About Me - Milton Laene Araujo

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Lake Worth, Florida, United States
My name is Milton and I am a reader. I love to feed my mind with what if’s?, through stories.
Showing posts with label Livro de Commodities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Livro de Commodities. Show all posts


The Commodity Broker - Chapter 2 -

The Commodity Broker - Chapter 2 - By Milton Laene Araujo

Chapter 2 – Stonegate Financial Services October 2006 to 2007


Stonegate Financial Services, located in Delray Beach, Florida, was registered as an Introducing broker in October 2006.  Stonegate was the lineal descendent of Futuretek Trading Group, a boiler room operation in South Florida. When the NF A issued a disciplinary complaint against Futuretek in 2005, many of its brokers transferred en masse to Majestik Commodity Corporation, another firm located in south Florida. The process was repeated when the NF A issued a disciplinary complaint against Majestik in 2006, and many Majestik brokers transferred to Stonegate.

Stonegate's owners, Jose Roberto Jalil and Anthony Rodriguez, and the majority of Stonegate ' s associated persons, had been associated with a string of "tainted" firms that had been disciplined by the CFTC and the NF A for fraudulent sales and trading practices. When Stonegate started up in 2006, almost its entire sales force had worked for tainted firms, most notably Futuretek and Majestic. One year later, by October 17th, 2007, when Sofia applied for an available position as an associated person the concentration of tainted brokers had been partially diluted, but remained high: out of 22 Stonegate associated persons, ten were not rookies, and all ten experienced associated persons - including Peter Zipe, Cindy Marks and Chris Spinster -- had previously worked for extensive periods of time for tainted firms. Stonegate steered its customers into patently dubious trading strategies that were designed to maximize Stonegate's commission income. Although, Stonegate’s principals and brokers probably knew, or suspected, or could have easily discovered these facts, a novice trader, such as a customer, with no knowledge of the commodity options business -- could not have readily known, suspected or discovered these facts. Sofia had no idea about this what-so-ever.

On October 3, 2007 – about, fifteen days before Sofia’s entrance into the firm, the NFA brought a disciplinary complaint against Stonegate and its president, Anthony Rodriguez, alleging that they had been allowing a suspended former principal of a firm disciplined for boiler-room practices –Jose Roberto’s brother, Paul Jalil the owner of Futuretek -- to run Stonegate.

 From Paul’s immediate entrance, Stonegate agents had engaged in misleading sales solicitations. Anthony Rodriguez became a puppet in the hands of Paul Jalil. Anthony had failed to implement the augmented supervisory safeguards mandated by NFA rules for firms with a high percentage of tainted brokers.

Paul Jalil, the man with all the money, was first registered with the NFA in January 2000, as an associated person and principal of a string of tainted firms, including Group Two Financial Services, Inc., Third Liberty Investments, Futuretek Trading Group, and Majestik Commodity Corp. In 2005, the NFA issued a complaint against Futuretek, Paul Jalil and others, alleging that Paul Jalil had defrauded customers and failed to supervise Futuretek. On October 16, 2006, Jalil agreed to settle those charges by agreeing to a variety of sanctions, including a six-month membership ban and other restrictions on his business activities.

 Notwithstanding these restrictions, Paul Jalil had a regular and active presence at Stonegate from the beginning, leading motivational daily sales meetings, offering trade recommendations to prospects, and hiring and firing new brokers. Jose Roberto Jalil, Paul's brother, was an owner and a registered associated person with Stonegate, but his presence in this business occurred when Paul did not have anyone else to use as his puppet. He became a registered principal of Stonegate on October 23, 2006, just as his brother was beginning his six-month suspension.

Luis Vanderval Rodriguez, Anthony's brother, and a want-to-be-broker filed an application for registration as an associated person with Stonegate on December 11, 2006, which remained pending due to his background. By letter dated January 31, 2007, the NFA had given Rodriguez the option to withdraw his application in lieu of submitting additional documentation concerning his arrest record. He remained working for Stonegate even without a license. He made calls, lied to clients and brought a great sum of money to his owners.

Gerald "Jerry" Zaipe, one of the most experienced brokers at Stonegate, was a registered associated person from December 21, 2006. Zaipe first became registered in 2003, and worked for a series of tainted firms, including United Investors, Group, Futuretek Trading Group, and Majestik Commodity Corporation. Mr. Zaipe is what we call a Loader. He received accounts opened by other brokers and worked on those accounts to increase profit for the business. Zaipe, along with all other senior brokers had learned the game, but  they all have  forgotten the human side of life.

The regular commission charged by most introducing brokers is $100.00, which covers to place the customer in the market and on a later date offset his contract. Stonegate was charging $250. A process called churning also was taking place. Senior brokers traded every day until the entire investment disappeared and a large commission was earned.




The Commodity Broker - Chapter 1 -

The Commodity Broker -

By, Milton Laene Araujo  - Chapter 1-

                                                                Chapter 1 – October 2007

Trim, trim, trim… rings the telephone at Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins residence. “Bob, are you expecting any calls?” Mrs. Jenkins said while turning the stove top slightly down.  She cleaned her hands with a dish towel and hurried towards the telephone, which was placed on the hall between the kitchen and the dining room. She cautiously checked the number on the caller ID with no avail. It displayed “No Caller Identification.”  Reluctantly, she picks up the receiver.

“Jenkins’ Residence, this is Susan”

“Hello Mrs. Jenkins, my name is Sofia…. am calling to speak with Mr. Robert Jenkins, is he available?”

“What is this about?” Asked Mrs. Jenkins already annoyed with so many unsolicited phone calls they have been receiving lately.

“I see here that Mr. Jenkins showed some interest in getting involved with the Markets, and I would like to have a few words with him before I put all the information he solicited in the mail”

“Just mail it”, said Mrs. Jenkins with her mind on the simmering cooking pan of stew she left unattended on the stove.
Robert Jenkins was seated on his favorite blue chair, less than five feet from the telephone, but he has refused to answer the phone since they had it installed in their place fifty or forty years ago. Telephone answering was for secretaries, and at home, it was his wife’s department. He liked his calls filtered to the max, and only gave the time of the day when matters were important. For some reason, he felt that this one was important. Not exactly for the caller, or least to say the call, but for the look of disdain his

wife showed while tapping her waist with her free hand to call his attention, and also, to make clear that she was cooking, and it meant serious business for her. “I will take it” said Bob going in direction of the phone, and taking that time to kiss his wife on the forehead, before taking the phone she just left up-side down.

“I understand Mrs. Jenkins, but as you know I have to make sure we have a real person who is truly interested in this type of investment…which is not for everybody…” Sofia was interrupted by a male voice.

“This is Bob Jenkins, how may I help you?”

“Oh Mr. Jenkins I am glad I got you there! I just said to your wife that you have showed interest in getting involved with the commodity market, and I want to ask a few questions before I put all the information you solicited in the mail.”

“Go ahead” said Bob.

“Uh… my name is Sofia Keller and I am calling from Stonegate Financial Services, here in Delray Beach, FL. I am calling because I received a request for information about exchange traded options, and I wanted to give you the courtesy of a phone call today to let you know that I will be mailing the material you requested first thing tomorrow morning. Mr. Jenkins. Have you ever invested in exchange traded options before?

“How did you get my number?”

“I got your number from a listing of people who either have or not invested in the market before, who completed some sort of internet questioner in this regard. Could that be possible?

“Oh, yes, I have, but it was a long time ago, gosh, I have forgotten it.”

“I will be mailing the material you requested first thing tomorrow morning. So tell me Mr. Jenkins, have you ever invested in exchange traded options before?

“Yes, once or twice in the past, I think…”

“I am sure you realize that timing is the key to making money in any investment, don’t you?”

“Uh hum”

“That’s especially true in the options market.  For example, our research is focusing in on what we believe is a tremendous opportunity that exists in the HEATING OIL market” … Sofia got some air and went on… “Who generally makes the decision in your household; you, your wife or both of you?

“It depends. If it is investment I do.”

“Now Mr. Jenkins, we believe this opportunity exists for three basic, but nonetheless important reasons. One being that the Department of Energy reported crude oil stock fell 8 million barrels compared to last week’s level. At this time of the year we should be building our inventories, but we are not. Considering that there is no demand of heating oil in the middle of the summer. And we can’t build it during the winter season. What do you think it does to the heating oil prices?

“Probably will go higher,

“That is correct Mr. Jenkins. What have you heard about heating oil so far this year?” Sofia glanced through her notes were it said: Listen to the client get a response…You must have heard something, maybe in the newspaper or on TV?”

“Let’s start with some basics: obviously the idea here is to buy low and sell high…Make sense?”

“Uh hum”

“Now, if I was to ask you when the Heating Oil prices will be the cheapest, when would you say that will be?

“Now, during the summer I suppose!”

“Obviously now because nobody is using it, better yet, nobody is even thinking about it. Now, Mr. Jenkins, if I were to ask you when you thought Heating Oil is in the highest demand, what would you answer?” … get an answer of Cold Weather or Winter.

“That’s right! Right before winter, or during the winter season, because of the cold weather people tend to heat their homes more than during warmer times of year, demand goes up…and makes the price go up…Dos it make sense?”


“We believe this is going to happen this year for three key reasons and you are going to want to write these down. Grab a pen and a piece of paper. I wait”.

“I have it here”.

“OK. One is Supply, second is demand and the third is the U.S dependency on foreign oil. Do you have these down?

“I have Supply and Demand and Dependency of foreign oil. Is that what you said?”

“Yes, it is Mr. Jenkins. The refinery system in the U.S is old and unreliable at best. And because of this, refineries in the U.S. are having trouble taking crude oil and turning it into byproducts such as unleaded gas and heating oil. And because they’ve been trying to keep up with gasoline demand, they’ve neglected to refine heating oil ahead of this year’s winter demand, leaving us with dangerously low Heating Oil supplies that are considered insufficient by many experts…Mr. Jenkins. If you have inadequate Heating Oil supplies, you can see how that would move prices higher. Don’t you?”


“Obviously, the colder the weather gets, the more people need to heat their homes, therefore the more heating oil people will use as a result. Make Sense? Now, as the winter approaches, we are headed into a peak demand period, where we may use the majority heating oil for the year! This excess increase in demand, in my opinion, is going to push prices far past last year’s record setting heating oil price of $2.45 per gallon! Do you follow me?”

“Yes, it is interesting Sofia, please go on.”

“Thanks Mr. Jenkins. If at any time this is boring you, please let me know, he, he, he, but when I start talking about this I just go on… Are you familiar with O.P.E.C. and what it stands for? O.P.E.C. is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran and so on…40% of the world’s oil is located there. Starting on January 1st, they cut oil supplies by 1 million barrels per day to keep prices high. Does it make sense the higher the price of Crude Oil, the more expensive is to refine it into byproducts like Heating Oil, rubber, tires etc.” …

“It does.”

“Now there is one more thing to take into consideration, and that’s the Wildcard of Middle East Tension. Considering that more than one third of the world’s oil is located there, any supply disruption could create massive prices spikes. That being said, if the wrong bullet hits the wrong politician or if an oil pipeline is sabotaged, it could create fear that there will be a supply disruption of oil flow from the Middle East to the rest of the World, You follow me?

“Dang, I was not aware of all that, I mean, I hear it on TV and stuff but I did not know much…”

“Now Mr. Jenkins, in my opinion, any one of these factors alone could move the price of Heating Oil 15 to 20 cents per gallon higher. However right now, I feel we are experiencing all three. You follow me?


“Good! There are two ways you can invest your money into this market. One way is called futures trading; in fact write that down, FUTURES. And the other is known as options trading. Write that down as well, OPTIONS. Now, with the Futures trading you have unlimited profit potential, however, you also carry an unlimited risk. Meaning Mr. Jenkins that you could lose more money than what you originally invested. I don’t even advise my wealthiest clients to get involved with futures. The investment vehicle that we use is OPTIONS, in fact just so you don’t confuse the two, circle the word options on your paper. Options also give you unlimited profit potential; however they carry a limited risk. Meaning your risk is limited to what you decide to invest. Based on that you as the investor can set the amount of risk you are willing to take on, Make sense?”


“There are two keys to making money in these markets. Write these down, please: LEVERAGE and TIMING. Do you have that written down?”


Let’s start with the leverage. What I am going to do is give you a hypothetical example of how this market works to show how you can potentially profit if things turn out as we expect. If you love the numbers I show you…what is the most you can put behind this recommendation, Could you handle $10,000?


“Where would that money be coming from?”

“I have it in the Bank as I have other investments”

“So, in other words, you could write a check for $10,000 today if you wanted to get involved with this investment?...I don’t want to overextend you. You have more money behind this, meaning, this isn’t the money you use to pay the bills with, is it?”

“Yes, I have other investments”

“Good, so you consider this money to be risk capital, Right?”


“Great, $10,000 will buy you 10 Heating Oil Contract Options, write that Down…

$10,000 = 10 Heating Oil Options


“Mr. Jenkins, every single one of these options gives you a leverage over 42,000 gallons of Heating Oil. Write that down…

42,000 gallons per option


“Now, do you remember that before I told you I was looking for the price to rise 15 to 20 cents from here?”

“Uh hum”

“Good, based on that type of options we’re buying we’ll be looking to catch a fraction of that move in profit. So for example, let’s say we just catch a 5 cent move in our option. Write that down…

…write down, 5 cent move per gallon.”


Now if you made 5 cents per gallon on 42000 gallons…write that down…

5 cents per gallon X 42000 gallons = $2100 per option

“Done, but it sounds too good to be true”

 “I haven’t finished yet, Mr. Jenkins, but how many options did we say we could buy with $10,000?”


“Right” 10, so on the next line write down…

$2100 per option X 10 options = $ 21,000.”

“Wow!” Said Mr. Jenkins

“Write that amount down and circle it. That’s $21,000 to you if things work out as I plan. Tell me, is that the kind of return you were looking for when you requested the information?

“I never saw things this way Sofia. I usually let my broker do the work and I trust him.”

“Understand this Mr. Jenkins, my motivation is to make you money and built a relationship with you. Now, what I just gave you was the good news, the so called cherries of the investment. However, I can’t just give you the cherries without also giving you the pits of the investment as well. It is the risk. The risk of this opportunity is that you could lose all or part of the original investment, but never pay a penny more. Understand?

“Yes, like in all investments”.

“Now, there is a risk management tool that we can use on your acct. Known as stop loss order. Are you familiar with a stop loss?”

“Not really.”

“Not a problem, let me explain it, a stop loss is an automatic sell trigger that is attempting to limit your losses should the market move against your position. We set the stop option around 40% of the original investment, so based on the amount you’re considering, we would set the stop to attempt to limit your losses and protect about $4,000. So you understand stops are not guarantees, they are attempts, if the market moves dramatically against you, you may protect less than $4,000 or on the other hand, if the market rallies back up after the stops been triggered, you may get more than $4,000. However, in my experience, when the stops work properly we will get out of the market protecting what we are originally expecting. Make sense?”

“Yes, it does. Why no one ever explained this to me before?”

“I can’t answer that Mr. Jenkins, furthermore, as our firm finds additional opportunities, we will advise you so that you might take advantage of other situations that we believe will offer you similar profit potential. You’d like that. Right?


“Mr. Jenkins, remember I told you that there are two keys to making money with these markets. They are Leverage and timing.”

“Uh hum”

“We’ve pretty much covered all the leverage. The other key to money making is timing!... and the time on this investment Mr. Jenkins, is right now… the reason I bring up timing is that these markets move quickly. One of the most important parts of my job is to position you properly in this market, and with the news that’s out I think we can turn a quick profit on your $10,000 investment in just the next 2 to 3 weeks. You’d like that right?”

“I don’t think I am ready yet”.

“If you need to take your time, just remember that once this news gets get absorbed by investors, everybody will be buying into this market. That’s why the more seasoned investors are buying now, in anticipation of the move. Of course I realize not everybody can make a decision right now, but let me ask you, if you had this information in front of you and it all makes sense. How quickly can you act on this investment…If you loved it could you get involved today or tomorrow?”

“Hey Sofia, my wife is calling me to eat lunch. Can we talk more after lunch?”

“Absolutely Mr. Jenkins, but before you go, let me give you my information.

“Sofia, where are you from?”

“I am originally from Brazil, but I have been in America since 1988 Mr. Jenkins. I know it sounds funny when I say WE, referring to America, but I am an American as well. My accent will stay with me for as long as I live. “

“I kind of like it Sofia. You sound sincere and knowledgeable”.

“Thanks Mr. Jenkins, but before you leave,   I want you to have the NFA web site. There you can see who I am and where I am working. Are you ready? Ok. Please jot down this information for me: My name, Sofia Keller and my NFA ID is 0385773. My number here is 561-330-2332. The site is www.nfa.futures.org , and the other I want you to check is  www.barchart.com . The second one will show prices of commodities today. Check them both out.”

 “I will call your number and ask for you directly.” Until then!”
