About Me - Milton Laene Araujo

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Lake Worth, Florida, United States
My name is Milton and I am a reader. I love to feed my mind with what if’s?, through stories.


The Teacher of the Future

The teacher of the future

Let’s for a moment travel to the year 2131 and see what is going on at this time on earth.
For starters, school grounds vanished completely. No more human teachers and no more classrooms. Books will be something of the past. A child at the age of 12 would have never heard of books, and when in contact with one, she will be perplexed by the yellow pages with words that do not move or change, and pictures that remain untouched after weeks and weeks.
School will be at home. The teacher will be a mechanic machine with lights and a screen where any answers can be obtained, lectures can be learned and each and every student will be registered with DNA/eye and print contact. Once registered, each student will be processed with a mechanic teacher, who will be your friend, teacher and the only one responsible for your academics development. Every child will learn the same thing at first, and anyone can advance to different levels or age based on performance. The mechanic teacher is composed of all knowledge existent, and will share it with every student individually. Social time will be within a schedule decided by parents and with the approval of the Center Of Knowledge. It means that once registered a child will be a part of a program, which includes maximum security while learning and complete control of all actions monitored, saved and filed with the Center. Parents will have access to their children during family hours for socialization with family. Children will socialize with (kids) neighbors, through the net and eventually share family time, sleep-over, etc. 

Transportation will be electronically guided. No drivers, but passengers only. Everyone Register with the Census will have a schedule of activities, including working in or out of the house. When out, transportation will be offered to pick up a worker and deliver him to his station. Everyone registered will be picked up at the correct time by the liner. The liner will collect information, addresses and time of starting to work to precisely pick up workers and drop them at their station on the right time. For example: If you work 20 miles away and you need to be there at 9:00 Am, the Liner will pick you up at home, along with other passengers and start delivering them to their appropriated places. A telepathic message will be sent to you to make sure you know where to change liners in case of any disruption, and you can only pass through if you are truly yourself. Our brain will be at its 55% usage, and within 20 years it will achieve a 100% knowledge and usage. At 55% our brain will be connected electronically with various devices to help us to achieve our destination, procreation, evolution and leisure.

Money will be something of the past. Everyone once controlled by the center will contribute with its share of work and be provided accordingly. People will have a bank account with money to spend, but always in form of credit and no paper money. When a human in endowed with various aptitudes, there will be choices, but never time to waste, yet, a deposit will be made for the value of the job done.

Teleportation will be available, but only people with credit can use this privilege.  Credits are obtained in many ways, especially by the mechanic teacher, who would take you to the exact place of study and bring you back.
In summary, the teacher of the future will be a machine. No more school no more friends, no more proms, no more socializing in person, sharing cold, flu etc. Destination will be programmed before any trip and a choice to share a liner will be available, but with credit one can obtain a liner for himself. Cars with drivers are gone. Cars with GPS controlled devices will be the only existent and roads will be programmed to read cars, speed, and anything related to make the trip perfect. During accidents, people will be removed by choppers into their destination. There will be various stations for exchange of liners, but used only when something goes wrong with the circuitry. Every house will have camera built-in in every angle, as well as by satellite. We will be working for one major industry and the main goal is to preserve humanity at all cost. Ah, before I forget,  kids will have their schedule programmed by the computer and they will abide by it because otherwise they will be on time out for at least 10 minutes without action, but sit and wait for the machine to re-set. God will always be a part of our life, even for those who believe in a force. This force will be the only source of happiness and interior peace.

