About Me - Milton Laene Araujo

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Lake Worth, Florida, United States
My name is Milton and I am a reader. I love to feed my mind with what if’s?, through stories.


Abortion and a viable solution

 October 24th, 2022

Abortion - and a Viable Solution

When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall… (Bee Gees). 

In the past, when I was a high school student I could not purchase any adult magazines. There was always someone at the store to block my purchase because I was a minor. Back then we had a regulatory body at every bookstore deciding what a kid could or could not purchase. Later, when they started with video rental, the store had a small room with videos for adults. No kid was permitted in these areas. “The man,” would come after you and remove you from that area. When I was small, music had a different meaning. It was not appropriate for musicians to write a song with derogatory words. I lived in a world where kids could play outside with the entire village and grow into a person with values. Today, I am taller than our Christmas tree, and the kids have the freedom to enter any adult website. The regulatory body simply vanished, allowing kids to see websites that definitely are not age-appropriate. “The man” is not there to remove them from that site. I wonder why. It seems to me that Politicians are more worried about abortion than raising our kids. We are more concerned about the life that is to come than the life that is already here. It is truly out of order.

In the United States alone, since the First World War, we have lost around 750 thousand men in various wars. 

Bellow, we have an estimate of the number of people in each war. 

This information was taken from the site updated in 2019. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/many-americans-died-u-s-wars

The true tool of death may remain unknown and immeasurable because the data has been badly collected, or ignored by those responsible for its collection. 

The same is true about abortion. We do not have the proper data.

We don’t even have the data on kids in poverty. 

Leaving aside the wars, and the number of kids that could be generated if these men have not died in their prime time of existence, let's get into the abortion topic.  

During an interview, Kanye West mentioned that 50% of all abortions in the USA are done by black women. He forgot to mention that most abortion facilities are within neighborhoods with minority communities. 

Leaving that aside, it is fair to say that blacks have been victims of a hidden racist agenda. The case Dred Scott v. Sanford was just the beginning. In the end, the idea of overturning Roe v. Wade is more monetarized than we can think. 

There was a time when the black population was reaching 39% of the overall population. They did not have skills for not being exposed to skilled professions, therefore they were seen as inferior in various aspects. Laws were created and a legal wall of separation deemed black as inferior, not worthy of even occupying the same space as white. Today a small percentage occupy leadership, which is an advancement, but the laws are written in the past language.

Getting back to abortion, the populace was growing indiscriminately.

  • In 1973 the USA had 212 million people.

  • In 2022 the USA has 333 million people.

We have seen an increase in the population of the USA of about 121 million people in the period of Roe v. Wade in 1973 and today. 

  • At least 60 million babies have been aborted in centers around the nation. (urbancure.org), “The effects of abortion on the black community” Policy Report. 

  • If we had not lost people in wars, we could have increased our population by at least 20 million people. (in my own Math). 

  • The total today would be close to 600 million people if no abortions were tolerated. 

As you probably can see where I am going with this…


We are in a precatory situation in education. 60 million people could have a life and procreate. The Population could have been 1 Billion people ready to live and work, and there would not be a shortage of key professionals in science, medicine, and higher education.  Let us leave what-ifs aside! 

  1. We need to respect the “right of privacy”. 

  2. We need to educate people about the consequences of having an abortion in a world like today.

  3. We must learn that all lives matter, and those already living are the ones we can help at this moment.

  4. Teach everyone that when social security was created there were over one hundred people in the workforce for every person collecting social security benefits. Today the ratio dropped to 4 persons in the workforce for 1 person on social security. 

  5. Give people a chance to digest a piece of concise information in regard to the population of your area, or your state. Especially if the law lies in your hands. 

  6. Let's brainstorm over places to accommodate everyone living today and those who shouldn't be aborted. 

In summary - Let us all drop this subject and each government (for the time being) will decide in accordance with the desire of the people of that state. Let’s allow people to go to different states and have their procedures as they please. In the end, we all are humans, and we need to decide for ourselves what is the best way to go. Only after we learn what is truly happening, we can make the right decision. We must give an identity to every human being in existence now, and then decide how to operate in terminations. Yet, it is not a political issue, it is a personal issue. The woman carries the human being, therefore it is her choice. This issue should not be brought up in the beginning. 

From the bottom of my heart, I am not sure anymore if Roe V. Wade was a creation to guide us into a place we have never been invited to before. In a sense of diminishing a race or a population based on prejudice. And today we see the repercussion and we decide to change it. People have no saying in it.  

Milton Laene Araujo