About Me - Milton Laene Araujo

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Lake Worth, Florida, United States
My name is Milton and I am a reader. I love to feed my mind with what if’s?, through stories.


Dois Fatos de Tiroteio e uma observada em nos mesmos.

Dois Fatos de Tiroteio e uma observada em nos mesmos. Aconteceu no Sabado dia 8 de Janeiro de 2010 um tiroteio em Tucson, uma cidade no estado de Arizona - O atirador teria tentado falar com a deputada no evento, um encontro com eleitores do lado de fora de um mercado na cidade. Ao ser informado por assessores dela que teria de esperar, foi embora, voltou com uma arma semiautomática e começou a atirar, segundo Alex Villec, que trabalhava no evento.Primeiro, ele atirou na deputada. Ela foi atingida por um único tiro, que atravessou sua cabeça.Depois, ele começou a disparar indiscriminadamente e só parou ao ser detido por dois homens, de acordo com a polícia.O Acusado, Jared Loughner, 22 anos, foi preso por ser suspeito de matar seis pessoas e ferir 14 em Tucson, no Arizona, entre elas a deputada democrata Gabrielle Giffords, que se recupera no hospital de uma cirurgia após ter sido baleada na cabeça. Aconteceu no Domingo dia 9 de Janeiro em Baltimore, uma cidade no estado de Maryland. Ao menos duas pessoas, uma delas um policial, morreram na primeira hora deste domingo (9) em um tiroteio ocorrido em um clube noturno de Baltimore, no leste dos Estados Unidos, segundo informa a rede americana NBC.A polícia foi ao clube após receber uma chamada que alertava sobre uma briga no interior do local.Uma vez no local, teve início um tiroteio no qual morreu um dos agentes e outra pessoa não identificada.O tiroteio, segundo as fontes policiais citadas pela NBC, não está relacionado com o incidente ocorrido neste sábado (8) em Tucson, no qual morreram seis pessoas e 13 ficaram feridas. OPINIAO – Trata-se de individuos que perderam sua coneccao com Deus. Sao individuos que perderam o controle de ser e de existir, e que somente sabem se expressar atrvez de barbarismo. Estes individuos disconectados estao em busca de admiracao, gloria, mesmo que seja por um segundo. Uma vez disconectados com Deus eles se conectam com forcas de maldade, de falta de humanidade, e provocam terror na vida das pessoas, quando nao aniquilam por completo. As palavras personalidade e individualidade sao duas palavras que apresentam signifcados diferentes para uma mente treinada, mas para uma mente destreinada estas palavras sao usadas de forma trocadas fugindo do significado real. Personalidade se aplica a parte de voce que morre. A sua parte que morre quando voce morre. A personalidade pertence a regiao governada pelo intelecto. A sua personalidade pode concordar ou discordar de outros. Quando voce diz que voce nao gosta de alguem, significa que voce nao gosta da personalidade da tal pessoa. A parte exterior, qual se apresenta a si mesma pelo lado de fora, e que pode ser modificado, e que se contradiz com voce por dentro, com o voce real. Se contradiz com a sua individualidade. A sua individualidade e aquela perte de voce que nunca muda de identidade. E aquilo que distingue uma pessoa da outra. A sua personalidade pode ficar como a dos outros qual voce se associa. Individualidade nunca muda. Nao confunda estes termos. Voce pode ter uma personalidade agressiva ou pronunciada, ou um ser exterior, qual de vez em quando, e por um periodo vai batalhar varios obstaculos e obter o seu merito. Mas uma indidualidade pronunciada nunca batalha; nunca perde a esportiva, e nao e governada por gostos e desgostos e nunca causa isso aos outros. E Deus entrando forte na alma de cada ser, aonde toda merar personalidade por instinctivamente se ajoelha diante Dele reconhencendo a sua superioridade. Cultivamos individualidade quando escutamos a voz que vem bem la do fundinho de nossa alma, e com corpo obedecendo, mesmo que lhe faca diferente dos outros, o que com certeza acontecera. Nos cultivamos personalidade, aonde vive o orgulho, medo de ser criticado, e todas as maneiras de egoismo, atravez de escutarmos as voses que estao fora de nos e atravez de sermos governados por motivos egoistas, ao invez daquele maior dentro de cada um de nos. Busque sempre cultivar individualidade, e nunca a personalidade. In proporcao, enquanto uma cresce a outra diminui. Sempre que tememos um outro ser, ou quando nos intimidamos diante de alguem, isso e por causa da personalidade dele ou dela ser mais forte e superar a sua. Muitas almas timidas seguem a vida sempre se sentindo inferior, ou ineficientes, e acham que os outros sao mais inteligentes ou melhor do que elas. Elas buscam encontrar uma pessoa positive ou conceituada; e quando na presenca de alguem assim, elas se rebaixam, como uma plantacao de trigo depois de uma ventania. Eles se sentem como se gostariam de estar bem longe pra sempre. Mas tudo isso, querido timidos, nao e por causa o seu camarada e realmente mais inteligente ou melhor do que voce, mas por que sua personalidade – a parte externa, a parte mortal do homem – e mais forte do que a sua. Voce nunca tem um sentimento similar quando voce esta presente a uma forte individualidade. A Individualidade dos outros nao somente te provoca uma grande admiriacao pela pessoa e pela sua superioridade, mas isso tambem lhe dara, quando voce estiver em sua presence, um estranho sentimento novo de suas proprias possibilidades herdadas, um senso qual e cheio de excitamento, conforto em encouragemento pra voce. Isto porque uma individualidade mais prinunciadda significa mais Deus entrando no ser. E atravez de um processo mental isto tem o poder de obter mais de Deus atravez de voce. Se voce quer saber como evitar ser inferiorizado por um ser de personalidade forte, eu te direi:--- Lembre-se que a personalidade e a sua parte mortal e a individualidade e de Deus. Silenciosamente afirme sua propria individualidade, sua direta coneccao com Deus, e a sua superioridade a personalidade. Pode Deus temer alguem? Mas voce aprende a agir pela sua voz interior de sua alma, mais forte e mais pronunciada sera a a individualidade em voce. E finalizando, uma vez que entendemos a nos individualizar, desenvolvemos a nossa espiritualidade, ou seja o noss desejo de aprender tudo e sobre tudo o que esta ao nosso redor. Como se estivessemos numa escola da vida, e aprendemos a valorizart tudo o que e sagrado neste mundo. Tenho pena destes individuos que nao puderam encontrar um ser amigo que pudesse achar neles um pedacinho de individualidade para resgatar aquilo que ha de melhor em cada um de nos. Deus. Milton Laene Araujo


O Gatinho Morto.

O Gatinho Morto Eu não tive outra alternativa, senão matar o gato. Eu estava com 10 anos na época e já sabia decifrar o certo do errado. Porem, eu não sei explicar detalhadamente, o que passou pela minha cabeça: Eu peguei um dos gatinhos e levei pra minha missão Meu tio tinha um pequeno mercado de secos e molhados, e eu vim da capital pra ficar uns dias com a família dele. Minha tia só não gostava de gatos dentro de casa. Um certo dia, o Lúcio perguntou se meu tio queria uma gata. Lúcio morava na cidade, e tinha uma gata que gostaria de se desfazer. Meu tio gostou da idéia de te-la na vendinha, pois ele usava ratoeiras pra pegar os ratos que visitavam o mercado no meio da noite. A gata não tinha nome, e sem nome ela ficou. Era referida como “a Gata”. A Gata logo se adaptou com o local, e era bem tratada com pedaços de carne crua todos os dias. Meu tio disse que se desse carne crua ela não iria comer outra coisa. E assim ela era sustentada. Nas manhas, meu tio abria o frigorifico e cortava um bife em fatias pequenas e jogava em direção a Gata. Em principio, todas as manhas havia um presente para o meu tio na porta do depósito. Um rato morto! A Gata dormia durante o dia, e jamais tocou em qualquer comida deixada no mercado. Ela não subia sobre o balcão, e era muito comportada. Meu tio deixava pedaços de outras iguarias e a Gata nem tocava. E assim, a Gata ganhou fama dos fregueses, que sabiam que era uma gata que protegia o local e somente comia carne crua. A Gata ficava prenha o tempo todo. Ganhava gatos de todas as cores, e usava um espaço abaixo do assoalho como seu ninho de proteção. Quando os gatos subiam, já crescidos, eles ficavam dentro de uma caixa de papelão ate desmamarem, e eram logo adotados pelos fregueses que ali visitavam. Numa ninhada, a qual eu presenciei, um gatinho veio com a metade da perna traseira mal formada. Havia somente um pedaço de osso, que não estava cicatrizando. Um dos fregueses disse que a própria mãe comeu. Outros disseram que poderia ter sido outro gato. Enfim, ninguém iria adotar este gato, e eu logo pensei em destruí-lo. Eu não falei pra ninguém o que me ocorreu, e numa oportunidade eu peguei o gatinho pela perna traseira, aquela que ainda existia, e levei-o pertinho do rio, aonde havia uma parede, e pela calda do gato eu bati com a cabeça dele na parede duas vezes, e vi que não seria fácil matar o gato. Eu não tinha força suficiente para criar um impacto fatal. Então eu joguei o gato de uma altura de us 50 metros e ele caiu no rio, no meio da água e entre as pedras. No momento me deu um medo. Senti um remorso, e olhei para o rio pensando que ele já estava morto, e vi ele se movendo pra fora da água Eu sai correndo, como se nada tivesse acontecido, em direção oposta ao gato, e depois de alguns dias este sentimento de culpa foi se apagando de minha mente. Ninguém perguntou sobre este gato, como também ninguém da família do meu tio se interessou em saber se ele morreu ou se estava vivo, ou se ainda existia. Na verdade, ninguém da família do meu tio contava quantos gatinhos havia nem pra onde eles iam. Uma vez desmamados, eles eram pra serem soltos ou adotados. Por falar neles serem soltos, houve um evento com uma ninhada de gatos que não sai de minha cabeça, e tem me marcado com a mesma intensidade de remorsos de quando eu tentei matar o gato que não tinha uma perna. O gatinho solto Numa outra ocasião, pertinho do verão, a Gata ganha outra ninhada. Numa quinta feira os gatos desmamados decidem subir sobre o assoalho e se aventurarem pelos corredores do mercado. Minha tia, que estava encarregada do mercado naquele dia, havia decidido que todos nós iriamos passar o final de semana na casa de praia, numa outra cidade. Assim sendo, ela não iria permitir que os gatinhos ficassem todos presos dentro da vendinha. A idéia de mata-los nunca ocorreu pela cabeça dela, mas eu logo senti o remorso daquilo que eu havia feito, e logo tentei tirar da cabeça aquele pensamento. Minha tia decidiu que levássemos eles pra praia e lá doaríamos todos eles pra quem os quisesse Este foi um ato muito humano da parte dela, e assim procedemos em colocar os gatinhos dentro de um saco de linhagem e leva-los pra casa de praia. Assim que chegamos, já anoitecendo, eu e meus dois primos fomos direto para o saco de gatos, e decidimos o que iriamos fazer. Enquanto minha tia e minhas primas estavam ocupadas com a limpeza da casa, e a organização dos mantimentos que haviam sido levados, não se deram conta dos gatinhos. Na verdade minhas primas não gostavam de gatos. Elas também toleravam, mas jamais aceitariam algum gato dentro de casa. Algo que deve ter vindo de minha tia. Estando todos eles (os adultos) dentro de casa ocupados, havia campo aberto pra nós fazermos a nossa malandragem. E assim pegamos o saco de gatos, no qual os gatinhos estavam quietinhos, sem fazer barulho, e colocamos nas costas. Logo, na primeira esquina, tinha uma casa com as luzes acesa, e na parte de trás haviam varias pessoas sentadas ao redor da mesa. Um senhor de meia idade cuidava do grill que assava uma grande variedade de carnes, pelo cheiro que soltava. Em sua mão ele tinha uma espátula, e na outra um copo de cerveja. Um rádio toca-discos tocava a musica, “Eu sou nuvem passageira” num volume pra quem estivesse perto escutasse. Havia na casa varias outras pessoas conversando alto, sem se incomodar com a melodia que ouviam, também com um copo de caipirinha entre elas bebendo um golinho de cada vez, e passando o copo uma para outra num circulo. Eu achava engraçado esta maneira de beber aonde todos colocavam a boca no mesmo copo e iam passando germes de um para o outro. Não pensei nisso tudo na época, pois nem eu imaginava que isso existisse direito. Mas as lembranças que tenho deste dia me faz rir desta observação que tive. Havia algumas crianças correndo no quintal, e eu senti uma vontade de estar ali, correndo e brincando com eles. Meu primo disse que não deveríamos interrompe-los, e que deveríamos proceder nossa caminhada enquanto ainda era cedo. E assim seguimos, até que na mesma casa eu notei que a janela da frente estava aberta. Havia um muro na frente da casa, mas pelo lado de fora podia se ver um quarto com luz acesa e ninguém por perto. Eu peguei um gatinho e pulei o muro e soltei por cima da janela. O gato logo saiu miando em direção as crianças Uma menina pegou o gatinho no colo e começou a brincar, e logo a conversa se tornou sobre o gato que apareceu. Saímos e prosseguimos fazendo a mesma coisa em varias casas, e dentro de uma hora estávamos de volta em casa. Meu tio já estava perto da assadeira de carne, preparando o fogo pra assar uma carne fresca pra família toda. Minha tia e primas estavam ocupadas cozinhando, enquanto bebiam um sambinha, (uma bebida feita com cachaça, coca-cola e gelo.) No outro dia sem que ninguém perguntasse eu logo falei que já havíamos achado lar para todos os gatinhos. E prossegui contando a historia pra todos. Minha tia achou engraçado, e perguntou se eles viram, enquanto ninguém mais deu atenção ao destino dos gatos. Enquanto estávamos na casa de praia, houve um evento que permanece vívido em minha cabeça, mas não tem mais nada haver com os gatinhos nem com a Gata. A vida continuou para o meu tio e sua família, e eu logo depois destas duas semanas fui embora pra capital aonde eu morava com minha mãe solteira.


role of the supreme court as interpreter of the constitution

1- Discuss the role of the Supreme Court as interpreter of the Constitution, as seen in Merbury V. Madison, Martin V. Hunter Lessee, Cooper V. Aaron, and City of Boerne V. Flores. The Supreme Court’s involvement in the intricacies of the social, political, and economic forces that shapes the lives of American citizens and their institutions can be traced to its assertion and use of judicial review, or the power to decide whether federal, state, and local laws violate the Constitution. Although the Court has no affirmative power to initiate legal action, it has encouraged a more litigious society through its willingness to accept and decide cases that raise questions once thought to be private or political in nature. Judicial review enables the Court, in a single judicial stroke, to replace the customs, approaches, and rules of various regions, states, and localities with national constitutional standards. As we have reviewed many Supreme Court cases in our Constitutional Law class with Professor Brannon, one would think that the Court strikes down federal, state, and local laws with great regularity. Quite the opposite is, in fact, the case. Since the Court, in Marbury v. Madison (1803), first declared an act of Congress unconstitutional, the Court has upheld federal, state, and local laws against constitutional challenges much more often that it has not. Judicial review as a component of judicial Power is not mentioned in the Constitution. Ample evidence exists that the Framers intended the courts to have some sort of power to control the unconstitutional excess of majority rule. Although, judicial review can be seen as a profoundly anti-democratic exercise because the courts are not bound to the electorate, they have proved, in a majority of the cases that judges are not dominating the government, but walking right along with it. Judicial review, while the most potent instrument of judicial power, is not the sole element that defines the constitutional responsibilities of the federal courts. In Calling the Judicial Power of the United States to be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as Congress may from time to time ordain and establish, the Framers handed victories to both, federalists and ant-federalists. The consensus of the delegates was that one appellate court positioned at the pinnacle of the nation’s judicial system was essential to ensure uniformity among the various federal and state courts. The First Congress made passage of the Judiciary Act of 1879 among its highest legislative priorities, and created a multi-tiered federal system of lower district and circuit courts, spelled out in even greater detail the original and appellate jurisdiction of the federal courts described in article III, and authorized the Supreme Court to hear appeals from these courts and also appeals from state supreme courts if the claims involved federal constitutional questions and cases that involved challenges to federal constitutional law. Section 25 permitted the Supreme Court to hear cases appeal from state supreme courts when such courts 1-declared a federal law treaty unconstitutional, 2- ruled against an assertion of federal constitutional claim of right or privilege, or 3- upheld a state law that had been challenged as unconstitutional or illegal under the law of the U.S. The law, however, said nothing in Section 25 or anywhere else about the power of the federal courts to review congressional laws or executive actions. The power of the federal courts to review federal laws, long assumed as implicit to the exercise of judicial power, was assumed by the Court, after more than a decade of silence, in Marbury v. Madison. After two centuries after John Marshall explained and defended judicial review on behalf of a unanimous Supreme Court in Marbury v. Madison, scholars continue to debate the power that this landmark decision gave the Court to declare unconstitutional laws enacted by the political branches. The Supreme Court, despite its professed concern for judicial independence, had to impose self-restraint on its power to exercise judicial review, which concludes that the “courts as well as other departments, are bound” by the requirements of the Constitution. Marbury was used as an instrument through which to achieve equality rather than supremacy for the Court in the American constitutional system. It established the legitimacy of the Court in the American Constitutional system. The Supreme Court role as an interpreter of the constitution on the case Marbury v. Madison decided that it has the power to review acts of the congress and declare them unconstitutional. The case is set forth when Marbury, appointed Justice of peace by outgoing President Adams, did not have his signed and sealed position delivered. Although Marbury has a right to his commission, and the appropriate remedy is a writ of mandamus, congress doesn’t have the power, under the constitution, to give the Supreme Court additional original jurisdiction. The original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court is defined by the constitution and cannot be enlarged by the congress. As mentioned before, Section 25 of the Judiciary Act gives the Supreme Court appellate jurisdiction in such cases. Is section 25 constitutional? Text of Article III Section 2, Paragraph 1: - The Judicial Power shall extend to all cases in law and Equity arising under this constitution; and Section2, Paragraph 2: - In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make. In the case Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee (1816), the Supreme Court gains ground by showing its capability of reviewing and potentially set aside decisions of State courts on questions of federal law. Judicial Supremacy takes a turn when the Court, in Cooper V. Aaron (1958), announced “the basic principle that the federal judiciary is supreme in the exposition of the law of the Constitution” and that the court is the final, supreme expositor of the Constitution –into one inseparable package. (Ivers-60). In this case the Supreme Court cited the fourteenth Amendment and the Brown v. Board of Education to bind the ruling, making it clear that Legislatures are not allowed to nullify Court Judgments. On City of Boerne v. Flores (1997), Congress exceeds its enforcement power under section 5 of the fourteenth Amendment by enactment of the Religion Freedom Restoration Act. It is the duty of the Supreme Court to interpret the meaning of the constitution. Congress exceeds its authority when it attempts to override such an interpretation by statute. The Court considers congress’s power “of inquiry-with process to enforce it- [as] an essential and auxiliary to the legislative function” and thus implied by the very nature of the legislature’s role in separation of powers.

FUTURES TRADING theory, Series 3 Exam, classes - Margins and Speculation

Hi there - I know you want to pass the series 3 Exam to become a commodity broker. I want to share a few tips that will help you to pass in your first attempt. Write to me and I will send them to you directly. Milton


Often when we hear the words "margin cal1" we tend to think of it as the EXTRA money we must deposit because the positions we are currently in are losing money. This is many times the case, yet there are actually two different kinds of margin calls. The term "margin" applies equally to both, and for the exam you must be able to distinguish between the two.

Initial margin. (Performance Bond)
The initial or "original" margin occurs at the end of a trading day whenever a new position was entered (long or short), during the trading session. Initial margin is set by the exchange; it varies from commodity to commodity, and is not a down payment, but a "good faith" bond. Usual1y the original margin will represent about 5 percent of the total value of the contract. Depending upon the volatility of the price, and the price level, the exchange may raise or lower initial margin requirements whenever the board of governors deems necessary.
If, therefore, the trader enters a long or short position in the market, that trader wil1 be "on" original margin call.
The customer may meet margin calls in several ways. The usual way to meet a margin cal1 is with cash. It is acceptable to meet the margin cal1 with Treasury Bil1s. General1y, if a cal1 is to be met with T-Bills, the firm will require the client to first deposit the money for the purchase of the bill. The firm then buys the bill for the customer, and grants a 90% "loan value" (the amount of the face value that can be used for trading commodities). There are also other items that have an allowable loan value. These items and the associated loan values are; T-Notes 80%, T-Bonds 80%, and Stocks 75% (when stocks are used for margin, it is called "taking the discount"). Many firms still allow only the T-Bill, but the others have been approved for use.
The individual firms may require more initial margin per contract than the exchange, but never less.
Maintenance margin call:
At the end of each day, all accounts are "marked-to-the-market". This just means that if, for instance, a client had gone "short" gold at a contract price of$360, and at the end of the day the contract was quoted at $370, the account would have an unrealized loss of $10/oz. or $1,000. Even though the client has not actually taken the loss yet, the account will still reflect the decrease in equity.
After the accounts are marked to the market, each is reviewed for possible maintenance margin calls. If the equity in an account is LOWER than 75% of the required (original) margin, the client will be placed on a maintenance margin call.
Once a maintenance call is "triggered", the client must restore the account to the full original margin.
The original margin is $3,000. 75% of the original margin is $2,250, so this then is the maintenance margin trigger price. The silver contract size is 5,000 ounces. If the price of silver closes the day at $6.40 per ounce, the debit will be $500. The client would be at an equity level of $2,500, and so NO maintenance call will result. If the price of silver settles the following day at $6.30, the account will be marked to the market with an unrealized loss of $1,000 that will put the equity at $2,000 and trigger a maintenance call. The client has a specified period of time (determined by the firm) to bring in a check for $1,000. The client must return the account to the initial margin if a maintenance call is triggered.
The market CANNOT take a client off a maintenance call. In other words, if on the day after this client is on call - and the client has not brought in the check - the market closed at $6.50, the client must STILL bring in the maintenance margin.
Excess Margin: If in the example above, the silver price closes never did drop but instead closed at $6.80, the account would show an unrealized gain of 30 cents or $1,500. In this case the client may, if he chooses, use the equity to enter new positions, or he may even withdraw the excess.
Responsibility: The ultimate responsibility for collecting margins from the customer lies with the representative handling that account.
Comparisons: Equity more than the required (initial): If the equity exceeds the initial requirement, the customer may use the equity to add new positions, or withdraw the excess.
Equity under the initial, but at or greater than the maintenance trigger level: The client may not add new positions unless the client deposits more money, or liquidates some other positions to free-up margin money.
Equity LESS than the maintenance level: The client must restore the account to the original margin. This can be done by bringing in more money, or by liquidating enough positions to cover the margin call.

The original margin calls of the firm may be met with cash, Government securities, or stock of the clearing corporation.
Maintenance (variation) calls between the member firms and the clearing-house can only be met in cash, or by liquidating positions.
On the Chicago Board of Trade, members must only meet the margin call on the NET positions. In other words, if a firm has clients in 100 long gold contracts, and 102 short gold contracts, the firm will only meet margin call for 2 contracts.
The New York Mercantile and the Chicago Mercantile require firms to meet margin calls on ALL positions without netting. The client must meet margin calls on ALL positions. There are lower requirements for bona-fide spreads.

How to be a good waiter! UPDATE ABOUT TIPS

Since COVID-19 most reastaurants trippled their take out orders, They have increased their menu prices, and yet, they expect a 20% tip on a take out order. The Machine is in front of you to decide between 20%, 25% or even 30%.  

TIPS was created To Insure Proper Service. 

At a buffet, no one is serving you anything other than a drink. Why should you tip 20%? Yet, they have jars in every station. This is more like extra TAX  on top of the prices. 

  • Restaurants should pay the minimum wage to all servers. No tip is expected. If there is a tip, good for them (servers). 
  • Hi-class restaurants will perform accordingly with the clientele, and therefore deserve more money than a fast food restaurant or take-out.
  • Fast food restaurants must earn their 15%.
I want to stop this lack of service along with high expectation. Stop the IPAD from deciding what you want to add. (The IPAD at times calculate a percentage over the total - and we do not tip on TAXES). 

Now see what to expect:

At the Dining Room -

 Welcome the Guest! Meet or greet your customers immediately after they sit. Smile! Do not make them wait to be acknowledged by you - the server. There is nothing more annoying than be ignored at the table. If you are very busy, acknowledge their presence, and let them know that you will be back in a few minutes. If you can not make it back to their table within 3 minutes, send someone else over to take their cocktail order.

  • In this case make sure they got bread or whatever your restaurant serves. Train your bus person or bread person to ask for the "type of water" they want to drink. Always ask this question. Many customers like to drink sparkling water, others like flat/still water. You usually ask this question when giving them the menu. Most people would drink tap water, but you never know.
Take Drink orders! As you learn what type of water they want, you can "sign with your eyes" to the bus person to fill up their glasses or to get sparkling water or flat water. It is important to ask if they want to drink water, and what type. Then ask, "may I take your cocktail order?" This is the proper way to ask. It is a positive manner, and it encourages them to make a decision about a drink.

  •  Make sure to use a pattern when taking drink orders. Number each guest in your pad, and write their drinks down in accordance with their seats. When serving your drinks, you will know who gets what. You should not ever ask - Who gets what.(?) A good waiter never asks this type of question when serving food or drink. This is your job, therefore you have to know who asked for what, and deliver it, without interrupting their conversation. It is not your  
Open the Wine! I am not an expert in this matter, but I am going to share how I do this. At first, I present the wine unopened to the guest who ordered it. Then I open it and immediately smell the cork to sense vinegar or wine. While placing the cork on front of the guest, I then pour a taste. If approved, I fill up his glass first, and move around the table in any order.

  • After opening and serving the wine, about 3/4 of a regular glass, or less, let the bottle sit at the table in case it is red wine, or use an ice bucket to keep the bottle of white wine inside. Make sure to check constantly for their consumption. You have to add wine into their glasses as needed. It is not appropriate for the guest to refill their own glasses, simply because the bottle is sitting in there. It is your job and a form to sell more wine. You are a salesperson!. This is your job. Keep your eyes on the bottle! Keep your eyes on their glasses. Refill less white wine, so it stays cold.
  • So far, your guests are nicely seated, having a good conversation, sipping on their drinks. Everything seems to be OK. Take this time to check on your other tables. Remember to check whenever they stopped looking at the menu and approach to take the order. At this point the menu was presented to them by you! You judge timing.

Take the food order! Now you can share information about specials, soups and whatever you want to sale. Make sure to become an expert on certain dishes to make it easier to make a selection. Make suggestions. Be friendly and be assertive. Help them to make a decision.

  • They are at your place, and you have the obligation to help them to choose what they want to eat. Pay attention to their request and write it down. Make sure you write the "no" request. Most people like to change the item written in the menu by removing something, such as onion, or butter, or whatever they do not like to eat. You can not forget to write this down and make sure they get it as they ordered. This will reflect on your restaurant and more importantly, on you. You can change from one restaurant to another, but your habits will follow you. Practice makes good habit. Follow a system! Be prompt. Be courteous and be nice to your co-workers. Treat everyone as a guest. EVERYONE, even your boss.

Time to Eat! The food is about to be served by the food runner. Check the table for missing table wares. Some guests order appetizers before their main course, and it is your job to retrieve those plates from the table when they finish eating. It is your job to observe when they finish. It is your job to observe how they eat. Some guests eat faster than others, and your job is to serve the main course just a few minutes after the appetizer. So, after serving the appetizer, you will inform the kitchen when you will want the main course to be served. Do it by computer or by telling it to the food runner. If the kitchen is backed up, make sure to expedite your order through the computer system while they are almost done with their appetizer. It is all matter of timing, and you must master it.

Observation! To be a good waiter you need to be attempt to your guest's request. More importantly, you need to be attempt to your entire station as if it was a large party. Before doing a trip to the bar for one table, check if you can also do the same for another table, and another. Come back with drinks for more than one table. The same goes when refilling Iced Tea or coffee. Do not just visit one table and close your yes for the others. It will save you and your team's time. Walk around your station and pick up anything that doesn't belong on the table. Pick up used lemon, used straws, used sugar packages. Be the master of that (your job/ table).

  • Refill glasses at all times. Make eye contact with your customer, for they may need something or they may be looking for you.

Food served! Assuming you did your duties well, they have the proper and clean table ware, and that they are about to experiment their meal. This 1 minutes is crucial to your job. Approach them as soon as the plate is presented and make sure the kitchen sent as you ordered. Do not let the guest decide that they asked for spinach and you sent them carrots. So, whether you serve the main course or a food runner does it for you, you should be there when it is presented. If you approved it, tell them to enjoy it. In about 3 minutes you return to the table to make sure the flavor is acceptable. If you just go to the table to remove the dirty dishes, you must work in a buffet-type restaurant.

They probably will say: It is great! Now, you can relax! but before you do it, check once again for anything that could require another trip to the table. Have that in mind!

However, because the entire idea is to sell, make sure you offer whatever could increase your check. "Would you like a glass of chardonnay with your fish dish? It will go well."

  •  Let them be alone for another 5-10 minutes checking with your eyes from afar if they are OK, and whenever possible walk around to try to make eye contact. Do not burst into the table interrupting their conversation to pay attention to you. Do not remove plates that they may want to keep. Read them! Do not assume anything. Do not follow this procedures like a robot. Make eye contact!

HINT - Be available when food is served! Come ass soon as you can to acknowledge that they got their food. Do your refills now! Ask if there is anything else you can bring to the table.

Time to clean the table! Use a bread Crumb remover to make sure the cloth is clean. Present dessert menus and ask for coffee. Offer after dinner drinks! Offer Cappuccino or Expresso. Serve everything using the same process! Clean forks and clean spoons. Make sure they have it at the table prior to serving the dessert.

It is imperative that you clean the dessert plate before presenting the check. You own that table, and you ant more people to use it. Maintain control and be assertive is the key. Do not present the check just because you assumed they are finished. Do not assume anything. Talk, ask, sell.

Time to pay the Bill - Assuminf food and service were great! Now it is time for them to leave. Do not be on the way!

  • Do not let your guest wait while the credit card is sitting with the check you have presented. They want to get out! Either present the check when requested, or present the check when you see that it is appropriated, but stay near to get the credit card processed pronto.
  •  They already said that they do not want anything else. Make sure to let them know that they can stay as long as they want, but you are presenting their check, so they do not have to find you when they are ready; they will like that. Do not let your guest wait for you with a credit card on the table! Do not let them wait for you to charge their card for too long! Remember that they area ready to leave! Do not make this time painful. It can destroy an elegant and charming dinner! PAY ATTENTION.

  1. - Smile
  2. - Greet the guest
  3. - Take drink orders
  4. - Offer menus
  5. - Talk about specials
  6. - Serve drinks
  7. - Keep your eyes on the drinks
  8. - Take the order using a pivot number system
  9. - Leave the table to place order in the computer
  10. - Return to the table to see if their drinks need refill
  11. - Be at the table when food is served
  12. - Remove dirty dishes and replace used silvers
  13. - Remove anything that doesn't belong to the table, such as used sugar packages, etc.
  14. - Make eye contact whenever possible
  15. - Do not interrupt
  16. - Do not bad mouth your restaurant
  17. - Do not engage in lenghty conversation with the guest
  18. - Do not share private information with guest
  19. - Do not wear perfume
  20. - Have your nails clean
  21. - Have your hair to yourself
  22. - Do not use too many rings
  23. - Do not make your guest ask for whatever he needs
  24. - Be ahead on your game
  25. - Make sure you do your side work, so you do not run out of items when needed
  26. - Make sure the dining room is ready to receive guest - and it means glass polished and silvers clean.
  27. - Do not stand around
  28. - Do not go outrside to smook when customer are seated
  29. - Do not serve cold food in front of hot food to the same table (when taking it from your tray).
  30. - Make one trip to the bar and try to serve as many guests as possible
  31. - Do not go to the kitchen empty-handed Always take a tray with something from the dining room and return with something, be it a pitcher of water, or aced tea, or coffee. A good waiter never goes to the kitchen empty handed.
  32. - Know your menu
  33. -Visualize each dish in your mind and learn to describe them
  34. - Be clean and take a shower before and after working in a restaurant
  35. - Make sure to go to bed after a good shower. You do not want to share the smell of a kitchen with your bed.
  36. - Have your shirts pressed! Be a star - It is a show room and you are the star!
  37. In other words, make sure that the job of being a server fits your personality.
  38. It is not for everyone! If you choose to become a server, be a good one. Even if it is temporarily. You owe to yourself to be the best that you can. So, be it.
In summary, every job requires dedication. You decide whether you are up to par or not. If you do not decide it, someone else will decide it for you. So, be good at what you do. Learn your trade, even if it is for a short while. Honor the Assurance of a good service and be rewarded with the "tips". Which means, To Insure Prompt Service.
BE PROMPT - do not be lazy.
Milton Laene Araujo