About Me - Milton Laene Araujo

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Lake Worth, Florida, United States
My name is Milton and I am a reader. I love to feed my mind with what if’s?, through stories.


Toxicology Tests – Mandatory! By Milton Laene Araujo

Toxicology Tests – Mandatory!  By Milton Laene Araujo

Toxicology test should be a regular procedure for everyone who visits a doctor. This is the only way to find out whether patients abuse certain medication, or if they take the correct amount of the prescribed drug.
It shouldn’t be confidential. Everyone should have access to everyone’s blood works, specially doctors and scientists who are doing comparative analysis of prescribed drugs. It goes against people’s right of privacy, but it is necessary to have our blood examined every semester and have a complete toxicology report attached to it, and make it available for others to compare, study, help, and share information.
The goal here is transparency!  In this life our objective is to help others.  What difference does it make if your neighbor has access to your blood work and decides to compare it with his?
In today’s age where computers do the work, we just need to add data to a bank, and let the machine decipher its content, comparing and contrasting and giving a complete report to a researcher.
Only Doctors would have access to the database of each individual patient, but the complete data would be accessible to members who work in this area, and those who want access for determined reason.   
It is a step ahead for Science. If it is implemented, it can change the entire pharmaceutical industry.
Until today, year 2015, we have not found a cure for a mild cold that comes and goes every year.  We have no idea which medication is better, if any.
By having a HUMAN-HEALTH-BANK-CENTER, we can store medical information of each individual and facilitate research. We cannot do research only with animals, in other words, we should not ever do experiment with animals, when we can use our own blood test and DNA configuration to compare and contrast with anything related to either, animal or person,  and achieve results.
Today we create medications for anything we can imagine, yet people are not living to be 100 years old. What is wrong with this?
Toxicology Test is a procedure that determines what type of known chemicals are present in the human body, and it is done usually with dead bodies to find out the nature of the death. Unfortunately, it is done a little too late. If it is done on a regular basis, a human being and a doctor can discuss what to do to prevent whatever combination is happening inside the body.  
As far as privacy, who truly cares? As long as your name is not used and your picture is not exposed for lucrative means without your permission, you are safe.
This is not to become Mandatory, but it is just common sense. No one needs to create a law to approve this information because it should not be regulated to begin with. I always imagined that Doctors had access to all information available, about any patient and what drugs were prescribed and what side effects it generated in a global manner. Off course, each doctor’s staff would have access to his patients only, and those who purchase this type of information would sign a privacy ordinance of usage for means of research, and check in regularly with the HHBC.
Check some sites related to people being killed by overdose. Don’t stop there. See how many people are killed by poisoning.
“Deaths from drug overdose have been rising steadily over the past two decades and have become the leading cause of injury death in the United States.1  Every day in the United States, 114 people die as a result of drug overdose1, and another 6,748 are treated in emergency departments (ED) for the misuse or abuse of drugs.2 Nearly 9 out of 10 poisoning deaths are caused by drugs.3 (http://www.cdc.gov/homeandrecreationalsafety/overdose/facts.html) “

Milton Laene Araujo 12/29/2014 


How to be a good waiter!

Get a grip on yourself - by Milton L. Araujo: How to be a good waiter!: At the Dining Room -   Welcome the Guest! Meet or greet your customers immediately after they sit. Smile! Do not make them wait to be ac...


Get a grip on yourself - by Milton L. Araujo: How to Cure Cancer, by learning about Enzymes

Get a grip on yourself - by Milton L. Araujo: How to Cure Cancer, by learning about Enzymes: How to cure Cancer, Period! Whether you have been diagnosed recently or a while ago, there is only one way to fight cancer. It is to fee...

How to Cure Cancer, by learning about Enzymes

How to cure Cancer, Period!
Whether you have been diagnosed recently or a while ago, there is only one way to fight cancer. It is to feed your immune system with natural enzymes.  For starters, do a google search and learn about enzymes and its function in our body.  Start here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enzyme
I will share with you that our body has a certain number of enzymes, like a bank account. Our body never creates new ones. They (the enzymes) can however, be inhibited and incapable of doing their job. But they are there. Their job is the extreme importance, for they decide how long we can live, how fast we age, and how intellectual we can be. They must be used wisely, or not used at all by our social life style. They must be cherished with good nutrition.
How about the cure?
Stop eating cooked food for 30 days. Make yourself a vegetarian. Drink natural juices made with all types of fruits and vegetables. Stop eating red meat of any sort, and avoid dairy products, or any processed food. Only raw food carry enzymes, therefore they self-digest without using your own enzymes. A rest to your enzymes will replenish them with nutrients, such as water, and lots of water. When we cook anything, we kill the enzymes, and if we do not chew it well, we will use our enzymes to digest it and make it sizable to continue its journey into the intestine. While our enzymes are being used to digest food, they are not doing their work of maintaining the body machine, but doing the job of digesting various types of food. Red meat uses thousands of groups of enzymes to be digested. It takes 3 to 4 days to leave our system.
When we have for dinner three different types of cooked starches, we will use 3 different groups of enzymes to digest them, and this process can paralyze the entire system, and trigger inhalation of enzymes responsible in keeping our immune system checked.  When we eat white bread, we are also eating a product that may come with industrially produced enzymes, and they will work against our natural enzymes.
STEP 1 – Read about Enzymes
STEP 2 – Understand the text taken from the Wikipedia site, mentioned in the beginning of this text – here it goes:Since the tight control of enzyme activity is essential for homeostasis, any malfunction (mutation, overproduction, underproduction or deletion) of a single critical enzyme can lead to a genetic disease. The importance of enzymes is shown by the fact that a lethal illness can be caused by the malfunction of just one type of enzyme out of the thousands of types present in our bodies. One example of enzyme deficiency is the most common type of phenylketonuria. A mutation of a single amino acid in the enzymephenylalanine hydroxylase, which catalyzes the first step in the degradation of phenylalanine, results in build-up of phenylalanine and related products. This can lead to intellectual disability if the disease is untreated.[89] Another example is pseudocholinesterase deficiency, in which the body's ability to break down choline ester drugs is impaired.[90]
A further example is when germline mutations in genes coding for DNA repair enzymes cause hereditary cancer syndromes such asxeroderma pigmentosum. Defects in these enzymes cause cancer since the body is less able to repair mutations in the genome. This causes a slow accumulation of mutations and results in the development of many types of cancer in the sufferer.
Oral administration of enzymes can be used to treat several diseases (e.g. pancreatic insufficiency and lactose intolerance). Since enzymes are proteins themselves they are potentially subject to inactivation and digestion in the gastrointestinal environment. Therefore a non-invasive imaging assay was developed to monitor gastrointestinal activity of exogenous enzymes (prolyl endopeptidase as potential adjuvant therapy for celiac disease) in vivo.[91
STEP 3 – Have a “before Test” on day one, and talk with your doctor about your diet change. Control you weight, mood, blood pressure on a daily basis, and if sweats occur, make sure to drink water. Nothing but water
STEP 4 – Go grocery shopping and get oranges, carrots, celery, spinach, raspberry, beets, strawberries, potatoes, and anything you can shred or make juices, or eat naturally. Eat one banana per day, one apple, and one clove of garlic when possible, and lots of raw onions.
STEP 5 – Bellow some recipes to help in creating a balanced diet.
·         Juices. – Carrots and Orange . One large orange pealed lightly, and one medium size carrot in the blender with one spoon of honey. (Water if needed).
·         Do research about all types of great juices made with fruit and vegetable mixed.
·         Salads:
1-      Cucumber and Onion salad –
2-      Tomato and Onion Salad –
3-      Avocado and onion Salad –
4-      Roasted (lightly) yellow and red peppers, cut into strips and marinated with raw garlic and olive oil, and a pinch of salt. Let it sit for later.
5-      Shredded (beets and carrots and cabbage) salad. Season with olive oil and vinegar, or lemon juice.
6-      Green salads
7-      Steam Vegetables, such as green beans can be added to the menu, when it is crispy
8-      Vegetable soup – with vegetable broth can be added into the menu, considering that it will carry vitamins needed. Have the same ingredients raw in a separate plate, for example. If you made a vegetable soup, have also some shredded carrots in your salad. This way the enzymes of the raw carrots will do the work, and have more raw than cooked food.
9-      Eat pineapple and watermelon in abundance.
10-  Have a small spoon of honey with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top every day.
·         Main Course
1-      Slice an eggplant vertically in various slices, and sprinkle some salt, pepper, and olive oil. On a sauté pan, when it is hot, place the sliced eggplant for 3 seconds each time, to make it tender, but not overcooked. Place them on a dish and cut some fresh garlic and add olive oil (raw). Let it seat.
2-      Hummus (homemade). Place in the blender a can of Chick peas drained, and rinsed. Add 4 cloves of garlic and 4 spoons of olive oil. Squeeze one lime and blend it. If it is too thick add one spoon of water. Salt to taste. Eat with carrot sticks, broccoli, cauliflower, green pepper, celery, yellow pepper, red pepper, etc. (all Raw).
3-      Avocado sliced in strips with sliced raw onions and vinegar and oil, salt and pepper.
4-      Vegetable soup – the cooked vegetables will not have enzymes, therefore it must be cooked well, and serve as a side dish for anything.
·         Dessert – All types of fruit – and pop corn
AVOID – white sugar, bread, red meat, gluten, MSG, processed food, fry food, candies.

STEP-6 If you are able to enter into a vegetarian diet with raw food, check with sites about nutrition factors, and remember that the goal here is to avoid using our enzymes and give them a chance to bring-up our immune system. Drink Juices every day, and make them with banana and carrots and other vegetables. Use ice and water only.
STEP-7 We want to get rid of all industrialized enzymes our body carries because they trigger inhalation. This way we cannot take supplements sold in stores – unless already decided by the doctor that your body lack completely one or two types of enzyme. When one has enzyme deficiency, one cannot digest properly, and other symptoms occur.
STEP 8 – After 7 days you will see the difference. But don’t get carried away. Visit a doctor only 10 days after the diet started and have all tests done, and compare results. Not finished yet.
STEP 9 – Remember that raw onions, and raw garlic is something miraculous, whenever ready for sweets, have a spoon of honey along with a dash of cinnamon. Sprinkle cinnamon on honey dew and melon too. Use raw garlic and olive oil together – they go well.
STEP 10 – With a cotton swab rub Iodine (those sold in drug store) on the bottom of your feet. Make it orange, and repeat once a week – 4 times during the diet.
STEP 11 – Learn to use ginger, and if you like, you may treat yourself with a sashimi of tuna. You may eat Seared Tuna – to start bringing back some omega 3 into your body.
STEP 11 – Check with your doctor and had some tests. You are ready to start to live a life with moderation. It may be in remission, and it means that your immune system is working better. Now it is time to add chicken soup, and some old style food as a side dish to your commitment to a complete cure.    

In summary, I have a few loved ones who died with cancer, and I will have many others who will lose this battle. Unfortunately science has not guided us into the right direction. We never knew about our bank of enzymes being a huge factor in our health. It is. Imagine a factory losing all employees. Our enzymes are responsible for the function of our immune system. Genetically speaking, we inherited cancer cells from our ancestors, but it doesn't mean that they have to be awakened. Our DNA may carry the disease, but our nutrition will decide whether it will erupt or not. With the explosion of processed food and genetically altered crops, we are being exposed to chemicals that alter the function of our enzymes. We see more people being diagnosed with cancer than ever before. Breast cancer did not existed before industrialization. Everyone is taking medication for something, and it also triggers cancer. I am writing this text because 15 years ago I read various journals about enzymes and I always had this idea in mind. I have never shared my idea of this type of diet. I just know that it will work.

When you have your blood work done, get a copy of it. Check in the internet about your deficiencies before and after the diet. I know it will make a difference, and this is why I am writing.  If you have ever tried the raw food diet and got cured, please let me know by writing to Milton@ibt-eft.com . I want to know the results. Hugs, Milton 


Drama, Doenca, Carencia - by Mateus Ramos Cardoso

Drama, doença e carência

"Nossa, eu tenho sofrido tanto." "Ai, acho que estou com algum problema muito grave." Nada melhor do que poder expressar nossos problemas. Mas, fica difícil quando isso se torna um problema, uma doença crônica. Então, ter doença passa a ser a maior doença. E o passo seguinte é fazer dela a estrada preferida para chamar atenção. Quem nunca conviveu com alguém que passa 24hs reclamando, remoendo o seu estado de saúde que não está bem? Ao analisarmos um pouco mais percebemos que no caso onde a maior doença é querer ter uma doença, nota-se uma maneira de chamar a atenção não pelo que se tem de melhor, mas, pelo pior. Interessante! Não é difícil entender, principalmente quando convivemos numa sociedade que valoriza a competição. Apenas faça o exercício de inverter o raciocínio. Geralmente as pessoas disputam por suas qualidades pelo que elas tem de melhor e com isso conseguem chamar atenção sobre si. Mas, em alguns casos, como não se conseguem estar na linha de competição, a coisa fica diferente. Como não se consegue chamar a atenção sendo o melhor, alguns indivíduos passam a competir com o que tem de pior. Assim, aciona-se o mecanismo de culpa e o outro para não se sentir culpado, cede ao medo de não cumprir sua missão de ser "bom". Para conseguir algum afetoResumindo, como "o doente" não consegue existir com o que tem de melhor passa a competir com o que tem de pior em si.Até se ouve disputas para ver quem tem a pior doença. (credo). O laudo médico parece óbvio, pessoas pessimistas. Ser pessimista é a resposta mais fácil, não implica em mudança alguma, mas, apenas em sentar sobre nossos defeitos. E, aliás, há pessoas que se acostumaram com o que tem de pior dentro delas, deram a si mesmo uma autorização de derrota. Creio que não podemos ir arrastando pedaços de histórias que não deram certo, momentos de tristeza, etc. Certa vez ouvi uma frase linda, “Um erro na vida, não pode ser a uma vida de erros.” Da mesma maneira a experiência da dor. Detectamos pessoas obcecadas pela dor, por sofrimento, a tal ponto que o desejo de adoecer acaba por convencer tais pessoas de que não serão felizes. Afinal, ser feliz é ser infeliz. Um pessimismo crônico no qual até mesmo os sorrisos carregam traços de dor. Fazem do sofrimento sua morada existencial e acabam somente se sentindo inteiros quando se destroem.

Professor Matêus Ramos Cardoso. Especialista em Ética e Ciência das Religiões.


Casamento Gay Discussao entre mae e filho

Discussao sobre casamento gay entre filho gay e mae!

 “Mas meu filho, Casamento e uma instituicao entre um homem e uma mulher”!

“ Oh mae, este argumento e o mais facil de se dizer, porem o mais fraco de todos os argumentos. Afinal quem deve decidir como um casamento deve ser definido? Um casal? Uma pessoa solteira que pretende se casar? Quando alguem diz que o casamento e uma instituicao entre homem e mulher, esta pessoa esta sendo racista. So o fato de nao dar os mesmos direitos a um grupo de pessoas significa tirar os direitos desta pessoa em ser e existir, e isso esta contra os direitos humanos”.

“Bem, eu queria dizer que casamento e para procriacao, ou seja, para ter filhos e criar uma familia”.

“Se e assim, entao o Mauro e a Maura nao deveriam se casar, pois eles nao podem ter filhos. Ah mae, por favor, voce acha que as mulheres que saem da menopausa devem engtregar seus aneis e dar adeus ao casamento? Elas nao podem mais procriar. Seria ate engracado ver que cada casal que nao pode ter filhos devem acabar com o casamento. Desculpe mae, mas nossa conversa esta levando a gente para um beco sem saida, e muitas pessoas entram nele, e ficam la, com isso na cabeca para o resto da vida, porem esta ideia nao cola, pois a sociedade aceita casamentos de todo homem e mulher, independentemente se vao ou nao ter filhos”.  

“Credo filho, casal do mesmo sexo nao e algo bom para criar filhos. Imagine”!

“Pode ate se pensar assim mae, mas veja hoje quem a sociedade deixa casar. Ate algumas barbaridades sao vistas como normais, pois veja que um assassino, um es-prisioneiro de todos os tipos, ate mesmo de estrupo, tambem aqueles que molestam as criancas sao todos livres para se casarem, procriarem, e fazem isso todos os dias, e as pessoas que veem, nem imaginam em criticar, ou melhor, nem passa pela cabeca delas.  Ah mae, se as criancas sao realmente as prioridades, porque entao estas pessoas tem este direito? Acho que aqueles que veem os gays improprios para educarem criancas deveriam procurar proibir algumas categorias de pessoas de criar criancas”.

“Bem, neste ponto voce ate me fez pensar, pois tenho visto algumas criancas que foram criadas por casais gays e elas pareciam felizes. O que faz diferenca mesmo e o amoe. Mas meu filho, eu sempre achei um relacionamento gay algo imoral que ate vai contra a sagrada escritura”.

“Sim mae, pode ate ir contra algo sagrado, mas como ser humano todos tem o direito de ter qualquer religiao, ou ate de nao ter, se caso nao querem ter. A bilbia nao tem espaco dentro das leis, pois seria impossivel acomodar duas mil religioes com leis que favorecem a todos. Uma lei nao pode ser criada simplesmente por algo que alguem decidiu que e mandatorio pela biblia. Nem todas as religioes tem problema com homossexualismo. Se devemos acreditar em liberdade de ter uma religiao, a proibicao do casamento gay quando baseada em argumentos religiosos perde seu valor por completo. “

“Mas filho, pense num mudo mais pro futuro, e como vai seguir a procriacao, se todos acharem que e moda ser gay? Casamento e para afirmar a continuacao da especie humana”!

“Gostei deste ponto mae, mas veja a quantidade de criancas que estao ai soltas pelo mundo. Mas o nosso assunto e sobre casamento gay, e quem achar que continuacao de especie e necessario, deve entao compactuar com a lei de que casais que nao podem ter filhos nao podem se casar.  Vejo ironicamente que quando um casal de velhos decidem se casar, todos acham lindo, eao mesmo tempo concordando que casamento e sobre amor, compromisso, suporte entre pessoas, e nao sobre procriacao, entao como pode isso?”

“Nao faco a menor ideia, mas ainda acho que casamentos gays vao desmoronar com o sacramento do casamento”.

“Eu nao vejo nada desmoronando, pois como voce acaba com um sacramento em dando direito a outros de usufruirem? Eu sempre pensei que se deixarmos um casal gay se casar, ate podera fazer com que eles nao se casem com alguem que eles tenham pouca afinidade, ou alguem incompativel, e ate diminuiria divorcios.  O sacramento foi desmoronado quando criaram leis como divorcio. Se esta e a preocupacao, entao devem se criar leis obrigando a ficar casado”.

“Continuo nao achando que deveriam alterar uma coisa que e entre um homem e uma mulher, algo ja tradicional que vem desde que o mundo comecou.”

“Entendo ate que a senhora pense assim, eu as vezes tenho este dilema, mas moralmente falando, escravidao era algo tradicional, mas por volta de 1800 acabaram com esta instituicao, ou melhor, abolirao o estatuto legal disso. Acharam imoral. O casamento gay nao esta pedindo para mudarem o casamento heterossexual. So esta mostrando que nao existe argumentos que possam claramente decidir o porque de nao deixa-los se casarem. Se esta tradicao e importante, nao deveriam ter criado divorcios. Como voce pode achar importante este sacramento quando voce ao mesmo tempo concorda que pode ser desmanchado? Isso so me afirma que nao esta nada ligado com tradicoes antigas, mas as pessoas usam este argumento para cobrir outro, ou um motivo mais aceitavel”.

“Continue filho”!

“Por que nao perceber que trata-se de uma hipocrisia? O conceito de casamento nao e rigidamente tradicional como as pessoas alegam”.

“Ja existe isso no mundo, ou isso e algo que estao criando aqui no Brasil”?

“Num paiz chamado Denmark desde 1989. Mas claro, foi rejeitada a principio pela igreja, mas hoje em dia a propria igreja percebeu que a lei e boa, e esta se alastrando. So o fato de algumas igrejas nao aceitarem evidencias como esta, fala mais sobre a igreja do que sobre o casamento gay”.

“Mas sera que se for autorizado casamento gay, o mundo entra numa catastrofe e logo se autoriza incesto, poligamia, e outras formas com consequencias terriveis”?

“Isso e uma forma de colocar medo nas pessoas. Usado por pessoas que estao contra gays, e nao verdadeiramente querendo proteger familia, criancas, ou instituicao”.

“No Brasil todos sao considerados iguais, por lei, e criando uma lei para gays, estaria colocando eles num caso expecial, Nao”?

“Nada, so estaria reconhecendo a eles os mesmos direitos de aposentadoria, de todas as coisas legais que casais heterossexuais tem o direito. Ninguem pede nada especial, mas somente para ser incluido nas gorjetas que o governo da para casais heterossexuais, como direito de estar no hospital ao lado do parceiro. Hoje se um gay ficar doente, a familia pode expulsar o parceiro do quarto de hospital ate em horas de visitas. A familia pode alegar tudo o que quer e ate colocar o parceiro de 20 anos fora da casa, se nao for deixado um testamento. Pior ainda, se for deixado um testamento, o parceiro recebe uma percentagem daquilo, pois o resto e cobrado em impostos por ser algo herdado. Sem o beneficio do casamento, nao ha solucao. Os gays perdem e sao descriminados aonde existe homofobia e aonde nao existe.  Hoje os gays pagagm taxa em dobro, pois pagam como dois solteiros.”

“Minha nossa filho. Entao as igrejas serao obrigadas a casarem gays, mesmo se elas nao querem”?

“Nao, a igreja vai casar quem ela quer. Lembre-se ate hoje existe igrejas que nao casam gente de fe diferente, ou de raca diferente, ou quem ja foi divorciado. Nao existe lei que impoe a igreja a fazer nada. O direito de casar na igreja, e um direito dado a igreja, mas nem todos os casamentos religiosos sao reconhecidos pela lei. Trata se de um direito, mas nao um requerimento visto por lei.

“Mas tu ja imaginastes, que se for legalizado, logo vao ate promover isso nas escolas”.

“Casamento gay ja e legal em varios estados e paises, ate mesmo Canada, mas ate hoje nunca ouvi ninguem promovendo isso em escolas. Na verdade o que estao pedindo e somente tolerancia aos gays, e nao estao promovendo homossexualidade. Se a tolerancia nao for aceita, o contrario de tolerancia se chama bigotria. Se nao se promove tolerancias em escolas, estaremos promovendo bigotria – sera que isso e bom? – Agora veja que se for promovido homossexualidade nas escolas nao mudaria nada. As pessoas sao gays porque nascem assim. Ninguem pode ser recrutado gay.

“A gente escuta tanta coisa”.

“Sei mae, mas a senhora ja sabe que ser gay nao e uma escolha. E muito mais complexo do que comportamento ou genetica, pois e parte de cada ser. Se alguem e gay, nao tem escapatoria, vai ser gay sempre. As propagandas sempre vao existir, e os ignorantes vao seguir imaginando que este lider religioso disse isso e aquilo, e deve ser seguido. Quem acha que ser gay e uma escolha, deve tambem achar que ser heterossexual tambem seja uma escolha, e a mais desejada, e a mais moral para se escolher. E o pior, estao decidindo que se deve escolher isso ao invez daquilo porque alguem nao se sente confortavel com esta ou aquela decisao.  Fica ate dificil para mim ver como um lider religioso, ou anti-gay bigot sinceramente pode ter o direito e a arrogancia do poder de vetar. Sabemos que religiao e uma escolha, sexualidade nao”.

Bem mae, a gente tocou nas suas perguntas, e eu ja esperava perguntas como essa da senhora, porem existe fatores mais profundos porque as pessoas se opoem ao casamento gay, ou melhor, temem.

E assim nossa discussao acabou!


Na verdade trata-se de nao estar muito confortavel com a ideia, porem um governo com constituicao existe para proteger uma minoria de abusos e tiranias da maioria. Ha alguns que argumentam que casamento gay ofende a religiao. Porem numa sociedade que oferece liberdade de religiao, nao se pode usar o governo para apoiar sensibilidades privadas de membros religiosos.  Casamento gay simplesmente e uma parte do processo evolucionario e progresso social.  

Ja foi sugerido que homofobia e um instinto de medo de ser estrupado por alguem que o homofobico considera abaixo de sua classe. A propriio medo de que um gay possa estrupa-lo e um medo que vem de instinto.  Isso acontece com humanos e, e a causa de estrupos homossexuais  em prisoes. Os estrupos na prisao nao tem nada haver com o ato sexual, mas com a firmeza de que o dominio e o controle existe.  Portanto os heterossexuais nao devem temer os gays, mas se este for o caso, podem entao relaxar, pois a maioria dos gays gostam de ter sexo nas mesmas condicoes emocionais que os heterossexuais tem, como parte do amor e afeicao. Um gay nao busca um hetero para ter um relacionamento, pois repeita como ser humano, e um hetero nao deve temer um gay, ou temer ser levado a mudar. Ninguem muda. Homofobia e um sinal de que algo nao esta certo, pois um homem de verdade nao tem medo de estar perto de gays. Nada e ninguem vai muda-lo, exceto na prisao.  Porem quando saem da prisao os homens voltam a festar com as mulheres. Isso prova que era algo de dominio, e nao de orientacao sexual.  O medo de ser gay as vezes cria pessoas que repressam sua identidade, e acabam cometendo crimes. Ter medo de ser controlado por um outro homem simplesmente demonstra que esta com algo escondido, e a acao de um homofobico geralmente se da em fazer piadas, e rebaixar aquilo que nao gostaria de ser, mas la no fundo ja e.

Toda clinica mental, ou psiquiatrica ja tem reconhecido que homossesualidde e uma normal e perfeita variacao de como o ser humano se desenvolve. Existe varias evidencias cientificas do porque esta se evolvendo. Nao e pervertida, nao faz um ser humano ser nos do que aquilo que pode ser. Nao se trata de uma ameaca a raca humana. Os homofobicos e os religiosos criaram falsos pretextos que sao provados scientificamente que sao falsos, mas eles continuam. A moral da historia e que os que opoem contra o casamento gay fazem parte de uma sociedade que tem medo das consequencias religiosas contidas nisso, e nao conseguem perceber nada alem disso. Muitas pessoas sabem que homofobia existe, mas nao percebem que faz parte da vida dos gays, como racismo faz parte da vida de um negro. Para muitas pessoas e facil simplesmente deixar de lado, ate que isso venha afetar diretamente – atravez de mebros da familia. Ai entao mudam de pensamento.

Hoje sabemos claramente que ha grupos organizados contra o casamento gay, e o primeiro motivo e homofobia, seguido pela sua crenca. Assim eles pregam odio, discriminacao, mesmo estando vestidos em formatos religiosos. Porem, isso nao diminue o fato de que pregar odio e discriminacao nao deve ser efetuado – e colocando fantasias religiosas nao demonstra que ainda estao discriminando. Colocar batom num porco nao o faz menos porco.  Eliminar aborto e pecado, mas vamos deixar nascer e matamos de fome quando ja tiverem maiores. Vamos fechar os olhos para a quantidade de criancas que estao passando fome, mas vamos seguir com a agenda falsa que pregamos.

Para mim, particularmente, casamento gay e algo civil, e nao religioso. Eu quero tomar decisoes medicas e quero que meu parceiro tenha este direito. Hoje hospitais chamam a familia, que as vezes ate ja se desligou de nos por decadas, e as vezes ate apresentam hostilidade contra nos, e ignoram os nossos desejos como parceiros. Eles agem de acordo com a lei. Se tiver dinheiro involvido, a familia pode ate excluir a gente de visitar nosso parceiro. Quer dizer que somos parceiros por 20 anos, mas somos excluidos das leis. Isso e legal?

Se meu parceiro for preso, eu posso testemunhar contra ele, e sou forcado a dar evidencias contra ele, enquanto casais nao sao forcados a incriminar o parceiro.

Um casamento heterossexual e reconhecido no mundo, e eles podem mudar e viver como casados, e usufruir das leis, enquanto os gays devem ficar aonde a lei existe. Isso e legal?

Varios testamentos deixado por parceiros gays foram jogados no lixo, ou contestado por membros da familia, que geralmente ganharam as causas na justica. Isso fez com que um parceiro nao pudesse nem frequentar o funeral do outro. Se estas causas sao apresentadas a um jury de gente homofobica, logo se perde tudo.  Eu conheco varios casais gays com historias tristes que se contadas, voce logo mudaria de opiniao, ou ate olharia seu pastor com olhos mais escrutinantes. Qual a sua agenda?

Nao estamos falando aqui de casamento de igreja ou publicacao em jornais, mas sim um direito humano, que nao pode ser falsificado como algo civil, ou outro nome porque trata-se dos mesmos direitos. Nao se pode separar seres humanos com leis para negros e brancos como antes, nem para gays e hetero – eles existem desde que o mundo era mundo.

Isso tudo se resume – em – dinheiro –

Um abraco



The end of the World's date

The end of the World

The world ends for whoever dies.  For each individual it ends differently. Most people die from heart complications. Once the heart stops beating, life vanishes from matter, and ‘matter’ decomposes.

Coercion is a tactic used during life, to threaten others to do as we want.

In genesis we learned that Abraham arguments with God over the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah.  This is the first instance in religious history that a human being challenges God to be just. If Abraham could challenge God, surely we can challenge anyone else. When we read Genesis, we learn that even God can be seen as an imperfect God. He repents the creation of man, promises not to flood the world again, and even allows Abraham to lecture Him about injustice. This entire book challenges the reader to react, to think for self, and even to disagree. It invites a dialogue with the Divine. What can we learn about justice from Abraham’s attempted murder of his two sons? Or from God’s genocide against Noah’s contemporaries? The reading of this book (Genesis) requires constant reinterpretation and struggle. What person could simply accept God’s decision to destroy innocent babies, first during the flood and later in the fire and brimstone of Sodom and Gomorrah? How could Abraham be praised for his willingness to sacrifice his son? Why was Jacob rewarded for cheating his older twin out of his birthright and his father’s blessing?

Have you ever wonder where Cain’s wife came from if Adam and Eve had no daughters?

We all do!

The entire book of Genesis discusses at least ten stories of biblical injustices that led to Ten Commandments and Modern law. As far as God’s imperfection, it was a perception of man, who could not comply with God’s demands and had to learn by examples of justice and injustice and place self where it may.

No one knows when the world will end! No one can predict it; no one can even imagine it, for it may never end if one person is alive. But we all have this idea that the end is near and that everything will burn or everyone will die, and the righteous will go to Heaven.

When you die, your soul will meet God, our creator, or better saying, the creator of matter. He created matter, to give his angels a place to play, touch feel and still be non-matter made. All angels had a concept of their existence, their bodies, their looks, but they have never seen it as matter, until God created it. However, god created man as his image, and it was all good when angels saw the beauty of men and the likeness to themselves. The biggest problem for the angels happened when they learned that matter could decompose. It could die, and bring unhappiness to other matter. A parent is sad when he loses his child. It also saddened some angels, who like Abraham, tried to argument with God about His new creation.   We know that some angles accused God of wrongdoings, and when the music was too loud, God put a stop to it, by sending some angels out of heaven forever, and live as a soul in the earth, where they’ve fallen in love with, and could not let it go of matter. An accuser is a person who claims to know a better way, and judged the other of doing it in a wrong way. An accuser of God is called Satan.

He was an angel who argued with God about everything, never imagining that there was a plan.  He was sent out of Heaven to be with matter. He got mixed up with humans and today we have a world mixed with semi-gods and humans. The problem is that all semi-gods are not all good. They are experimenting matter in a faster speed. When Satan was sent out of heaven, he moved to earth and started doing his own things. He actually moved to many other planets and started his own doings, and he is still alive and well doing it and occupying matter here and there and everywhere. He is capable of giving eternal life, but in a matter form, for this is what his power goes to. He cannot interfere with non-matter. God is all there is.

As a ‘matter’ type of God, Satan has the desire to conquer the earth. He wants all beings to be on his side, for his ultimatum goal is to be like God. By having all souls on his side he can have an army or souls.

He can show to God that his plan was better. So he gives eternal life to many souls, and he brings them back into the windmill of life and let them live, and if they die, they will come back and do it again forever and ever, as long as matter exists.

Today we have an earth with conflicts. These conflicts come from millennia. It has been like this since matter was created, and God knows it all. As a creator of MATTER – the UNIVERSE is his, and God can expand and expand until he casts his souls into paradise.

Paradise is a place where you can be matter and non-matter at the same time and experience it all in abundance. It is actually a place with glory and grace. Heaven is a wonderful place.

Now, if you are sent out of heaven, you will experience life again and again as a matter and you will obey whomever commands where you are born again, and this decision doesn’t come from you, but it comes for Satan. In reality, earth is like a hell kind of place. If you are here you are either on your way out or you will have many more lives to live as matter.  It is all up to you!

The seed of God is implanted in every human being, for it is part of creation. Whether you are able to awake that seed and germinate or not, it is with you, and when you die, you will meet God and discuss which side you are on. It is not a matter of side A and side B, but a matter of your matter-consciousness more than your attitude. Your soul has lived as both, in heaven and outside of heaven. It gives you a better understanding of matter, therefore, a son of God, regardless.

God may use you into his plan again by sending you back, or he may simply let you be non-matter and in heaven for a while, until you are ready to face the universe. When God approves you, you will be sent back to make it good and better. When God doesn’t approve you, it means that you have already comp-actuated with a different force, and your wishes will be yours.

Most non-godly people will ask to come back, and they will have Satan as their guardian, and they will do what Stan has reserved for each one.  They will be rich, poor, loved, unloved, and they will deceive others, for it is the main root of Satan – To deceive. Yet, God will wait for those who ask for His protection, and He will protect them.

When you die, you will face God. Not necessarily his physical presence, but his magnificence and abundance of light that warms your soul, and gives you protection. He will caress you and love you and He knows that you are His being. He will allow you to grow materially/spiritually, and He wants you to live as many lives as you want to. You will come back many times, and you will be near your loved ones, if it is what you want. It is possible! But when you have a better comprehension of God, you know that your loved ones are there with God, and you can see them, meet them and be with them. In other words, when you die without the knowledge of God and his plans, and Satan, Heaven and Hell, you die as an empty soul, a soul that gathered nothing. God will receive you, but your soul could be in love with earth, and nothing would stop you of returning.  If your soul is in love with matter, chances are you will return to make matter more combined and a “colder hell”. (In reality, if you return, it means that you have a good idea of Gods’ plans, by learning it while as matter). So, (after you die, if you return it means that your journey of goodness has much more to offer to other generations. You are blessed.)  Now, if you stay in heaven, it means a choice you made. Although, time doesn’t exist in heaven and you can choose to return anytime, and be there when it happens.

I gave you an idea that a book was written giving us some information about life, matter, existence, law and future. This book is called The Bible. It is very hard to read and even harder to understand it. When we are helped into understanding the bible, we get the teacher’s idea or interpretation

My message:  We cannot read the bible as a novel because it doesn’t work. We cannot read the bible as a day thing because it has no meaning. We need to discuss the bible with others. I mean –

 be the devil’s advocate – ASK questions to your teachers – not to make them look stupid, but to make sure they had the same questions.

Please, do not waste your time with conspiracy’s theories because they have been here accusing and living from accusing – it is the meaning of Satan –

Knowledge doesn’t mean to believe that this earth is under a conspiracy. Knowledge means to understand the plan of God and live it from your heart. It connects your soul.  

In summary – 

1.       Do not believe in the end of the world.

2.       You can die at any moment, so it is the end for your world.

3.       You surely will return, unless you are clean as a pure matter

4.       You are a part of God with some deficiencies

5.       Disconnect form matter, for you cannot take it with you, unless your destination is not heaven.




Lake Worth, Florida - Citizens Against Unfair Taxation

Lake Worth, Florida  - Citizens Against Unfair Taxation


Dear Neighbor, It is obvious that the price for utilities is the highest in the entire country. Water costs are high and sewage calculation is a scandal. I have written innumerous letters to city commissioners asking to explain why there is a cap on sewage that makes it cheaper for business owners and extremely expensive for residents.

When my water bill is $60.00 my sewage bill is $55.00 and it doesn’t make sense.  

I don’t believe that the commissioners were able to create a plan for Tax increase on their own, but they are being manipulated by other interest groups to show that it will be good for this bankrupted city.

Please Vote AGAINST the $63.5 Million Lake Worth Tax Bonds on Tuesday, August 26th. Polls are open from 7am to 7pm. 



Reasons to Vote AGAINST Bonds:


1. Lake Worth could pay the HIGHEST taxes in Palm Beach County.

2. The City says only 30% of our roads will be repaired with the bond money.

3. $63.5 million PLUS interest and expenses will cost at least $131 million over 30 years.

4. A 30 year tax burden for you, your kids and your grandkids is a long time.

5. We could be taxed out of our homes. The commission already voted for higher water & sewer rates; ADD in the bond and property taxes could skyrocket!

6. Landlords are likely to pass along the NEW TAX by charging higher rents.

7. There is NO CAP on per household repayment amount and the City estimates are based on UNSUBSTANTIATED ASSUMPTIONS.

​8. The City will add the cost of repaying this bond to the Non-Ad Valorem section of your tax bill. The average Lake Worth homeowner currently pays $495 a year in these extra taxes.  If this bond passes, that amount could double.

9. Our small business community will be hard hit by this tax as they do not get the benefits of homesteading.  Some businesses could see their tax bill increase as much as $5000 a year to pay for this bond and many will close up and leave as our neighboring cities offer lower utility rates and taxes..

Citizens Against Unfair Taxation is a group of Lake Worth residents and business owners who work to provide fair and accurate information about issues that affect the taxes you pay.  


Risk vs Reward


Why are we so concerned about the city's plan to borrow $63.5 million?  We're worried about escalating taxes, to be sure.  But we're also worried about the details -- or lack of details -- in the city's plan.  We understand that infrastructure needs to be addressed.  But we believe that there is a way to do so with much less risk to homeowners.  After all, isn't that what a sound financial plan is about -- maximizing reward while minimizing risk?  So let's take a look at the risks of the current plan:


Your Home is On the Line - A General Obligation Bond such as the one you are being asked to vote for on August 26 legally requires the city to raise taxes to whatever level is needed for repayment.  There is no cap and no exception.  If for any reason you cannot make the payment, you can lose your home. 


Fuzzy Math - It costs an average of $200,000 to mil (drain) and resurface (pave) 1 mile of a one-lane road according to the American Road and Transportation Builders Association.  The city is asking you to vote for a $63.5 MILLION bond.  That's enough to pave 317 miles of roads!  


Fantasy Estimates - The city's repayment estimates are based on a hypothetical increase in property values of 4% per year for each of the next 30+ years.  This has never happened historically.  

Visit www.cautpac.org and register to get a sign in your lawn.

Share this information with your friends. Let them know that a city like Lake Worth should not have taxes more expensive than Flagler Drive in West Palm Beach.
My suggestion: Lets turn the Municipal Golf Course into a city place of Lake Worth, with store, buildings and the money will flow...into the city.

Milton L. Araujo


GAZA conflict and a Viable Solution - JULY 28 – 2014

GAZA conflict and a Viable Solution  - JULY 28 – 2014 -

A long time ago, in 1948, it was confirmed the Israel-Egypt Agreement.  Article V of the agreement declared that the demarcation line was not to be an international border. At first the Gaza Strip was officially administered by the All-Palestine Government, established by the Arab League in September of 1948. All Palestinians in Gaza Strip was managed under the military authority of Egypt, functioning as a puppet state, until it officially merged into the United Arab Republic and dissolved in 1959. From that time of the dissolution of the All Palestine Government until 1967, the Gaza Strip was directly administered by an Egyptian Military Governor.

Israel captured the Gaza in the Six-day-war.

From 1967 to 1994 Israel took control of everything, but pursuant to the Oslo Accords Signed in 1993, the Palestinian Authority become the administrative body that Governed Palestinian Population centers, and in 1994 Israel granted the right of self-governance to Gaza through the Palestinian Authority.

Prior to this, Gaza had been subjected to military occupation, most recently by Israel (1967-94), and Egypt (1948-67), and earlier by Great Britain (1918-48), and Turkey when Gaza had been part of the Ottoman Empire.

However, Israel kept control of most of sanitation, all borders, mail, main roads, airports, sea ports, electricity and water supply. Today this entire system is under control of Israel.

This alone brings uncertainty to what type of service had been offered to the Palestinians and Israelis living in Gaza.

Since 2007 the Gaza Strip has been De Facto governed by Hamas, a Palestinian Group claiming to be the representatives of the Palestinian National Authority and the Palestinian People.

Gaza forms a part of the Palestinian territory defined in the Oslo Agreement and UNSC resolution of 1860.

Gaza Strip is located at the Southwest corner of Israel, bordering Egypt on the South. It is bound by the Mediterranean Sea to the West. The strip has 28 miles long and 4 miles wide. It has, however 1.2 million Palestinians.

Most Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fled or were purged in 1948 from homes inside modern-days Israel, or are the descendants of these refugees.

There are approximately 6000 Israeli settlers also living in Gaza, and they claim at least 25% of the available land.

Most of the areas claimed by the state of Palestine have been occupied by Israel since 1967 in the aftermath of the six-day war.

In 2014 Hamas and Fatah formed a Palestinian Unity Government within the state of Palestine. Rami Hamdallah became the coalition’s Prime Minister and has planned for elections in Gaza and the West Bank.

In July 2014 a set of lethal incidents between Hamas and Israel led to the Israeli Military launching Operation Protective Edge.

An Escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict began in June 2014 following a series of events including the collapse of American-sponsored peace talks. Also, the kid-nap and murder of three Israeli teenagers and an increased rocket attacks on Israel by Hamas militants.

On July 16, 2014 Hamas and Islamic Jihad offered Israel a 10- year truce with 10 conditions.

As of July 26, 2014 over 200 thousand Palestinians dispersed.

At least 165 thousand Palestinians taking shelter in UNRWA schools.

1.2 Million have no access to water and sanitation. 3000 Housing units have been destroyed. Palestinians are allowed 4 hours of electricity per day.

A Viable Solution:

Israel must leave with its military force from the West Bank area, and return home.  Accept the fact that Gaza forms a part of the Palestinian territory defined in the Oslo Agreement and UNSC resolution of 1860, and sell the entire utility department along with water supply, electricity, gas, roads and anything that pertain to that area. Israel must recognize that the “Gaza majority” want to be part of Palestine, with complete Jurisdiction being given to the Palestinians.  Gaza needs to be controlled by the Palestinians with International rules of tolerance. The entire police department, security, homeland security, borders, roads, must be controlled by each individual state, and in this case Palestine.

It doesn’t make sense to occupy a territory when it doesn’t bring any profit. It is not necessary to fight over vendetta of parents of parents, when we are passed the Second World War, and we need to move on.  We cannot start a war over something we once had, we gave it away but we want to control its expenses. It seems like a divorce to me; one of those very hairy ones, where one partner never let-go off the other completely. Let’s live life.

“Go Israel, go and help the people of Gaza to get back on their feet. The people are not the rebellions. They are mere people, like you and me. Sell to them roads, schools, bridges and make them a nation, as you are. Help them with education and teach them abstention of making babies”.  

Israel must accept a truce and feel secure for opening hand of something that everyone took a piece off since the beginning of times. It is time to let them be.  It is time to start peace, with the gift of letting it go.

I know, it doesn’t make sense, to stop such a long war,… but we are talking about 1.2 million people without electricity, water or any infra-structure to support life. No food, nothing to look forward to. I am talking about a strip of land with so much to give and to do. Lets forget a long time ago, and start anew.


UPDATE ----Today - August 7, 2014 - Israel has removed at least 70% of its TROOPS ... artillery from GAZA. Israel is removing troops from the West Bank - Something that never happened before. Sooner than we think they will start reconstruction.

UPDATE ---- Today - August 15th 2014. More conflicts are emerging. People from Iraq are leaving their lands. It is a mess. The US government can not help it alone. We need more troops from all over the world to unite and stop this conflict by force. It is about time to stop it.