About Me - Milton Laene Araujo

My photo
Lake Worth, Florida, United States
My name is Milton and I am a reader. I love to feed my mind with what if’s?, through stories.


How people truly are?

The above picture was taken when I went to visit my friends in Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil.   Standing from left to right you see me, Milton, and Ivana. Seated we see Hans and Axel.
This picture depitcs what I want to talk about - Family, individual, adolescents - People in general.

How people truly are?

To begin, let's divide people in three level categories. The first is: People that talk about people. These, I call low type of people. The second is: People that talk about things. These I call median type of people, and the third is people that talk about ideas. These I call high type of people. This combination forms a person, and they coexist together, and sometimes grow together into different levels, but unfortunately, other times they stagnate into one category forever.

We can call whatever name we want to any group of people, but in reality, what we are truly doing is comparing ourselves to them.

Low type of people engages in conversations about other people's business. They don't like to read. They follow the same values that were passed on to them. They are stubborn by nature. They refuse to learn other cultures, and have an opinion for all matters of life. They refuse to learn about science, and have no idea about archeology, fossils, astronomy, etc. They are extremely ethnocentric, and they believe that their way of life is the correct one.

Among the low type of people, unfortunately, we find nothing, but problems. The essence of life is around gossips, comparisons, hate and lack of self observance. These people are self-centered, and live their lives incomplete. They follow what other people tell them. They are all the time followers. They will never command! They can produce. They can perform any duty that doesn’t require thinking. They can work in a line of production for any factory, and they will succeed this way. They can only do sub-jobs. The good news is that they can change, if they truly want it.

Median type of people engages in conversations about things that are happening. They care about facts, and they also learn to compare facts, to later draw their conclusion based on their past information. These people are more likely to succeed, for they enjoy learning about different things, and they are attracted to the same kind of people. They understand different cultures, and they respect other beliefs. They talk about people, when it is not prejudicial to anyone. They have a great balance about who they are. They can command. They would not like any job that is not challenging. They would not follow any order. They would search for the truth at all times. The better news is that they can change to a higher level.

High type of people engages in conversations about ideas that involve people and things. They are the thinkers, who advocate for the benefit of the community as a whole. They can be called geeks, and most of the time they are lonesome. They are genius, and they can not relate with the majority of the population. They feel attracted to median people because they have a desire to share what they learned. They like to preserve the fauna and the flora of this earth. They aim to be in a higher level to share what they have learned.

These levels can only be combined through acceptance of who we are. Where we want to be and how can we get there.

Shifting this topic a little, let’s analyze a dog. Dog owners think that when their dog licks them, it is because he (it) is showing love and affection, but the reality is that the dog wants to smell everything that is out there. They want to smell who comes to the door. The licking process is his way of absorbing what is new. They lick to show that they either remember that smell or they are happy to meet a different smell.

Adolescents, on the other hand, are in search of a place to be. They inherited their parents category (level, in this case), and they are in search of what could make them fit in. Parents that are low type and median type have difficulty accepting their adolescent’s way of thinking, acting and behaving. The adolescent, however, get in conflict and can change his level to either higher or lower. Parents have the base for all influences, but the adolescent who inherited a low type of people family, will have to work extra hard to fit in. Some turn bad. Unfortunately, it was their parents fault – really!

A couple, however, can work together to fix all problems. They must grow and understand life changes. They must adapt to new way of thinking and more importantly, they must listen to their adolescent. When a couple has different backgrounds, but both are willing to learn more about things and ideas, they resolve matters as life goes on. But when a couple is set on their ways, a divorce is eminent. Low and median type of people get divorced. High type of people sticks together.

