating when he learns to love and grow. We only love who truly loves us, and to truthfully love anyone it is necessary to love them completely. When they feel loved, they start loving themselves and learn to love back.
Sex is not all there is in a relationship. People need to separate sex and relationship, for sex is a small particle in the entire realm of a relationship.
Do not ever confront the third party - It is not your business to care what others do - Concentrate on your partner and decide whether you can live with this. If you can, move on, but if you can not, move out.
To finalize - If you are a victim of a cheater, you are in fault, for your ability to gain people's trust is very low. Either you behave above people's expectations, which creates a barrier for them to see you as an equal or you behave far away from what attracts people to be honest with you. Lovers are friends and they are important in each other lives. If your lover needs another person to confide his (secrets), he is not your lover! If your lover accuses you of cheating, he is in fault, or has it in mind. Always leave the line of communication open for this type of discussion. If your life partner is not your friend, he is not your lover, and he will not love you with full array of humane emotions. There will be not much growth.
In Summary - God is goodness and goodness is love, and anything else is lack of it. When we are connected with our force, we are honest, truthful and we have goodness in our hearts. When we are disconnected we act disoriented. Spiritual growth only happens when two people are connected here and with the force. To be connected here one needs to be one - When one lies he becomes more than one - hard to keep up -
Love is the desire to grow spiritually with someone. Lack is the absence of completeness. Cheating is the consequence of both: Lack of Love!
To begin, I want to explain what spirituality is. We all have a soul, which is the only part of our being that doesn't die when we physically die. Our soul evolves, for it is a particle of our creator. Imagine for a moment that God with His magnitude wanted to experience Himself. He then placed a particle of Self into the air, at a distance where he could experiment what that particle would do in his realm. We as human are this particle, and we have freedom to do whatever we want in this life. We can be whatever we want, and God is experiencing Himself through us. There are moments when we are connected to our source, as there are moments when we are connected to an opposite force. God is goodness, forgiveness, love, and compassion. The opposite force is simply the lack of it. It is all God, for God is it all, however, our soul goes through good and bad, small and large, etc, etc, in order to evolve.
When we are in contact with our source, we evolve as souls. When we lack this connection, we simply exist. No one can evolve without a relationship, for in this relative world, a point A, "the force", and a point B, "us" can only experiment what is bad when we have an idea of what is good. When we relate with more people, or even the worst media, we are in contact with other people's experiences, and live both concepts of good and bad. Cheater is just a word used to describe a liar.
As humans we can only grow when we are able to share with another being our true self. When one lies to a loved one, the connection with the main source is interrupted. No goodness come out
CHEATING happens when couples lose their connection, therefore, they can not grow spiritually. They go after a lustful desire, and end up cheating. However, this is not the end of the world. EVERYONE has fantasies and if an opportunity appears, EVERYONE is capable of taking advantage of it. For this reason, if we create an idea or a concept, a different idea will emerge. For example: If we decide that we are not going to tolerate cheating. Just by confirming this idea, we will, then be cheated upon in real life and be put to test.
Love is complete when we are connected with our creator, and when we are honest at all times. Cheating is lack of love, for no one can grow spiritually when living in lies.
If a loved one has cheated on you, read bellow and think.
Maybe it is the first time it happened. Maybe it happens many times. Either way, think about your love. Is it unconditional, that you accept your life partner with his faults? Think about your faults. Are you capable of cheating? Have you ever done the same? Have you done such a thing to anyone else?
If you are not so perfect, why are you looking for perfection on others? Can you love an imperfect human being? What do you want from this relationship? Can you just end it? Do you have a point to prove? If so, maybe this led to whatever happened.
What to do?
Do not leave immediately. Learn to have a heart to heart conversation, where all values are placed on the table. Do not instigate, do not ask for the truth, for it is already written in his/hers' face that it happened, but have the grace to understand that your lover is a human being capable of such thing as you are, given the right opportunity. We are all led into temptations, unless we ask to be led the other way. If your lover is capable of being truthful with you about desires, etc, then you have a good thing going, for growth comes from accepting and showing how we feel while doing so If your partner refuses to be himself completely with you, and pretend it never happened, you then need to go away.
A cheater is always a cheater. Yes, because a cheater is a liar and everyone lies, however, a cheater can stop cheating when he learns to love and grow. We only love who truly loves us, and to truthfully love anyone it is necessary to love them completely. When they feel loved, they start loving themselves and learn to love back.
Sex is not all there is in a relationship. People need to separate sex and relationship, for sex is a small particle in the entire realm of a relationship.
Do not ever confront the third party - It is not your business to care what others do - Concentrate on your partner and decide whether you can live with this. If you can, move on, but if you can not, move out.
To finalize - If you are a victim of a cheater, you are in fault, for your ability to gain people's trust is very low. Either you behave above people's expectations, which creates a barrier for them to see you as an equal or you behave far away from what attracts people to be honest with you. Lovers are friends and they are important in each other lives. If your lover needs another person to confide his (secrets), he is not your lover! If your lover accuses you of cheating, he is in fault, or has it in mind. Always leave the line of communication open for this type of discussion. If your life partner is not your friend, he is not your lover, and he will not love you with full array of humane emotions. There will be not much growth.
In Summary - God is goodness and goodness is love, and anything else is lack of it. When we are connected with our force, we are honest, truthful and we have goodness in our hearts. When we are disconnected we act disoriented. Spiritual growth only happens when two people are connected here and with the force. To be connected here one needs to be one - When one lies he becomes more than one - hard to keep up -
Existe ceu e inferno?
O que Acontece depois que morremos? Existe ceu e inferno?
Uma das perguntas mais intrigantes de cada ser humano e a vida depois da morte. Para onde iremos? Existe ceu e inferno?
Religião (do latim religare, significando religação com o divino [1]) é um conjunto de sistemas culturais e de crenças, além de visões de mundo, que estabelece os símbolos que relacionam a humanidade com a espiritualidade e seu próprios valores morais.[2] Muitas religiões têm narrativas, símbolos, tradições e histórias sagradas que se destinam a dar sentido à vida ou explicar a sua origem e do universo. As religiões tendem a derivar a moralidade, a ética, as leis religiosas ou um estilo de vida preferido de suas ideias sobre o cosmos e a natureza humana.
Nao e somente por descuido da natureza que hoje vemos varios “destinos” para a nossa alma. Existe mais de quatro mil religioes ou denominacoes no mundo, e cada uma tem uma resposta. Uma grande quantiade de pessoas acreditam em reincarnacao. A crença de renascer noutro corpo; a crença de que vivemos antes e viveremos novamente noutro corpo após a morte. Era uma crente vulgar nas religiões orientais
Em poucas palavras: Cada ser vai experimentar aquilo que colocou sua fe. Cada ser nasce numa area e esta propicio a acreditar naquilo que lhe passam. Trata-se de uma vida digna de ser vivida dentro de um padrao social limitado aquilo que lhe e passado, lido, observado e vivido.
O mais dificil comeca quando somos apresentados a varios ensinamentos religiosos, varias formas de acreditar num fim, e nos perdemos completamente de uma so verdade ou crenca, e passamos a conviver com todas ao mesmo tempo. Um exemplo disso seria um catolico que vai visitar uma cartomante. Ai ja entra conflito de interesses, e o conhecimento abre portas para mais perguntas, mais crencas e assim o ser segue numa vida de busca, com varias respostas e menos certeza.
No momento em que morremos, nosso cerebro comeca a se desconectar eletricamente do nosso organismo devido a falta de exigenio, e esta conexao pode levar varios minutos para concretizar. Embora os aparelhos confirmem a morte, uma parte do cerebro pode trazer ao individuo uma recapitulacao clara daquilo que ele vivenciou, ou escutou, e geralmente isso acontece somente em casos de pessoas que foram detectadas mortas e voltaram, por assim dizer, depois de alguns minutos, e contaram as mesmas historias.
Quando um ser vai e volta, este ser vem modificado pela historia de sua vida, e o tal ultimo grasp de oxigenio que o cerebro recebe e bem maior do que os anteriores, porque antes estava dividindo com outros orgaos, e assim num flash, a pessoa acorda, e os equipamentos voltam a funcionar, e o ser fica entao paralizado temporariamente, mas vivo com as memorias que presenciou…e o medico fica pasmo, a familia acredita, e logo vem um livro contando o que viu, e assim se formam grupos de crentes nesta obervacao de que no alem e assim ou assado.
Depois que morrermos, nossa
A nossa vida aqui na terra e uma passagem maxima de 100 anos aonde poderemos criar momentos (ou energias), sejam de bondade, sejam de crueldade. Estas energias terao repercusoes nas vidas que tocamos, e consequentemente em nossas. Veja por exemplo que gastamos mais energia ficando de mal com alguem do que ficando de bem.
Entedemos a diferenca entre Guerra e paz, pois estamos em Guerra desde que o mundo era mundo, porem, cada ser colabora nesta energia de Guerra. Cada ser mantem um sentimento, ou julgamento, baseado naquilo que acredita, ou tem fe. Ha guerras por todos os lados. Dentro de casa, nas ruas da cidade, e.na vida de cada um.
Quando dirigimos um veiculo e nos aproveitamos agressivamente no transito, estamos radiando uma energia de descontentamento, ou de Guerra. Quando roubamos, ou quando nos aproveitamos de qualquer outro ser, estamos criando obstaculos. Estes, refletirao em nossa vida, e na vida dos afetados. Se conseguirmos nos arrrepender completamente daquilo, poderemos ter uma melhor chance de nao sermos atormentados, pois o tormento existe enquanto vivemos. Se procurarmos ver o outro ser humano
Quando eu me pergunto sobre a riqueza do mundo, vejo que esta passando da mao de um para a mao do outro, e sempre aparecendo jovens ficando milionarios. Se eu acreditasse em reincarnacao, poderia deduzir que estes jovens tiveram uma vida passada com muita bondade e filantropia, num mundo aonde somente existiu Guerra, e mereceram ter dinheiro para poder entao fazer algo melhor para aqueles que nao tem. Muitos milionarios ajudam varias causas no mundo. Digo, a maioria deles. Pois doar significa deduzir nos impostos, entao isso se torna quase que uma imposicao. Assim sendo cada milionario tem a sua propria agencia filantropica, nao profitavel, aonde eles podem entao doar diretamente para uma causa que interessa o milionario. Sei que a vida de milionarios nao e um mar de rosas
A teoria basica da vida e a seguinte:
· Devemos obedecer as leis criadas pelo homem,
· Devemos praticar nossa fe seja ela qual for, sendo sempre tolerante as outras praticas, sejam elas quais forem,
· Devemos ser toleraveis.
· Devemos ensinar sobre varias religioes aos nossos filhos menores.
Ninguem esta acima da lei. Todo mundo obedece as leis. Elas foram criadas para resolver disputas que acontece entre os seres humanos. Ha lei pra tudo, e a cada dia se criam mais de mil leis que repara esta e aquela, e que tem precedente sobre esta ou aquela. Todos devem praticar fe em alguma coisa que se relacione com o ser humano, e a sua capacidade de entender perdas sem retaliacoes.
Se praticamos tolerancia, seremos toleravies. Somente aprenderemos a ser tolerantes quando aprendemos sobre o assunto.
Todo casal que tem bom senso sabe que existe muitas perguntas que somente fe em Deus e a certitude de que tudo ficara bem pode aclamar uma crianca. Elas merecem estarem envolvidas e praticarem a religiao dos pais, pois todas tem um caminho somente – Deus.
Cada qual escolhe o seu caminho, ou a sua forma de praticar e experimentar esta vida. Aquilo que voce acreditar acontecera com voce, e voce vivenciara isso. Entao pergunte a voce mesmo o que acontecera com voce depois que voce falecer.
Ceu e um lugar de completa felicidade e positividade, aonde todas as experiencias negativas se transformaram em positivas, dando a luz uma imensidao. O ceu nao e relativo a nada.
O inferno e um lugar de tormento, falta de luz, falta de bondade que experimentamos enquanto vivos, devido a coisas que fizemos ou que fizeram pra nos. Este prossegue alem da vida quando somos mais negativos do que positivos, e isso nao cabe a nos julgar.
Nos veremos mais aqui e depois no Ceu.
Milton Laene Araujo
The perfect being
Science is knowledge! And as such, it must be taken very seriously.
After I read an article about down syndrome on Wikipedia I discovered that "Individuals with Down syndrome differ considerably in their language and communication skills. It is routine to screen for middle ear problems and hearing loss; low gain hearing aids or other amplification devices can be useful for language learning". 86] For partial glossectomy (tongue reduction), one researcher found that 1 out of 3 patients "achieved oral competence," with 2 out of 3 showing speech improvement.
Why don't we have all children with down syndrome exposed to partial tongue reduction? If it will better their quality of life. If it may even help with thyroids problem, which of, in consequence brings obesity and all sort of other problems.
On another related article, it stated that 91–93% of pregnancies in the United Kingdom and Europe with a diagnosis of Down syndrome were terminated.[73] Data from the National Down Syndrome Cytogenetic Register .
In the United States a number of studies have examined the abortion rate of fetuses with Down syndrome. Three studies estimated the termination rates at 95%, 98%, and 87% respectively.[73]
Medical ethicist Ronald Green argues that parents have an obligation to avoid 'genetic harm' to their offspring,[76] and Claire Rayner, then a patron of the Down's Syndrome Association, defended testing and abortion saying "The hard facts are that it is costly in terms of human effort, compassion, energy, and finite resources such as money, to care for individuals with handicaps... People who are not yet parents should ask themselves if they have the right to inflict such burdens on others, however willing they are themselves to take their share of the burden in the beginning."[77]
Peter Singer argued that "neither haemophilia nor Down's syndrome is so crippling as to make life not worth living from the inner perspective of the person with the condition. To abort a fetus with one of these disabilities, intending to have another child who will not be disabled, is to treat fetuses as interchangeable or replaceable. If the mother has previously decided to have a certain number of children, say two, then what she is doing, in effect, is rejecting one potential child in favour of another. She could, in defence of her actions, say: the loss of life of the aborted fetus is outweighed by the gain of a better life for the normal child who will be conceived only if the disabled one dies".
This is far too much to digest in a simple page. It seems that science, capable of detecting a fetus with "abnormalities", jumps the gun in selling the tool of "detection" and prevention, forgetting that it needs to fix the abnormality.
For now, science needs to create a device that reverses the entire process of development of the chromosome that carries the abnormality.
Down syndrome disorders are based on having too many copies of the genes located on chromosome 21. In general, this leads to an over expression of the genes. Understanding the genes involved may help to target medical treatment to individuals with Down syndrome. It is estimated that chromosome 21 contains 200 to 250 genes. Recent research has identified a region of the chromosome that contains the main genes responsible for the pathogenesis of Down syndrome, located proximal to 21q22.3. The search for major genes involved in Down syndrome characteristics is normally in the region 21q21–21q22.3
If abortion is ever to be considered legal, from a law point of view, it would bring a pandemonium into people's lives, that can not ever be fixed. To begin, science and abortion will work side by side, eliminating from the face of the earth every fetus that has this or that abnormality. Scientists would become greedy and forget their principal objective, which is prevention of abnormalities by scientific means of resetting the DNA configuration of that particular abnormality.
Science needs to change its gears from corrective maintenance to preventive maintenance. Science now is stagnated in finding how to correct this or that disease, caused by this or that abnormalities. Scientists are more concerned in creating pills. For now science is working side by side with free market or capitalism.
Science should only be used for the benefit of humans, and not for enrichment of enterprises.
It is fair to say that scientists are able to manipulate an allele, which is one of two or more forms of a gene or a genetic locus (generally a group of genes).[1][2] The form "allel" is also used, an abbreviation of allelomorph. Sometimes, different alleles can result in different observable phenotypic traits, such as different pigmentation. However, many variations at the genetic level result in little or no observable variation.
A number of genetic disorders are caused when an individual inherits two recessive alleles for a single-gene trait. Recessive genetic disorders include Albinism, Cystic Fibrosis, Galactosemia, Phenylketonuria (PKU), and Tay-Sachs Disease. Other disorders are also due to recessive alleles, but because the gene locus is located on the X chromosome, so that males have only one copy (that is, they are hemizygous), they are more frequent in males than in females. Examples include red-green color blindness and Fragile X syndrome.
Other disorders, such as Huntington disease, occur when an individual inherits only one dominant allele.
Science needs to put more effort into modifying the composition of a defected allel. Science needs to get its priority straight.
By now we all - I mean, every individual should have a DNA identification, which would refer to a central global communication for all means related with law enforcement, forensics, and medical. Along with our identification, a daily reading of our blood content would indicate which nutrients are necessary for that day. Science should be more advanced than what it is now. We need good scientists. We need to praise the good ones, who are studying prevention of abnormalities by manipulating genes, and not those more interested in creating a new pill to make this or that go away.
I am not against progress. I just do not appreciate when progress come in such a high cost for everyone.
By now we should have humans beings immune of any diseases, that can live at least 300 years with only one appearance, perfect weight, and controlled mood, etc. A perfect human being who was perfected to live in this environment by his fellow human, who used science to manipulate genes, creating pure-breads from within hybrids.
Can we get there, finally?
How to educate a child to become a responsible Teen
Children need discipline, and it must come from parents.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau in November, 2009, there are approximately 13.7 million single parents in the United States today, and those parents are responsible for raising 21.8 million children (approximately 26% of children under 21 in the U.S. today). It means that 26% of our population will experience life with only one parent, or multiple parents/guardians, such as extended families etc. Either way, it is different from the real expectation of one child with a set of parents to take care of that child.
Most single parents engage in dating games, and the message passed to a child is that a new person will take the place of a parent. It can get very confusing, specially when grown ups make babies and can not get along to raise them. It become reality to a child that he or she is in fault.
The remaining 74% of children under 21 in the U.S are being raised by a set of parents. Whether this set of parents are the natural parents it is not clear, but with a divorce rate of about 50%, it is fair to say that a large number of children are being raised with one step-parent, and some step-siblings as well.
Again, the message passed to a child is that grown ups can not keep a promise or engage in long term commitment.
Those, whether single parents or married couples, who end up with the responsibility to raise a child is in charge of cleansing that child's mind of all negativeness from the past.
Parents Do not!
1- Fight in front of the kids
2- Use foul language to express fury in front of the kids
3- Involve kids into your fights
Parents have at least one luggage filled with nonsense they have inherited before they become parents. It is up to each individual to let that luggage interfere with their present. Nonsense is what you get when you are a child and presence your parents fighting, using foul language towards one another, or fight because of something related with timing and activities involving the children.
If you are a parent and if you committed the 3 do not mentioned above, chances are you came from a family that did not obey it either. Your nonsense is spreading and it will never stop. You were somehow a difficult teen who got away with things, and now as a parent you see things differently.
It is your fault! You can blame your parents if you want, but it is your fault because you have children now. If they do not obey your rules, it is because you let them get away before. Your sense of discipline was way out of order. You did not set the rules when your teen was a child, and now it is uncontrollable. He or she will face difficulties on their own. If they are not already in trouble.
It is too late to start setting "the rules of the house". You lost this battle. If you have a teen who is out of control,
Parents Do not!
1- Confront them with new rules
2- Invade their privacy
3- Reason with your teen. He will not hear you.
Parents Do this:
1- Cut part of the allowance. If there was none, give some money for expenses.
2- Encourage some of his friends to come over.
3- Try to be at the same age and get involved with activities.
Do not serve alcohol to minors and do not allow it in your house. If it comes to that, call the police. Do not hit your teen, for you will go to jail. Have lots of food available when friends come over, so they will spend more time at your place, and less time doing something wrong. Be creative and allow them to bring their computer to play games in teams. Have hot dogs and hamburgers for them all. Try to get inside your child's head as a mentor, and not as a pal. When ready, ask for forgiveness for committing the 3 don'ts for parents by doing things that would affect your child's life. Maybe this could change into something better, but do not hold too much expectation. Be sincere, for you had fights while your child was in the back sit of the car. You said nasty things to one another inside the house. You involved your child in some dispute.
You still can win this entire combat. You will make your child a good parent, considering that you THINK you failed in your endeavor. Be honest and take the blames specifically, to help your child to cleanse his mind of negative thoughts. Take the blame for everything and everyone, including your parents because they did not know any better. As long as you take the blame, you can then ask your teen to put a stop in this cycle of fights that affects everyone.
Teach him to respect his partner and treat everyone as co-workers. If we all learn to treat everyone as co-workers we would be happier. Work as a team with your partner - not against him.
If you have a child less than 5, you can not tolerate this child be out of control. Discipline need to be reinforced at this age, and zero tolerance for wrong doings. Rules must be direct. Time to go to bed, time to get up, shower, eat, play, etc. Time for fun with parents is necessary. Do not mix rules - it creates confusion.
Watch Super Nanny to get an idea how to discipline yourself and your child.
Parents Do not!
1- Fight in front of the kids
2- Use foul language to express fury in front of the kids
3- Involve kids into your fights
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