About Me - Milton Laene Araujo

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Lake Worth, Florida, United States
My name is Milton and I am a reader. I love to feed my mind with what if’s?, through stories.
Showing posts with label Viable Solution for problems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Viable Solution for problems. Show all posts


Political Violence By milton Laene Araujo

September 11, 2013

Political violence: The primary means of asserting interests of the people when dealing with terrorism.

Terrorism is a means of instilling in every individual the sensation that the next terror attack may have his name on it. Through the acts of murder, sabotage, and blackmail, larger goals such as ideological, religious, social or economic are achieved. It is conceivable that terrorists could obtain their aims without carrying out a single attack, by the continuous broadcast of threats and declarations, as method of psychological warfare.

Terrorism is gradually becoming more complex.

In 1997, the United States Senate overwhelmingly approved an international agreement prohibiting the use of chemical weapons, now joined by 189 governments that represent 98 percent of humanity.

"What kind of world will we live in if the United States of America sees a dictator brazenly violate international law with poison gas and we choose to look the other way?" Obama said in remarks delivered from the East Room. "Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security, are at stake in Syria, along with our leadership of a world where we seek to ensure that the worst weapons will never be used."

The same way terrorists see themselves as a victim of violence, the government and policy-makers also see themselves as chosen, by whatever mechanism, to represent and protect the interests of the people they represent. We cannot legitimize or justify terrorist violence. The use of chemical weapons is irrational and illogical.

Both, terrorists and governments contribute to distortions of facts. By claiming the moral high ground and demonizing the opposition they leave little room for a debate about causes of violence.

The most important founder of terrorism is the American drug consumer. The same clandestine channels used for smuggling narcotics into the US could also be used to transport nuclear or biological weapons. Drug trafficking is directly linked to global terrorism, particularly involving Middle Eastern and Asia extremist groups.  Proceeds from Opium, the base for heroin, produced in Afghanistan are prime source of funding for terrorism and called on US-led coalition forces fighting the Taliban and Al Qaeda forces to help combat the growing narcotics problem that is impeding government efforts to restore stability in the country.

The United States Administration is leading towards a comprehensive campaign to pressure the Middle Eastern states such as Syria, Lebanon, and Iran to do more to stamp out the drug smuggling.

Iran has been fighting to eradicate the narcotics flow from neighboring Afghanistan for decades. But since Washington under the Bush Administration accused Iran of aiding Al Qaeda, interfering in Iraq and operating a clandestine nuclear arms program, there will not be any Iran’s cooperation.

Meanwhile, the Administration is getting more and more convicted that cutting drug profits will impede terrorism globally. It is fair to say that dealing with narcotics is profitable.  How about legalizing it?


My dream of a global world government

My dream of a global world government  - July 18, 2013

Since the beginning of times the earth has never had one minute of peace. As I write this text we have about 20 Countries involved in wars along with 300 plus militia-guerrillas and separatist groups involved. In Africa alone we have 16 countries battling, and a participation of at least 100 separatist groups involved.  The hot spots are Central African Republic, Darfur, Democratic Republic of Congo, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Punt land, Somalia, Somaliland. In Asia we have 10 countries; Europe 4 countries; Middle East 4 countries; America 3 countries. The hot spots for the remaining places mentioned above, along with a better information of the conflict is listed at the site Wars in the world or similar sites.  I am not going to write about what is happening because you can visit these sites and have an idea about the conflicts and decide for yourself if it is really happening. My point, however, is to talk about peace.

As defined in Wikipedia, World peace is an ideal of freedom, peace, and happiness among and within all nations and/or people. World peace is an idea of planetary non-violence by which nations willingly cooperate, either voluntarily or by virtue of a system of governance that prevents warfare. The term is sometimes used to refer to a cessation of all hostility amongst all humanity. For example, World Peace could be crossing boundaries via human rights, animal rights, technology, education, engineering, medicine, diplomats and/or an end to all forms of fighting.

Since 1945, the United Nations and the 5 permanent members of its Security Council (the US, Russia, China, France, and the UK) have worked to resolve conflicts without war or declarations of war. However, nations have entered numerous military conflicts since that time.

World peace is achievable when there is no longer conflict over resources. Buddhists believe people can live in peace and harmony only if we abandon negative emotions such as anger in our minds and cultivate positive emotions such as love and compassion. According to Islam, faith in only one God and having common parents Adam and Eve is the greatest reason for humans to live together with peace and brotherhood. Islamic view of global peace is mentioned in the Quran where the whole of humanity is recognized as one family.

Besides these two views mentioned above, there are other views that I will refrain to mention because it doesn’t make much difference, as we can see for ourselves that at least for more than 4000 years we have been in battle for one reason or another.

In my mind, a viable solution is the creation of a Global World Government that recognizes humans as the biggest part of the equation as “we the people” and not as “we the salves of the elite”.  

It is important to remember that what we call elite can be a one group of people, or various groups of people that control the economy of the earth. These groups must get together to discuss the best way to achieve a common ground without creating an economic collapse or any international crisis that could only affect the population. If many people lose their savings due to an economic collapse in the market, they will be driven to poverty, and consequently they will start protests and anarchy among themselves, forming groups against the elite.  This situation is not viable because the army will fight against the people, and soon, diseases will emerge making assembly and protests a death trap. The people will suffer and ultimately lose this battle, no matter how much people try to organize against this force.

If the idea it is to privatize every sector of the industry, it is not a bad idea at all. But if we have a collapse of the economy, many groups will riot and not even know that this could be a plan of the elite. I question why? Why is it necessary to create rebellion against something that can be avoided all together? Is it to create a martial law to gain control? If so, it is not necessary because we surrender. What I mean is - if we know that there is a plan to stop all wars and achieve some peace, it will be better than what we have now, at this minute.  So many innocent people are not getting a shot of life and dignity. So many people are being killed in the name of patriotism, when it actually doesn’t exist. We the people are created equal and we are used to be controlled, one way or another. We have no problems about having elite controlling our lives. Truly! We want simply to know whether this plan involve us as participants. In the end, ideas come from people, and everyone, working together, will make easier to relax and be ingenious.  

We have today so many angry and anti-social people in this world that can well be recruited to stop the riots at any cost. And they will offer their services in exchange to recognition. We know all this, already.  

If we have an economic collapse we will be lost! We will be very vulnerable, therefore anarchy is imminent because there will be groups of people in the social media inviting others to participate into manifestations that can cause even more damage. The world will be out of control…more than what it is right now.

We do not need the people to organize and create riots for an idea that when explained well, doesn’t seem so bad, after all.

Please, do not take me wrong. I love The United States of American and I abide by the Constitution, and I live for it, but I also know that with the technology we have today, privacy is something from the past. We are voluntarily exposing ourselves through the social media with no problems, and we are well aware that anything we write can be traced. Yes, I exchange my privacy for my security.

What we want is a government that cares about us. We want a Government that recognizes our value and appreciates it, be it a corporation or a state, or anything we want to call it.

I have seen in movies people being inserted a chip that would pin point his or hers whereabouts…I think it is clever. I have no problems having a chip inserted in my body, for it will give the government a correct position of my whereabouts. In reality people can live in truth. No one needs to be hiding from the truth. Truth is the ultimatum for freedom. I feel free even though I know that my life can be scrutinized and exposed…yet, it is my life. I made it that way, therefore I am responsible.  I would love a cashless society, as long as I can eat and sleep and take a shower every day. I am not looking for an easy life. I like to be able to live and enjoy national parks and movies and books without worrying if a robber is coming into my house or into my Movie Theater and act crazy. Besides, if the truth is exposed, we will know who is in favor and who is not, and act accordingly, instead of decimate a larger group of people who will manifest  not knowing what for.  

Mass control is necessary! It is necessary to have a system that keeps track of people. In the end, whoever checks it will be bored to see that people are the same. People want happiness, love, food, security and the freedom to walk outside and not been killed. People love to work.

We don’t need wars! We need to stop all of them (wars) right now! We need to search for viable solutions for all disputes, and in my point of view…we need to be truthful to one another, and for many individual it will require complete surveillance.

Why not take the fight into a higher level? What I mean is…Elite fighting for complete control without engaging people, for we are sacred. We love discipline and control.

What infuriates people is the fact that some elected politicians exists for the mere reason of self-recognition, instead of being there to represent their constituents. People are different, and politicians are there to find this difference and make it easier to live day by day.

Can we stop regional wars? Can we do something to prevent escalation into countries that have nothing to live for?

As I write this open letter, I am so sorry for so many lives being wasted. I believe in reincarnation, and I believe that peace will get here one way or another. But I know that if we continue the way it is now, we will not obtain peace ever in this earth in my lifetime.

So, I am asking for the elite – or groups – to engage with the United Nations  - instead of only keeping the peace - start procedures to make peace where wars is happening right now. By having a stronger United Nations this can be accomplished with the help of all members. In the end, everyone wants peace. So, let’s have the UN carry all military weapons to intervene whenever necessary. This will stop hate among nations because a larger body will be deciding. This will be a step towards one global entity. No more borders, for everyone will be tracked. No need to have immigration laws, for everyone will be pretty much alike. Let’s have 10-12 large Nations cooperating with one another to make sure all resources are well divided.

I know for a fact that all the people of the earth will do their part to make sure this system will work well.

Ps. As I am writing this text, in Brazil they are preparing for a manifestation for September 7th 2013. It needs to have the intervention of the United Nations to shake the country with international laws and make some people accountable for whatever they did for self-enrichment with the nations’ money. Brazil needs to have the world cup and the Olympic Games - But at the same time, the people are asking for more buses, more doctors more hospitals… not too much to ask. Unfortunately, manifestations can turn into riots and the country doesn’t need it.

Yours truly,



Por um mundo Melhor by Milton Laene Araujo

No dia em que as pessoas com forca de vontade e inteligencia suficiente tiverem um espaco maior no banco do governo, o Paiz andara pra frente. Porem, enquanto os que se dizem experientes usarem este banco como um assento para se tornarem politicos profissionais, o paiz nao tem outra saida, e com isso o povo sempre vai sofrer.
Chegou a hora de acabar com politicos profissionais. Pessoa que fazem da politica uma carreira de vida, sem o maior grau de instrucao sobre a historia do paiz e aonde ele deve chegar. Estes tipos de pessoas acabam com o patriotismo existente na mente dos cidadoes.

Eu gostaria de ver eleicoes por todos os lugares aonde cidadoes privados, nao politicos profissionais, estejam dispostos a se candidatarem para um cargo politico com o objetivo de emprestar seus conhecimentos para o servico da nacao por um tempo determinado, e logo depois retornarem as suas atividades privadas. O Servico publlico, tipo o servico  de prefeitos e governadores e tambem de senadores nao pode ser um destino a aposentadoria, mas uma contribuicao temporaria para o beneficio do paiz.  Eu espero que esta manifestacao de 2013 traga um aumento de cidadoes para ocuparem os cargos ligislativos, e que isso se transforme num modelo historico. O Brazil precisa de fazendeiros, advogados, medicos, professores, maes de familia e tambem donos de pequenas empresas que estejam dispostos a oferecerem seus talentos para o benenficio do paiz, e que saibam quando chegar a hora de retornarem as suas atividades profissionais. Que saibam a hora de deixar o banco para um proximo usar e dar continuidade.

Se todos colocassem o futuro do paiz acima de seus proprios interesses, quem sabe o espirito de generosidade do povo retorne. As pessoas estao assistindo tudo, principalmente os mais jovens, porem nem todos estao se instruindo sobre como e aonde tudo comecou.

A luta pela liberdade nunca acaba; somente muda sua forma. Houve lutas pela independencia do Brasil, lutas pela igualdade no ambiente de trabalho, revolucoes, etc... Agora precisamos de uma luta aonde os proprios politicos, atravez da technologia existente, encontrem alguem para o substituir.

Existe muitas coisas que cada um de nos pode fazer para  reejuvenecer o amor pela patria. Pra comecar devemos ter um bom conhecimento sobre a historia do paiz, e alguns livros existentes nos dao esta referencia enquanto outros nos mostram o porque estamos assim hoje.

Um deles se chama se: Pai dos Pobres? Vargas e sua era; escrito por Robert Levine. Este livro examina a vida do Ditador Vargas qual foi presidente durante a maior parte do tempo englobando 1930 ate 1954. Ali se aprende como Vargas influenciou o Brasil, como tambem ate que extensao sua legislacao social afetou a vida de cada cidadao.   Ali se aprende que Vargas devotou seu tempo e esforco para manipular os trabalhadores, como tambem para beneficialos. No final de seu periodo, poucas coisas mudaram.

Continuou na mesma a velocidade em que as forcas armadas interferiram; a elite latifundiaria continuou segurando os seus privilegios. A distribuicao de rendas  permaneceu uma das piores quando comparada com o mundo, porem Vargas nao percebeu isso como um problema que precisava ser resolvido. Vargas prometeu mais do que ele pode entregar, e mesmo assim, nao acabou a adulacao do povo perante ele.  As pessoas com pouco conhecimento simplesmente dizem: “O presidente sempre lembrou da gente.”

Ele ate tenha melhorado algumas coisas, mas na epoca dele, digo na epoca de Vargas, Henrique Lage se aproveitou para comprar tudo o que se relacionava com as minas de carvao, as estradas de ferro etc... e somente depois da morte de Henrique Lage que o Governo entao toma posse de algumas empresas, e torna nacional... E isso muito tem haver com Gabrilela Bensanzoni que se disfez, ou ate possa ter sido forcada a se disfazer das empresas do legendario Lage.

Um outro exemplo seria de Alberto Flores Galindo, em busca de um Inca; e assim por diante,. E bom ler a historia do carnaval Brasileiro e tambem a historia do futebol, porem sempre observando o que estava acontecendo na epoca no sentido politico.

Nao importa a epoca, o povo de Deus sempre tem sido massacrado, usado, humilhado por uma grande elite latifundiaria, ou aristocracia que mandava e desmandava, sem seque ter um pouquinho de empatia (simpatia) pelo povo.

Chegou a hora de dar um basta. De  buscar um candidato com um curruculo impecavel. Preferivelmente alguem que se tornou rico por seu sour, e ama sua profissao, e vai se desligar somente para dar uma assistencia periodica a nacao! Chega de candidatos que falam bonito, apresentam ser carismaticos, porem se ve que estao ali pelas mordomias.

Voce sabia que aqui nos Estados Unidos um prefeito ganha $1 dolar por mes para ser prefeito?  Sim, e verdade, porem em cidades grandes, com mais de 30 mil habitants, eles entao tem um salario simbolico ate um pouco maior, justificando o tempo e o desgaste, mas na maioria das vezes se trata de pessoas com conhecimento bom sobre o que a cidade precisa.

Nao estamos procurando santos para representar ao povo, mas estamos procurando pessoas inteligentes, que provaram ser auto-suficientes em sua vida, e que podem de uma forma ou de outra ajudar o paiz. Ninguem precisa prometer nada a ninguem! As promessas sao falsas e comprometem o candidato. 

Na verdade, a transparencia num caso de um politico, sera sempre a ALMA DO NEGOCIO. Pois estamos falando aqui de dinheiro recebido de impostos, quais sao usados para manter a area geografica em pauta.

Comece com voce mesmo! Abra os livros e aprenda a historia do paiz ate os dias de hoje. Entenda a escravidao e como este comercio aumentou, e a razao qual foi abolido. Temos por obrigacao aproveitar o tempo de lazer para dar mais liberdade ao conhecimento.

Aprenda se foi por bondade humana ou por dinheiro. Quem estava se beneficiando deste comercio de pessoas?

Em seguida aprenda sobre a sua religiao, e veja se pode ou nao ser misturada a politica. Porque um religioso se involve com a politica? Quando as leis do mundo nao seguem uma religiao definitiva.

 Veja que ha candidatos que sao contra o aborto, simplesmente porque a religiao decidiu em sua cabeca que deve ser contra...

Mas o que fazer quando ha uma gravidez por estupros? Ou uma gravidez forcada devido um mal carater ter forcado uma crianca de 12 anos se involver com ele sexualmente?

Sera que temos leis que podem autorizar que uma crianca nao seja uma mae? Ou devemos somente olhar com os olhos de uma religiao, quando sabemos que cada uma tem uma ideia deiferente.

Lembro que antigamente, e afirmo que isso esta na bilbia, os casais tinham diferentes habitos, e se por ventura o marido viesse a falecer, a esposa so poderia casar com um membro da mesma familia. Se ela fosse rejeitada, ela estava perdida. Sim, isso e um fato importante, pois os tempos mudaram, e com isso nao podemos ter em poder alguem com ideias q nao servem muito hoje.  Este e o ponto!

Abra os seus olhos para o mundo, e assim pode entao dividir com os seus filhos com sabedoria o que aconteceu antes e o que nos levou a estarmos como estamos.  

Nao se pode construir patriotismo atravez de times de futebol somente!!!. Os jogadores tem a vida ganha. Um jogo do Corinthias contra o Botafogo nao vai trazer um kilo de carne a sua mesa. Mas e uma forma de lazer boa, e deve ser apreciada...mas nao pode ficar so nisso. 

As noticias da TV sao controladas, e por sinal a mesma noticia esta em todos os jornais do mundo. Ate como ela e descrita.

Nao fiquem observando o que lhes apresentam, pois isso e um "lixo" selecionado para manter a gentalha (nos mesmos) imaginando se nao esta na TV, nao devemos nos preocupar.

Quando tivermos  um conhecimento melhor sobre o paiz,  entao devemos questionar se este candidato esta apto para o cargo de dividir o dinheiro  arrecadao da populacao sem nenhuma agenda propria.

Trata-se de um arrecadamento oriundo de cada individuo. Sim, politica nada mais e do que como dividimos o que arrecadamos. Se vamos constuir uma ponte ou um aeroporto ou se vamos criar estradas...isso tudo e politica, e cabe a todos os que votam decidirem se os candidatos tem esta vontade de dividir honestamente.

Por exemplo - Porque a ponte Anita Garibaldi no estado de Santa Catrina esta sendo construida numa altitude bem maior do que a original? Sera porque ja sabem que as aguas do oceano vao subir tremendamente? Se sabem, aonde divulgaram isso?
Observamos uma ponte enorme mais longa, porem muito mais alta. O que vai acontecer com a populacao que mora na parte baixa? Sera que serao todos submersos?

Se esta for a verdade. A pergunta entao se torna:

Quando podemos esperar um acrescimo dos ocenaos? Daqui 20 anos?

Na verdade ninguem vai nos previnir,!!!

Os que sabem nao podem falar.

O centro da terra, aonde tem o NIFE (nickel e ferro) faz com que a terra tenha dois polos - Um negativo e outro positivo -  e esta combinacao, quando centralizada faz a terra mover respeitando o magnetismo do sol. 

A terra fica balanceada, e move serenamente, com os dias de 24 horas cada um,  mas quando algo estranho afeta um lado (digamos o lado positivo do iman magnetico central), o dia fica menor.

Desde 1974 o dia mudou! As 24 horas de antes nao sao as mesmas. Eu acredito (pelas minhas observacoes cientificas), que o dia perdeu ja 7 horas. Sim um dia tem  aproximadamente 17 horas hoje, porem foi diminuindo aos poucos.

Isso acontece quando o eixo da terra que estava a 23 graus  (se tivessemos uma linha reta no meio)e aos poucos foi mudando para mais de 30 graus. Assim, o sol NAO nasce na mesma hora , no mesmo lugar de outrora. Se voce tem uma foto do nascer do sol num determinado local voce vai observar que esta mudando pra direita...  ou seja, se a foto via o sol as seis da manha no dia 6 de Julho de 1974, e no mesmo dia voce vai tirar uma foto depois (hoje), voce notara que nao esta no mesmo lugar.

Isso so acontece quando magnetismo da terra nao esta de acordo com o sol.

Bem, a verdade e que algo muito grande esta se aproximando, quem sabe um outro planeta que da uma volta ao redor do sol em 3500 anos, e que nunca tivemos noticia dele, porque ele se escondia, ou estava muito distante, porem quando ele se aproxima da terra, a terra querendo satisfazer o magnetismo imposto pelo sol, e ao mesmo tempo querendo satisfazer o magnetismo imposto por este corpo estranho se aproximando, acaba se movendo nos eixos, e neste caso pra direita, aumentado os graus.

Se os calendarios Incas decidiram que algo clataclismatico aconteceria em 2012, eles somente se enganaram a data certa.
As noticias se aproveitaram para divulgar que novamente houve engano.   Porem ninguem comenta (digo as noticias) que ha realmente algo visivel na atmosfera, ou no ceu mudando a terra. Ou seja, esta mudando os dias, as aguas, o clima e tudo o que aprendemos, tipo 4 estacoes.

Um planeta que nunca foi falado, esta se aproximando e mudando totalmente  e aos poucos, as condicoes aqui na terra. ( A terra tenta manter as condicoes viavieis para o corpo enstranho  que esta aparecendo e ao mesmo tempo acolher o que o SOL sempre enviou. O sol sempre enviou um balanco entre os polos. Uma metade negativa e uma metade positive, porem numa inclinacao de 23 graus.

A presenca deste grande corpo, com sua propria magnitude afeta os raios magneticos da terra. A terra querendo satisfazer o sol e este corpo enorme que se aproxima, comeca a mover pela parte de dentro, gerando uma movimentacao grande dos tectonicos plates. Uma forte pressao em areas de vulcoes, e um cataclisma se aproxima.

Todo mundo esta no mesmo horario! Digo as horas sao as mesmas de outrora. mas os relogios mudaram, ficaram algo centralizado, e todo mundo somente ve a mesma hora.  Nao existe mais relogios de dar corda, e mesmo se existissem, eles trabalham de acordo com o cilco magnetico e apresentariam o horario correto. Mas mudou!!!!

Quando isso acontece, ou seja, quando um corpo estranho se aproxima da area, sempre havera grandes catastrofes.

Ate entao mo ponto deste artigo foi a) e importante encontrar pessoas dedicadas para serem politicos. b) e tambem importante manter uma transparencia sobre os fatos conhecidos, quando este conhecimento veio de dinheiro publico, e c) nao deixar religiao influenciar na distribuicao da arrecadacao, como tambem na criacao das leis.

Enfim, o paiz precisa de uma agenda! O Paiz precisa decidir o que e importante e o que e superfluo.
Qual os dados na educacao? Qual e a mortalidade infantil no Brasil? Quantos hospitais existem para acomodar as pessoas  enfermas? ...O povo tem comida? Deve parar de ganhar filhos, para que haja um balance na populacao?

Nao se pode ir as ruas somente por estar presente, mas se deve ter um ideal.

Na minha opiniao, o paiz precisa de pessoas inteligentes para governar, e isso significa governar por um periodo e dar lugar a outro. Nao se pode fazer da democracia uma profissao aonde poucos enriquecem as custas de muitos. Chegou a hora de eleger pessoas distintas! Chegou a hora de dar um basta a dinheiro vindo de outros paizes com intencao de controlar parte ou a nacao inteira. O paiz deve ganhar sua soberania e fazer com que o povo ame o paiz que vive. O Governo precisa sentar com a elite e criar um plano que beneficie ambos. 

Sabemos que uma das elite e o banco do mundo. Ou seja, os bancos controlam a area financeira, e os pagamentos do povo trabalhista sao depositados diretamente numa conta bancaria. O banco usa o dinheiro do povo pra financiar crescimento no mundo, porem o banco nunca teve nada seu para investir. Simplesmente toma o dinheiro do povo, ou segura atravez de anuidades ou bonds, e empresta para outras agencias financeiras com juros e correcao monetaria. Nada de errado nisso! Inclusive e ate uma forma bonita de crescer uma comunidade. O problema aparece quando o banco decide cobrar juros altissimos das pessoas que usam o banco como um adiantamento, ou ate mesmo um finaciamento.

As empresas de cartao de credito, ou ate mesmo as empresas que dao credito atravez de financiamentos deveriam ter um limite maximo daquilo que poderiam cobrar em juros. Afinal trata-se de uma forma de aniquilar o ser humano, e nao pode ser abuzada desta forma.

Estas mesmas empresas finaceiras sao as que preenchem os forums do brasil com litigacoes contra pagamento de juros absurdos que ocorrem no momento em que o ser humano mais precisa. Elas criam as leis de credito, mudam quando querem e aos poucos a populacao se ve endividada.

O povo Brasileiro paga mais juros do que qualquer outro paiz (povo) do mundo.
Esta elite precisa ser um pouco mais maleavel, e fazer entao uma mudanca para poder acomodar o povo que existe vivo hoje.

Nao se pode ter tanta ganancia! Nao e necessario criar inimigos por todos os lados com o unico objetivo de ganhar mais, ter mais, pra si proprio. Ate que ponto chega a ganancia pelo dinheiro?

Se a ganancia pelo dinheiro criasse pessoas maravilhosas, nao acharia nada de errado em ser ganancioso. Mas quando isso significa tirar dos outros, roubar, mentir, enganar, lograr, isso e um absurdo.

Queremos um governo que saiba dividir o que cultivamos, e saiba pagar a elite um valor justo e de acordo com as arrecadacoes reais. Nao se pode criar faturas erradas para enganar a elite. Sim, os governantes estao enganando a elite. Eles aumentam os valores das faturas, compram castelos para os filhos, compram terras, pensando que serao donos das terras e dos bens. Com isso o povo inteiro e assaltado com grandes impostos.

Isso esta errado!

Nao ha necessidade de manifestacao do povo. O bicho esta muito grande e somente uma intervencao de varias elites poderao dar uma sabatinada em cada politico e faze-los culpados por roubarem do povo e da elite.

Pra finalizar, gostaria de dizer que nao se deve nunca deixar com que os interesses do paiz sejam ultrapassados pelos interesses pessoais, e tampouco pelos interesses das elites. O interesse do povo vem em primeiro lugar, dpeois vem os interesses do paiz e da elite. 

Transparencia e necessario em todas as areas.

Caso isso venha acontecer, havera melhorias, caso contrario, o paiz nunca vai se levantar, ou sera tarde demais. Portanto, chegou o momento de falar a verdade!

Chegou a hora de apontar o dedo, e dizer Basta! Porem chegou a hora dos politicos saberem que se nao falar a verdade ao povo, eles serao meros politicos que viveram para engordar.

Que pena que a vida levou a isso.

No minimo vao voltar e experimentar o fruto de sua plantacao! (Voltar, digo reencarnar e viver a vida que plantaram).

Bem, por hoje e so!!!

Um abraco



Gun Control and a viable solution

Gun Control and a viable solution

We know that handguns will not be banned because it is written in the Constitution of the United States of America. It is a right given to an individual.

Handguns are simply “necessary evils”. One needs it to protect life.
The mishandling of handguns is another story, or per say, many stories. Lawmakers can just do so much. We have laws already created about who can and cannot purchase handguns. As a matter of fact, we have laws of all sorts directing people from properly handling guns, to prosecution for those who mishandle it.

This subject will not be resolved, and a viable solution is to put it in a shelf. Let’s not waste time and money discussing a subject matter that has been in courts for as long as it was written. No agreement will ever be reached when dealing with matters of life and death, and a handgun provokes to the owner this type of power.

Each individual has to see this matter as a personal matter, and act accordingly.
I am the type of person who is afraid of handguns because I have never been exposed to one personally, and to this date, fired a handgun of any sort. I have no interest what-so-ever in anything related to guns. Maybe because I am pro life in all senses, I do not see the need to have a gun to protect my property. I live less than five minutes away from the police station, who is equipped with everything necessary to protect me. I just need to dial 911 and let things take place from there. Even if I hang up the phone, they trace that call, and immediately send someone over to check. I have given my rights of carrying a gun to the police a long time ago. But it is not, necessarily the case of others. Some people carry the “gene of a gun”, and no one can take it away from them. They see it as a hobby or they can not sleep if they do not feel protected by a handgun in their room.

Yes, we need to improve the “check up” and reinforce laws already in existence about who is allowed to purchase it. But let’s not forget that they come from all over the world. They are not even registered. Gun business is a big business that will survive with or without laws because many people are interested in it. It is impossible to control everything that arrives in the country, when customs has conflicting interests. It is impossible to make everyone happy discussing a subject as broad as gun control.

The means of communication should not exaggerate. The attention should be normal, if not, minimal, considering that no solution is coming soon enough. Tragedies will occur in any sense in life. People lose control; people snap; people get infuriated with others; people want attention, and people want money. 

Certain subject matters should not be so exaggerated by the media. The media is always reporting about something with no solution that has as many people in favor as it has against it. The media should rest its case. It means that it can not be resolved at this place and time, and as communicators the media should simply treat this case as another case we can not agree upon right now.
One day in the future we will be well equipped, maybe living in a cashless society, where transactions will be done differently, and a proper way of identification will emerge, and no one will carry a gun for protection of being robbed. Maybe we create handguns that do not kill for the first 12 hours and allow citizens to purchase for individual protection, with the responsibility of reporting usage of the gun as soon as it went off.

We need more ideas of how to live in this society with all types of people. We need more ideas of how to protect ourselves, our neighborhood, and ultimately, we should have a handgun that would not kill, but paralyze for a period of time without death. This viable solution maybe, could satisfy the Greeks and the Trojans.


 The information below was taken partially from http://www.justfacts.com/guncontrol.asp

Handgun  A weapon designed to fire a small projectile from one or more barrels when held in one hand with a short stock designed to be gripped by one hand.
Revolver  A handgun that contains its ammunition in a revolving cylinder that typically holds five to nine cartridges, each within a separate chamber. Before a revolver fires, the cylinder rotates, and the next chamber is aligned with the barrel.
Pistol  Any handgun that does not contain its ammunition in a revolving cylinder. Pistols can be manually operated or semiautomatic. A semiautomatic pistol generally contains cartridges in a magazine located in the grip of the gun. When the semiautomatic pistol is fired, the spent cartridge that contained the bullet and propellant is ejected, the firing mechanism is cocked, and a new cartridge is chambered.
Derringer  A small single- or multiple-shot handgun other than a revolver or semiautomatic pistol.
Rifle  A weapon intended to be fired from the shoulder that uses the energy of the explosive in a fixed metallic cartridge to fire only a single projectile through a rifled bore for each single pull of the trigger.
Shotgun  A weapon intended to be fired from the shoulder that uses the energy of the explosive in a fixed shotgun shell to fire through a smooth bore either a number of ball shot or a single projectile for each single pull of the trigger.

Aggravated assault
(1) Intentionally and without legal justification causing serious bodily injury, with or without a deadly weapon or (2) using a deadly or dangerous weapon to threaten, attempt, or cause bodily injury, regardless of the degree of injury, if any. It includes attempted murder, aggravated battery, felonious assault, and assault with a deadly weapon.
Robbery Completed or attempted theft, directly from a person, of property or cash by force or threat of force, with or without a weapon, and with or without injury.
Simple assault Attack without a weapon resulting either in no injury, minor injury (for example, bruises, black eyes, cuts, scratches or swelling) or in undetermined injury requiring less than 2 days of hospitalization. Also includes attempted assault without a weapon.

To obtain information of facts visit http://www.justfacts.com/guncontrol.asp

Pictures of Serra Do Rio Do Rastro, Lauro Muller, SC Brazil



Cheating is lack of love!

Love is the desire to grow spiritually with someone.  Lack is the absence of completeness. Cheating is the consequence of both:  Lack of Love!

To begin, I want to explain what spirituality is. We all have a soul, which is the only part of our being that doesn't die when we physically die. Our soul evolves, for it is a particle of our creator. Imagine for a moment that God with His magnitude wanted to experience Himself. He then placed a particle of Self into the air, at a distance where he could experiment what that particle would do in his realm. We as human are this particle, and we have freedom to do whatever we want in this life. We can be whatever we want, and God is experiencing Himself through us. There are moments when we are connected to our source, as there are moments when we are connected to an opposite force. God is goodness, forgiveness, love, and compassion. The opposite force is simply the lack of it. It is all God, for God is it all, however, our soul goes through good and bad, small and large, etc, etc, in order to evolve.

When we are in contact with our source, we evolve as souls. When we lack this connection, we simply exist. No one can evolve without a relationship, for in this relative world, a point A, "the force", and a point B, "us" can only experiment what is bad when we have an idea of what is good. When we relate with more people, or even the worst media, we are in contact with other people's experiences, and live both concepts of good and bad. Cheater is just a word used to describe a liar.

As humans we can only grow when we are able to share with another being our true self. When one lies to a loved one, the connection with the main source is interrupted. No goodness come out

CHEATING happens when couples lose their connection, therefore, they can not grow spiritually. They go after a lustful desire, and end up cheating. However, this is not the end of the world. EVERYONE has fantasies and if an opportunity appears, EVERYONE is capable of taking advantage of it. For this reason, if we create an idea or a concept, a different idea will emerge. For example: If we decide that we are not going to tolerate cheating. Just by confirming this idea, we will, then be cheated upon in real life and be put to test.

Love is complete when we are connected with our creator, and when we are honest at all times. Cheating is lack of love, for no one can grow spiritually when living in lies.

If a loved one has cheated on you, read bellow and think.

Maybe it is the first time it happened. Maybe it happens many times. Either way, think about your love. Is it unconditional, that you accept your life partner with his faults? Think about your faults. Are you capable of cheating? Have you ever done the same? Have you done such a thing to anyone else?
If you are not so perfect, why are you looking for perfection on others? Can you love an imperfect human being?  What do you want from this relationship? Can you just end it? Do you have a point to prove? If so, maybe this led to whatever happened.

What to do?

Do not leave immediately. Learn to have a heart to heart conversation, where all values are placed on the table. Do not instigate, do not ask for the truth, for it is already written in his/hers' face that it happened, but have the grace to understand that your lover is a human being capable of such thing as you are, given the right opportunity. We are all led into temptations, unless we ask to be led the other way. If your lover is capable of being truthful with you about desires, etc, then you have a good thing going, for growth comes from accepting and showing how we feel while doing so If your partner refuses to be himself completely with you, and pretend it never happened, you then need to go away.

A cheater is always a cheater. Yes, because a cheater is a liar and everyone lies, however, a cheater can stop cheating when he learns to love and grow. We only love who truly loves us, and to truthfully love anyone it is necessary to love them completely. When they feel loved, they start loving themselves and learn to love back.

Sex is not all there is in a relationship. People need to separate sex and relationship, for sex is a small particle in the entire realm of a relationship.

Do not ever confront the third party - It is not your business to care what others do - Concentrate on your partner and decide whether you can live with this. If you can, move on, but if you can not, move out.

To finalize - If you are a victim of a cheater, you are in fault, for your ability to gain people's trust is very low. Either you behave above people's expectations, which creates a barrier for them to see you as an equal or you behave far away from what attracts people to be honest with you. Lovers are friends and they are important in each other lives.  If your lover needs another person to confide his (secrets), he is not your lover! If your lover accuses you of cheating, he is in fault, or has it in mind. Always leave the line of communication open for this type of discussion. If your life partner is not your friend, he is not your lover, and he will not love you with full array of humane emotions. There will be not much growth.

In Summary - God is goodness and goodness is love, and anything else is lack of it. When we are connected with our force, we are honest, truthful and we have goodness in our hearts. When we are disconnected we act disoriented. Spiritual growth only happens when two people are connected here and with the force. To be connected here one needs to be one - When one lies he becomes more than one - hard to keep up -



Let's change the World

Shall we?

There are five basic things that human beings need today.
1- Shelter
2- Food
3- Utilities (Electricity, Gas, Water, Etc.).
4- Medical Assistance
5- Dignifying Existence with proper Security and respectful death.

As we can see for ourselves, no form of government has achieved this simple goal throughout the existence of human beings.

It all started a long time ago when there were only two groups of people. The Araujo and the Da Silva. The Araujo had skills in building, while the Da Silva was living in peccary conditions, and had the skills in planting. Although living in different areas, they were separated by one river, which divided to become four rivers.
Soon they realized that it would be convenient to exchange food for labor, and a Union existed among these two groups. In a faraway land, another group was forming, involving people from both first groups who realized that things can be better if they become a group and planted something other groups could not obtain due to drought or climatic conditions. Soon the third group realized that they could not get along with their ideas, and in despair, they robbed the other two groups. Soon it become a problem, and the Union decided that it was necessary to have security to protect the land. The Union which was only two Kings at first, King Araujo and King Da Silva, exchanged various types of seeds in exchange to whatever goods the other group could provide.  This system did not work for too long, for the desire to obtain food and goods turned into a desire to conquer the entire territory and keep it in his Domain. King Araujo and King Da Silva died and left their kingdom to their firstborn sons, with the same last name.

Later, Different forms of government were created to represent the people and offer security. People were tired of excessive power being demanded upon them by the King.

The King's mistake happened when he shared with the population that he was a chosen king who can communicate with higher entities. The population felt scared and believed that the King was a true messenger of God, and for this reason, followed the King's orders fearing a final punishment. In certain areas, the King was good for his people, but in other areas, the King was a Tyrant. As people traveled from one area to another they learned that different kings had different ideas. Immigration started and it never stopped until today. Fences were placed to keep the people inside to no avail. Forms of adoration were created and practiced among people in search of eternal life, which differ by each group in each psychical space.

The Strong King had conquered various territories. He had under his lap half of the population. Everyone was unhappy. The king taxed the entire population, even when not represented. People in discontentment revolted against the King, but could never fight a King who had his entire guard ready to punish any individual who would go against his will.

When Jesus came, the most oppressed, persecuted, and a badly treated group of people were the Jewish Community. They had prior been stripped out of their right to be in the land as dignifying human beings. They were forced to "exodus" exit to escape forced labor and tyranny. With the help of Moses, they went in search of the promised land and found it. The King of Rome eventually takes the land of the Jews by force and again, they become persecuted and flee to other areas with other kings, sometimes in disguise fearing being recognized.

This persecution has roots before biblical times. The Jewish Community had somehow a place where they would worship God, and receive direct orders. Most of them obeyed the orders, but like in any group, we have people who do not have faith. The King took this concept and turned it into his own, alleging that he had received orders from God, and most of his tyrannies were "excused" by the gentiles, who were neither Jewish nor anything else, but groups of people who worships God as they seemed fit, with the presence of a living mythology, which explains religious practice

The Jewish community had scribes who would keep notes of what was happening and what was supposed to happen in the future, in accordance with what God had told them.

They were told to expect a Messiah who would reign the entire world. With so many mixed emotions, most Jewish were expecting the Messiah to come from a well-endowed family, with resources to fight the Romans and give their land back to them. Instead, the Messiah was a poor man from Nazareth. It was hard to swallow that Jesus was the promised Messiah. But those, who had access to the scriptures and the tales, felt inclined to accept Jesus because it fits with everything it was written before. Here we have another confusion. The King who was supposed to receive this information firsthand, end up learning from others about the arrival of the King of all Kings. Infuriated, he demands to kill every baby male in the area. Jesus was saved.

Jesus grew up learning to please God, his father, and so he did. He had direct communication with God and proved that he did by making what we call miracles. While people expected him to take the Throne and change the world, he had a short life and did not enter any college, but in his life, he was a Doctor. He was Jewish, in case you don't know it. Jesus was able to live 33 years without committing one sin against God, his father. No one can find in the scriptures a sin committed by Jesus while in existence. Yes, he gets furious, but not ever to the point of committing a sin. Something we can not do in one single year. His kingdom starts after his death. Now, people that had no faith or expectation of ever having eternal life, could hear from Jesus that it is possible. Most people took it to their heart.

Christianism originated and the Catholic Church takes the first step in passing the message to the world. Donations started to poor and the King realized that he was losing revenue to a newly created order. The Order became more powerful than all kings placed together, for it had members all over the Globe. Whenever a conversation about conquering new places or traveling to new areas appeared, the Catholic church was primarily involved. A New Testament was added to the Bible to share the life of Christ. In order to keep its good status with the newly formed congregation, most kings decided to be a part of it and so did each group of people. The church grows immensely, and it is bigger than any territory. It creates colleges, to educate more people to be a part of this Union. The church travels to the entire Globe. When Colombo came to America, the Boat was filled with Priests. They could read and write and would be used in negotiations. Immediately the church decided that its members have to be male and they can not get married. The church doesn't want to support a family or give away land for its members to create a family. At this point the church becomes greedy. It creates towns, it builds colleges, it builds churches, and plantations, and gets involved in helping families to move. The King needed authorization from the Pope to do many things, for it would not receive proper care and it could fail altogether. The Church had the people under control most of the time. The church could be cruel and ruthless at times. But at the same time, the church was capable of uniting the entire world into one direction of faith. This power lasts for 1500 years without much interruption.  During this time the church controlled astronomy, and medicine, and converted many Jewish into its own group by force.

The king of England Henry VIII is known for his role in the separation of the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church. Henry's struggles with Rome led to the separation of the Church of England from papal authority, the Dissolution of the Monasteries, and the establishment himself as the Supreme Head of the Church of England. Yet he remained a believer in core Catholic theological teachings, even after his ex-communication from the Catholic Church. This echoed to the entire world which was under an inquisition for a period of time.
The Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition (Spanish: Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición), commonly known as the Spanish Inquisition (Inquisición española), was a tribunal established in 1480 by Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile. It was intended to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in their kingdoms and to replace the Medieval Inquisition which was under Papal control. The Inquisition was originally intended in large part to ensure the orthodoxy of those who converted from Judaism and Islam. This regulation of the faith of the newly converted was intensified after the royal decrees issued in 1492 and 1501 ordered Jews and Muslims to convert or leave.
Various motives have been proposed for the monarchs' decision to fund the Inquisition such as increasing political authority, weakening opposition, suppressing conversos, profiting from confiscation of the property of convicted heretics, reducing social tensions, and protecting the kingdom from the danger of a fifth column.
The body was under the direct control of the Spanish monarchy. It was not definitively abolished until 1834, during the reign of Isabella II, though it had ceased effective operation sometime earlier after a long decline.

As we can see, at this time the Catholic Church loses its power, and small groups who practiced other types of faith, different from Catholics, gained force because it was in the king's interest, as well the people's.

The Jewish Community, again, was forced to move into different areas. It is important to say that the Jewish Community did not follow the Catholic Church Beliefs and they remained United. Although, in different places, they were able to communicate with one another and keep their faith in God Almighty.

During a time where oppression comes from every side, the only thing that keeps people fighting is their faith. If one King is able to separate from the Catholic Church, why can't others worship God as they, please? And so they did it. Today we have over 200 different religious groups, and inside Christianity alone over 2000 different forms of believing in God through Jesus.

Meanwhile, Kingdoms become terrible places to stay. People go to the newly found world in search of freedom of religious persecution. Others come to escape poverty, and others to invest and make the new world a better place to live. While others, like Karl Marx, try to create different ideologies to be followed by Kings to make it a better place.

"Religion is the opium of the people" is one of the most frequently paraphrased statements of Karl Marx. It was translated from the German original, "Die Religion ... ist das Opium des Volkes" and is often referred to as "religion is the opiate of the masses." The quotation originates from the introduction of his 1843 work Contribution to Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right which was subsequently released one year later in Marx's own journal Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher, a collaboration with Arnold Ruge. The phrase "This opium you feed your people" appeared in 1797 in Marquis de Sade's text L'Histoire de Juliette and Novalis's "[R]eligion acts merely as an opiate" around the same time.

The quotation, in context, reads as follows (emphasis added):
The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man. Religion is, indeed, the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not yet won through to himself, or has already lost himself again. But man is no abstract being squatting outside the world. Man is the world of man – state, society. This state and this society produce religion, which is an inverted consciousness of the world, because they are an inverted world. Religion is the general theory of this world, its encyclopedia compendium, its logic in popular form, its spiritual point d’honneur, its enthusiasm, its moral sanction, its solemn complement, and its universal basis of consolation and justification. It is the fantastic realization of the human essence since the human essence has not acquired any true reality. The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.
Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.

Time passed and so did Monarchy. The oppressive power  was giving place to a group of people that could represent each small area inside a territory, provide the five basic things for human beings, which is called today Government.

Today we are oppressed by high taxes, expensive food, inability to own a shelter, for we have to pay tax for the rest of our lives. We do not have anything. What we have is contingent to the fact that we pay our taxes on time or we lose our shelter.  The bank own our homes and play with its value as it may. We are slaves of a system that requires our attention 24 hours per day. We build National Parks, but we can not afford to visit them. Our lives has been so suppressed that we do not realize that one parent can not support a family of four, including himself. Everyone needs to work, and the more we work the more we starve. It is all wrong. We can lose our car if we do not pay insurance. Life is a punishment!

SERVICES! How much this word is misused.

As you can see, whatever we have been doing is not working. There are many left behind. It has always been this way. It is time to make a change!

We can blame anyone else. Even the Government, but it is mostly our fault.

We can make this change.

Let's start with our Government. It is necessary to use a Governmental System in combination with Capitalism and Socialism, where the Government is responsible for the 5 basic things human beings need today. The government would provide shelter to every couple with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, a kitchen and a living room area, and an office area. Independently of gender, or marital status, any group of two would be registered with the System. When the children appear, the couple would change into a more spacious place. All places will be equally designed, and have the same amenities. A couple who can afford to change into a more spacious place will pay the difference from his pocket, with earnings he received doing some skilled work. This way we have a system that we know beforehand how much the Government needs to provide the five basic needs to every household.

Once these five needs are met, PRIVATIZATION will take place. Anyone with skills to offer can have a place of business to either work directly with people, in the case of a supermarket, grocery stores, or convenience stores, or work directly with the government, by doing services to keep the 5 basic needs in shape.

Right along comes the CONGLOMERATION of CHURCH AND GOVERNMENT, where the government pretty much controls the church in monetary faction only. Considering here that all basic needs are being met accordingly, it is not necessary to have the church help families in need, and the church will do the job of promoting faith by creating areas where the congregation can meet and worship as they may. Providing food while pic-nicking with all members to worship our creator. Churches will provide travels to members into sacred places, and provide serenity and peace of mind. Today we have churches all over the place. People from small religious groups can only rent a small place to worship, and most of the time it is away from their homes. By having a countdown of the number of religious people, a city will know what type of religious church it must have. It could have one building where worshippers of any religion could have their own quarters. Religious classes will be taught in school as history classes, so every child will have a sense of direction by learning where they come from. The Government will treat a church as a non-profit organization, with the same laws applied. Worshippers will see their place of worship as a place to thank God for providing the five basic needs in life.

How the Government will provide to "people" the five basic needs?

Initially, by purchasing back the entire utility company and becoming the sole provider of Utilities. Offer what is valued in profit for 5 years, and let us pay the government for utilities for 10 years.

Differently from Utilities, the Government will pay the bill to the private hospital where you attended. No medical insurance is needed. The government will have a price for each procedure, cost of the bed, etc, and will pay the hospital directly for the expenses. This will give the government a reason to pay the right price. Insurance companies will simply be abolished. Employers will pay the government 70% of your earnings before you even see anything. The thirty percent that you receive will be enough for entertainment.

Food, on the other hand, will be controlled by the market, along with all other commodities, and the government will act as one sole investor, knowing that it has many mouths to feed. There will be a time when we will have graphed geologically what to grow and where, and that country will provide the world with whatever it can provide in terms of food. There will be a price tag equivalent to the value of that commodity, and the government is solely responsible for providing it in abundance for us to purchase. The government will control staples only. All other types of food are privatized and you purchase as you desire. The government will provide food stamps at a value reasonable for one person to survive.

Once these things are in place, most private companies will be doing business with the government in our benefit. We are paying the government to provide shelter, and in case of any mishaps, the government is responsible for taking the measures needed. There will be contracts signed between the governments and service providers, and they must comply with what is imposed, for they are private companies making money off the government. For us, people, we pay a price tag monthly, and our goal is to get involved in something that we can do and sell to others, besides our own job, or live a life of the median class forever.

How to start?

Let's find out how much it costs to feed the entire population monthly.
Let's find out how much it costs to shelter the entire population monthly with utilities.

This money needs to come from our pockets entirely and must represent a fraction of our earnings not higher than 50%. The remaining 20% the government uses to assure medical security in our lives. We will live on a 30% to pay for more education and entertainment.

Start with a new city and make it work, and little by little move on to other areas. Each city representative is responsible for gathering all data pertinent to each city. This is not communism, it is a form of capitalism mixed with socialism where our government takes the burden to provide for us, by taking our money and using in whatever it is necessary to provide our basic needs.

Now that the basic needs are met, we have a new generation of people. All fed and with good grades. Then comes innovation, creation, and service providers doing more odd jobs to obtain a better life. Remember that these five basic needs today are provided by yourself, your parents, or someone in your family, or they are not met at all. This is wrong, and we need to work together to make sure our government takes care of these five basic things.

What will happen is, we will develop better Internet communication, and better service until we find the best one of all. the same thing with everything else.

The government has been fighting battle after battle to keep us safe from intruders, who do not believe in our system, yet they have not come up with anything better to protect us. We need scholars to help us in deciphering how much we need to take care of ourselves. We need to give an example to others to follow the same pattern. We (Human beings) need to change this system of things before it changes all of us. We are following in the footsteps of our ancestors. We are fighting a lost battle. We are fighting religion, we are fighting for oil, we are fighting for legal rights since we were born.

This system of things is so bad that it is impossible to swallow. I am talking about every single nation in the world. There is no one who can provide these basic needs. We have on one side a government that plans to privatize everything, and still collect taxes, and on the other side a government that wants to make it different but is tied up with contracts left by others. It is a mess.

 Congress can not agree on how to divide the money it collects from people, and little by little cut benefits that were created - and oppression is taking charge.

We need a government that takes responsibility in our basic needs. We have no problem paying for it. We can not be involved in transactions done between banks that change their names every year to escape fees.  We are the ones bailing them out. Today we all reside in homes where we can not afford to pay for the electricity, leave alone the mortgage. The government doesn't want the burden of representing the people entirely. The government wants the burden of collecting, privatizing, and making us pay for the tab.

Our courts are filled with disputes, and our judges are overwhelmed with papers to read. People are going insane and we are paying for the tab to build bigger and better courthouses. Our schools are becoming private schools and we can not afford to think too much. Life is harder than before.

Our teens are out of control, and drugs are available on every corner. The church can not help to solve this problem without money. The government overlooks it because it is a lost battle. Something needs to be done and we need to fight for our freedom.

Before I finish, I want to say that many secret groups of intellectuals were formed to make this world what it is today. We need the same group of people to diverge their direction into a more humanized way for us, the people. We are the workers, we are the producers, and we want some basic needs. We are content with our opium, and we live for it, for we believe in a higher power.



How to educate a child to become a responsible Teen

Children need discipline, and it must come from parents.

According to  the U.S. Census Bureau in November, 2009, there are approximately 13.7 million single parents in the United States today, and those parents are responsible for raising 21.8 million children (approximately 26% of children under 21 in the U.S. today). It means that 26% of our population will experience life with only one parent, or multiple parents/guardians, such as extended families etc. Either way, it is different from the real expectation of one child with a set of parents to take care of that child.

Most single parents engage in dating games, and the message passed to a child  is that a new person will take the place of a parent. It can get very confusing, specially when grown ups make babies and can not get along to raise them. It become reality to a child that he or she is in fault.

The remaining 74% of children under 21 in the U.S are being raised by a set of parents. Whether this set of parents are the natural parents it is not clear, but with a divorce rate of about 50%, it is fair to say that a large number of children are being raised with one step-parent, and some step-siblings as well.

Again, the message passed to a child is that grown ups can not keep a promise or engage in long term commitment. 

Those, whether single parents or married couples, who end up with the responsibility to raise a child is in charge of cleansing that child's mind of all negativeness from the past.

Parents Do not!
1- Fight in front of the kids
2- Use foul language to express fury in front of the kids
3- Involve kids into your fights

Parents have at least one luggage filled with nonsense they have inherited before they become parents. It is up to each individual to let that luggage interfere with their present. Nonsense is what you get when you are a child and presence your parents fighting, using foul language towards one another, or fight because of something related with timing and activities involving the children.

If you are a parent and if you committed the 3 do not mentioned above, chances are you came from a family that did not obey it either. Your nonsense is spreading and it will never stop. You were somehow a difficult teen who got away with things, and now as a parent you see things differently.

It is your fault! You can blame your parents if you want, but it is your fault because you have children now. If they do not obey your rules, it is because you let them get away before. Your sense of discipline was way out of order. You did not set the rules when your teen was a child, and now it is uncontrollable. He or she will face difficulties on their own. If they are not already in trouble.

It is too late to start setting "the rules of the house". You lost this battle. If you have a teen who is out of control,

Parents Do not!
1- Confront them with new rules
2- Invade their privacy
3- Reason with your teen. He will not hear you.

Parents Do this:
1- Cut part of the allowance. If there was none, give some money for expenses.
2- Encourage some of his friends to come over.
3- Try to be at the same age and get involved with activities.

Do not serve alcohol to minors and do not allow it in your house. If it comes to that, call the police. Do not hit your teen, for you will go to jail. Have lots of food available when friends come over, so they will spend more time at your place, and less time doing something wrong. Be creative and allow them to bring their computer to play games in teams. Have hot dogs and hamburgers for them all. Try to get inside your child's head as a mentor, and not as a pal. When ready, ask for forgiveness for committing the 3 don'ts for parents by doing things that would affect your child's life. Maybe this could change into something better, but do not hold too much expectation. Be sincere, for you had fights while your child was in the back sit of the car. You said nasty things to one another inside the house. You involved your child in some dispute.

You still can win this entire combat. You will make your child a good parent, considering that you THINK you failed in your endeavor. Be honest and take the blames specifically, to help your child to cleanse his mind of negative thoughts. Take the blame for everything and everyone, including your parents because they did not know any better. As long as you take the blame, you can then ask your teen to put a stop in this cycle of fights that affects everyone.

Teach him to respect his partner and treat everyone as co-workers. If we all learn to treat everyone as co-workers we would be happier. Work as a team with your partner - not against him.

If you have a child less than 5, you can not tolerate this child be out of control. Discipline need to be reinforced at this age, and zero tolerance for wrong doings. Rules must be direct. Time to go to bed, time to get up, shower, eat, play, etc. Time for fun with parents is necessary. Do not mix rules - it creates confusion.

Watch Super Nanny to get an idea how to discipline yourself and your child.


Parents Do not!
1- Fight in front of the kids
2- Use foul language to express fury in front of the kids
3- Involve kids into your fights

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