About Me - Milton Laene Araujo

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Lake Worth, Florida, United States
My name is Milton and I am a reader. I love to feed my mind with what if’s?, through stories.



Living in Truth

Living in Truth

I am going to skip any explanation related with why people lie. Just take a look at yourself in the mirror, look inside your eyes and ask your inner soul to guide you to have a day with more truthfulness. 
There is a very interesting movie called The Invention of Lying, which is a 2009 fantasy romantic comedy film. The film stars Ricky Gervais as the first human with the ability to lie. The film features a narrative set in an alternative reality in which there is no such thing as lying and everything said is the absolute truth. In this world (different from ours) people make blunt, often cruel statements, including those that in our world people would normally keep to themselves. This text “Living in truth” is not a movie or a drama. It is a step into evolving our mass consciousness and spirituality to a level we can not imagine. It is not an alternative reality, but a necessary one, so we can achieve more spirituality and consequently, having our mass consciousness with more light. When we achieve a greater level of spirituality, we have the answers to all the questions we have. Although, the movie shares interesting points, it doesn’t depict a reality with any history of them living in truth, other than cruel statements to express “telling the truth”. I loved the movie, for it was comical and an interesting addition to our society.
Leaving the movie aside, if we, as a group, start practicing expressing the truth, within months, we will be in a different dimension. Yes, we can surpass this agony of uncertainty we have around us. We have more questions than answers, and educators nowadays are simply teaching what has been written as the truth. A Great disregard for the truth has been engulfing our atmosphere and molding our mass consciousness to a realm of darkness, instead of a realm of brightness.

We have lived, so far, accepting whatever is passed to us as if it reflects the truth. Since the beginning of times we were exposed to lies, rivalry, betrayal, battles, war, and disagreements. The simple explanation is that we, as a human race, started in a point ZERO of  spirituality. We started very barbaric like a cave man. We had an idea of a higher force, but we could not express it for the lack of words. Like animals we were struggling to survive and whenever possible making friends to form a group and fight to preserve that group.

Why we had to start from zero?  It is a good question, and the answer is that our mass consciousness at one point and time was totally complete and humans lived in harmony and they communicated through telepathy, like animals and birds do it today. The human mind was so advanced that with a blink of an eye, reality would transform itself, an object could be created by the vision of the complete object and the intelligence to know what components would be used. There were no need to touch components to create anything, but the thought would make it happen, for the thought would control all elements in form of light, and they would connect in the exact precision  to form whatever you want. I know it sounds far fetched, but one time in the past humanity had achieved what we have now and much more. Humans were able to create pure gold!

Very soon we will have machines that will do exactly this. We would program the equipment and have designs of all products that can be made with all elements known and have the machine receive the proper ingredients, and the final product will be whatever you created. At first we would try with metals, for it is easy to melt, and then we will have it built internally all parts and attach them, and in a push of a bottom, a final product would emerge. Then we would do it with plastic, and so forth and so on, until we manage to built ourselves with self creating calories to banish the need to ingest living things.
But returning to the point, something drastic happened to human kind, and my guess is as good as yours, However,  I know with certainty is that most of us have no remembrance of a different life previous to this one. Our memory is clean as if it had been wiped out of almost everything, and most of us have a sensation that this life is our first. Our brain is so “not used” and while we multiply in quantity, we rarely change the way we think and act. What I mean is that we are growing in population, but clarity is very scarce. Here and there a genius (by our standards) is born, but while using different parts of the brain, some of them develop aptitudes for all sort of things, but individually, they lack some elementary skills, most of the time social adequacy. While we see our children grow and observe how smart they are when dealing with new technology, such as cell phones, computers, we ask ourselves where does it come from? It comes from their inner-self. This is the reason why the population doesn’t take a step back in our history and try to live like a cave man.
We are adapting to the good things for the body and we are growing as human.

What drastically happened was the arrival of different civilizations into the earth, disputing for control of the territory. Beings with different knowledge observed that the earth did not have the mass consciousness grid totally complete, and stepped in to help it to complete. However, in order to complete the grid, it was necessary to concentrate the incoming force in one area, (Sacred Land), to help humans to achieve a faster evolution of consciousness and sureness, and these beings were not to get involved with earthlings.

In reality, when we achieve a higher degree of understanding, we simply do not mix with other species. It would be the same as one race with 23 pairs of chromosomes mixing with a race that has 26 pairs. It was done as such.

Leaders had a direct communication with the creator and the population lived happily, in a harmonious celestial place called earth. People lived infinitely and we have not a clue how good it was. They could go anywhere and had free spirit to explore other areas within the galaxy. The entire galaxy turns itself in a helicoidal form, and in the center comes the force that keeps it turning. The earth is part of the entire galaxy, and therefore it is moving in spiral along with the sun and maintaining the same distance for as long as it might. There are areas of the earth where the energy received by the entire force is more prevalent, and it was clear that it was possible to have other centers of communication with the force.

It was then, built various temples on earth with an exact measurement between them and it was known by the leaders of each group when to use each temple to receive the necessary energy. The points formed a geometrical figure and on each season a different temple was used to receive different forms of energy, but the central place would remain the sacred land.

The harmony stopped when leaders acted upon their desire to create different figures and have more control. An unbalance occurred on earth and the superior force was not going to allow earth to be without a complete connection. Leaders became more impatient and modified humans to different form and shapes that would remind their ancestors. Each group had various beings with different shapes and forms, but what infuriated the superior force was the fact that it was a combination of humans and gods, making a being with just a fraction of the power, which was used mostly to fight and win combats.

Once a being was created with half of the potential of a god, a discontentment emerged among all other beings. It was hard to explain what this unhappiness was, for it was new to all. It was a sense of incompleteness that evolved each new creation. Very soon most spirits left their bodies behind and went to other dimensions, but there were many spirits who did not have the capacity to leave due to the connection that once existed in most temples was absent almost completely. Just a fraction of that energy was available, and not enough intelligence to go back the way it was.

It was catastrophic, for an earth once totally habited was left behind with almost everyone moving away. Well, not everyone, for some leaders stayed and felt with time that the energy once received was dissipating. Their way of communication with the force changed and it was not easy to maintain that connection. Most people, continued living, but there were no more order.

People were being inconsiderate and semi-gods were abusing whenever they could. There were times when a semi-god used his power to make others unhappy, for he was not complete and did not know what to do. Empathy had vanished from most people and a perpetual war took place all around. The most powerful took advantage of others and just a few had the capacity of communicating with the force.

In reality the force was always open at the sacred land, but just a hand full of people were able to receive information about what to do to make things better. Even though, whenever an information appeared, others claimed it to be false. In order to receive any more information it was necessary to show devotion and to respect the desires of the force, who had other things in mind than to worry about a population that neglected what was not to be neglected.

Time passed and more people occupied the land (earth) making even hard to share information. The intelligence that once existed to make the earth perfect for existence had diminished to a mere fraction, and earth became very susceptible to anything that came on its path. One destruction after the other took place and no one could prevent, stop or change the course. The entire earth went haywire and less people had access to the force, mainly because they forgot little by little and got engaged with their daily lives. The force intervened many times and touched the lives of those who listened, but among those there were some who inherited some traces of unhappiness with the force, and it made even harder to bring it back to normal. Little by little minds were forgetting their origin. People started to die, something that did not occurred while in full potential, but once the force was cut, it felt as a tree without strong root.
With few interventions, the force was capable of sharing messages and people started to believe, however, there were always the opposite force lingering among people who did not care much for what was to be done. People lost their consciousness and with that forgot completely about the meaning of life. Man went from a point of completeness to a point of nothingness, or merely saying, the bottom level of existence. Human race went to the bottom of consciousness.

Living the truth is just a step towards our Ascension to a higher level of spirituality. A level we have been exposed to, but we lost connection one time and we descended to a lower level.

Before the Incas, the Mayas, and the Aztecs there were other civilizations. We have not been told because our books expresses that human being appeared around 20-30 thousand years ago in America, and no one want to start changing things. We truly believe in evolution, although, we have not found a link when a man was being turned into a monkey, we have to accept this as a fact, for no one will tell you otherwise. If an archaeologist finds a human skull dating 250 thousand years ago, he or she can not reveal this to the population because it would change our history. If revealed, it will not be shown.

We know today that the earth turns around the sun. In the past. some people were killed when they expressed this truth to the authorities. Until then the earth was the center of the universe, and no one could change that. Tomorrow, we will learn that the sun and the earth are changing places in a spiral movement, the same way a hurricane does or the entire galaxy is shaped. We do not see anything going around on its own when we check into space, but everything is part of a massive spiral movement called galaxy. Why shouldn’t the earth move in spiral like our DNA shape, or like wind and hurricanes? It is all part of the same universe, isn’t it?

When we see a symbol of medicine being two snakes going up in spiral, we should have an idea that this means something other than just snakes dancing, it means life preservation.
As we can see, since the beginning of times we were not exposed to the entire truth about almost anything. We live our lives with what we have inherited from our ancestors, and we have forgot to think with clarity. We are running from the truth, but it is in front of us.Today we live in a world where people tell stories about being abducted by aliens and no one believes them. We are programmed to accept what is presented to us as the truth, but the reality the truth never comes out easily.

The earth is moving and changing its polarity as times go by. The magnetic filed of the earth is going wild. We are not sensitive to this magnetism directly, but our entire fauna is. Our birds are flying all over the place looking for that magnetic field they were used to, but they end up in other areas and thousands of them simply fall from the sky dead. Manatees are going from one place to another and dying right in front of our eyes, as we see sharks in areas they do not belong.
There are certain areas of the earth which forms a vortex, which can suck you into a different dimension of the space, where you simply would vanish from the face of the earth, and it is mostly connected with the magnetic field when it is in full power in certain areas. We have heard of strange things happening in the skies in Alaska, where a pilot loses contacts with his instruments, and he doesn’t appear in any radar, but later emerges in the sky losing track of what happened in that period of time that passed without his perception. Another case involves the Triangle of Bermuda where planes and ships simply vanish without a trace. At first we blamed hurricanes, but it happened during times where no hurricane was present. What do we know about Polar Shift? What do we know about Tectonic Plates and how they move. What do we have in the center of the earth? Are there other beings visiting us? Are they telling us what to do? If so, have anyone come to you directly? Why so much secrecy over something so simple to understand?
Why is necessary to have secret societies when we know that the truth can be told and no one will care. What secret can they hold from us and why? Is it necessary for a fraction of the cohabitants to have a clue of what is going on and the rest of us just live in the dark? What is the plan? Can it be changed to protect everyone in the process?

Living in truth means to share intentions. It means to change the books and history as we learn, for we are learning more and more each day. Living in truth has to do with freedom. It has to do with empathy.
In my reality of life, we are here to contribute to society while growing spiritually to more closeness with our creator and with an understanding of our mission of sharing everything. I accept the fact that the earth is moving and everything in it is also moving, as I understand that when the tectonic plates meet there will be earthquakes, and humans should stay away from these places. I have a feeling that before we came down to zero knowledge, we were empowered by divinity and we inherited some of it until today. We manifest our faith in a great force, and we know that what was left to us was created by intelligent beings. When I look at places where we have buildings we can not explain their origin,  we see some celestial connection, between those buildings, giving us a doubt to whether the earth was inhabited by other beings or visited and abandoned when it shifted its movement.

I believe that we humans are capable of stepping ahead in life, and it must begin with each one of us. To start, let’s try to be more honest and then require it from others. I also believe that in this earth we have millions of people who have no empathy for others, and are capable of doing terrible things. We can fix it if we learn to be more open and honest with ourselves first.

Living in truth doesn’t mean to blame the government for withholding information. It means we start to take more responsibility for our actions. We share what we know. I have a feeling that the earth has started to build another grid, but this time it is almost complete, and humans can communicate in a blink of an eye with people from anywhere in the world. Since Internet emerged, a large mass of consciousness has formed around the earth waiting to see if we can finish closing it completely or if we are going to leave wholes in it. It is up to us, and the next step has to do with truth. When everyone writes on social media something that is true, light emerges, but when someone lies, it turns dark.

Nowadays, we see more religious tolerance among people, and it is necessary for us to be able to ascend to a spirituality near to the spirituality of Jesus.

We have to prepare ourselves to open a window for the truth. We can not maintain our brain in one stage and our desires on another. In other words, we must share the truth about us to be able to live in contact with this reality and possibly with the desire of our God Almighty.

This is a simple step that starts every morning when we look in the mirror. We simply ask God to lead us to a day with more truth in our hearts, and little by little we will rescue what we have for so long abandoned within ourselves, for our spirit never forgets a thing, but it can not share with our brain when it is underdeveloped. Even a psychic will tell you in order to connect with spirits it must feel clean and empty of all thoughts. The energy is here, among all of us, and we must be able to feel it and explore it. I believe that meditating one can transport self to different dimensions of the mind and a closeness with the force.
It is so true that we are forming our grid almost perfectly that we now see among us people with heavenly voices, song and music, as we have never seen before. Our spirit feels the music from eternity, but our brain is not capable of digesting it with the same strength.

We have certain areas of the world where people are more developed spiritually, and India (Tibet) is a perfect example with the Buddhism. But now, the written word has been spread and almost everyone has heard of the new Pope, about Jesus and about the Bible. These texts were left to us by beings who received information to share and they did exactly was they were told. Yes, many information got distorted with time, as mankind shifted its interest, but the truth live within us, and when we hear it, we know it to be true or not. It is that simple.

We are not evolved technologically, to change the direction of an asteroid or a meteor, but we are getting there, and when we all achieve this understanding, it will not be necessary the technology, for our mass consciousness will move it away simply because our desire is greater and we are protected by ourselves and our superior force. It must have a connection...

While there is injustice in the world, we are not going to finish the grid, and turbulence will be imminent. Injustice only happens when people are not straight and forward with their intentions. Unhappiness only appears where we are not satisfied with the outcome of something, and it has to do with people.
In summary, we must ignore speculation about aliens, other beings and other “worlds” visiting us. No one will take a trip to visit us when they know that our sense of spirituality is extremely low and we have nothing attractive to anyone, except those who are on level one, like we were a few decades ago. However, it is possible that we receive some information from outer space, and they show us how to go from iron to fiber optics and save time with our communication system. Yet, who cares? The main factor still is the same. We need to learn to get along and we need to learn to cherish each day and be thankful for having a place with everything in abundance. If a spirit doesn’t want to return because it has nothing to learn, it can watch from wherever it is and at times even psycograph a message through channels we are not familiar with. All this is possible and there is nothing that can say it should not exist.

Finally, God is goodness, and it is expected from us. When we lie we are bad. We are disconnected and we cheat. We distance ourselves from the main force. Always remember that there are people who are able to do great things, even though, they may not have social adequacy, for in our level things happen in spare of a moment, and no one, except Jesus in our time was able to live an entire life without offending the creator. So, it is possible to expect anything from anyone, even those close to us. We still inherited a bad side that can only be eliminated when we learn to be honest every second of our lives about everything we do. It works.

Imagine this scenario.

Imagine that the Government has been receiving information from aliens about a great destruction that is going to happen on earth. This destruction has to do with a polar shift that is about to occur, but mostly because there is a planet bigger than Earth which is on the opposite side of the sun, doing the same movement that earth does, but behind our sun and in a different elliptical way. However, this planet is not visible from the earth but every 26000 years this planet comes very close to the earth and affects the magnitude of the earth, making a polar shift, and the earth stop turning for 3 days (the crust of the earth moves, but the center stops). When it happens the Pacific Ocean would contract and generate waves of at least half a mile high, while the Atlantic Ocean would spread and turn bigger. There will be massive earthquakes and death for at least 1/3 of the population. This planet has a long tail of debris that will come towards the earth, as hundred of pieces are coming every day and hitting earth in different spots, yet not shared with anyone, but the few that observed. At this time the government learns this news and decide to ignore. Not because it is not the truth, but because he cannot prevent it, and he cannot alarm everyone to stop working and abandon their posts. The government is afraid to tell the truth because it would create a state of chaos among the population. It also would uncover some aspects of the faith, and it can be very dangerous to deal with. Every leader is aware of this, but each leader belong to a different fraternity, with different goals for the world, and in common, they preserve this information for the survival of their group. What would you do in his place?  How should the president act?

All of a sudden many billionaires decide to create their own spaceship to go away from the earth and return to become the lords for those who survive, however, they have no place to go, and the government has abandoned space travel for this mere reason. The aliens want to see this destruction and will do nothing to help to prevent it. The negative force wants souls. The government who received this information was counting on their help for anything that could happen, but they lied to him. They took the gold with them and left the knowledge we have acquired in the last one hundred years. Gold is what every creature wants because it is the purest element used to transform million other elements unknown to us. And this way, many countries were lied to, and deceived, and gave their gold in exchange to knowledge in science. They even transformed into humans to do their job without being recognized. One thing they lack is empathy and emotions. They see earth habitants as humans with a temper and high emotion. This event coincidentally was written in the bible, on revelations, where chaos takes place and a superman will emerge promising peace. He will be known to all, hated by some and loved by others. He will bring peace because during each event of destruction, people will rebel against the government due to famine and diseases. He will be empowered by a bad force, the worse of all forces that visited. He will do things that no one can explain, and he will pretend to be the real son of the great creator. He lies, but too many people will idolatrize him. Except those who read the book and understood what is happening. The creator sends back his son to judge the good and the bad and take them as spirits away from this mess to a place not ever imagined because our brain can not comprehend. We want what is good for the body, and we can not imagine being only soul... or a form of pure energy that can change into anything...being transported to a place of love and harmony, after being living in a place of destruction, war, lies etc.

Unfortunately, the only solution is to read the book. Be aware of what is taking place and try to separate science from revelation, but observing that they go in tandem, for it was meant to be this way. What we are looking for is our salvation, and with more truth between us, we can achieve a change of plans from our Creator. If our mass consciousness becomes positive we may have a chance of a divine intervention before this all take place.
PS. The last part is a supposition - visit on Google the word:
V838 Mon, a star with an expanding light echo, purported as photographic evidence of Nibiru
The Nibiru cataclysm is a supposed disastrous encounter between the Earth and a large planetary object (either a collision or a near-miss) which certain groups believe will take place in the early 21st century. Believers in this doomsday event usually refer to this object as Planet X or Nibiru. The idea that a planet-sized object will collide with or pass by Earth in the near future is not supported by any scientific evidence and has been rejected as pseudoscience by astronomers and planetary scientists.[1]
The idea was first put forward in 1995 by Nancy Lieder,[2][3] founder of the website ZetaTalk. Lieder describes herself as a contactee with the ability to receive messages from extra-terrestrials from the Zeta Reticuli star system through an implant in her brain. She states that she was chosen to warn mankind that the object would sweep through the inner Solar System in May 2003 (though that date was later abandoned) causing Earth to undergo a pole shift that would destroy most of humanity. The prediction has subsequently spread beyond Lieder's website and has been embraced by numerous Internet doomsday groups, most of which linked the event to the 2012 phenomenon. Although the name "Nibiru" is derived from the works of the late ancient astronaut writer Zecharia Sitchin and his interpretations of Babylonian and Sumerian mythology, Sitchin denied any connection between his work and various claims of a coming apocalypse.

Milton Laene Araujo


America and a quick look at its history back then

America has been discovered

When the Spaniards arrived on the American mainland around the years 1500, they were confronted by two major civilizations. One was the Aztec Empire in Mexico with a population of at least 13 million people, and the Inca Empire in Peru with at least half of the Aztec population.  There was also the Maya territory in the Yucatan peninsula.

The Incas formed many different tribes and created a genuine imperial system with a hereditary dynasty of absolute Incas, along with a system similar to aristocratic socialism. All the land was state owned and most workers received food in exchange. Their old age was well taken care off by the system they created.

The Aztec empire, on the other hand, exercised harsh militarism against its people ordering them to pay for their own way with heavy tribute to Tenochtitlan, with food, goods, or textiles. They believed that the earth and the sun was responsible for their existence, and the only way to continue existing would be by performing rituals where human beings would be scarified with their blood to nourish the earth and the sun. During these rituals, they used a “sacrificial knife” and perforated the chest of a human to remove the heart. Due to this ritual, it is explainable why so many people in the valley of Mexico welcomed the Spaniards and became allied with European Invaders in Peru.

Before 1500s, worldwide racial segregation prevailed. The Negroid remained concentrated in sub-Saharan Africa and a few pacific Island; the Mongoloid in Asia and the Americas; the Caucasoid in Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and India; and the Australoid in Australia. After 1500s the pattern had altered all over, but the greatest change occurred in the Americas, where the native population declined dramatically in the century following the first contact with the Europeans.
Although, in America the Aztec and Incas Empire collapsed suddenly around 1521 and 1532 respectively, the European impact around the world remained limited until the 1600s, but grew thereafter. Once it was clear that there was a new world, (around 1521), many great series of voyages were executed by English, French and Dutch navigators, who in search for alternative routes to Asia, reveled another continental land-mass with a continuous coast from the Caribbean to the Artic, and opened the way for the European exploration and settlement of eastern North America.
During this time, Portugal already possessed several archipelagos in the Atlantic and the Gulf of Guinea, some fortresses in Morocco, and a few trading stations in West Africa. In 1498, Portugal sent a caravel to India to trade spices using a new route, ending up in South America, Brazil. At this time, to cease conflicts between Spaniards and Portuguese, a line was used to divide what belonged to Portugal and what belonged to Spain. Brazil, occupying the right side of the line, was territory of Portugal. Few dared to challenge the validity of this treaty of Tordesillas, apparently enhanced by the Union of Portugal and Spain in 1580.
The Conquest of Mexico by Hernan Cortez from 1519 to 1521 and Peru by Francisco Pizarro in 1531 laid the foundation of a huge Spanish Colonial Empire in the Americas. By 1535, when the Spanish Crown had established a vice regal government in Mexico and Lima became the Capital of Peru, all the major centers of indigenous population in the former Aztec and Inca empire lay in Spanish hands. The area of both new empires combined was at least four times the size of Spain, and it had a population seven times higher. The richness in Mexico Aztec and Inca Peru was enough to keep the Spaniards in one place, but greed made the crown to order them to conquer new territories and establish interim government all over. This way Spain was advancing with new viceroyalties in New Granada in 1739 and Rio de La Plata in 1776 and new military government in Texas in 1718 and California in 1767.  These new advances did not generate money, for it was mostly inhabited, but it demonstrated the power of Spain.
In Peru, a city called Potosi, and in Mexico a city called Zacatecas became the largest producers of silver in the world, and by 1560 silver was the most important export to Europe.
In other parts of the continent colonization was slower. The Portuguese only settled the Atlantic coast of South America after 1549 for fear that the French might do so. By 1600s the coast of Brazil had become filled with profitable sugar plantations and mills while the center of Brazil was inhabited by natives. Brazil imported labor from Africa, taking at least 40% of all slaves that left that continent. Only by 1690 Portugal decided to expand its territory and take what was left from the natives, while discovering that in the interior of the land there were enormous gold deposits, hence, the population moved to the center of the country and a new wave of colonization took place.
Meanwhile, in North America an abundance of European Settlements were taking place. Looking at a map from South to North following the East coast, the English claimed Jamestown in 1607, Annapolis in 1708, Philadelphia in 1682, New York in 1626 to 1664, the Capital of Rode Island Colony in 1636, Plymouth in 1620, Bay Colony in 1630, Portsmouth in 1653, Penobscot in 1628, etc…
The Atlantic seaboard of North America at first attracted few Europeans who came mostly for fishing and fur, due to the bad climate and poor soil. The settlement truly began with the foundation of Arcadia (Nova Scotia) by the French. Then, it speeded into Virginia and Massachusetts Bay by the English and of New Amsterdam (later New York) by the Dutch, and gradually the European pressed mainland.
The French Advanced down the St Lawrence and by 1662 the Mississippi, creating a chain of fortified post all the way to the Gulf of Mexico and founding New Orleans in 1718. The English spread out around the rich fur hunting grounds of Hudson Bay.
During this period, all wars among the European states involved Americas, with England gaining first the Dutch colonies along the Hudson (1664) and then French Canada in 1763.
By 1700s many Europeans lived in North America, but by 1820 the population soared to at least 8 million people, compared with just half of that of Spanish American.
The Spaniards in America relied at first on Indian labor (the word Indian must be the result of a trip supposedly to India, that in return gave the discovery of the new land, and the inhabitants were, therefore called Indians).  They worked in ranching and mining, and very soon a mestizo population was emerging especially in Mexico and Peru. The British, however, who wanted land for plantations, exterminated the natives in sight. At this time the Spanish Colonies had at least 7 million Indians compared to less than half a million on the British Colonies.
In Virginia and later the Carolinas, tobacco was introduced as a cash crop, and a viable solution was to import labor from Africa, as the Portuguese have been doing in Brazil. By 1820 at least 2 million Africans lived in North America compared to half a million in Spanish America. 
During this period each mother country kept close eyes in their colonies. The colonists were satisfied at first because they felt secure from natives uprising. Britain’s victory over France in 1763 however, encourage the elites soon come to resent the continuing tax demands to pay for something the mother nation was involved. In 1776 they demanded their independence and the colonies of Latin America followed suit after 1808.
Napoleon invasion of Spain and Portugal in 1808 enabled these countries’ American Colonies to gain independence.
The revolt begun in Argentina in 1810 and in Venezuela in 1811, helped by the decision of Great Britain and the United States to oppose intervention, Spain felt helpless and lost total control over South America. In the north, early rebellions in Mexico were suppressed, but in 1823 a Republic was proclaimed, and a last Spanish attempt at reconquest in 1829 met with defeat.
Brazil, on the other hand, made its transition peacefully. Portugal’s King sent his son to rein Brazil in 1822 along with a new constitution. His name was Don Pedro I. His power lasted until 1889 when Brazil replaced the empire with a Federal Republic.
Independency was nothing more than a political movement confined to the colonial aristocracy, who desired a transfer of authority without social change.
Latin America, at least half a century after independency was dominated by military dictators who ruled in the interests of the privileged classes and squandered their assets on repeated territorial disputes. Mexico lost most, forfeiting vast territories to the United States; but it was also the first state to introduce social reforms after the election of the Indian Benito Juarez as President in 1861.

Someone to Remember…
Simon Bolivar became known as the liberator for his role in the emancipation of South America from Spanish rule. After Participating in several unsuccessful revolts, he and his army defeated the Spanish at Boyaca in 1819 and organized the Republic of Gran Colombia. In 1821, he defeated the Spanish near Carabobo, ensuring Venezuelan independence. Between 1822 and 1824 he also helped free Ecuador and Peru. Southern Peru became a new republic, named Bolivia in his honor.

In Summary, in 1783 American independency is officially recognized, and in 1803 America purchases Louisiana from France for 25 million Dollars. In 1820 Missouri compromise bans slavery north of 36 degrees. In 1845 Texas in annexed to the U.S. In 1846 Oregon was acquired. In 1848 we have the Mexican cession. In 1854 we have the Kansas-Nebraska Act. In 1860 Abraham Lincoln is elected to the presidency. In 1861 Civil war begins. In 1863 we have the emancipation of the slaves, and in April 26 1865 the South surrenders and reconstruction begins.   
Napoleon Invasion of Portugal and Spain in 1808 stimulates independence movements in Latin America. The battle of Boyaca in 1819 leads to the independence of Colombia. Battle of Carabobo in 1821 finally secures Venezuelan independence. Brazil Declares Independence in 1822. Mexican Republic declared in 1823. In 1879 there is a war of the Pacific (Chile, Bolivia, and Peru). 1910 start of Mexican Revolution. 

Milton Laene Araujo


Gun Control and a viable solution

Gun Control and a viable solution

We know that handguns will not be banned because it is written in the Constitution of the United States of America. It is a right given to an individual.

Handguns are simply “necessary evils”. One needs it to protect life.
The mishandling of handguns is another story, or per say, many stories. Lawmakers can just do so much. We have laws already created about who can and cannot purchase handguns. As a matter of fact, we have laws of all sorts directing people from properly handling guns, to prosecution for those who mishandle it.

This subject will not be resolved, and a viable solution is to put it in a shelf. Let’s not waste time and money discussing a subject matter that has been in courts for as long as it was written. No agreement will ever be reached when dealing with matters of life and death, and a handgun provokes to the owner this type of power.

Each individual has to see this matter as a personal matter, and act accordingly.
I am the type of person who is afraid of handguns because I have never been exposed to one personally, and to this date, fired a handgun of any sort. I have no interest what-so-ever in anything related to guns. Maybe because I am pro life in all senses, I do not see the need to have a gun to protect my property. I live less than five minutes away from the police station, who is equipped with everything necessary to protect me. I just need to dial 911 and let things take place from there. Even if I hang up the phone, they trace that call, and immediately send someone over to check. I have given my rights of carrying a gun to the police a long time ago. But it is not, necessarily the case of others. Some people carry the “gene of a gun”, and no one can take it away from them. They see it as a hobby or they can not sleep if they do not feel protected by a handgun in their room.

Yes, we need to improve the “check up” and reinforce laws already in existence about who is allowed to purchase it. But let’s not forget that they come from all over the world. They are not even registered. Gun business is a big business that will survive with or without laws because many people are interested in it. It is impossible to control everything that arrives in the country, when customs has conflicting interests. It is impossible to make everyone happy discussing a subject as broad as gun control.

The means of communication should not exaggerate. The attention should be normal, if not, minimal, considering that no solution is coming soon enough. Tragedies will occur in any sense in life. People lose control; people snap; people get infuriated with others; people want attention, and people want money. 

Certain subject matters should not be so exaggerated by the media. The media is always reporting about something with no solution that has as many people in favor as it has against it. The media should rest its case. It means that it can not be resolved at this place and time, and as communicators the media should simply treat this case as another case we can not agree upon right now.
One day in the future we will be well equipped, maybe living in a cashless society, where transactions will be done differently, and a proper way of identification will emerge, and no one will carry a gun for protection of being robbed. Maybe we create handguns that do not kill for the first 12 hours and allow citizens to purchase for individual protection, with the responsibility of reporting usage of the gun as soon as it went off.

We need more ideas of how to live in this society with all types of people. We need more ideas of how to protect ourselves, our neighborhood, and ultimately, we should have a handgun that would not kill, but paralyze for a period of time without death. This viable solution maybe, could satisfy the Greeks and the Trojans.


 The information below was taken partially from http://www.justfacts.com/guncontrol.asp

Handgun  A weapon designed to fire a small projectile from one or more barrels when held in one hand with a short stock designed to be gripped by one hand.
Revolver  A handgun that contains its ammunition in a revolving cylinder that typically holds five to nine cartridges, each within a separate chamber. Before a revolver fires, the cylinder rotates, and the next chamber is aligned with the barrel.
Pistol  Any handgun that does not contain its ammunition in a revolving cylinder. Pistols can be manually operated or semiautomatic. A semiautomatic pistol generally contains cartridges in a magazine located in the grip of the gun. When the semiautomatic pistol is fired, the spent cartridge that contained the bullet and propellant is ejected, the firing mechanism is cocked, and a new cartridge is chambered.
Derringer  A small single- or multiple-shot handgun other than a revolver or semiautomatic pistol.
Rifle  A weapon intended to be fired from the shoulder that uses the energy of the explosive in a fixed metallic cartridge to fire only a single projectile through a rifled bore for each single pull of the trigger.
Shotgun  A weapon intended to be fired from the shoulder that uses the energy of the explosive in a fixed shotgun shell to fire through a smooth bore either a number of ball shot or a single projectile for each single pull of the trigger.

Aggravated assault
(1) Intentionally and without legal justification causing serious bodily injury, with or without a deadly weapon or (2) using a deadly or dangerous weapon to threaten, attempt, or cause bodily injury, regardless of the degree of injury, if any. It includes attempted murder, aggravated battery, felonious assault, and assault with a deadly weapon.
Robbery Completed or attempted theft, directly from a person, of property or cash by force or threat of force, with or without a weapon, and with or without injury.
Simple assault Attack without a weapon resulting either in no injury, minor injury (for example, bruises, black eyes, cuts, scratches or swelling) or in undetermined injury requiring less than 2 days of hospitalization. Also includes attempted assault without a weapon.

To obtain information of facts visit http://www.justfacts.com/guncontrol.asp

Pictures of Serra Do Rio Do Rastro, Lauro Muller, SC Brazil


Pictures by Milton Laene Araujo

Mortes num lugar comum

Mortes num lugar comum

As vezes me pergunto se o diabo esta presente na vida de todas as pessoas ou se ele escolhe certas pessoas para fazer seu trabalho sujo. De uma forma ou de outra, existe pessoas que praticam atos que somente o diabo poderia explicar os motivos. Pra comecar gostaria de salientar que este texto podera lhe causar mal estar, mas trata-se de verdades, e as vezes e bom estarmos alertas para os acontecimentos da vida.

Relatarei aqui alguns fatos obtidos atravez de livros que li, de reportagens que participei, de programas de Televisao que assisti no assunto, e tambem de pesquizas nos artigos publicos, avaliaveis tambem na internet. Os nomes sao verdadeiros, como os fatos podem ser verificados por completo

Dotor de Auschwitz, conhecido como o anjo da morte se chamava Joseph Mengele, e ele era um lider na area de visao biomedicas e fazia experimentacoes na area de genetica. Durante o Holocausto, Dr. Mengele era o irresponsavel responsavel pelo processo de selecao, ou seja, ele decidia quem ia morrer ou sobreviver, entre os pririoneiros Judeus que eram transportdos para os campos de concentracao. Durante as manhas ele chegava elegantemente vestido e num olhar decidia o destino das pessoas. Qualquer probleminha criado entre prisioneiros que nao queriam ser separados da familia, eram resolvidos com todos mortos a tiros, ou surrados ali mesmo. Este medico nao tinha consciencia, e mandava para os tanques de gas os “imperfeitos”, seja na altura ou na cor dos olhos. Porem, ele tinha uma inclinacao muito grande em preservar os gemeos, quais eram destinados ao seu laboratorio.  Mengele era imprevisivel. As vezes, sem mais nem menos, ele vestia o chapeu de medico e salvava uma familia inteira. O importante para ele era ter o poder de vida e morte em suas maos. Para faciliar o processo de matar com mais rapidez, Mengele ensinou varios medicos a aplicarem injecoes letais. Ha reportagens de que ele ate jogava criancas no crematorio enquanto vivas.

Mengele era fissurado pela sua pesquiza sobre gemeos. Ele efetuava todos os tipos de testes para compara-los, e alguns ele ate matava pelo simples fato de aperfeicoar sua patologia. Ele dissecava os corpos ele mesmo, e ate preservava algumas partes. Mengele ate efetuava operacoes sem anestezias. Ele removia os orgaos sexuais, e ate fez operacoes de troca de sexo.  Ele injetava varias substancias em criancas somente para ver como eles reagiam. Se um gemeo morresse, o outro, assim, nao tinha nenhuma serventia.  Seu grande objetivo era fazer com que olhos castanhos virassem azuis. Ele injetava quimicos nos olhos das criancas e causava muita dor e as vezes cegueira, e morte, mas nunca aclancou o seu objetivo.

Em resumo, Mengele queria fazer sucesso na area de cultivacao genetica de uma raca superior, branca, e a posicao que ele exerceu no campo de concentracao alimentou seu desejo de ser um deus. Ele guardou notas de suas pesquizas, mas muitos documentos form perdidos. Depois da Guerra, Menguele escapou da prisao e foi pra Argentina, aonde viveu seus ultimos anos de vida e faleceu em 1979.

Enquanto sabemos que a marioria dos medicos e enfermeiros entram na profissao para salvar vidas, entendemos que o fato de causar dor ou destruir um ser nem passa pela cabeca destes profissionais. Mas, infortunadamente ha medicos que machucam, e eles sao dificeis de se detectar, e mais precisamente, de para-los. Alguns sao cautelosos, e buscam as vitimas ja vulneraveis para praticar seus planos. Outros sao protegidos pelo proprio estabelecimento aonde trabalham.

Quero mostar alguns casos veridicos aonde psicopatas nao sao capturados porque ninguem escuta as reclamacoes.

Dr. Michael Swango, enquanto fazia residencia no Ohio State University Medical Center, aproveitou um momento em que as enfermeiras estava ocupadas e se prontificou a dar assistencia a uma senhora de idade, Ruth Barrick, que havia caido e batido a cabeca, mas depois da operacao ela ja estava passndo bem. Um estudante em treinamento nao pode ficar sozinho com nenhum paciente, mas isso nao parou Swango de deligar os aparelhos. Quando as enfermeiras chegaram ao quarto, viram miss Barrick incosciente, e efetuaram respiracao boca a boca, enquanto uma enfermeira escutou Dr Swango dizer que isso era nogento. Ruth morreu ali mesmo, e a enfermeira achava que Dr. Swango tinha alguma coisa com isso. Tudo ficou por isso mesmo. Durante seu tempo neste hospital cinco pacientes faleceram, e muitos ficaram terrivelmente doentes.

Nao era somente em estabelecimentos medicos que Dr. Swango praticava malicias. Ele colocava veneno na comida dos outros, e em crianca adorava mutilar animais. Dr. Swango sentia prazer em anunciar aos parentes que o paciente havia falecido. Isso causava a ele um tipo de climax.

Nao entendo como esta pessoa conseguiu permancer como medico por 20 anos e trabalhar sete hospitais.

O Autor de “Blind eye”, James Stwart, que passou dois anos documentando a vida deste medico disse que ele nunca iria parar.
Somente em 1970 Dr. Swang confessou apenas dar veneno a tres pacientes, e a morte de Ruth. Os outros incidents nao poderiam ser levados a justica porque nao havia provas suficientes para condena-lo. Mesmo assim Dr. Swango recebeu como sentenca vida na prisao.

Durante toda a historia sempre houve medicos que matam. Os motivos pelo qual levam um medico a matar sao variados e dificieis de entender e decifrar. Pra comecar, os medicos fazem um juramento de fazer tudo o que tiver no poder deles pra manter um ser vivo. Os que nao seguem este juramento veem seus pacientes como um experimento, e o motivo para eles serem medicos parece ser mais sobre poder , dinheiro, e controle, do que ajudar a curar. Estes tipos de crimes nao sao faceis de provar, pois podem ser apagados se o paciente ja e velho ou se ja tem uma doenca mais seria. Uma injecaozinha nao faria mais diferenca.  

Ha medicos que tornam um caso comum numa emergencia na qual eles podem ser o ator principal. Assim eles demonstram capacidade entre os colegas e ganham respeito entre todos. Mesmo que o paciente venha a morrer, o medico fez tudo o que pode e ainda e um heroi.

Ha medicos que tem compaixao demais, e prescrevem muita morfina para o paciente que sofre, assim ele logo morre. Um medico chamado Bodkins, John foi incriminado por 21 mortes em 1957 quando 40 de seus pacientes faleceram por circunstancias misteriosas. Ele nao considerava isso um assassinato, e acabou sendo absolvido das mortes.

Ha medicos que matam para cobrir um crime ja cometido, como a falsificacao de uma heranca, ou a ganancia pelos bens do paciente.

Alguns medicos se aproveitam de sua profissao pra expressar seu intimo proposito de assassinar, e geralmente estes sao de um grupo mais distinto porque tem como objetivo uma experiencia.

Um dos maiores pesadelos para um pai ou mae de familia e deixar seus filhos nas maos de uma baba que tem intencoes de causar danos a crianca. E raro para nos assumirmos que um ser que entra numa profissao de enfermeira, qual faz seu juramento, fosse preferir ver as criancas morrerem do que ve-las sadias.  Este caso teve uma investigacao enorme e quebrou as paredes do professionalismo mentiroso, e com isso, quase destruiu a carreira de todos os que ali trabalhavam.

Uma enfermeirra chamada Genene Ann Jones era uma enfermeira com bom atributos e boas referencias. Uma vez empregada na Clinica Pediatrica in Kerville, Texas, (clinica aonde criancas usavam como jardim de infancia), foi observado que varias criancas estavam tendo sintomas de ataques. As criancas, sete delas, foram trnsportdas ao hospital Sid Peterson, mas ninguem suspeitava que os ataques fossem causados por alguem. Porem, pelo numero de criancas que foram parar no hospital, alguns membros da clinica achavam que algo muito estranho tivesse acontecendo.

A dona da Clinica, Dr. Kathleen Holland, quando questionada confirmou que nao tinha a menor ideia porque estas criancas estavam sofrendo em sua clinica, e por milagre, todas as criancas se recuperaram, enquanto no hospital. Porem, uma crianca de 2 anos, Chelsea McClellan, faleceu no caminho ao hospital. Dr. Holland estava desvastada, e tambem os pais da crianca, pois Chelsea nem mostrava sintomas de doenca quando comecou a frequentar a clinica.

Nao muito tempo depois, a enfermeira Genene informou Dr. Holland que ela havia encontrado um vidro, meio aberto, com succinylcholine, um poderoso relaxador de musculos, qual hvia sido reportado desaparecido algumas semanas antes. Ao observer o vidro, Dr. Holland notou que a tampa havia sido perfurada com agulhas de injecoes. Uma vez testado, foi detectado que havia um quimico chamado salina. Alguem estava usando o veneno e colocando algo diferente para que o vidro pareca cheio. A droga foi usada e a causa desta droga seria paralizacao completa e um inferno no corpo.

Somente tres anos depois que comecaram a observar que nas “passagens” de Genene havia pelo menos 50 mortes de criancas enquanto ela trabalhava no Hospital Bexar County Medical Center pelo periodo de quarto anos. O corpo de Chelsea McClellan foi exumado e tissues do corpo testado para toxicos, aonde ainda acusava grande quantidade do relaxante.

Jones foi pega, porem pela morte de uma crianca, e julgada por dois atos, um de envenenar seis criancas e o outro matar uma.

Para todos que conheciam Genene, isso nao veio de surpresa porque ela tinha a tendencia de mentir, manipular os amigos e tambem de trair. Tentaram de todas as formas buscarem desculpas para tal ato, e por final foi concluido que a morte de seu irmao quando crianca causou esta corrente de pensamentos negativos em sua vida. Outros ate achavam que devido ao fato dela ser feia, e em desespero por atencao, aprendeu a ganhar atencao atravez de mentiras. Genene casou-se jovem, porem logo em seguida ja comecou a trair o marido com medicos. Para ela um medico era um deus, e ela se sentia atraida aos medicos. Logo que descobriu esta atracao, ela deixou de ser cabelereira para entrar na vocacao de enfermeira. No comeco tudo parecia bem, mas ela sempre se sentia por baixo da hierarquia medica.

A vida trabalhistta de Genene nao teve muito sucesso porque ela se metia nas areas aonde nao era de sua competencia e dava conselhos aos medicos e ate tomava iniciativa propria. Os pacientes sempre reclamavam de sua attitude, e assim ela pulava de trabalho a trabalho ate poder entao estacionar por quarto anos no Bexar County Medical Center. Foi ali que ela entao deixou suas marcas, sempre se cuidando para nao ser mandada embora. Devido ao fato dela ter ficado longas horas cuidando de pacientes, e demonstrdo uma grande vontade de subir, ela foi promovida como chefa das enfermeiras. Isso lhe subiu a cabeca, e nao por muito tempo as reclamacoes das enfermeiras chegavam, mas pouco se escutava, e nada se fazia. Genene se sentia invencivel.  Genene nao adimitia seus erros, e logo comecou a despedir enfermeiras que penetravam em seu caminho.

Antes de sua saida do hospital, Genene era a irresponsavel responsavel pelos pacientes mais doentes, ou seja, com doencas terminais. Isso a colocou perto daqueles que morriam com mais frequencia. Os colegas percebiam que ela ficava feliz quando havia emergencias, e ate demonstrava tristeza quando uma crianca falecia. Era comum a necessidade de ressucitacao artificial, e principalmente qundo ela estava envolta.  Os doentes criticos estavam sob os cuidados dela. Uma crianca teve ataques tres dias seguidos, porem somente durante seu turno. Uma vez ela falou a outra enfermeira que eles iriam imaginar que ela fosse o anjo da morte. Em fato, alguns de seus colegas chamarao seu horario de turno da morte.

Uma crianca foi enviada a secao pediatrica do hospital para se recuperar de uma operacao de coracao aberto. Em principio a crianca se recuperou, mas no turno de Genene, tudo foi por agua abaixo. A crianca faleceu e Genene usou a seringa para fazer o sinal da cruz.

Tres meses depois de tantas emergencies internas um comite foi formado para discutir o assunto, e para a surpresa de todos Genene resignou sua posicao. Os problemas tambem foram embora. Porem, Genene sentiu maior poder, pois se escapou sem punicao.

Mesmo tendo sido informada para nao adimitir Genene, Dr. Holland decidiu adimitir Genene, vendo ela como uma vitima de tantas conversas sem provas. Mal sabia Dr. Holland que esta enfermeira iria acabar com sua carreira, seu casamento e tambem com sua clinica.

Durante o julgamento, Genene foi apresentada como possuidora de um complexo de heroi. Ela maltratava os pacientes para depois virar a heroina na salvacao. Ela queria trazer mais pacientes para a sua unidade, e quando via alguma crianca melhorando, ela logo dava um jeito de faze-lo sofrer. Genene foi condenada a 159 anos de prisao, mas provavelmente sera solta em menos de 25 anos.  Embora ela tenha sido suspeita na morte de outras criancas, as evidencias foram destruidas. O Hospital pagou as vitimas, mas nada pode fazer para provar os acontecimentos.

Durante o funeral de Chelsea, Genene participou, chorou, e ate chamou o nome da crianca.  A mae observou isso, e acabou chorando mais. Por mais estranho que isso se pareca, estamos tratando aqui de uma enfermeira que era supostamente encarregada de ajudar a salvar uma vida, e que resolve matar.

Um outro caso muito estranho aconteceu durante a primeira Guerra mundial em Hungary. Por um periodo de 10 anos muitas pessoas estavam falecendo nesta vila de Tisza. Uma mulher chamada Julius Fazekas cuidava das pessoas que tinham emergencies medicas. Ela era tambem uma parteira, e tinha uma tecnica que ajudava as mulheres a se livrarem de gravidez atravez de abortos.

Muitos homens foram a Guerra nesta epoca, mas tambem ficou outros homens na cidade, e brevemente os servicos de Fazekas se fizeram necessarios. Alem dos abortos, ela tambem criava venenos, em tiras de arsenico e vendia pra quem quizesse na cidade. Pelo menos umas cinquenta pessoas compraram os venenos, e brevemente havia morte por todos os lados na cidade. Em fato, algumas mulheres decidiram se livrar nao somente do inconveniente marido que chegou da Guerra, mas tambem comecaram a envenenar os parentes que nao gostavam e ate as criancas. Ocasionalmente elas se envenenavam umas as outras. Marie Kardos matou seu marido, seu amante e seu filho de 23 anos. Antes do filho morrer, ela pediu que ele cantasse pra ela. Sabendo que ele havia sido envenenado, ela queria ouvir a sua voz se dissipar. Dando testemunho anos depois, Marie ainda achava isso alegre. Outra mulher, Maria Varga matou sete membros de sua familia, e considerou a morte de seu marido, um presente de natal pra ela mesma.

Isso somente parou quando um medico de uma cidade vizinha comecou a fazer autopsias e descobrir veneno nos corpos. Um comecou a acusar o outro ate que todos os involvidos foram levados a justica. Isso levou 15 anos, e neste meio tempo nao se parava de matar aqui e acola. Foram 38 pessoas presas e 26 mulheres foram julgadas. A conclusao que foi chegada e que estas mulheres agiram assim devido a promiscuidade que estavam participando.

Mudando de Medico para Enfermeiras, um livro chamado  “The Sisterhood, escrito por Michael Palmer, demonstra um grupo de enfermeiras que iniciaram uma organizacao para ajudar as pessoas morrerem em hospitais por todo o paiz. “Enfermeiras se unem para o perdao”, as jaquetas descreviam, “unidas para acabar com o sofrimento”. Porem, dentro da organizacao alguns “mercy-killers” tomaram as coisas muito adiante e pacientes que deveriam sobreviver acabaram morrendo. Isto e uma historia de ficcao, porem o que vem a seguir, nao!

Em 1983, em Vienna, Austria, no Lainz General Hospital uma enfermeira chamada Waltraud Wagner estava na missao de matar. Durante uma investigacao, se percebeu que no periodo de seis anos mais de 100 pessoas estavam falecendo a torto e a direito.

Wagner estava com 23 anos de idade quando ela tomava conta de uma velhinha de 77 anos, que havia pedido a Wagner que desse a ela uma dosagem grande de morfina para acabar com a sua miseria. Logo que a dosagem foi aplpicada, Wagner sentiu em sua pele o sabor de ter este poder. Assim ela se submeteu a trabalhar no turno da noite, e com a ajuda de duas outras loucas, Llene Leidolf, de 21 anos, e Maria Gruber de 19 elas comecaram um paivilhao da morte dentro do hospital. Wagner ensinou as outras como dar injecao letal, e adicinou outros mecanismos em sua criacao. Ela chamava isso “a cura atravez da agua”. Isso envolvia segurar o nariz do paciente e faze-lo engolir, criando uma morte agonizante que enchia os pulmoes de agua, mas nao foi descoberto como foram assassinatos.

Quando um paciente pedia demais, ou reclamava, ele tinha sua entrevista marcada com Deus. Inicialmente as mortes eram mais esporadicas, mas por volta de 1988 comecaram a subir. Havia rumores de que um assassino estava a solta no pavilhao cinco do hospital. Area dos doentes terminais.  

Uma vez, enquanto bebendo vinho num restaurante, e falando alto, uma delas comentou que uma paciente mereceu seu destino, porem um medico na mesa seguinte escutou, e logo em seguida saiu correndo em direcao a policia. Uma investigacao foi lancada, e em menos de seis semanas todas foram presas. Uma vez presas, elas contaram que mataram 49 pessoas. Wagner se sentia a heroina em todos os casos, pois havia matado 39 destas 49 sozinha. Porem, se estima que ela tenha matado mais de 200 pessoas.

Wagner foi condenada por vida na prisao, e as outras por 15 anos. Observe que uma vez que voce for absolvido de um crime, voce nao pode mais ser julgado por aquele crime. E neste caso, hoje sabemos como ocorreram, mas nao se pode provar, pois no hospital aonde elas trabalhavam somente pessoas com doencas terminais estavam internadas, e muitos ja eram idosos.

Em 1975, um hospital em Michigan sofreu uma elevacao no numero de mortes durante o verao. Uns 40 pacientes morreram por falta de ar. Em alguns casos foi feito toxicologia e observado um excesso de Pavulon, um remedio pra relaxar os musculos, mas quando for demais paraliza. Durante a investigacao duas enfermeiras foram levadas ao tribunal, porem absolvidas por falta de provas. As enfermeiras se chamavam: Lenora Perez e Filipina Narciso, ambas de Phillippines. O Hospital se chama Veteran Administration Hospital in Ann Harbor. Ate hoje isso permanence um misterio.
Em 1980, no Hospital for Sick Children em Toronto houve uma elevacao no numero de criancas morrendo na area cardiaca do hospital. Morreram no minimo umas 30 criancas, e as mortes pareciam suspiciosas. Numa autopsia foi revelado grande dosagem de uma droga chamada Digoxin, uma droga para regular o ritmo. Uma investigacao ocorreu e uma enfermeira, Susan Nelles, foi acusada, mas enquanto ela estava presa mais mortes estavam acontecendo, e com o mesmo veneno, ate que outras enfermeiras estavam sendo vitimas de veneno em suas refeicoes, e concluiram que nao era Susan, mas algo mais sinistro. Acusaram por todos os lados, e ate hoje nao se sabe a origem.

Seja uma pessoa sozinha ou um grupo de pessoas, masculinos ou femininos. Pessoas que supostamente deveriam cuidar estao fazendo o contrario. Nao tenho a menor ideia a motivacao, mas se percebe que seguem uma certa categoria.

Comeca com um sentimento de invencibilidade, misturado com uma falta de atencao, e logo se transforma num termo chamado o Sindrome de Munchausen by proxy. Uma enfermeira que sofre esta doenca e capaz de fazer um paciente sofrer, e sua motivacao e de manter o medico, qual ela se sente enfatuada, mais proximo ao paciente, e assim, mais proximo dela, que esta encarregada do tal paciente.  Os que sofrem deste syndrome sabem mentir em detalhes minusculos e nao se sentem culpados. Eles querem atencao, e o resto nao faz sentido. Quando nao for atencao do medico e atencao do paciente, e assim por diante.

Outros ja sao psicopatas porque nao demonstram nenhum sentimento de remorse por atos que cometem. Buscam hospitais para efetuar os crimes porque nao se detecta com facilidade suas brutalidades. Muitos psicopatas agem com raiva pelas pessoas, e somente podems ser detectados qundo alguem os observa continuamente. ISso nao e facil num hospital.

Existe tambem os medicos e enfermeiras que agem por dinheiro, e trabalham maquiavelicamente ate conseguirem que um testamento seja mudado, ou algo seja doado. Uns ate se sujeitam a matar para poder receber parte do seguro de vida.

Amy Archer-Gilligan foi acusada de matar seus pacientes numa spa. La os pacientes eram privados de comida, e assinavam tudo pra ela.

Anna Marie Hahn, da Alemanha, veio pra America e praticou o ato de ganhar as herancas dos pacientes. Depois de enriquecer, ela continuou, e numa investigacao detectaram que ela dava veneno aos pacientes. Esta foi a primeira mulher a ser executada na cadeira eletrica nos Estados Unidos.

Kristen Gilbert matava os pacientes pra poder ver o seguranca do hospital, qual ela estava enfatuada.

Gwedolyn Gail Graham e Catherine May Wood, two lesbians, comecarm matar pacientes como se fosse um joguinho, e comecaram para formar a palavra MATAR. Matando os pacientes que tinham o nome M, depois A, e assim por diante, e enquanto faziam isso, sentiam prazer sexual etc.

As pessoas que se aproveitam de doentes, estao preenchendo uma necessidade quais elas foram deprivadas na infancia. Elas nao se importam com os codigos penais, leis, e muitos sao sadistas. O que e pior e que todos nos ficamos com menos confianca nos hospitais, nos medicos, nas enfermeiras. Nos sofremos mais, e a sociedade inteira se transforma em vitima.

Parece que nao vai parar to cedo.

Vickie Dawn Jackson injetou relaxante nos pacientes em 2002, Texas. 4 foram provados.

Christine Malevre matou varios pacientes entre 1997 e 1998. 7 foram provados. Ela escreveu um .livro sobre seus atos chamado “my confessions”.

Muitos pesquisam sobre como observer os cuidadores de pessoas que podem ser criminosos. Acham-se que as enfermeiras compulsivas. As que mantem muito segredo, e que estao constantemente nas areas de emergencies devem ser observadas com mais cuidado.

Deve se observer se existe mais mortes durante este ou outro peridodo, e quem esta trabalhando nos periodos em questao. Observar se alguma morte nao era esperada, ou se a morte foi por motivos diferentes daqueles esperados. Observar quem esta sempre pronto para ajudar, ou quem foi o ultimo que passou com a vitima. Observar se a pessoa qual se suspeita tem trabalhado em outras areas aonde ocorreram mortes. Observar se alguem o chama de anjo da morte. Observar se a enfermeira tem muito interesse em morte. Ver as reclamacaoes dos pacientes em relacao a tal enfermeira. Observe se a enfermeira mantem segredos sobre sua vida pessoal, ou se e muito solitaria. Isso chamamos de bandeiras vermelhas, e devem ter valor devido muitas as pessoas que focam captadas terem isso em comum.