About Me - Milton Laene Araujo

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Lake Worth, Florida, United States
My name is Milton and I am a reader. I love to feed my mind with what if’s?, through stories.
Showing posts with label Doencas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doencas. Show all posts


Texting and killing - Teen issues 2011 - by Milton Laene Araujo

The Internet was commercialized  in the 1990s and became an international network due to its popularization and its incorporation into virtually every aspect of modern human life. Coincidentally, at the same time cell phones emerged. Instant messaging became popular and so did texting, which refers to the exchange of brief written text messages between fixed-line phone or mobile phone and fixed or portable devices over a network.

Teens are text messaging at least forty times per day. Today, text messaging has been extended to include messages containing image, video, and sound content, therefore becoming a lethal weapon, and a necessary evil. Defamation, also known as libel is the communication of a written statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual a negative image. Teens are sharing innuendos and defamation on twitter, also, sharing pictures of themselves nude, event worse, videos or anything of self risk.

Teenagers retaliate to groundless criticism with more vehemency.

Just recently, a teenager boy, 18 was arrested for making threats to his girlfriend via texting. After being bailed out of jail, he went back to his high school and killed his girlfriend, 17.

It has become common for teens to " text their anger away"  to whom and where they may. This is not only a teen problem, for it also includes parents of teens who are not up to date with technology, and parents and teens who experience the same technology advance. When parents lack Internet knowledge, teens are free to do whatever they want. When parents are aware of technology, both parents and children get wrapped up into all novelties of technology.

We are living in a society of selfishness. Families are broken and the lack of togetherness has battered the population.

Teens are learning everything virtually.

Internet laws are still trying to mature and gain shape. Whenever we are focusing on one hand-held device, and writing with the other hand, we are ready to ventilate.

 Both parents and teens are NOT in fault today but both need the same schooling, however, this school is in transition, or cannot keep up with technology. Schools of disciplining, and good manners is available online, but doesn't fit with with this change we are about to face.

In the near future schools - or a building for students to meet - will be available, but all classes will be virtual, therefore many will choose to take classes at home. More room for texting -.  Classes will be pre-recorded, and teaching will become a marketing for the fit.

How does one know the damages a text message can cause to another human being? Kids can be very cruel at times. Texting is a weapon that should be used to share information, and NOT to ventilate agony. But teens do it. People use texting to ventilate - or to promote themselves, like celebrities who text and share their whereabouts. This is a tool for a stalker. Yet, celebrities always want to share where they are, what they ate, etc. This is bad. People in general, (This year 2011), share via twitter wherever they are doing - I checked on the word bath just to check what was happening, and most of the people said that they were going to take a bath and go to wherever they were going. This is crazy, for any stalker or killer simply need to follow your messages...
Another teen caused brain damage to a classmate after she texted something related to his brother's suicide. He reacted to his emotions, and did not think.  Like texting - no need to think - whatever comes to mind can go there now!

When we refer to High Schools, they need a cell-phone tower as part of their building. This way any call will be connected with this same tower and communication will be controlled and semi-restricted.

Be careful if you are a teenager. Do not send "hating" text messages, for it can be the only thing the other person may have from you. Written word is immortal, and when used to defame, it can be hard and costly to repair. Be careful if you are a parent. Anything posted in any social media will stay there, and when one human being is exposed by others in a negative manner to the entire world, it is something we have no idea how disturbing can be. In this texting era, where grammar lost its power, and words became a gizmo of letters or abbreviations, is hard to let go off the past, It is hard to embrace an era where words get distorted, and start to live today.

Now we are collecting the fruit of what we planted in our society. It is an almost lost harvest. We can prepare for the next harvest by teaching moral examples to our kids and the truthfulness in the sentence " Treat others as you would like to be treated". Do not text hate messages. to anyone .

Milton Laene Araujo


Gay Issues: Passive or Active?

Homosexuality in men is something that has not been studied completely by anyone. What we know is what people say or do.
In the gay community, "passive" is a word used to describe a man who is the "recipient" of the penis during anal intercourse. Sometimes passive is also applied to the one who takes the other's penis into his mouth (receives it inside him) during oral sex. This is opposed to a person who is "active" which means they are the ""inserter" during anal intercourse and the "inserter" during oral sex. Someone who enjoys both giving and receiving during anal intercourse or oral sex would be considered "versatile". Often the term "versatile" is applied only to anal intercourse.

Someone who is "submissive" is often understood to be one who submits to another person's desires, whether in a sexual way or just generally.

"Submissive" is unlike "passive" in that "submissive" does not have to have an opposite. In gay sex, if there is a passive (recipient) person, then there must be an active person. Likewise in BDSM, if there is a submissive partner, there must also be a dominant partner because the submissive partner conforms to the desires of the dominant party. Most people, most of the time, are neither submissive nor dominant in their dealings with others, whether sexual or otherwise. They are cooperative. What we call "vanilla" sex is just cooperative sex, regardless of who is active and who is passive.

There is good reason from what gay men say and do to believe that the passive (recipient) person in gay sex often feels or imagines himself to be submissive and derives sexual pleasure from that feeling or imagination. Likewise, the active person often feels or imagines himself to be dominant and derives sexual pleasure from that.
The bottom line is. The root for all this terms comes from the person's background. Most Latin men see themselves as active because it is more manly than being passive. So, although they will experience and eventually will enjoy being passive, they will assume the identity of being active because it sounds better and it makes them feel as if the are the man in that relationship. This is too passe.
American gay man are more versatile, and in my view, they are more advanced in this sense. They have no hang ups about what they are or like. While Latin men think that having sex with a man and being active means that they are not all the way homosexual. Macho man in reality is a man who is afraid of his own sexuality. Most macho behave differently when drunk, and it says a lot about them.
In my experience, gay guys who defend the idea of being active are truly afraid of complete sexual experiences and will eventually get into marriage with the opposite sex to later find out that they made a mistake. A man who claims to be active has nothing to do with me, as a man who claims to be passive. Men should be versatile in all senses, if they claim to be gay. I do not believe in bisexuality, for it only exist for those who claimed to be active, and later decided to get married, and in order to function in the society they go after guys to have their nightly encounters. In bed everything can be different, and they may explore things they will feel ashamed of while living the other life. This is simply a mental unbalance.
There will be a day when men will have sex with woman for procreation, and not for recreation, and eventually they will explore all sides of sexual pleasure, for it doesn't require drugs and brings one to climax.
A woman - to keep a man in bed must explore all avenues, and eventually try to be active with her partner with objects etc, to make that relationship more complete. But while there is a ta bu, this experience is only practiced by a few couples. What i mean is: While having sex with  a woman, let her touch you in places you have never been touched before, and bring you pleasure where you never imagine. This is perfectly normal, and should not go away from the bedroom. This way men will feel more complete and lose desire to go in search of trouble outside of their relationship.
This is all for now.
Check on my other gays issues - by clicking on the right side of this site.


Gay Marriage and a viable solution link

Gays Issues – Gay Marriage by Milton Laene Araujo

Marriage is a union between a male and a female. This union consists of whatever cultural, legal, religious or even social, economical and emotional reasons they decided to get married.

Should two people of the same sex get married? No!  It distorts the meaning of the word marriage, or creates another meaning, to accommodate a social relationship. Marriage should not be used to describe anything other than a commitment between a man and a woman, and such a union, often formalized via a wedding ceremony, may also be called matrimony.

The issue here is whether two people that share a space for a determined time of years have the right to be taxed like any married individual today, and receive equal benefits. Differently from slavery, racism, or women suffrage, gay marriage has been stretched out of proportion by being compared in a religious sense only, and ignoring what contrasts to it.

Gay people should not get married, but seek for a law that recognises the right of living with a partner and within duo process, the right to adopt and create a family.  Gay people may celebrate their union. But must refrain from the word marriage, for it involves religious beliefs and creates fury for those that vehemently oppose to it.  

It is a political issue, for it involves how to distribute the monies received, and it must be decided without any participation or involvement of religion.

A candidate to public service must recognize that a law needs to be created allowing roommates to have a brake in taxes, and enjoy whatever perks any married couple have. It doesn’t have to have a name, for it is simply a right - It may be called Union of Peers.

In this world of relativity, where one thing depends on another, people need to relate to another to grow spiritually. A union of two people must be recognised and insurance, health benefits, etc should be shared with any other human being.

It is a simple math. Considering that 50% of all marriages end with divorce, why a group of individuals with different sexual orientation, would want to get involved in something that brings nothing but law suits? Union of Peers should be simpler, and require the same address. 

Due to the distortion of the word marriage, and how it has been impregnated into individuals' mind, it is common to see on TV reality shows with gays getting into matrimony. Yes, it is disturbing to any form of faith and religious belief that most people follow. This is what has been played into people’s mind in relation to a “right to support other” agreement, which should exist: Union of Peers.

Therefore, the topic gay marriage should not be an issue. We need to have the right to pass our insurance to a friend or a roommate, or anyone to whom you decide to share, without affecting any premium. All individual policies would not exist anymore. We live in a world of relativity where we need a point A to refer ourselves to point B. We need to relate with others, to know whom and where we are. I oppose gay marriage because it is a mockery to the origin and conservation of the sacrament of marriage. I am in favor of a law recognising Union of Peers with less complication. Something more temporary. Open to all. Now, if you want the nutty gritty of this subject, visit this essay. http://www.bidstrup.com/marriage.htm

UPDATE - March 27, 2013 -

After I finished reading the link above, and doing some some soul search, I changed my mind in relation to gay marriage. I think that gay people should get married because it is a right. I take back all my idea of creating side steps for something that is imminent. People have the right to be free from religion, therefore, there is no arguable dissent to this topic. My post was written in 2009, and it was my idea then. I feel bad for my parents to presence something that they are not ready to face due to their religious belief. I feel bad for everyone who is offended at first for this law, that until now, has not been approved by the courts, but it will be approved, no matter what happens. But if we take a look at History, all changes related to civil rights occurred after great turmoil. I imagine now how difficult it was when a decision to free slaves, or to end segregation came about. Liberty and equality is happening, and only after it is settled that we would see that it makes sense. My heart goes to everyone who will be saddened by this occurrence, but they should not take it personal, unless they want to get married. I have been a racist against my own class because I used my emotions and my feelings that I inherited somehow. I have used bigotry, and I regret for being this way.

Creating laws to accommodate groups is the same as segregation, therefore it can not exist (I am referring to the creation of a Union of peers mentioned before). As you can see, our mind changes and we grow!




Socialized Democracy

Socialized Democracy – By Milton Laene Araujo – September 1, 2011

1-     Freedom—not only individual liberties, but also freedom from discrimination and freedom from dependence on either the owners of the means of production or the holders of abusive political power;
2-     Equality and social justice—not only before the law but also economic and socio-cultural equality as well, and equal opportunities for all including those with physical, mental, or social disabilities;

3-     Solidarity—unity and a sense of compassion for the victims of injustice and inequality.

Certain things in life, such as home, food, and education need our attention.

To begin with Home – It consists of a residence – Every human being must have a right to own a house. Food – It consists of what we eat – Every human being must have access to food in abundance. Education – It consists of where you are in relation to “all that is”. It means that you are growing spiritually.

By just thinking of certain things, such as home, and food you can travel-on in the idea of a perfect world. Imagine living in a place where you are happy to be a part of that community, and also able to move away whenever you feel it is the right moment. Imagine being fed and sheltered in your existence –

Now when we move to education, things get more complicated. Education means that our body is accepting the environment that has been created, in every-way possible, yet, receiving waves of information from all over. The desire for knowledge persists as a self-instinct to be.  

Milton L Araujo


A Bacteria de Cada Dia

A bacteria recicla os nutrientes no organismo. Muitos nutrientes dependem da bacteria para que eles sejam nutritivos a saude, pois as bacterias sao capazes de sobreviver em tudo o que existe, e podem ate se comunicar com a materia qual ela esta associada, e tambem com a materia qual ela nao esta diretamente associada. Uma bacteria que recebe nitrogenio da atmospera se preocupa com a putrefacao daquilo que ela esta habitada. Seja no corpo, seja na planta, seja em tudo. E isso que vamos discutir agora.

A bacteria e um microorganismo necessario para a existencia de tudo o que precisa de ar. Ela existe no ar que respiramos, na agua que bebemos, e em tudo. Nosso corpo cria ainticorpos que podem combater invasoes de bacterias, criando uma simbiosidade entre bacteria e outros organismos deixando nossa vida viavel para existencia por uns cem anos. Ninguem e alguem! Somos uma combinacao de todos os mirco-organismos que temos armazenado em nosso corpo fisico. Sejam eles geneticos ou recebidos depois da existencia. A combinacao destas bacterias criam putrefacao, e com isso, outras bacterias se aglomeram e geram um tumor, que esta sobrecarregado de puz. O tumos, uma vez existente, pode ser curado, quando visivel, mas quando invisivel, ele mesmo se aumenta, fazendo com que o organismo pense que aquele pedaco nunca existiu. Um tumor no cerebro, por exemplo, nao pode ser detectado visualmente. Ele aumenta vagarosamente, e nao deteriora de imediato os componestes vizinhos, pelo contrario, o tumor cresce e toma sua forma sem se alimentar do vizinho, mas espreme o vizinho enquanto cresce, e  isso nao causa dor nenhuma. Imagine algo crescendo dentro de voce qual nao atrapalha nada ao redor. Uma combinacao de bacterias que se alimentam do tumor e se multiplicam em busca de alimento para aumentar o tumor, e viajam por todos os orgaos, ate consumir o que precisam, deixando os orgaos quase paraliticos, e quando se manifestam fisicamente, ja e muito tarde. E impossivel repor aquilo que foi consumido dos orgaos, e mesmo retirando o tumor, os orgaos ja estao sem longevidade.

Sabendo que a bacteria cria putrefacao, e vimos isso diariamente, quando usamos o fio dental, imagine uma colonia de bacterias se juntando as bacterias que voce ja tem geneticamente herdado. Por isso e importante saber se herdamos alguma doenca - isso so sabemos com os nossos pais e avos.

Logo, devemos entao aprender sobre esta doenca e saber os primeiros orgaos que sao afetados. E com isso trabalhar com cada orgao individualmente, sem explosao ou bombardeamento das bacterias de uma so vez, mas graduamente, dando ao orgao espaco pra continuar. Muitos tumores hoje em dia entram em remissao e ate desaparecem com uma quimoterapia ou radioterapia, porem se eles ja se espalharam pelos orgaos, e necessario entao um tratamento de cada orgao, em ordem de deteriorizacao, tipo qual orgao esta mais atingido... para entao acabar com as bacterias que tentam invadir.

Nao existe cura para o cancer, pois o cancer e uma invazao de bacterias cancerosas, que se alimentam de nosso meio de vida. Quando vivemos diferentemente daquilo que o nosso organimso esta programado pra viver, salientamos estas bacterias em busca de nitrogenio, e logo elas apoderessem dentro de nos, criando um pequeno espcao qual nao doi.

E possivel que a falta de oxigenio pode tambem salientar estas bacterias - e quando usamos muito desodorantes acabamos eliminando o processo de reciclagem das bacterias entre os nossos bracos, e com isso elas podem se armazenar no peito, ou aonde nao existe nenhum orgao para eleas ocuparem o espaco.

Nao sabemos ao certo como eliminamos o cancer, pois alguns podem ser eliminados - ao nosso ver - por uns 50 anos, mas ninguem sabe como destruir.

Voce tem alguma idea?

Reparta -


What do we know about God?

A Connection with God!

I have had many conversations with Atheists! Some conversations ended in a small war of words, where I wanted to convey the existence of God, but was bombarded with questions about my faith. After many exchange of e-mails I was not up to par to respond to them. I made it clear that I wanted to learn about their way of life with no strings attached.

I had good reasons to approach an atheist. I was going through hard times, and I questioned the existence of a higher power. I was moved by their intelligence. To be honest with you, an atheist usually is very intelligent. They are able to debate the non existence of God like any scholar in bible studies. In other words, they study as much, if not more, than any priest, pastor, rabbi or any graduate in theology, however, with a contrary conclusion.

I admire any atheist. I admire anyone who believes that God doesn’t exist and that God was created to have all people concentrate in one single God, instead of all gods and goddess that have taken a large place in the life of our ancestors. I understand that an atheist live in search of a proof – a concrete proof that God exists. They can not understand miracles, and they are skeptical about anyone who claims to have been spared his or her life by a superior force, or a being, or an entity – which of, we call God.

Maybe they are right. I can not say with certainty that they are all wrong, as they can not ever assure that we, believers are right. It is a lost cause to try to understand their way of thinking, for it is extremely logical and filled with scientific proof. I truly believe in God, and I gained tolerance for all religions.

They are very expert about the bible, and they concentrate on its interpretation word by word, and find many discrepancies, that we overlook. We blindly accept the existence of God because we feel Him in our lives every day.

I've cheated death at least six times in my life, and I proclaim that God helped me to stay alive. I did not conquer cancer or anything in that sense, but I did not die in a fatal accident, where there was no chance for my survival – I walked away with not a scratch. I survived.

These experiences brought me closer to God.

It is very sad when human beings discard God as their protector. Yet, the same human beings, when in trouble say “Oh My God! This led me to believe that they have God because GOD is all that is, but they decline its existence as a cliché.For me, God is within us. And we can not fell God outwards. If we have the need to feel God outward, such as, moving a mountain or showing Its presence, we can not feel God within, and when we feel God within, the outward presence is not necessary. Imagine if God showed Himself and started moving things here and there. Everyone would say that it is Satan’s doings.

To obtain a connection with God, one needs to appreciate nature. Appreciate every living creature. It is necessary to respect every fellow. It is necessary to understand that we are all different, but everything that we do, is God experiencing Himself through us.
Going a little further, imagine God being alone, without anything else. God is all that is, however, He can not see its magnificence because God it everything. So, God created all living things to experience Himself. God placed living things in a different spectrum, and from that point he could then experience Himself.

Every one of us is God experiencing His magnificence. We live different lives, yet, when we place a living creature as a point B, God can then see what he truly is, with all changes and experiences every living creature does. When you commit a crime, God is experiencing himself with you. In this relative world that we live upon, there is no good without bad. We can only have one thing when the other exists. Yes, we need criminals and law maker followers. We need the good to experience the bad and be able to discern its difference. We live in a relative world, where one thing is related to another in an opposite way. We can only learn what is good by experiencing what is bad and comparing them. So God gave us the “arbitral”. We can do whatever we desire, and God will experience each one of us.

In the end, every soul will be united with God and make Him even more magnificent that what he truly is. God will see the good in each one of us, and accept our behavior as a necessity to create better way of living. It doesn’t mean that a human being who is addicted to sex have the right to commit a crime. It means that it is possible, and available, but there is the so called Man’s law. We need to abide by this law, for it was also created by God. Certain things are right and make sense as other things simply do not make sense. A good Judge will decide on this matter, and a Judge is also a Godly creation.

Without laws, we would be in a chaos.

Now, for those more intelligent beings, who believe that a different force may control our earth – I applaud them. Maybe it is true. We do not know God’s plan, and maybe this earth will be unbearable to live upon. Maybe we will have 2 degrees increase on our earth temperature every season, and have more water evaporating from the oceans and creating rain where never existed, and blizzards where it was not common. Maybe the Martians live underground. Maybe when we visited the moon we were told not to come back again. Maybe we receive energy and knowledge of other beings. Who honestly cares? This is a matter designed for our government to take care of. This information can be shared, but the time needs to be right.

It is a waste of time try to conspire against the course of life. It is a waste of time to be fanatic about the existence of UFO’s when we truly know that it can be possible and it will not change our life span of 100 years or less.

A connection with God means to live your life day by day and try to help others to endure this short span. A connection with God truly means that we can not persuade others to think as we think. We are not perfect, and only by acceptance we can have a productive life.

All the rest will come as it may.

Yours Truly,

