About Me - Milton Laene Araujo

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Lake Worth, Florida, United States
My name is Milton and I am a reader. I love to feed my mind with what if’s?, through stories.


Alabama and Alaska USA

Name three states that starts with A and end with A.
Alabama, Alaska and....


Capital: Montgomery

State Tree: Longleaf Pine

State Flower: Camellia

State Bird: Yellow Hammer

Alabama’s motto:  We Dare Defend Our Rights                   

Alabama is a state located in the southeastern region of the United States. It is bordered by Tennessee to the north, Georgia to the east, Florida and the Gulf of Mexico to the south, and Mississippi to the west. Alabama has one of the longest navigable inland waterways in the nation.

The idea for Alabama's state motto came from Marie Bankhead Owen of the Alabama Department of Archives and History while searching for a phrase to be put on the state coat of arms (completed in 1923). The motto was inspired by a poem by the 18th-century author Sir William Jones which includes the stanza,

"What constitutes a state? . . .
Men who their duties know,
but know their rights,
and knowing, dare maintain."



Something interesting to know about Alabama:


·         Julia Tutwiler wrote Alabama's State song

·         The Wright brothers made the first night flight in Alabama

·         Rosa Parks started the Montgomery Bus Boycott

·         Sequoyah is a Cherokee Indian who invented the Cherokee Alphabet

·         Burnt Corn Creek was the First battle of Creek Indian War 1813-1814

·         Author Fannie Flag wrote Fried Green tomatoes

·         NBA star Charles Barkley was from Leeds, an Alabama town

·         Martin Luther King Jr. Preached at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church

·         Cradle of Confederacy city is referred as Montgomery

·         Indian word for Alabama which mean “Thicket Clearers” is Alibamu.

·         An Alabamian vice president is William Rufus king 

·         Olympic track star from Oakville is Jesse Owens

·         Helen Keller's first word was water

·         Alabama's largest mining industry is coal

·         Alabama's official state rock is marble






Capital: Juneau

State Tree: Sitka Spruce

State Bird: Willow Ptarmigan

Alaska’s motto: North to the Future

Alaska is a state in the United States, situated in the northwest extremity of the North American continent, with the international boundary with Canada to the east, the Arctic Ocean to the north, and the Pacific Ocean to the west and south, with Russia further west across the Bering Strait. Alaska is the largest state in the United States by area. Alaska's economy is dominated by the oil, natural gas, and fishing industries; it has these resources in abundance.

Alaska's state motto (North to the Future) was adopted in 1967 during the Alaska Purchase Centennial. The motto is meant to represent Alaska as a land of promise. Suggested by journalist Richard Peter, who stated the motto "...is a reminder that beyond the horizon of urban clutter there is a Great Land beneath our flag that can provide a new tomorrow for this century's 'huddled masses yearning to be free'.

Something interesting to know about Alaska

·         Skagway is a southwest town in Alaska, named from the native word meaning ‘home of the north wind’.

·         The fastest fish is the rainbow Trout, which is a type of Salmon.  

·         Visit a web site about Alaska Trivia and Facts. You will be glad to get to know a little more about this beautiful state.

I am going to continue... with Arizona ...

As pirâmides do Egito

Como foram erguidas as pirâmides do Egito?

Quando elas foram construidas?

Porque elas tem a forma de um Triangulo?

Que tipo de material foram usados?

Quem as construiu?


Eu imagino que as piramides foram construidas tipo dois triangulos opostos. Nao encontrei o nome desta figura geometrica,aonde dois triangulos sao oppostos.

Mas analizando as piramides e a capacidade que elas possuem em criar um campo energetico, imagine elas sendo duas em oposicoes. Ou seja, ha na parte inferior uma base retangular, fazendo com que varias sejam colocadas uma sobre as outras.  E que todas as piramides foram construidas assim, em pares, em lugares diferentes, mas criando uma rede de energia global symetrica entre o centro da terra e a atmosfera.

Assim sendo, elas nao foram criadas por gente como a gente. Nao importa a arquitetura nem a forma qual as pedras estao colocadas. Elas foram criadas por seres extra terrestres de varias constelacoes. Como se eles viessem aqui aqui para colonizar este planeta em grupos, e cada qual tomou uma area, e assim construiram as piramides porque seria uma unica forma de comunicacao global energetica, com o objetivo de balancear o ar em sua volta. E assim a terra virou uma capsula, muitos corpos estranhos sao expulos pela energia que engloba a terra.

Bem, voltando as piramides, elas com sua capacidade de sugar a energia global existente, e transmitir de uma forma limpa, funciona como um filtro energetico. As piramides sao os rins e os pulmoes da terra. Seja de qualquer tamanho, seja de tijolos ou de vidro, elas filtram a energia, que passa por tudo o que existe, e que faz parte do universo.  Voltarei com este assunto logo depois do que tenho a dizer.

Deus criou o mundo e tudo o que existe no mundo. Todos seres criados tem o livre arbitrio porque Deus esta se experimentando com cada um atravez de nossas experiencias. Deus e tudo que existe.

Da mesma forma que hoje existe pessoas capazes de manter uma comunicacao divina atravez de meditacoes ou oracoes, existe pessoas capazes de receber energias desconhecidas por nos, mas em existencia no mundo, e ate pratica-las.

Isso vale tambem para os seres extra terrestres, que com sua inteligencia avancada, de milhoes de geracoes de existencia, invadiram uma area com o objetivo de fazer habitavel, atravez de manipulacao energetica oriunda de sua constelacao, atravez das piramides, e assim poder ser dividias entre as outras piramides (torres), para manter uma “wireless” comunicacao global sem fios.  

O ser humano foi criado a imagem de Deus. Isso significa que cada ser humano tem consigo a sabedoria e o discernimento sobre a vida. O conhecimento completo do mundo existe dentro de cada um de nos, e quando escutamos o que sabemos ser verdade, experimentamos algo que so existia conceptualmente, em nossas cabecas.

A nossa falta de energia cosmica esta abundante. Isso tem afetado a todos. Nos nao sabemos como mante-la acesa.

Nos seres humanos tivemos muitas chances e muitos profetas dirigiram a palavra, (nao me referindo a nenhum livro particular) aos humanos de varias formas permissiveis.

Os contos antigos sempre demonstraram o homem (criado por Deus) ter uma forca energetica com a fonte, que o tornou capaz de vencer todos as mixturas e criacoes inventadas pelos extra-terrestres. No final os extra terrestres que se mixturaram com a populacao tiveram que passar pela mesma vida de cada ser, embora com uma capacidade maior e um conhecimento avancado eles tem o mesmo fim, pois estao usando uma carcaca humana real. Claro que tem aqueles que criam mascaras reais, e se mixturam com a populacao para nao serem descobertos. Isso nao vem ao caso.  

Mas o fato real de nossa existencia hoje se da ao fato de Deus ter escolhido somente os que estavam prestando servicoes em sua vontade, e assim eliminou da terra tudo e todos de uma so vez, deixando os grupos separados em suas areas, acerca de suas piramides. Cada area tem a sua piramide, e assim todos viviam de acordo com esta forca global de outrora. Embora eram diferente grupos e racas de alienigenas, eles haviam se misturado com a criacao Divina, e gerado filhos, que foram eliminados, sobrando somente os grupos que restaram.

Todos os livros de todas as linguas e de todas as religioes se referem a uma enchente enorme no mundo. Seja elas descritas diferentemente, mas cada um tem a sua historia e que aconteceu na mesma epoca. O tal Diluvio foi verdadeiro, e aconteceu conforme as escrituras. E sim, os extra terrestres voltaram, e primeiramente eram cada um em sua area, e os ensinamentos foram passados para os lideres dos grupos. Houve harmonia e boa comunicacao por um bom tempo, e cada povo recebia os ensinamentos e agia de acordo com sua maneira de ser. Ate que um desses grupos decidiu trespassar.

Isso nao era de acordo com Deus porque estava se tratando de eliminar uma particula de sua existencia fisica. E assim cada grupo recebia informacoes corretas, mas nao de forma cosmica. Era de uma forma local. Cada qual recebendo de sua fonte e agindo de acordo. Os calendarios existentes se fecham, e mostram uma passagem semelhante, porem se percebe que nao existe comunicacao entre elas.  Cada um deixou o seu desenho na pedra e a sua historia. Hoje vemos muita semelhanca.  A energia cosmica que outrora existiu se apagou depois do diluvio. Ela entao somente veio de forma localizada, e aqueles que recebiam passavam os ensinamentos. Templos foram criados para entao receber a energia de uma forma mais direta, e foram posicionados de acordo com a fonte energetica.

A terra perdeu sua luz, porem havia sobreviventes, que divinamente recebiam informacoes em suas areas. Vieram muitos profetas instruir cada grupo. Todos enviados por Deus, em forma pura de ser.

Quando foi observado que a luz nao estava mais nos individuos como antes (antes eles viviam 900 anos), os extra terrestres desistiram de se mixturar, e aos poucos as pessoas comecaram a viver menos tempo...

Muitos anjos foram ridicularizados, mas eles vieram trazer noticias boas, as vezes criar um grupo de devotos atravez de um ser, qual receberia as informacoes para dividir. Isso nao era bruxaria, mas uma forma de passar os conhecimentos numa epoca sem omputador.

Muitas religioes foram formadas desta forma, e elas todas levam ao criador. Porem ha mandamentos que se deve ovedecer para manter a vida da terra eterna. A sua vida e eterna, mas a vida da terra para os que porecisam deste tipo de evolucao e experiencia espiritual e sagrado. Nao se pode mexer.

Deus enviou seu filho, feito homem  para trazer noticias boas de que cada ser humano pode se comunicar com Deus atravez de oracoes e meditacoes. Jesus trouxe a salvacao que estava escondida dentro de cada ser, e abafada pelo homem, que usou a salvacao como forma de enriquecimento.  

Nenhum falso deus iria atingir o que Havia sido criado, e que era para manter a fe em Deus, o criador do ceu, da terra e de todo o universo que assim teremos paz. E que nao era pra acreditar em falso idolos, ou falso deuses, que existe um so Deus, e ele mora dentro de cada um de nos.

Quando o mundo inteiro entender esta mensagem, e parar de adorar falso idolos, sua parte havia sido feita. Algo diferente aconteceria no mundo. Ele voltaria para resgatar o seu rebanho.  Ele pediu que passassem esta mensagem a todos. 

E assim todo mundo ja escutou sobre Jesus. Mais do que nunca!

Como entao resgatar a nossa forca cosmica?  Ja sabemos! Basta nos concentrarmos em coisas positivas e boas, e cometer coisas boas. Nao mentir, nao roubar, nao matar, e ter fe que Deus lhe protejara de tudo. Obedeca sua forca interior.

Porem voltando as piramides e a forca que elas tem. A noticia boa e que, uma vez que Jesus veio a terra, nao e necessario mais esta energia cosmica das piramides para podermos sentir a sua forca em nos. Sim, as piramides nunca perderam a sua habilidade de filtrar as energias, porem esta limpeza pode ser feita em casa, atravez de bondade e tambem meditacao.

E hoje os alienigenas trabalham com grupos de governo, geralmente dando a mesma informacao sobre o mundo e a terra, que todos nos sabemos dentro de nos. Uns acham que o povo deve ser informado, enquanto outros acham que o povo nao deve ser informado. Eu particularmente acho que a fe em Deus nao vai sair de quem tem, pois ja existe, e quem nao tem, vai ganhar fe num criador de todo o universo, e nao ficar escutando estes idolos que aparecerao e tentarao mudar a sua cabeca em relacao a existencia de Deus.  Quanto a religiao, elas sao necessarias para manter uma comunicacao direta com Deus nos finais de semana atravez de congregacao. Seja ela qual for, e se alguma tiver que ser diluida, que ela seja diluida aos poucos e atravez do conhecimento dos participantes, e nao atravez de imposicao de forcas terrestres.

As demais perguntas nao faz muita diferenca. Somente imagine que eu esteja certo. Voce entao visualizara maquinas lazer cortando as pedras e levando para seu devido lugar. Voce podera ate colocar uma encima da outra.
Busque sua fe. Saiba se entender. Ame a Deus o criador. Saiba que Jesus e o caminho.

Milton Laene Araujo


Going NiftyThrifty by Milton Laene Araujo

Going Nifty Thrifty
Thrift Store is a shop that sells used articles, especially clothing, as to benefit a charitable organization.
Charity shops are often popular with people who are frugal.
In the United States, people shop at a charity store because they prefer buying second-hand goods as this uses fewer natural resources and would appear to do less damage to the environment.
Goods are usually collected locally, and reusing second-hand items is a form of recycling, and thus reduces the amount of waste going to landfill sites.
The health risk of buying used clothing is unknown, but by washing purchased items in hot water is just one of several ways to eliminate the risk of contracting infectious diseases.
Nowadays everyone shops at Thrift Stores because they carry everything people use, or even imagine it existed. It is like visiting a museum with articles for sale with very low price. Not only that, but Thrift Stores carry collectables.
At first, in order to purchase an antique people would refer to antique stores, and it accommodated rich folks. Yet, most articles were used once in the past. The same concept is used for Thrift Stores, however, it is donation and one never knows what can be on display.
My first visit to a thrift store happened in 1987 in Queen, NY at the Steinway Blvd.  At that time New Yorkers used to place their used products in the garbage. The city collected these articles once a week and discarded them in a field.  Most immigrants decorated their entire house with products from the garbage, or from the streets.  I was surprised to see a store with used products. People were still placing their trash on the streets. I remember collecting a TV from the garbage, to find out that it was in perfect condition. The news that New York had a day to collect these types of discards became important for most immigrants, who occupied the streets in search of treasures.  
Today, most cities have a day when used furniture or broken appliances etc. are placed in the street for collection. It is still common to find good appliances during these collecting days. However, the majority of the people are familiar with Thrift stores and they donate their used products to these facilities.
It is common to donate used articles to thrift stores. They offer a receipt up to $250, which can be used as a tax deduction. At the same time people feel that second hand products are good for the environment.
Thrift stores are famous today because they carry treasures! You find articles that were manufactured in the United States during the 50’s and 60’s, and they are all vintage products. Off course, most small decorating-products were made in China, but you can find rare products manufactured all over the world.
I love to collect books, and preferably first edition. I have found many signed first editions on Thrift Stores. I also have sold some books on E-bay. Second hand books are a gem for any book collector.
My dishes in the kitchen are a complete collection Windsor Ware made in England. They are beautiful and it was manufactured first class in England. Their price varies today, but anyone who appreciates china will know that you only find these items in antique stores.  It’s probable was imported by someone not frugal.  My entire dish collection, besides Windsor, is completed with Corning Ware. These white bowls, have a design with vegetables such as artichoke, mushrooms, tomatoes and onions, and they come with their glass cover. On the outside there is a description in French of the use of each dish. I have every dish named L’Echalote, every size ever made, along with cooking pan and refrigerator jars called Coning Ware 1 ¾ cup.
I never found it all in one place, but whenever I visited a thrift store I was concentrated on books while Jack was purchasing dishes and housewares. Housewares from the 50’s and 60’s are Jack’s passion. He finds pots and pans made with iron by Le Creusset  or Dansk, or anything that has enamel.  He collects them, and forms complete set by going in search of these particular items.
Nowadays it is easy to find antique store owners visiting thrift stores daily. They purchase what they know can be sold and they stay all day inside the store waiting for the item to be placed on the shelf. They usually know one another, and they camp at the store and always find something valuable. Others are owners of thrift stores overseas. They come in and purchase lots of merchandise and ship to their country.
It is beautiful to watch people little by little gaining more trust in second hand products. We find all types of people shopping for second hand products, and they have their agenda, as I also have mine. I know what books I am looking for, their cover, size etc. I glance at the shelf and look for it. I do not re-sale them anymore, therefore I only buy what I know I will read it. At times I get tired of my books (the ones I have read), and I sell them in a yard sale for $.25 cents each. I keep only those rare one’s such as the first edition of “A Boy’s will by Robert Frost”, which is valued around $3500 dollars. However, I learned that mine is not a first edition because it should have a misspelled word on page 13. I kept it anyway.
Jack and I prefer American Products to have at the house. We know that they will be a rarity in the future because they are not being manufactured anymore.  Jack’s Pyrex collection is complete, with every item in the reference book. He has all colors, all sets, all shapes. One type of refrigerator jars with covers; he has at least 20 sets with tops, in different colors. He found one here, another one over there, and little by little he completed his collection. Jack also collects McCoy pots. We have many of these pots around the house, and they are very expensive at antique stores. One fruit hanging pot goes for $150 each.
If a movie Industry decides to make a movie taking place in the fifty’s we have all the housewares to display in any kitchen.
For this reason, I would recommend all of my readers to donate their used articles to a charitable organization, instead of discarding them. Most charitable organizations have the objective of Providing Social Services for Individuals & Families daily; Transitional Housing program provides Substance Abuse/Mental Health Counseling, Life Skills Training & Anger Management; Angel Tree Program provides Christmas assistance to local underprivileged children & families, Holiday Gifts to Nursing Homes, Detention Homes, Hospitals, & Correctional Facilities; Other programs include After School Care, Summer Camp, Music Programs, Group Sports & so much more.
If you are not a collector, you should become one. You will be surprised by what is sold in these stores.
Remember one thing: We are all humans, and we do not have to destroy anything we don’t want. We can donate it and make someone else happy. We can help these organizations by purchasing their goods, and donating it back again eventually.  
Yours truly,
Milton Laene Araujo

Dinner in half an Hour #2 By Milton Laene Araujo

Tortellini de La Nona, Jojo potatoes and Garden Salad


The secret of this Dinner is the Sauce for the Tortellini…

SAUCE de La nona – (De La nona is from Portofino Restaurant in Queens, NY.)

1-      In a sauté pan add 1 spoon of butter and small pieces of ham, ½ cup or less

2-      Cook it to taste… add a pinch of sugar – leave it aside.

3-      On another sauté pan add 2 spoons of butter and let it melt, (low fire)

4-      Add one cup of Half and Half – (or heavy cream –less in quantity and add milk)

5-      Mix it on butter and add grated cheese parmesan to that mixture and  keep stirring

6-      Taste it for salt (cheese is somehow salty). Turn off before it boils

7-      Mix drained sautéed ham into the mixture

8-      Mix half cup of peas (cannot be string beans, for it changes the taste too much).  

9-      While hot, mix it with Cooked-drained-tortellini.

10-   Decorate it with parsley when serving or leave it in the pan.

JOJO Potatoes

1-      Cut potatoes in large pieces – Quantity is up to you!

2-      Bring it to boil and cook it half way

3-      Drain it and place into a sauté pan with one spoon of butter

4-      Brown potatoes all sides (here you can add rosemary and any seasoning)

5-      Make sure it gets cooked completely here.

6-      The best way is to fry the potatoes in a deep fryer after it was boiled, then sauté with information on 4.

7-      Place it on a Pyrex and sprinkle grated cheese

Pasta and potatoes are two starches – therefore this Dinner is very fattening, but good! Eat with a garden salad to accelerate digestion.   


Garden Salad – Anything you can mix raw – such as the picture above

Bon Appetite

Milton Laene Araujo

Dinner in half an Hour #1 by Milton Laene Araujo

DINNER 1 by Milton Laene Aaujo
Potato Salad, Rice and Grilled Sausage

Let’s make Rice, Potato Salad and grilled sausage…
To make the best rice in the world one needs to follow these directions:
1-      Wash and rinse well (very well) 2 cups of rice.
2-      On a cooking pan add 2 spoons of vegetable oil.
3-      Add fresh garlic chopped finely into the heating oil.
4-      Add half soup spoon of salt
5-      Add rinsed rice into the pan and stir
6-      When it starts to sizzle, add 3 and half cups of water. (cold water is fine)
7-      Stir well and try the water to taste for salt. Add salt if necessary.
8-      The flavor of the water will be the end flavor of the rice.
9-      When it boils, turn the heat low and let it cook until without opening or stirring.
10-   With a spoon check if the bottom is cooked. If so, turn it off and let it sit covered.
To make the best potato salad in the world follows these directions:
1-      Peel four potatoes and cut into small cubes
2-      Meanwhile place a pan with water and a pinch of salt to boil
3-      Add potatoes into the hot water.
4-      Once cooked to softness desired, drain the potatoes and save the water
5-      Use the same water to cook one carrot in cubes.
6-      Boil an egg. Hardboiled egg in a separate pan
Dressing for Potato Salad
A-     Separate the yolk (cooked) and place it in a small bowl
B-      Add 4 spoons of vegetable oil
C-      Add one spoon of lemon juice or one lemon squeezed.
D-     Add 2 spoons of vinegar
E-      Stir constantly and add a pinch of salt
F-      Add to the mixture on spoon of mayonnaise Hellmann’s.
G-     Mix it well and taste it. It must be somehow strong.
This dressing can be made without using Hellman’s. In this case oil needs to be added little by little, but I recommend to add mayo to obtain the consistency, without any separation.
Preparing the Salad:
A-     In a small cut board dice some onions, green paper, or anything you have in the fridge that could be added to the salad.
B-      One spoon of corn and one spoon of peas will make it tasty  (optional)
C-      Mix all ingredients into a bowl.
D-     Add chopped egg white into mixture
E-      Add dressing and mix it well.
F-      Check for flavoring and add salt, pepper or paprika.
G-     Place the entire mixture into a nice bowl and serve it cold.   
1-      Have some fresh sausage ready for grilling
2-      If it is frozen, boil it for five minutes and drain it
3-      If it comes from another country, boil it before grilling. It will kill bacteria
4-      After it is boiled, place on the grill and observe
5-      ENJOY
6-      The secret of a great sausage is obtained by boiling it before grilling.
1-      Add on a fry pan one spoon of butter along with one spoon of white chopped onions. Salt and one small piece of bacon. Cook it until onions and bacon are done.
2-      Add Yucca Flower (Farinha de Mandioca) and stir constantly, so it will not burn.
3-      Taste it for salt, and enjoy it…
Milton Laene Araujo -