Suicide is not the answer.
People in general have suicidal thoughts at some point. And teens who take a step farther, in an attempt to actually kill themselves, feel like they want to die, but at the same time, many of them are happy when they discover that there are people who want to help them overcome their issues.
There are some factors that can make suicide seem a more desirable option for some people.
Family history. This can include a family history of suicide, mental disorders, and/or substance (drug or alcohol) abuse.
Drug abuse - alcohol abuse.
Abuse - mental, emotional, physical or sexual
Mental, emotional or physical disorders.
Depression is a major factor, and it means that a teenager has feelings, thoughts and stresses that he or she cannot handle any more. They try to solve the problem by killing themselves.
Tempting suicide is not confined to any age, gender, social or economic group. In any case it is a cry for help.
Some signs...Here are some of the things to look for:
People in general - not only teens - have suicidal thoughts. Life is not easy!
Most people (in general) have an inner desire to stay alive, to fight for life.
Animals in general - give up living only when they are physically sick (ill).
Suicide is not the answer because taking your own life is a coward act against the nature of our own construction.
Travel with me in this scenery:
Imagine yourself looking up in the sky and see an explosion very far away, what we call supernova, or a creation of a star. With this explosion many different atoms mix up with others existent in its surroundings and a new element is formed.
From that perspective, imagine an explosion that happened before, The Big Bang - when all matters neutralized each other into energy, and emptiness was present, except for one single atom.
There was a time in the past when things started to vanish in nature. Trees and cars and cities and rivers were being destroyed by force of nature or wind, and matter became powder, and powder became atoms who separating from its neighbors became self. The combination of Hydrogen and Oxygen creates water. Something we have in abundance on earth. Now imagine the opposite starting to happen. Where there was water becomes dry, and with more hydrogen in the atmosphere, and more Oxygen trigger fire, and other elements to become gas or energy, giving life to one single strong atom called nothingness, for it is the mixture of all there is. So things were transforming and turning into the atom of nothingness, which is a correct combination of major elements found on earth that makes itself invisible, but when combined with another brings a vacuum where if anything penetrates into that vacuum it would become nothing, yet. it would just increase the atom of nothingness, which is a combination of everything there is, yet invisible, and we call it black hole.
A black hole is a region of spacetime from which nothing, not even light, can escape.[1]
like a mixture of so many types of atoms that when in fusion create others able to deteriorate the entire system into a piece of self.
Life is the breath of air that we inhale every day to feed our longs into sending oxygen to our blood stream. Many animals and plants use the same system. They need air to maintain themselves alive.
Imagine yourself looking at the earth from a far distance, and a man made small robot was capable of feeding itself with silica. A chemical compound that is the main constituent of most of the Earth's rocks. Silica occurs naturally in five crystalline forms (quartz, tridymite, cristobalite, coesite, and stishovite), in a cryptocrystalline form (chalcedony), and in an amorphous form (opal). It is also the main chemical compound in sand. Silica is used to make glass, concrete, and other materials. Also called silicon dioxide. Chemical formula: SiO 2 . This robot was equipped with a computer that could take silica from the earth, and with its combination was able to auto reproduce. This way, a small robot the size of a bee flying on the earth and landing in the Andes would start to devour the entire mountain while eating and multiplying. Like bacterias.
Now imagine yourself in today's Universe, where galaxies are formed, super nova happening every day, the universe expanding, more elements being discovered, besides hidrogyn, and a mixture of hidrogyn and other gases that only appear when there is a supernova, such as lithium, necessary for gun powder.
Man today is capable of mixing up elements and create explosions. Men take a mixture of atoms and mix it with others for when in contact with air we breathe can create the biggest explosion. It multiplies itself into fire, or radiation and wind with massive power all in one single atom, that multiply too fast. It can destroy an entire city to rubble. Today every country wants to have these types of protection from others. We are living in an atomic era.
Getting back to our imagination, During the bang, the conglomeration of elements and the change in temperature made them solid, and they tended to group with others forming a mass, and this way our earth was formed. Many elements behave differently in high temperature. Solids usually become liquid or gas, and when the temperature cools down, they solidify and are grouped in a different way from when they started, for example, in the center of the earth we have Nickel and Iron and it has not yet cooled down completely. These elements are concentrated in the center for being heavier, and any mass in the universe has it own gravity to be able to stay afloat. The combination of gravity pulling towards itself anything nearby and the elements floating, the heavier ones will be deeper down, like particles in a glass of water floating and little by little found a ground to stay, and conglomeration of elements, in areas where we find iron, on a surfice we can find other elements that could only be created if they were grouped nearby and used the temperature change of the earth to form themselves, such as copper, gold, diamond, etc, etc.,
OK, now that we visited the formation of the earth, and somehow our existence, by being a mixture of atoms, such as carbon in our veins, hydrogen in our water etc etc, we can have a sense that we are a combination of these elements, and we need to eat these elements to keep ourselves alive. We know that nothingness exist and it is growing - and whatever is near will be diluted, but at the same time completeness has not achieved its climax. There are far away new mixtures appearing, new stars being born and the age of the universe, in despite of the black hole growing, is far away from being engulfed again into an atom of nothingness. So, we will exist for a long time, unless we commit suicide, and this is the reason for this entire conversation.
As human beings we have the clarity of communicating and sharing experiences with one another. We do not need to experience everything in life to discover what is good and what is right. We have the capability of reasoning about what to do. We learn from TV shows, programs, books, essays or even a blog like mine, which is never proof-read. Our friends go through trouble, our non friends go through the same things. We lack desire to fight because we became lazy. We want things to be resolved, but we do nothing to counteract the problem.
In a world where we have a government to create laws to protect every human being, and make every person count, we need to be organized and accept that we are transformation and evolution that now need to live into a society.
We fought against billions of sperm-a-tozoids to fecundate an egg. We are now part in the journey of existence. Not one person, nor any mixture of atoms can make us change the certainty that we think, therefore we exist.
What exactly takes people to commit suicide is the sickness of others, which can be overpowering, making some of them see themselves not fit for whatever group or society they belong. But the most important factor is FEAR. Smewhere, sometime, someone implanted this seed, or energy into pople's head, and when they can not see beyond it, they may opt to suicide. Fear of rejection, fear of acceptance, fear of ... Some can not even face a heart-break. Others want to make a relationship work, but prefer to leave and make the others suffers. In any sense, suicide is the worse thing a woman being can do to others, and to society. It is a cry for help that doesn't need to end in death. IT IS A CRY FOR HELP -
If you ever thought about killing yourself, please just remember that it is normal to think about it in a non-thinking moment, for if we balance life and death, life is better. We thing, therefore we exist. There are various groups that can help you to overcome whatever feelings you have. Suicide is not the answer to anything because you burn the light bulb inside of you before it could energise the world with its transformation and presence. Eliminating yourself will simply cease your continuation and the desire to fight for whatever you are fighting for, and it will make you like good-for-nothing in your casue. When dead, your powder will contribute to the energy of nothingness, and wait for another big bang to come back again, for you violated the most sacred thing - "LIFE WITH CAPABILITY OF REASONING".
Everyone alive has a moment to die, and this moment is sacred between that person and its source of wisdom and energy. The reality is: We all kill ourselves in the end. We all commit suicide one way or another. A person that smokes is killing thyself a little bit each day, instead of taking it all at once. The air we breath and the contamination created by men has diminished many lives with diseases etc. Yet, it is not a motive to cease living at once. We have a reason to be here, although not revealed to many, we all are important in this existence. Make the best you can and share knowledge to induce others to have an objective in life. Life without objective drives a person to depression, and then suicide. Make yourself important, be good in something, for only the good ones will become important. Learn about what is going on right now - Solar panels, computer industry, made in USA products - Be an advocate for a cause. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and blaming the world. You do not have to go to prison to value freedom.
Now, if you had a person in your family who commited suicide, please, understand that I am writig for all of us who sometimes consider doing it. I want to bring some life, and some desire to consider life.
What I am saying is, when a person commits suicide she leaves behind many people in sorrow, and depressed, and afraid of life, sometimes ready to check out as well, if not oriented.
The left family family members suffer, brothers are discriminated for being a part of a family that took the short cut in life. Many people will be cruel to a family where suicide took place. Sometimes just by knowing that a family member has these types of roots, a wedding may be cancelled and life itself turnes up-side down. People associate it with mental disorder, instead of any other factor. So, it is terrible to let your friends down, your family, your school when you are contemplating on it.
Now, if you have a person in your famiily who committed suicide, remember that a human being responds to pressure differently. A car tire, when full with air, compressed into a small space, creates pressure, yet it responds accordingly to the road by keeping the weight of the car balanced. A person reacts differently to pressure. Althought, it has more to do with fear, pressure is an emotional feeling that makes the entire brain chemestry to become volatile. Mood goes up and down, and when down a variety of thoughts and actions may take place.It is no one's fault. A human being in its right mind would not do such a thing, for it is the way life is. A tree bents and make turns to have a space in the sun. When a human being takes his or her own life, it could have simply be their time.
When contemplating suicide, face the problem, open your mouth, let someone know that you have these thoughts. Make a friend! After that make 2 friends. Be honest and be yourself and you will see life better. Call your mother - who gave you life. Is it the present you want to give her? It is not the solution
- Milton Laene Araujo
People in general have suicidal thoughts at some point. And teens who take a step farther, in an attempt to actually kill themselves, feel like they want to die, but at the same time, many of them are happy when they discover that there are people who want to help them overcome their issues.
There are some factors that can make suicide seem a more desirable option for some people.
Depression is a major factor, and it means that a teenager has feelings, thoughts and stresses that he or she cannot handle any more. They try to solve the problem by killing themselves.
Tempting suicide is not confined to any age, gender, social or economic group. In any case it is a cry for help.
Some signs...Here are some of the things to look for:
- Disinterest in favorite extracurricular activities
- Problems at work and losing interest in a job
- Substance abuse, including alcohol and drug (illegal and legal drugs) use
- Behavioral problems
- Withdrawing from family and friends
- Sleep changes
- Changes in eating habits
- Begins to neglect hygiene and other matters of personal appearance
- Hard time concentrating and paying attention
- Loss of interest in schoolwork
- Risk taking behaviors
- Complains more frequently of boredom
- Does not respond as before to praise
People in general - not only teens - have suicidal thoughts. Life is not easy!
Most people (in general) have an inner desire to stay alive, to fight for life.
Animals in general - give up living only when they are physically sick (ill).
Suicide is not the answer because taking your own life is a coward act against the nature of our own construction.
Travel with me in this scenery:
Imagine yourself looking up in the sky and see an explosion very far away, what we call supernova, or a creation of a star. With this explosion many different atoms mix up with others existent in its surroundings and a new element is formed.
From that perspective, imagine an explosion that happened before, The Big Bang - when all matters neutralized each other into energy, and emptiness was present, except for one single atom.
There was a time in the past when things started to vanish in nature. Trees and cars and cities and rivers were being destroyed by force of nature or wind, and matter became powder, and powder became atoms who separating from its neighbors became self. The combination of Hydrogen and Oxygen creates water. Something we have in abundance on earth. Now imagine the opposite starting to happen. Where there was water becomes dry, and with more hydrogen in the atmosphere, and more Oxygen trigger fire, and other elements to become gas or energy, giving life to one single strong atom called nothingness, for it is the mixture of all there is. So things were transforming and turning into the atom of nothingness, which is a correct combination of major elements found on earth that makes itself invisible, but when combined with another brings a vacuum where if anything penetrates into that vacuum it would become nothing, yet. it would just increase the atom of nothingness, which is a combination of everything there is, yet invisible, and we call it black hole.
Simulated view of a black hole in front of the Large Magellanic Cloud. The ratio between the black hole Schwarzschild radius and the observer distance to it is 1:9. Of note is the gravitational lensing effect known as an Einstein ring, which produces a set of two fairly bright and large but highly distorted images of the Cloud as compared to its actual angular size.
General relativity |
Introduction Mathematical formulation Resources |
A black hole is a region of spacetime from which nothing, not even light, can escape.[1]
like a mixture of so many types of atoms that when in fusion create others able to deteriorate the entire system into a piece of self.
Life is the breath of air that we inhale every day to feed our longs into sending oxygen to our blood stream. Many animals and plants use the same system. They need air to maintain themselves alive.
Imagine yourself looking at the earth from a far distance, and a man made small robot was capable of feeding itself with silica. A chemical compound that is the main constituent of most of the Earth's rocks. Silica occurs naturally in five crystalline forms (quartz, tridymite, cristobalite, coesite, and stishovite), in a cryptocrystalline form (chalcedony), and in an amorphous form (opal). It is also the main chemical compound in sand. Silica is used to make glass, concrete, and other materials. Also called silicon dioxide. Chemical formula: SiO 2 . This robot was equipped with a computer that could take silica from the earth, and with its combination was able to auto reproduce. This way, a small robot the size of a bee flying on the earth and landing in the Andes would start to devour the entire mountain while eating and multiplying. Like bacterias.
Now imagine yourself in today's Universe, where galaxies are formed, super nova happening every day, the universe expanding, more elements being discovered, besides hidrogyn, and a mixture of hidrogyn and other gases that only appear when there is a supernova, such as lithium, necessary for gun powder.
Man today is capable of mixing up elements and create explosions. Men take a mixture of atoms and mix it with others for when in contact with air we breathe can create the biggest explosion. It multiplies itself into fire, or radiation and wind with massive power all in one single atom, that multiply too fast. It can destroy an entire city to rubble. Today every country wants to have these types of protection from others. We are living in an atomic era.
Getting back to our imagination, During the bang, the conglomeration of elements and the change in temperature made them solid, and they tended to group with others forming a mass, and this way our earth was formed. Many elements behave differently in high temperature. Solids usually become liquid or gas, and when the temperature cools down, they solidify and are grouped in a different way from when they started, for example, in the center of the earth we have Nickel and Iron and it has not yet cooled down completely. These elements are concentrated in the center for being heavier, and any mass in the universe has it own gravity to be able to stay afloat. The combination of gravity pulling towards itself anything nearby and the elements floating, the heavier ones will be deeper down, like particles in a glass of water floating and little by little found a ground to stay, and conglomeration of elements, in areas where we find iron, on a surfice we can find other elements that could only be created if they were grouped nearby and used the temperature change of the earth to form themselves, such as copper, gold, diamond, etc, etc.,
OK, now that we visited the formation of the earth, and somehow our existence, by being a mixture of atoms, such as carbon in our veins, hydrogen in our water etc etc, we can have a sense that we are a combination of these elements, and we need to eat these elements to keep ourselves alive. We know that nothingness exist and it is growing - and whatever is near will be diluted, but at the same time completeness has not achieved its climax. There are far away new mixtures appearing, new stars being born and the age of the universe, in despite of the black hole growing, is far away from being engulfed again into an atom of nothingness. So, we will exist for a long time, unless we commit suicide, and this is the reason for this entire conversation.
As human beings we have the clarity of communicating and sharing experiences with one another. We do not need to experience everything in life to discover what is good and what is right. We have the capability of reasoning about what to do. We learn from TV shows, programs, books, essays or even a blog like mine, which is never proof-read. Our friends go through trouble, our non friends go through the same things. We lack desire to fight because we became lazy. We want things to be resolved, but we do nothing to counteract the problem.
In a world where we have a government to create laws to protect every human being, and make every person count, we need to be organized and accept that we are transformation and evolution that now need to live into a society.
We fought against billions of sperm-a-tozoids to fecundate an egg. We are now part in the journey of existence. Not one person, nor any mixture of atoms can make us change the certainty that we think, therefore we exist.
What exactly takes people to commit suicide is the sickness of others, which can be overpowering, making some of them see themselves not fit for whatever group or society they belong. But the most important factor is FEAR. Smewhere, sometime, someone implanted this seed, or energy into pople's head, and when they can not see beyond it, they may opt to suicide. Fear of rejection, fear of acceptance, fear of ... Some can not even face a heart-break. Others want to make a relationship work, but prefer to leave and make the others suffers. In any sense, suicide is the worse thing a woman being can do to others, and to society. It is a cry for help that doesn't need to end in death. IT IS A CRY FOR HELP -
If you ever thought about killing yourself, please just remember that it is normal to think about it in a non-thinking moment, for if we balance life and death, life is better. We thing, therefore we exist. There are various groups that can help you to overcome whatever feelings you have. Suicide is not the answer to anything because you burn the light bulb inside of you before it could energise the world with its transformation and presence. Eliminating yourself will simply cease your continuation and the desire to fight for whatever you are fighting for, and it will make you like good-for-nothing in your casue. When dead, your powder will contribute to the energy of nothingness, and wait for another big bang to come back again, for you violated the most sacred thing - "LIFE WITH CAPABILITY OF REASONING".
Everyone alive has a moment to die, and this moment is sacred between that person and its source of wisdom and energy. The reality is: We all kill ourselves in the end. We all commit suicide one way or another. A person that smokes is killing thyself a little bit each day, instead of taking it all at once. The air we breath and the contamination created by men has diminished many lives with diseases etc. Yet, it is not a motive to cease living at once. We have a reason to be here, although not revealed to many, we all are important in this existence. Make the best you can and share knowledge to induce others to have an objective in life. Life without objective drives a person to depression, and then suicide. Make yourself important, be good in something, for only the good ones will become important. Learn about what is going on right now - Solar panels, computer industry, made in USA products - Be an advocate for a cause. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and blaming the world. You do not have to go to prison to value freedom.
Now, if you had a person in your family who commited suicide, please, understand that I am writig for all of us who sometimes consider doing it. I want to bring some life, and some desire to consider life.
What I am saying is, when a person commits suicide she leaves behind many people in sorrow, and depressed, and afraid of life, sometimes ready to check out as well, if not oriented.
The left family family members suffer, brothers are discriminated for being a part of a family that took the short cut in life. Many people will be cruel to a family where suicide took place. Sometimes just by knowing that a family member has these types of roots, a wedding may be cancelled and life itself turnes up-side down. People associate it with mental disorder, instead of any other factor. So, it is terrible to let your friends down, your family, your school when you are contemplating on it.
Now, if you have a person in your famiily who committed suicide, remember that a human being responds to pressure differently. A car tire, when full with air, compressed into a small space, creates pressure, yet it responds accordingly to the road by keeping the weight of the car balanced. A person reacts differently to pressure. Althought, it has more to do with fear, pressure is an emotional feeling that makes the entire brain chemestry to become volatile. Mood goes up and down, and when down a variety of thoughts and actions may take place.It is no one's fault. A human being in its right mind would not do such a thing, for it is the way life is. A tree bents and make turns to have a space in the sun. When a human being takes his or her own life, it could have simply be their time.
When contemplating suicide, face the problem, open your mouth, let someone know that you have these thoughts. Make a friend! After that make 2 friends. Be honest and be yourself and you will see life better. Call your mother - who gave you life. Is it the present you want to give her? It is not the solution
- Milton Laene Araujo