About Me - Milton Laene Araujo

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Lake Worth, Florida, United States
My name is Milton and I am a reader. I love to feed my mind with what if’s?, through stories.
Showing posts with label Doencas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doencas. Show all posts


Donate blood now!

Let’s donate blood?

I am not an expert in this subject, and my point will be very simple. Everyone should donate blood 6 times per year. Every town should have a “state of the art” post for collection in mass.

“Every three seconds someone, somewhere, needs a blood transfusion. Blood is always in demand and that’s why we’ve made it easy to donate. Florida’s Blood Centers has facilities throughout the 21 counties we serve and the Big Red Bus is always nearby at local blood drives. We also want our donors and the community to understand the importance of donating; how the blood donation process works; and how blood is used. You can find it all here.”

When my mother had my brother Mauricio, she went into a troubled cesarean, and hemorrhage occurred. My father donated blood directly to her. It was in 1972, and blood transfusion, in a small hospital in the suburbs of Brazil was nothing other than a transfusion. She later recovered, and my father continued donating blood to the same hospital for a while longer. 

I want to donate blood, for I carry the same O positive type as my father. This is not the universal donor, but it is more common. 1/3 of the population carries this type of blood. I have never donated blood because I am gay, and I always considered myself a high risk.

Recently I read that gay people are being banned of donating blood. “Blood donations are down in the U.S. this summer. Gay men have been banned from donating blood because it has been connected to the spread of AIDS. But policymakers are re-examining that ban. The debate has raged among officials, and created a national conversation, as reflected in  CNN.com comments.

I think this is absurd. Gay people also need blood, and I would care less whether I am receiving it from another gay. As long as the blood center is able to refuse or accept based in “lab tests” and not based on opinions.

The average adult has about five liters of blood inside of their body, coursing through their vessels, delivering essential elements, and removing harmful wastes. Without blood, the human body would stop working. Blood transports oxygen from the lungs to the body’s tissue and carbon dioxide from the body tissue to the lungs. Blood is the fluid of growth, transporting nourishment from digestion and hormones from glands throughout the body. Blood is the fluid of health, transporting disease fighting substances to the tissue and waste to the kidneys.

Another point is the fact that women menstruate and lose blood every month, and that blood is replenished, giving the women renewed amount of iron, and other chemicals. It helps with their health, and the proof is that women live longer.

If we share the idea that everyone should donate blood every 60 days, things will be better. Today people are afraid of the needle, and imagine that donating blood is an act of generosity, while it is an act of self maintaining. Others are simply too ignorant and too wrapped up on themselves to understand how good life will be for both parties involved, and for the nation.

I would like to see a study showing the benefit to the blood donor. I know it has benefit.
I want lawmakers to expose this benefit and encourage the entire population to donate blood.
Gay people can donate blood and have it stored in different places for different purpose.
It is stupidity to great a law banning certain groups of donating fluid of life. This is the ultimatum of all absurdity.

Milton L. Araujo


The perfect being

Science is knowledge! And as such, it must be taken very seriously.

After I read an article about down syndrome on Wikipedia I discovered that "Individuals with Down syndrome differ considerably in their language and communication skills. It is routine to screen for middle ear problems and hearing loss; low gain hearing aids or other amplification devices can be useful for language learning". 86] For partial glossectomy (tongue reduction), one researcher found that 1 out of 3 patients "achieved oral competence," with 2 out of 3 showing speech improvement.

Why don't we have all children with down syndrome exposed to partial tongue reduction? If it will better their quality of life. If it may even help with thyroids problem, which of, in consequence brings obesity and all  sort of other problems.

On another related article, it stated that 91–93% of pregnancies in the United Kingdom and Europe with a diagnosis of Down syndrome were terminated.[73] Data from the National Down Syndrome Cytogenetic Register .
In the United States a number of studies have examined the abortion rate of fetuses with Down syndrome. Three studies estimated the termination rates at 95%, 98%, and 87% respectively.[73]

Medical ethicist Ronald Green argues that parents have an obligation to avoid 'genetic harm' to their offspring,[76] and Claire Rayner, then a patron of the Down's Syndrome Association, defended testing and abortion saying "The hard facts are that it is costly in terms of human effort, compassion, energy, and finite resources such as money, to care for individuals with handicaps... People who are not yet parents should ask themselves if they have the right to inflict such burdens on others, however willing they are themselves to take their share of the burden in the beginning."[77]

 Peter Singer argued that "neither haemophilia nor Down's syndrome is so crippling as to make life not worth living from the inner perspective of the person with the condition. To abort a fetus with one of these disabilities, intending to have another child who will not be disabled, is to treat fetuses as interchangeable or replaceable. If the mother has previously decided to have a certain number of children, say two, then what she is doing, in effect, is rejecting one potential child in favour of another. She could, in defence of her actions, say: the loss of life of the aborted fetus is outweighed by the gain of a better life for the normal child who will be conceived only if the disabled one dies".

This is far too much to digest in a simple page. It seems that science, capable of detecting a fetus with "abnormalities", jumps the gun in selling the tool of "detection" and prevention, forgetting that it needs to fix the abnormality.
For now, science needs to create a device that reverses the entire process of development of the chromosome that carries the abnormality.

Down syndrome disorders are based on having too many copies of the genes located on chromosome 21. In general, this leads to an over expression of the genes. Understanding the genes involved may help to target medical treatment to individuals with Down syndrome. It is estimated that chromosome 21 contains 200 to 250 genes. Recent research has identified a region of the chromosome that contains the main genes responsible for the pathogenesis of Down syndrome, located proximal to 21q22.3. The search for major genes involved in Down syndrome characteristics is normally in the region 21q21–21q22.3

If abortion is ever to be considered legal, from a law point of view, it would bring a pandemonium into people's lives, that can not ever be fixed. To begin, science and abortion will work side by side, eliminating from the face of the earth every fetus that has this or that abnormality. Scientists would become greedy and forget their principal objective, which is prevention of abnormalities by scientific means of resetting the DNA configuration of that particular abnormality.

Science needs to change its gears from corrective maintenance to preventive maintenance. Science now is stagnated in finding how to correct this or that disease, caused by this or that abnormalities. Scientists are more concerned in creating pills. For now science is working side by side with free market or capitalism. 

Science should only be used for the benefit of humans, and not for enrichment of enterprises. 

It is fair to say that scientists are able to manipulate an allele, which  is one of two or more forms of a gene or a genetic locus (generally a group of genes).[1][2] The form "allel" is also used, an abbreviation of allelomorph. Sometimes, different alleles can result in different observable phenotypic traits, such as different pigmentation. However, many variations at the genetic level result in little or no observable variation.

A number of genetic disorders are caused when an individual inherits two recessive alleles for a single-gene trait. Recessive genetic disorders include Albinism, Cystic Fibrosis, Galactosemia, Phenylketonuria (PKU), and Tay-Sachs Disease. Other disorders are also due to recessive alleles, but because the gene locus is located on the X chromosome, so that males have only one copy (that is, they are hemizygous), they are more frequent in males than in females. Examples include red-green color blindness and Fragile X syndrome.
Other disorders, such as Huntington disease, occur when an individual inherits only one dominant allele.

Science needs to put more effort into modifying the composition of a defected allel. Science needs to get its priority straight.

By now we all - I mean, every individual should have a DNA identification, which would refer to a central global communication for all means related with law enforcement, forensics, and medical. Along with our identification, a daily reading of our blood content would indicate which nutrients are necessary for that day. Science should be more advanced than what it is now. We need good scientists. We need to praise the good ones, who are studying  prevention of abnormalities by manipulating genes, and not those more interested in creating a new pill to make this or that go away.

I am not against progress. I just do not appreciate when progress come in such a high cost for everyone.

By now we should have humans beings immune of any diseases, that can live at least 300 years with only one appearance, perfect weight, and controlled mood, etc. A perfect human being who was perfected to live in this environment by his fellow human, who used science to manipulate genes, creating pure-breads from within hybrids.

Can we get there, finally?



Let's change the World

Shall we?

There are five basic things that human beings need today.
1- Shelter
2- Food
3- Utilities (Electricity, Gas, Water, Etc.).
4- Medical Assistance
5- Dignifying Existence with proper Security and respectful death.

As we can see for ourselves, no form of government has achieved this simple goal throughout the existence of human beings.

It all started a long time ago when there were only two groups of people. The Araujo and the Da Silva. The Araujo had skills in building, while the Da Silva was living in peccary conditions, and had the skills in planting. Although living in different areas, they were separated by one river, which divided to become four rivers.
Soon they realized that it would be convenient to exchange food for labor, and a Union existed among these two groups. In a faraway land, another group was forming, involving people from both first groups who realized that things can be better if they become a group and planted something other groups could not obtain due to drought or climatic conditions. Soon the third group realized that they could not get along with their ideas, and in despair, they robbed the other two groups. Soon it become a problem, and the Union decided that it was necessary to have security to protect the land. The Union which was only two Kings at first, King Araujo and King Da Silva, exchanged various types of seeds in exchange to whatever goods the other group could provide.  This system did not work for too long, for the desire to obtain food and goods turned into a desire to conquer the entire territory and keep it in his Domain. King Araujo and King Da Silva died and left their kingdom to their firstborn sons, with the same last name.

Later, Different forms of government were created to represent the people and offer security. People were tired of excessive power being demanded upon them by the King.

The King's mistake happened when he shared with the population that he was a chosen king who can communicate with higher entities. The population felt scared and believed that the King was a true messenger of God, and for this reason, followed the King's orders fearing a final punishment. In certain areas, the King was good for his people, but in other areas, the King was a Tyrant. As people traveled from one area to another they learned that different kings had different ideas. Immigration started and it never stopped until today. Fences were placed to keep the people inside to no avail. Forms of adoration were created and practiced among people in search of eternal life, which differ by each group in each psychical space.

The Strong King had conquered various territories. He had under his lap half of the population. Everyone was unhappy. The king taxed the entire population, even when not represented. People in discontentment revolted against the King, but could never fight a King who had his entire guard ready to punish any individual who would go against his will.

When Jesus came, the most oppressed, persecuted, and a badly treated group of people were the Jewish Community. They had prior been stripped out of their right to be in the land as dignifying human beings. They were forced to "exodus" exit to escape forced labor and tyranny. With the help of Moses, they went in search of the promised land and found it. The King of Rome eventually takes the land of the Jews by force and again, they become persecuted and flee to other areas with other kings, sometimes in disguise fearing being recognized.

This persecution has roots before biblical times. The Jewish Community had somehow a place where they would worship God, and receive direct orders. Most of them obeyed the orders, but like in any group, we have people who do not have faith. The King took this concept and turned it into his own, alleging that he had received orders from God, and most of his tyrannies were "excused" by the gentiles, who were neither Jewish nor anything else, but groups of people who worships God as they seemed fit, with the presence of a living mythology, which explains religious practice

The Jewish community had scribes who would keep notes of what was happening and what was supposed to happen in the future, in accordance with what God had told them.

They were told to expect a Messiah who would reign the entire world. With so many mixed emotions, most Jewish were expecting the Messiah to come from a well-endowed family, with resources to fight the Romans and give their land back to them. Instead, the Messiah was a poor man from Nazareth. It was hard to swallow that Jesus was the promised Messiah. But those, who had access to the scriptures and the tales, felt inclined to accept Jesus because it fits with everything it was written before. Here we have another confusion. The King who was supposed to receive this information firsthand, end up learning from others about the arrival of the King of all Kings. Infuriated, he demands to kill every baby male in the area. Jesus was saved.

Jesus grew up learning to please God, his father, and so he did. He had direct communication with God and proved that he did by making what we call miracles. While people expected him to take the Throne and change the world, he had a short life and did not enter any college, but in his life, he was a Doctor. He was Jewish, in case you don't know it. Jesus was able to live 33 years without committing one sin against God, his father. No one can find in the scriptures a sin committed by Jesus while in existence. Yes, he gets furious, but not ever to the point of committing a sin. Something we can not do in one single year. His kingdom starts after his death. Now, people that had no faith or expectation of ever having eternal life, could hear from Jesus that it is possible. Most people took it to their heart.

Christianism originated and the Catholic Church takes the first step in passing the message to the world. Donations started to poor and the King realized that he was losing revenue to a newly created order. The Order became more powerful than all kings placed together, for it had members all over the Globe. Whenever a conversation about conquering new places or traveling to new areas appeared, the Catholic church was primarily involved. A New Testament was added to the Bible to share the life of Christ. In order to keep its good status with the newly formed congregation, most kings decided to be a part of it and so did each group of people. The church grows immensely, and it is bigger than any territory. It creates colleges, to educate more people to be a part of this Union. The church travels to the entire Globe. When Colombo came to America, the Boat was filled with Priests. They could read and write and would be used in negotiations. Immediately the church decided that its members have to be male and they can not get married. The church doesn't want to support a family or give away land for its members to create a family. At this point the church becomes greedy. It creates towns, it builds colleges, it builds churches, and plantations, and gets involved in helping families to move. The King needed authorization from the Pope to do many things, for it would not receive proper care and it could fail altogether. The Church had the people under control most of the time. The church could be cruel and ruthless at times. But at the same time, the church was capable of uniting the entire world into one direction of faith. This power lasts for 1500 years without much interruption.  During this time the church controlled astronomy, and medicine, and converted many Jewish into its own group by force.

The king of England Henry VIII is known for his role in the separation of the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church. Henry's struggles with Rome led to the separation of the Church of England from papal authority, the Dissolution of the Monasteries, and the establishment himself as the Supreme Head of the Church of England. Yet he remained a believer in core Catholic theological teachings, even after his ex-communication from the Catholic Church. This echoed to the entire world which was under an inquisition for a period of time.
The Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition (Spanish: Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición), commonly known as the Spanish Inquisition (Inquisición española), was a tribunal established in 1480 by Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile. It was intended to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in their kingdoms and to replace the Medieval Inquisition which was under Papal control. The Inquisition was originally intended in large part to ensure the orthodoxy of those who converted from Judaism and Islam. This regulation of the faith of the newly converted was intensified after the royal decrees issued in 1492 and 1501 ordered Jews and Muslims to convert or leave.
Various motives have been proposed for the monarchs' decision to fund the Inquisition such as increasing political authority, weakening opposition, suppressing conversos, profiting from confiscation of the property of convicted heretics, reducing social tensions, and protecting the kingdom from the danger of a fifth column.
The body was under the direct control of the Spanish monarchy. It was not definitively abolished until 1834, during the reign of Isabella II, though it had ceased effective operation sometime earlier after a long decline.

As we can see, at this time the Catholic Church loses its power, and small groups who practiced other types of faith, different from Catholics, gained force because it was in the king's interest, as well the people's.

The Jewish Community, again, was forced to move into different areas. It is important to say that the Jewish Community did not follow the Catholic Church Beliefs and they remained United. Although, in different places, they were able to communicate with one another and keep their faith in God Almighty.

During a time where oppression comes from every side, the only thing that keeps people fighting is their faith. If one King is able to separate from the Catholic Church, why can't others worship God as they, please? And so they did it. Today we have over 200 different religious groups, and inside Christianity alone over 2000 different forms of believing in God through Jesus.

Meanwhile, Kingdoms become terrible places to stay. People go to the newly found world in search of freedom of religious persecution. Others come to escape poverty, and others to invest and make the new world a better place to live. While others, like Karl Marx, try to create different ideologies to be followed by Kings to make it a better place.

"Religion is the opium of the people" is one of the most frequently paraphrased statements of Karl Marx. It was translated from the German original, "Die Religion ... ist das Opium des Volkes" and is often referred to as "religion is the opiate of the masses." The quotation originates from the introduction of his 1843 work Contribution to Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right which was subsequently released one year later in Marx's own journal Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher, a collaboration with Arnold Ruge. The phrase "This opium you feed your people" appeared in 1797 in Marquis de Sade's text L'Histoire de Juliette and Novalis's "[R]eligion acts merely as an opiate" around the same time.

The quotation, in context, reads as follows (emphasis added):
The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man. Religion is, indeed, the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not yet won through to himself, or has already lost himself again. But man is no abstract being squatting outside the world. Man is the world of man – state, society. This state and this society produce religion, which is an inverted consciousness of the world, because they are an inverted world. Religion is the general theory of this world, its encyclopedia compendium, its logic in popular form, its spiritual point d’honneur, its enthusiasm, its moral sanction, its solemn complement, and its universal basis of consolation and justification. It is the fantastic realization of the human essence since the human essence has not acquired any true reality. The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.
Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.

Time passed and so did Monarchy. The oppressive power  was giving place to a group of people that could represent each small area inside a territory, provide the five basic things for human beings, which is called today Government.

Today we are oppressed by high taxes, expensive food, inability to own a shelter, for we have to pay tax for the rest of our lives. We do not have anything. What we have is contingent to the fact that we pay our taxes on time or we lose our shelter.  The bank own our homes and play with its value as it may. We are slaves of a system that requires our attention 24 hours per day. We build National Parks, but we can not afford to visit them. Our lives has been so suppressed that we do not realize that one parent can not support a family of four, including himself. Everyone needs to work, and the more we work the more we starve. It is all wrong. We can lose our car if we do not pay insurance. Life is a punishment!

SERVICES! How much this word is misused.

As you can see, whatever we have been doing is not working. There are many left behind. It has always been this way. It is time to make a change!

We can blame anyone else. Even the Government, but it is mostly our fault.

We can make this change.

Let's start with our Government. It is necessary to use a Governmental System in combination with Capitalism and Socialism, where the Government is responsible for the 5 basic things human beings need today. The government would provide shelter to every couple with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, a kitchen and a living room area, and an office area. Independently of gender, or marital status, any group of two would be registered with the System. When the children appear, the couple would change into a more spacious place. All places will be equally designed, and have the same amenities. A couple who can afford to change into a more spacious place will pay the difference from his pocket, with earnings he received doing some skilled work. This way we have a system that we know beforehand how much the Government needs to provide the five basic needs to every household.

Once these five needs are met, PRIVATIZATION will take place. Anyone with skills to offer can have a place of business to either work directly with people, in the case of a supermarket, grocery stores, or convenience stores, or work directly with the government, by doing services to keep the 5 basic needs in shape.

Right along comes the CONGLOMERATION of CHURCH AND GOVERNMENT, where the government pretty much controls the church in monetary faction only. Considering here that all basic needs are being met accordingly, it is not necessary to have the church help families in need, and the church will do the job of promoting faith by creating areas where the congregation can meet and worship as they may. Providing food while pic-nicking with all members to worship our creator. Churches will provide travels to members into sacred places, and provide serenity and peace of mind. Today we have churches all over the place. People from small religious groups can only rent a small place to worship, and most of the time it is away from their homes. By having a countdown of the number of religious people, a city will know what type of religious church it must have. It could have one building where worshippers of any religion could have their own quarters. Religious classes will be taught in school as history classes, so every child will have a sense of direction by learning where they come from. The Government will treat a church as a non-profit organization, with the same laws applied. Worshippers will see their place of worship as a place to thank God for providing the five basic needs in life.

How the Government will provide to "people" the five basic needs?

Initially, by purchasing back the entire utility company and becoming the sole provider of Utilities. Offer what is valued in profit for 5 years, and let us pay the government for utilities for 10 years.

Differently from Utilities, the Government will pay the bill to the private hospital where you attended. No medical insurance is needed. The government will have a price for each procedure, cost of the bed, etc, and will pay the hospital directly for the expenses. This will give the government a reason to pay the right price. Insurance companies will simply be abolished. Employers will pay the government 70% of your earnings before you even see anything. The thirty percent that you receive will be enough for entertainment.

Food, on the other hand, will be controlled by the market, along with all other commodities, and the government will act as one sole investor, knowing that it has many mouths to feed. There will be a time when we will have graphed geologically what to grow and where, and that country will provide the world with whatever it can provide in terms of food. There will be a price tag equivalent to the value of that commodity, and the government is solely responsible for providing it in abundance for us to purchase. The government will control staples only. All other types of food are privatized and you purchase as you desire. The government will provide food stamps at a value reasonable for one person to survive.

Once these things are in place, most private companies will be doing business with the government in our benefit. We are paying the government to provide shelter, and in case of any mishaps, the government is responsible for taking the measures needed. There will be contracts signed between the governments and service providers, and they must comply with what is imposed, for they are private companies making money off the government. For us, people, we pay a price tag monthly, and our goal is to get involved in something that we can do and sell to others, besides our own job, or live a life of the median class forever.

How to start?

Let's find out how much it costs to feed the entire population monthly.
Let's find out how much it costs to shelter the entire population monthly with utilities.

This money needs to come from our pockets entirely and must represent a fraction of our earnings not higher than 50%. The remaining 20% the government uses to assure medical security in our lives. We will live on a 30% to pay for more education and entertainment.

Start with a new city and make it work, and little by little move on to other areas. Each city representative is responsible for gathering all data pertinent to each city. This is not communism, it is a form of capitalism mixed with socialism where our government takes the burden to provide for us, by taking our money and using in whatever it is necessary to provide our basic needs.

Now that the basic needs are met, we have a new generation of people. All fed and with good grades. Then comes innovation, creation, and service providers doing more odd jobs to obtain a better life. Remember that these five basic needs today are provided by yourself, your parents, or someone in your family, or they are not met at all. This is wrong, and we need to work together to make sure our government takes care of these five basic things.

What will happen is, we will develop better Internet communication, and better service until we find the best one of all. the same thing with everything else.

The government has been fighting battle after battle to keep us safe from intruders, who do not believe in our system, yet they have not come up with anything better to protect us. We need scholars to help us in deciphering how much we need to take care of ourselves. We need to give an example to others to follow the same pattern. We (Human beings) need to change this system of things before it changes all of us. We are following in the footsteps of our ancestors. We are fighting a lost battle. We are fighting religion, we are fighting for oil, we are fighting for legal rights since we were born.

This system of things is so bad that it is impossible to swallow. I am talking about every single nation in the world. There is no one who can provide these basic needs. We have on one side a government that plans to privatize everything, and still collect taxes, and on the other side a government that wants to make it different but is tied up with contracts left by others. It is a mess.

 Congress can not agree on how to divide the money it collects from people, and little by little cut benefits that were created - and oppression is taking charge.

We need a government that takes responsibility in our basic needs. We have no problem paying for it. We can not be involved in transactions done between banks that change their names every year to escape fees.  We are the ones bailing them out. Today we all reside in homes where we can not afford to pay for the electricity, leave alone the mortgage. The government doesn't want the burden of representing the people entirely. The government wants the burden of collecting, privatizing, and making us pay for the tab.

Our courts are filled with disputes, and our judges are overwhelmed with papers to read. People are going insane and we are paying for the tab to build bigger and better courthouses. Our schools are becoming private schools and we can not afford to think too much. Life is harder than before.

Our teens are out of control, and drugs are available on every corner. The church can not help to solve this problem without money. The government overlooks it because it is a lost battle. Something needs to be done and we need to fight for our freedom.

Before I finish, I want to say that many secret groups of intellectuals were formed to make this world what it is today. We need the same group of people to diverge their direction into a more humanized way for us, the people. We are the workers, we are the producers, and we want some basic needs. We are content with our opium, and we live for it, for we believe in a higher power.



Dog's Bathroom for the future

A bathroom for Dogs

I live in Lake Worth, Florida. In my town everyone is a pet owner of some sort, but we only see on streets dog owners. My street, Harvard Drive, is located in the north East side of the City, in a neighborhood called College Park. All streets were named over popular American universities. Harvard is a very well manicured road. The road has been paved and new side-walks have replaced the old ones. Most residents have palm trees in their front yard, and the entire street is the closest thing to a paradise. My front yard is a well-taken-care piece of land. It has at least 80 different varieties of plants and a small space with grass. While writing this post, I decided to stop typing, and moved myself out to take a picture of the road for you to see.

The picture on top shows a resident walking his dog. If you look closely into the picture you will see that it is a man who is taking his dog for a walk, or a dog who is taking his man for a walk. The man holds the leach with his left hands while with his right hand he holds a plastic bag with excrement.

The other 2 pictures show Harvard Drive. Zip 33460

How can in this world a man pick up dog excrement and carry with him inside a bag during a walk. How humiliating this could be to humanity. Think for a moment. A man picking up his animal manure right after he (it) disposed it. Not in a million years a man used another man to execute this type of function, which, of, could be perfectly normal if rich people did it in the past with their slaves. Today, January 25th 2012 I took a picture of a pedestrian walking his dog and making sure his dog's poop would not stay wherever it was placed. I admired this, at times, but other times, like today, it truly bothers me. I am not bothered by the fact that many dogs have used my yard. It did killed a few plants, but nothing that could not be replaced or rearranged. My yard is a part of nature and is available to all fauna.

I love watching the squirrels making their nest in my back yard and reproducing in large quantities, while my cats, Ruby and Thomas treat them as family. We also have raccoons wandering around, and on top of a palm tree, there is a large nest of possums, that adds to my animal kingdom each time they reproduce.  My cat Toby was murdered by a momma possums, who decided to bring her babies down from the tree into my yard for a walk. In the middle of the night there was a big commotion that woke us up. After checking that things were OK, we went to bed, to later find Toby dead on my neighbors back yard. Toby was Thomas' brother, and he is missed terribly by all of us. I am sure Toby's curiosity took the best out of him. "Do not mess with mothers. They will die for their offspring's". I always had this in mind.

Getting back to the dog business, after a few minutes of focusing on the barbarity of man kind I came up with the idea of a dog bathroom. At first it was a simple concept, but to make sure it worked I became very creative. I put into practice this concept by creating a spot that attracted most dogs. Once sure that my experiment worked for 4 days, I decided to destroy the "bathroom area" and I brought my front yard back to its originality. Most dog owners do not bring their dogs to my front yard because I have a signal stating that it is not permitted. Once, a while back, I took all the dog poop and placed them on the side-walk, so each dog could smell its own excrement, and find out that it had been removed. It caused some panic in my house, for I was not suppose to do that. But after I stepped on dog doo a few times, I simply placed them on my side-walk to express that I was aware that some owners were not obeying this crazy law of cleaning after your own dog.

He goes how the Dog bathroom works.

Built a poll in an grassed yard. This pool can have different form or shapes, even a design of a fire hydrant on the bottom. The poll has to be in an elevated area... 1 foot above the level of the drain.
Use an area in a park with at least 15 feet in diameter.
Around the poll, plant grass and a few "not spike" plants.
Around the circle, in its out-side, build a drain that would take everything from the grassed area into it, and carry it into the sewage line. See picture for more details.

For my experiment, I used some used pooped newspaper from a pet store, and I mixed it with water, and placed under the grass. Once it attracted a few dogs, everyone wanted to use that place.

Now, for a Park it is necessary to make it a very nice and clean place, where dog owners would meet, talk, knowing that their dogs had used the bathroom for number 2. There will be dogs on line, waiting to use the bathroom...

As you and I know, dogs are trainable animals. They will know that they are in a place where they can use it as a bathroom because there will not be any other place with that urine smell that only them can sense it. Once all dogs stop using people's yard, and start using their own bathroom, they will not be tempted do make mistakes. They will gladly enjoy the visit in a place where other dogs have visited.

When a dog licks you, they do it for your sense of smell and not because they are kissing you. They want to lick anyone who comes from outside mainly because they want to experience the smell of life and to know what is out there. Do not get carried away with kisses, for dogs are there to sense smell, which brings them to a different world.

Once all cities and local parks create dogs bathroom, we will not see mankind picking up his dog-doo.
We will see men cleaning the bathroom by either scoping it into the drain or washing it with water and pressure. Something simple that can be done every half an hour.

To attract more dogs, spray a can of dog smell/urine into the poll along with other indications that this is the place.

It can be build in every street. Just choose a place where to create it, and when it works, start the building permits to make it safer for usage. But first try with the simple way, by making a location where dogs meet, and later build the drainage, etc.

Good walk - this time to take your dog to the right place. As far as pee is concerned... it is just water for the plants, when done accidentally.



Poverty is at a high of 49.1 million or 16% in the U.S.A

On September 17, 2013 the news announced poverty as being 46.5 Million People

As described in Wikipedia, Poverty is the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or money.[1] Absolute poverty or destitution is inability to afford basic human needs, which commonly includes clean and fresh water, nutrition, health care, education, clothing and shelter. About 1.7 billion people are estimated to live in absolute poverty today. Relative poverty refers to lacking a usual or socially acceptable level of resources or income as compared with others within a society or country.

About 25,000 people die every day in the world of hunger or hunger-related causes, according to the United Nations.
This is one person every three and a half seconds, Yet there is plenty of food in the world for everyone. The problem is that hungry people are trapped in severe poverty. They lack the money to buy enough food to nourish themselves. Being constantly malnourished, they become weaker and often sick. This makes them increasingly less able to work, which then makes them even poorer and hungrier. This downward spiral often continues until death for them and their families. - Hunger and World Poverty Sources: United Nations World Food Program (WFP), Oxfam, UNICEF.

….In America, let’s start by:
Improving the quality of education for poor children and education opportunities and incentives, and by Improving opportunities and incentives for poor young females to have children only when they can assure their wellbeing, and by Improving work opportunities and incentives for the poor so they can provide well for themselves and their families..
We need responsible policies and responsible behaviors, starting with each individual behaving more consciously. Every child needs to be educated.

The remedy at this moment is to increase minimum wage to $10.00 across the board and pay for this difference with tax incentives to the employer. Meaning, the employer will not pay for this tab.The remedy is also: America needs to put to rest all time consuming litigations that cost millions of dollars to tax-payers. Put them on the back burner, and let’s deal with things that are far more important, such as poverty and lack of education. Too much money has been spent with paper work and documentation for cases that have once been resolved. We are spending too much time litigating about abortion when we can not even keep up with all children we have alive today. It is such a waste of money, and time.

American Government needs to take a break of outside activities and concentrate in its people at home.

We the People are suffering today more than ever. The absurd increase of the crude oil price in 2008, which can’t ever be explained in detail by anyone, went from $75 per barrel to $145 in a period of six months, oscillating up and down, making the biggest future trading in history, where speculators wanted to buy calls on crude oil and gasoline, and trade every other commodity contract to be a part of the oil trading. It was blamed in the number of refineries that America possess, and the age and condition of each refinery, which was not able to keep up with the demand for gasoline, thus making the oil prices go up, for America buys refined combustive from other countries, such as Venezuela, etc.

A reason given by the news about oil prices increase was all the disruption that was taking place in certain OPEP countries at that time. For whatever reason, the tab was handed to us. Very soon after the record oil price of 2008, food also doubled in price at food stores. Everyone blamed the transportation of goods and materials.  People could not keep up with the increase in prices and with their high mortgage prices. A trip to the supermarket became something painful.

When oil prices wend town, as it did it slowly, gave speculators the chance to take another ride into the volatile roller-coast of oil pricing. The damage to the people was already created, and prices for food went down a small fraction of its increase. People were able to retain less money.  (By the way, we are still talking about poverty here).

The biggest factor of all involves the banking industry and financial institutions. House lenders, in 2004-2005-2006 offered mortgages with monthly payments of 1% to 2% of the price of the immobile. People jumped into buying big houses in large communities  priced at $500.000 dollars and signed their contract for a mortgage– Many chose to pay around $1500 per month to be near the 2% range, and signed a contract for 30 years with mortgage ranging from $1,500.00 to $3,500.00 per month.

These types of mortgages sounded very attractive and a boom in house industry echoed around the country. However, Banks were not able to keep up with their lending because they were not receiving enough deposits to justify it, and little by little it showed its face, bringing house prices down to justify the amount of money that have been invested and the amount of money it will collect. Once revealed, house prices started to decline, to a point where everyone is up-side-down on their mortgages. Those who bought big homes can not keep up with maintenance and utilities bill, defaulting on their mortgage and making even worse for the banking industry to recover its loss. The government pitched in and helped Bank of America and other entities with our tax dollars.

Once housing industry is in decline, businesses in all areas will go to where labor is cheaper. So, a boom in taking your company overseas where labor is cheaper contributed to the job loss we see today.

People are not spending as much money as before; therefore many places go out of business for not being able to stay afloat. Hence, it brings poverty.

Today we have a country with all amenities, but we are not able to afford them. People are losing their jobs, their houses, their income, and their families. Everyone takes xanax or paxil to relieve their anxiety of facing a reality that once was different. Pharmaceutical industry blooms making all sorts of drugs to make one sleep, or stay awake. What to do when you are hungry and there is nothing to eat?
Like I said, we need new policies that encourage teens not to get pregnant – We need to let aside the abortion discussion for one entire year and concentrate in those that are here, and educate them, feed them. Why create so many policies when we are not able to keep our children alive to follow theses policies.

I am sorry to say that the reality is far worse than what we perceive now.


Curar a Diverticulite - 2011 by Milton Laene Araujo

Por  dois anos eu estava sofrendo de uma dor minuscula no lado esquerdo do abdomem. Ja havia ido ao medico por duas vezes, e ouvia que era musculo ou gases. So que, com o tempo a dor era maior quando eu apertava, como se ela tivesse dizendo que o que quer que seja, ainda estava ali dentro de mim. Eu notava que nao podia apertar o lado esquerdo da barriga. Um dia peguei um livro de anatomia que tenho e notei que nao temos  orgaos no lado esquerdo aonde eu sentia dor. Ha visicula que fica bem acima de onde a dor existia.

O tempo passou, ate que em outubro de 2005, veio o Furacao Wilma, aqui em Lake Worth, e naquela mesma noite eu tive uma crise muito forte de dor. Eu corria de um lado pro outro da casa. Foi terrivel, pois ao mesmo tempo em que as portas da casa sentiam a forca do vento, eu estava com medo da dor, nao do furacao. O dia amanheceu e depois de tres Tylenol eu ja estava bom pra levanter.

Os estragos do Furacao foram grandes por toda a redondeza. Um bambuzal que tinhamos no quintal foi derrubado pelo vento.
Ficamos sem energia por mais de duas semanas. Ainda bem que aqui em casa temos um gerador de eletricidade que abastece a casa toda. O gerador funciona a gasolina, e nao havia mais gasolina pela minha area. Os postos nao funcionavam sem eletricidade, e assim era necessario dirigir por duas horas pra comprar gasolina. O pior da viagem e trazer varios galoes em containers de plastico no porta-malas do carro. 

Ao lado de minha casa, sempre morou a Ida Johnston, que no ano de  2009, estara completado seus 103 anos de idade. A Ida tem 4 enfermeiras que trabalham com ela ( em turnos ), 24 horas por dia desde seus 85 anos. Ela veio de uma familia muito abonada, e hoje vive com seus investimentos. A Ida e bem conservada e mantem assim sua forma de viver. Ela nao tem TV a cabo nem satellite, e somente recebe os 14 canais com uma antenna, tipo dez elementos, daquelas que usavamos na decada de setenta. Ela esta contente com os canais nacionais que sao oferecidos gratuitamente. Ela le jornais e assiste TV, e conversa eloquentemente sobre qualquer assunto. Sua mente e brilhante, e sua memoria e de ficar abismado. Sempre que posso, e isso acontece em cada 4 meses, visito a Ida. Fico somente uma hora, e converso com ela, e rimos juntos de tudo o que conversamos. As enfermeiras sempre me disseram que tenho a porta aberta pra entrar a hora que eu quizer. E uma pena que nao tenho visitado Ida mais frequentemente. 

Umas horas depois do Furacao Wilma de 2005, Ida aos seus 99 anos de didade  estava em casa com a sua enfermeira.  Elas nao tinham eletricidade, e assim oferecemos a ela uma extensao de nosso gerador, e conectamos o ventilador e um abajur .  Isso foi o que ela requestou no momento. No outro dia fui ate a casa dela pra saber como eles estavam se virando com comida e tudo o que precisassem eu percebi que da mesma extensao eletrica que haviamos colocado, a enfermeira havia colocado uma conexao em forma de T num dos terminais pra poder entao ter mais 3 saidas. Com isso ela conectava a geladeira, televisao, dois ventiladores,  e mais luzes em outras areas da casa.

Uma vez que comentei ao Jack, ele foi rapidamente a casa de Ida pra dar outra extensao do gerador para que elas usassem com o refrigerador, com medo de que haveria uma alta carga, e consequentemente um incendio.

Ficamos felizes em ajudar a Ida. Ela e uma vizinha muito querida. Veio a todas as festas que tivemos. Ela e muito inteligente e gosta de conversar sobre ideias. Nunca ouvimos a Ida falar de alguma pessoa. Ela ate hoje faz palavras cruzadas do jornal diario, e ate joga carreira com uma enfermeira selecionada pra ver quem termina primeiro.. A Ida sempre ganha. Quando a eletricidade foi consertada e a vida voltou ao normal, Ida nos enviou um cheque de cinquenta dolares pra pagar a gasolina. Na verdade o que ela usou custaria menos de vinte dolares.

Ha dois anos atras, isso por volta de 2007, Ida foi parar no hospital. Ela sentia dor na perna, e nao sentia a existencia dos seus proprios pes. Como resultado, tiveram que amputar a perna esquerda dela. Havia uma coagulacao permanente, e a veia parecia ter se rompido ali. Algo terrivel, pois ela estava sempre com aquele pe enfaixado e nada se via. Porem, no hospital, ela ja estava sem a metade da perna quando nos a vimos. Ao ver-nos ela comecou a chorar. Foi triste, pois ela estava sofrendo. A enfermeira da Ida nos chamou e disse que havia negligencia por parte dos medicos. Ficamos impressionados com a historia dela, mas aprendemos depois que ela nao havia tomado conta de Ida como deveria, e que muitos medicamentos nao foram dados. No final esta enfermeira foi despedida. Um mes depois a Ida ja estava perfeita.  Em sua caderia de roda, ela visita os amigos e se sente muito bem.  Infelizmente, ela nao pode caminhar, ela teve o banheiro preparado para poder se movimentar em sua cadeira de rodas.

Uma semana depois do furacao, ainda sem energia, havia um posto medico em frente ao hospital tratando todas as pessoas que ali passavam. Tudo de graca. Eu entao fui la e fui atendido por uma medica jovem, muito interessante, que veio do Norte. Eu perguntei a ela se ela havia se voluntariado a esta obra ou se ela havia sido escolhida. Ela disse que ja trabalha ha muito tempo com a Salvation Army, e doa este tempo como medica  porque faz ela se sentir bem. Ela me diagnosticou com diverticulite. Ela desenhou numa folha de papel o intestino, e tambem as tripas, e mostrou que eu tinha uma bolsinha ou varias no meu intestino, e que se eu comesse sementes, eu deixaria elas depositadas nestas bolsinhas, e acabaria tendo uma infeccao. Ela estava admirada por eu ter uma doenca que  aos 65-70 anos de idade era mais comum. Ela receitou antibioticos e em duas semana eu estava bom. Nem terminei os medicamentos.

Tres meses depois a dor voltou e, eu fiquei em casa. Tomei o resto dos antibioticos, e muitos Tylenols e me senti melhor.

Em 2006 fui parar no hospital. Estava com uma infeccao grande, pois a dor era muito forte, e nao consegui manter alimentos em meu estomago. Fui ate a emergencia, e somente fui atendido 4 horas depois de estar la, eperando e com dor. Uma vez atendido fui medicado e hospitalizado, e depois de uma ressonancia magnetica, foi visto que eu tinha uma infeccao grande, e que deveria ser operado.

Eu queria ser operado, a principio, pois nao tenho medo da medicina de hoje em dia. Mas ja sabia atravez de amigos que nao se opera ninguem com infeccao. Percebi que havia conflitos de interesses entre os dois medicos. A Minha medica, qual tenho por 15 anos, veio me ver e disse que eu tinha que curar a infeccao antes de ser operado, e que talves nem fosse necessario operar. O medico que ia efetuar a operacao queria que eu operasse naquela hora. Eu decidi nao operar, pois ainda estava infeccionado, e optei por curar a infeccao com antibioticos, morphina e alimentacao intra-vein, por cinco dias enquando no hospital.. Tudo isso foi receitado pela minha medica, pois ela que estava de frente ao meu tratamento – Nada oral, nem agua. So uma jarra com gelos triturados pra molhar a lingua. E assim passei os dias sem comer nada, sem mais sentir dor, mas recebendo todos os nutrients que faltavam em meu ogranismo, de forma dosada.

Uma vez hospitalizado, eu nao sentia nenhuma dor. Estava com muita fome, e nao aguentava mais ver comerciais de comida na TV. Queria sair do hospital e voltar pra casa. A cada dia, demanha, Eu recebia visitas dos dois medicos. No Segundo dia que eu pude andar, ja sem dor, e sem necessidade de tomar medicamnetos para dor eu caminhava levando comigo um tripee ambulante qual suportava 3 sacos de soros liquidos que eu recebia continuamente. Minhas caminhadas eram mais por expeculacao. Eu ja estava sem dor, e estava sendo medicado, podendo dar um descanso ao meu intestino, de nao precisar digerir mais nada. Assim, via TV o tempo todo, dormia bem, e nao recebia nenhum alimento. Recebi varias visitas de amigos, mas o que sempre esteve la foi o Jack.

Os exams eram feitos diariamente, e as vezes se repetiam, e me faltou potassio no organismo. Eu acho que foi por eu ter vomitado muito antes de ser admitido no hospital.

No quarto dia, minha medica veio me ver e disse que eu estava com uma boa aparencia, e que meus exames vieam perfeitos.  Ela disse que eu ja podia ir pra casa naquele dia na hora do almoco.  Ela ja havia assinado os papeis, e eu estava livre. Ela entao saiu do quarto e eu fui tomar banho. Claro, ainda conectado com os medicamentos. Depois me arrumei, e coloquei minhas coisas na bolsa e esperei pelo cirurgiao para que me desse alta. Descobri naquela hora que os dois precisavam me dar alta.

O cirurgiao veio e disse que nao ia me dar alta porque eu ja estava pronto pra ser operado. Por motivo de forca maior, eu decici dizer para o sirurgiao que eu estava muito fraco e queria sair,  comer e me sentir melhor pra operacao. Ele disse que preferiria que eu ficasse ate o outro dia, para ele fazer mais exames. Eu entao disse que nao podia ficar ausente de minha vida profissional, e que precisava organizar minha vida antes de vir pra operacao, e que eu estava me sentindo bem, e com muita fome. Na hora eu perguntei por que os canais que o hospital tem mostra comerciais de comida o tempo todo? Ele nao respondeu. Ai eu falei que nao queria ser operado agora, e que a minha medica primaria ja havia me dado alta, e eu so estava esperando por ele pra assinar.

Ele me fez prometer que eu voltaria em duas semanas pra ser operado, e ate deixou o cartao para eu marcar a operacao.

Ate hoje (2009) nao voltei. E com este artigo quero somente dizer que nao tenho dor e que minha diverticulite esta quieta. O que fez melhorar foi ficar em repouso no hospital por quatro dias sem ter alimentacao alguma. Isso deu um descanso ao intestino inteiro, e os medicamentos puderam fazer a sua parte. O meu erro foi nao tomar os antibioticos todos quando eles foram receitados pela medica voluntaria, e posteriormente pela minha medica.

Hoje, como um portador de diverticulite, recomendo a quem quer que sofra da mesma doenca, que procure um medico pra fazer o exame, e se obter o antibiotico chamado – “metronizadole”.Tome todos e siga as instrucoes medicas, e coma levemente pra dar um descanso ao intestino. E importante dar este repouso porque o antibiotico e muito forte. Se voce tomar os antibioticos nos horarios certos, pelo tempo determinado pelo medico, voce conseguira combater somente 50% da infeccao. Durante o tratamento, voce precisa se alimentar com muito liquido, soupas de galinha, saladas, e coisas cruas, que se auto digerem, pois voce precisa fazer com que o intestino nao trabalhe, puxando e levando nada pesado para baixo.

Se voce nao seguir os conselhos medicos, e nao tomar os medicamentos nos horarios marcados, pelo tempo marcado, voce estara sujeito a ter que ser operado –

Hoje e dia 16 de Outubro de 2011 eu deparei com este relato sobre diverticuliti no arquivo do meu computador. Quando eu escrevi tive a intencao de deixar claro que o unico tratamento vem acompanhado de 4 dias em repouso tomando soros e antibioticos, e dando descanso ao aparelho digestivo completamente.

Uma vez curado, voce estara curado por muito tempo. Eu, ate entao nao tive nenhuma crise desde 2006. Nao me submeti a operacao porque os danos da operacao podem ser graves. Se voce for diagnosticado, peca os antibioticos imediatamente, e de um descanso em sua alimentacao.

Desde o ultimo furacao de 2005 nao tivemos nenhum furacao nesta area da Florida. I Ida faleceu em 2010 aos 103 anos de idade.

Eu como tudo o que tem sementes, embora tenha sido avisado pra fazer o contrario. Recentemente minha amiga Solange foi diagnosticada. Eu disse a ela como tratar, e dei uns antibioticos que eu tinha, pois e muito caro pra quem nao tem seguro medico. Solange foi emfermeira no Brasil, e quando ela me visitou no hospital em 2006, eu comentei que na noite anterior, enquanto eu recebia potassio atravez de soro, eu comecei a me sentir mal, e uma coceira interna no peito estava me deixando desconfortavel. Quando isto aconteceu eu chamei a enfermeira e ela diminuiu as gotinhas de potassio, e a agonia havia ido embora. Solange entao me disse que potassio e perigoso e pode matar um individuo sem deixar tracos. Naquele momento eu fiquei pasmo. Meu Deus, eu poderia morrer com um excesso de potassio entrando no organismo num curto periodo de tempo. Ela disse que algumas horas depois o potassio tambem se mixture no organismo e mesmo uma dosagem letal nao deixaria marcas. O que mata mesmo e a velocidade qual o potassio entra no organismo, e nao a quantidade que voce consume.

Pra finalizar, quero dizer que diverticulite virou moda hoje em dia. Esta doenca matou Tancredo Neves em 1985, porem hoje em dia esta muito comum. Como se alguns alimentos sao fabricados com o proposito de criar diverticulos no colen, pessoas de todas as idades estao sofrendo – A dor e tao forte que eu comparo com uma dor de pedra nos rins.

April 27, 2013 - Ate entao nao tive nenhuma reacao - Quero dizer que os dois medicamentos atuais que funcionam pra curar a diverticulite sao os seguintes: METRONIDAZOLE 500 MG e SULFAMETHOXAZOLE-TMP DS TABLET - Usados juntos, com muita soupa de galinha (so o caldo) vai dar ao intestino um descanso e o medicamento vai agir - nao pode nem imaginar em beber alcohol com isso. Vomita na hora, perde potassio, e ai vira bagunca. Um abraco - Milton

July 2014 - Ate entao estou comendo de tudo - ate amendoin. Os medicamentos acima nao tomo ja tem mais de 5 anos e nenhuma reacao ate entao. Se voce curar com um descanso total em seu intestine, voce tera condicoes de ficar curado. Agradeco a DEus por isso e agora divide com voce. Um abraco, Milton

Milton Laene Araujo


Suicide is not the answer. Teen Issues 2011 by Milton Laene Araujo

Suicide is not the answer.

People in general have suicidal thoughts at some point. And teens who take a step farther, in an attempt to actually kill themselves, feel like they want to die, but at the same time, many of them are happy when they discover that there are people who want to help them overcome their issues.

There are some factors that can make suicide seem a more desirable option for some people.

  • Family history. This can include a family history of suicide, mental disorders, and/or substance (drug or alcohol) abuse. 

  • Drug abuse - alcohol abuse.

  • Abuse - mental, emotional, physical or sexual 

  • Mental, emotional or physical disorders.

  • Depression is a major factor, and it means that a teenager has feelings, thoughts and stresses that he or she cannot handle any more. They try to solve the problem by killing themselves.

    Tempting suicide is not confined to any age, gender, social or economic group. In any case it is a cry for help.

    Some signs...Here are some of the things to look for:
    • Disinterest in favorite extracurricular activities 
    • Problems at work and losing interest in a job 
    • Substance abuse, including alcohol and drug (illegal and legal drugs) use
    • Behavioral problems 
    • Withdrawing from family and friends 
    • Sleep changes 
    • Changes in eating habits 
    • Begins to neglect hygiene and other matters of personal appearance 
    • Hard time concentrating and paying attention 
    • Loss of interest in schoolwork 
    • Risk taking behaviors 
    • Complains more frequently of boredom 
    • Does not respond as before to praise
    When human beings commit suicide they destroy many other lives. They have no sense of hope, and they have lost empathy for self, therefore, for everyone they know.

    People in general - not only teens - have suicidal thoughts. Life is not easy!
    Most people (in general) have an inner desire to stay alive, to fight for life.

    Animals in general - give up living only when they are physically sick (ill).

    Suicide is not the answer because taking your own life is a coward act against the nature of our own construction.

    Travel with me in this scenery:

    Imagine yourself looking up in the sky and see an explosion very far away, what we call supernova, or a creation of a star. With this explosion many different atoms mix up with others existent in its surroundings and a new element is formed.

    From that perspective, imagine an explosion that happened before, The Big Bang -  when all matters neutralized each other into energy, and emptiness was present, except for one single atom.
    There was a time in the past when things started to vanish in nature. Trees and cars and cities and rivers were being destroyed by force of nature or wind, and matter became powder, and powder became atoms who separating from its neighbors became self. The combination of Hydrogen and Oxygen creates water. Something we have in abundance on earth. Now imagine the opposite starting to happen. Where there was water becomes dry, and  with more hydrogen in the atmosphere, and more Oxygen  trigger fire, and other elements to become gas or energy, giving life to one single strong atom called nothingness, for it is the mixture of all there is. So things were transforming and turning into the atom of nothingness, which is a correct combination of major elements found on earth that makes itself invisible, but when combined with another brings a vacuum where if anything penetrates into that vacuum it would become nothing, yet. it would just increase the atom of nothingness, which is a combination of everything there is, yet invisible, and we call it black hole.

    Simulated view of a black hole in front of the Large Magellanic Cloud. The ratio between the black hole Schwarzschild radius and the observer distance to it is 1:9. Of note is the gravitational lensing effect known as an Einstein ring, which produces a set of two fairly bright and large but highly distorted images of the Cloud as compared to its actual angular size.

    A black hole is a region of spacetime from which nothing, not even light, can escape.[1]

    like a mixture of so many types of atoms that when in fusion create others able to deteriorate the entire system into a piece of self.

    Life is the breath of air that we inhale every day to feed our longs into sending oxygen to our blood stream. Many animals and plants use the same system. They need air to maintain themselves alive.

    Imagine yourself looking at the earth from a far distance, and a man made small robot was capable of feeding itself with silica. A chemical compound that is the main constituent of most of the Earth's rocks. Silica occurs naturally in five crystalline forms (quartz, tridymite, cristobalite, coesite, and stishovite), in a cryptocrystalline form (chalcedony), and in an amorphous form (opal). It is also the main chemical compound in sand. Silica is used to make glass, concrete, and other materials. Also called silicon dioxide. Chemical formula: SiO 2This robot was equipped with a computer that could take silica from the earth, and with its combination was able to auto reproduce. This way, a small robot the size of a bee flying on the earth and landing in the Andes would start to devour the entire mountain while eating and multiplying. Like bacterias.

    Now imagine yourself in today's Universe, where galaxies are formed, super nova happening every day, the universe expanding, more elements being discovered, besides hidrogyn, and a mixture of hidrogyn and other gases that only appear when there is a supernova, such as lithium, necessary for gun powder.

    Man today is capable of mixing up elements and create explosions. Men take a mixture of atoms and mix it with others for when in contact with air we breathe can create the biggest explosion. It multiplies itself into fire, or radiation and wind with massive power all in one single atom, that multiply too fast. It can destroy an entire city to rubble. Today every country wants to have these types of protection from others. We are living in an atomic era.

    Getting back to our imagination, During the bang, the conglomeration of elements and the change in temperature made them solid, and they tended to group with others forming a mass, and this way our earth was formed. Many elements behave differently in high temperature. Solids usually become liquid or gas, and when the temperature cools down, they solidify and are grouped in a different way from when they started, for example, in the center of the earth we have  Nickel and Iron and it has not yet cooled down completely. These elements are concentrated in the center for being heavier, and any mass in the universe has it own gravity to be able to stay afloat. The combination of gravity pulling towards itself anything nearby and the elements floating, the heavier ones will be deeper down, like particles in a glass of water floating and little by little found a ground to stay, and conglomeration of elements, in areas where we find iron, on a surfice we can find other elements that could only be created if they were grouped nearby and used the temperature change of the earth to form themselves, such as copper, gold, diamond, etc, etc.,

    OK, now that we visited the formation of the earth, and somehow our existence, by being a mixture of atoms, such as carbon in our veins, hydrogen in our water etc etc, we can have a sense that we are a combination of these elements, and we need to eat these elements to keep ourselves alive. We know that nothingness exist and it is growing - and whatever is near will be diluted, but at the same time completeness has not achieved its climax. There are far away new mixtures appearing, new stars being born and the age of the universe, in despite of the black hole growing, is far away from being engulfed again into an atom of nothingness. So, we will exist for a long time, unless we commit suicide, and this is the reason for this entire conversation.

    As human beings we have the clarity of communicating and sharing experiences with one another. We do not need to experience everything in life to discover what is good and what is right. We have the capability of reasoning about what to do. We learn from TV shows, programs, books, essays or even a blog like mine, which is never proof-read. Our friends go through trouble, our non friends go through the same things. We lack desire to fight because we became lazy. We want things to be resolved, but we do nothing to counteract the problem.

    In a world where we have a government to create laws to protect every human being, and make every person count, we need to be organized and accept that we are transformation and evolution that now need to live into a society.

    We fought against billions of sperm-a-tozoids to fecundate an egg. We are now part in the journey of existence. Not one person, nor any mixture of atoms can make us change the certainty that we think, therefore we exist.

    What exactly takes people to commit suicide is the sickness of others, which can be overpowering, making some of them see themselves not fit for whatever group or society they belong. But the most important factor is FEAR. Smewhere, sometime, someone implanted this seed, or energy into pople's head, and when they can not see beyond it, they may opt to suicide. Fear of rejection, fear of acceptance, fear of ... Some can not even face a heart-break. Others want to make a relationship work, but prefer to leave and make the others suffers. In any sense, suicide is the worse thing a woman being can do to others, and to society. It is a cry for help that doesn't need to end in death.  IT IS A CRY FOR HELP -

    If you ever thought about killing yourself, please just remember that it is normal to think about it in a non-thinking moment, for if we balance life and death, life is better. We thing, therefore we exist. There are various groups that can help you to overcome whatever feelings you have. Suicide is not the answer to anything because you burn the light bulb inside of you before it could energise the world with its transformation and presence. Eliminating yourself will simply cease your continuation and the desire to fight for whatever you are fighting for, and it will make you like good-for-nothing in your casue. When dead, your powder will contribute to the energy of nothingness, and wait for another big bang to come back again, for you violated the most sacred thing - "LIFE WITH CAPABILITY OF REASONING".

    Everyone alive has a moment to die, and this moment is sacred between that person and its source of wisdom and energy. The reality is: We all kill ourselves in the end. We all commit suicide one way or another. A person that smokes is killing thyself a little bit each day, instead of taking it all at once. The air we breath and the contamination created by men has diminished many lives with diseases etc. Yet, it is not a motive to cease living at once. We have a reason to be here, although not revealed to many, we all are important in this existence. Make the best you can and share knowledge to induce others to have an objective in life. Life without objective drives a person to depression, and then suicide. Make yourself important, be good in something, for only the good ones will become important. Learn about what is going on right now - Solar panels, computer industry, made in USA products - Be an advocate for a cause. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and blaming the world. You do not have to go to prison to value freedom.

    Now, if you had a person in your family who commited suicide, please, understand that I am writig for all of us who sometimes consider doing it. I want to bring some life, and some desire to consider life.

    What I am saying is, when a person commits suicide she leaves behind many people in sorrow, and depressed, and afraid of life, sometimes ready to check out as well, if not oriented.

    The left family family members suffer, brothers are discriminated for being a part of a family that took the short cut in life. Many people will be cruel to a family where suicide took place. Sometimes just by knowing that a family member has these types of roots, a wedding may be cancelled and life itself turnes up-side down. People associate it with mental disorder, instead of any other factor. So, it is terrible to let your friends down, your family, your school when you are contemplating on it.

    Now, if you have a person in your famiily who committed suicide, remember that a human being responds to pressure differently. A car tire, when full with air, compressed into a small space, creates pressure, yet it responds accordingly to the road by keeping the weight of the car balanced. A person reacts differently to pressure. Althought, it has more to do with fear, pressure is an emotional feeling that makes the entire brain chemestry to become volatile. Mood goes up and down, and when down a variety of thoughts and actions may take place.It is no one's fault. A human being in its right mind would not do such a thing, for it is the way life is. A tree bents and make turns to have a space in the sun. When a human being takes his or her own life, it could have simply be their time.  

    When contemplating suicide, face the problem, open your mouth, let someone know that you have these thoughts. Make a friend! After that make 2 friends. Be honest and be yourself and you will see life better. Call your mother - who gave you life. Is it the present you want to give her? It is not the solution

    - Milton Laene Araujo