About Me - Milton Laene Araujo

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Lake Worth, Florida, United States
My name is Milton and I am a reader. I love to feed my mind with what if’s?, through stories.


The Commodity Broker - Chapter 1 -

The Commodity Broker -

By, Milton Laene Araujo  - Chapter 1-

                                                                Chapter 1 – October 2007

Trim, trim, trim… rings the telephone at Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins residence. “Bob, are you expecting any calls?” Mrs. Jenkins said while turning the stove top slightly down.  She cleaned her hands with a dish towel and hurried towards the telephone, which was placed on the hall between the kitchen and the dining room. She cautiously checked the number on the caller ID with no avail. It displayed “No Caller Identification.”  Reluctantly, she picks up the receiver.

“Jenkins’ Residence, this is Susan”

“Hello Mrs. Jenkins, my name is Sofia…. am calling to speak with Mr. Robert Jenkins, is he available?”

“What is this about?” Asked Mrs. Jenkins already annoyed with so many unsolicited phone calls they have been receiving lately.

“I see here that Mr. Jenkins showed some interest in getting involved with the Markets, and I would like to have a few words with him before I put all the information he solicited in the mail”

“Just mail it”, said Mrs. Jenkins with her mind on the simmering cooking pan of stew she left unattended on the stove.
Robert Jenkins was seated on his favorite blue chair, less than five feet from the telephone, but he has refused to answer the phone since they had it installed in their place fifty or forty years ago. Telephone answering was for secretaries, and at home, it was his wife’s department. He liked his calls filtered to the max, and only gave the time of the day when matters were important. For some reason, he felt that this one was important. Not exactly for the caller, or least to say the call, but for the look of disdain his

wife showed while tapping her waist with her free hand to call his attention, and also, to make clear that she was cooking, and it meant serious business for her. “I will take it” said Bob going in direction of the phone, and taking that time to kiss his wife on the forehead, before taking the phone she just left up-side down.

“I understand Mrs. Jenkins, but as you know I have to make sure we have a real person who is truly interested in this type of investment…which is not for everybody…” Sofia was interrupted by a male voice.

“This is Bob Jenkins, how may I help you?”

“Oh Mr. Jenkins I am glad I got you there! I just said to your wife that you have showed interest in getting involved with the commodity market, and I want to ask a few questions before I put all the information you solicited in the mail.”

“Go ahead” said Bob.

“Uh… my name is Sofia Keller and I am calling from Stonegate Financial Services, here in Delray Beach, FL. I am calling because I received a request for information about exchange traded options, and I wanted to give you the courtesy of a phone call today to let you know that I will be mailing the material you requested first thing tomorrow morning. Mr. Jenkins. Have you ever invested in exchange traded options before?

“How did you get my number?”

“I got your number from a listing of people who either have or not invested in the market before, who completed some sort of internet questioner in this regard. Could that be possible?

“Oh, yes, I have, but it was a long time ago, gosh, I have forgotten it.”

“I will be mailing the material you requested first thing tomorrow morning. So tell me Mr. Jenkins, have you ever invested in exchange traded options before?

“Yes, once or twice in the past, I think…”

“I am sure you realize that timing is the key to making money in any investment, don’t you?”

“Uh hum”

“That’s especially true in the options market.  For example, our research is focusing in on what we believe is a tremendous opportunity that exists in the HEATING OIL market” … Sofia got some air and went on… “Who generally makes the decision in your household; you, your wife or both of you?

“It depends. If it is investment I do.”

“Now Mr. Jenkins, we believe this opportunity exists for three basic, but nonetheless important reasons. One being that the Department of Energy reported crude oil stock fell 8 million barrels compared to last week’s level. At this time of the year we should be building our inventories, but we are not. Considering that there is no demand of heating oil in the middle of the summer. And we can’t build it during the winter season. What do you think it does to the heating oil prices?

“Probably will go higher,

“That is correct Mr. Jenkins. What have you heard about heating oil so far this year?” Sofia glanced through her notes were it said: Listen to the client get a response…You must have heard something, maybe in the newspaper or on TV?”

“Let’s start with some basics: obviously the idea here is to buy low and sell high…Make sense?”

“Uh hum”

“Now, if I was to ask you when the Heating Oil prices will be the cheapest, when would you say that will be?

“Now, during the summer I suppose!”

“Obviously now because nobody is using it, better yet, nobody is even thinking about it. Now, Mr. Jenkins, if I were to ask you when you thought Heating Oil is in the highest demand, what would you answer?” … get an answer of Cold Weather or Winter.

“That’s right! Right before winter, or during the winter season, because of the cold weather people tend to heat their homes more than during warmer times of year, demand goes up…and makes the price go up…Dos it make sense?”


“We believe this is going to happen this year for three key reasons and you are going to want to write these down. Grab a pen and a piece of paper. I wait”.

“I have it here”.

“OK. One is Supply, second is demand and the third is the U.S dependency on foreign oil. Do you have these down?

“I have Supply and Demand and Dependency of foreign oil. Is that what you said?”

“Yes, it is Mr. Jenkins. The refinery system in the U.S is old and unreliable at best. And because of this, refineries in the U.S. are having trouble taking crude oil and turning it into byproducts such as unleaded gas and heating oil. And because they’ve been trying to keep up with gasoline demand, they’ve neglected to refine heating oil ahead of this year’s winter demand, leaving us with dangerously low Heating Oil supplies that are considered insufficient by many experts…Mr. Jenkins. If you have inadequate Heating Oil supplies, you can see how that would move prices higher. Don’t you?”


“Obviously, the colder the weather gets, the more people need to heat their homes, therefore the more heating oil people will use as a result. Make Sense? Now, as the winter approaches, we are headed into a peak demand period, where we may use the majority heating oil for the year! This excess increase in demand, in my opinion, is going to push prices far past last year’s record setting heating oil price of $2.45 per gallon! Do you follow me?”

“Yes, it is interesting Sofia, please go on.”

“Thanks Mr. Jenkins. If at any time this is boring you, please let me know, he, he, he, but when I start talking about this I just go on… Are you familiar with O.P.E.C. and what it stands for? O.P.E.C. is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran and so on…40% of the world’s oil is located there. Starting on January 1st, they cut oil supplies by 1 million barrels per day to keep prices high. Does it make sense the higher the price of Crude Oil, the more expensive is to refine it into byproducts like Heating Oil, rubber, tires etc.” …

“It does.”

“Now there is one more thing to take into consideration, and that’s the Wildcard of Middle East Tension. Considering that more than one third of the world’s oil is located there, any supply disruption could create massive prices spikes. That being said, if the wrong bullet hits the wrong politician or if an oil pipeline is sabotaged, it could create fear that there will be a supply disruption of oil flow from the Middle East to the rest of the World, You follow me?

“Dang, I was not aware of all that, I mean, I hear it on TV and stuff but I did not know much…”

“Now Mr. Jenkins, in my opinion, any one of these factors alone could move the price of Heating Oil 15 to 20 cents per gallon higher. However right now, I feel we are experiencing all three. You follow me?


“Good! There are two ways you can invest your money into this market. One way is called futures trading; in fact write that down, FUTURES. And the other is known as options trading. Write that down as well, OPTIONS. Now, with the Futures trading you have unlimited profit potential, however, you also carry an unlimited risk. Meaning Mr. Jenkins that you could lose more money than what you originally invested. I don’t even advise my wealthiest clients to get involved with futures. The investment vehicle that we use is OPTIONS, in fact just so you don’t confuse the two, circle the word options on your paper. Options also give you unlimited profit potential; however they carry a limited risk. Meaning your risk is limited to what you decide to invest. Based on that you as the investor can set the amount of risk you are willing to take on, Make sense?”


“There are two keys to making money in these markets. Write these down, please: LEVERAGE and TIMING. Do you have that written down?”


Let’s start with the leverage. What I am going to do is give you a hypothetical example of how this market works to show how you can potentially profit if things turn out as we expect. If you love the numbers I show you…what is the most you can put behind this recommendation, Could you handle $10,000?


“Where would that money be coming from?”

“I have it in the Bank as I have other investments”

“So, in other words, you could write a check for $10,000 today if you wanted to get involved with this investment?...I don’t want to overextend you. You have more money behind this, meaning, this isn’t the money you use to pay the bills with, is it?”

“Yes, I have other investments”

“Good, so you consider this money to be risk capital, Right?”


“Great, $10,000 will buy you 10 Heating Oil Contract Options, write that Down…

$10,000 = 10 Heating Oil Options


“Mr. Jenkins, every single one of these options gives you a leverage over 42,000 gallons of Heating Oil. Write that down…

42,000 gallons per option


“Now, do you remember that before I told you I was looking for the price to rise 15 to 20 cents from here?”

“Uh hum”

“Good, based on that type of options we’re buying we’ll be looking to catch a fraction of that move in profit. So for example, let’s say we just catch a 5 cent move in our option. Write that down…

…write down, 5 cent move per gallon.”


Now if you made 5 cents per gallon on 42000 gallons…write that down…

5 cents per gallon X 42000 gallons = $2100 per option

“Done, but it sounds too good to be true”

 “I haven’t finished yet, Mr. Jenkins, but how many options did we say we could buy with $10,000?”


“Right” 10, so on the next line write down…

$2100 per option X 10 options = $ 21,000.”

“Wow!” Said Mr. Jenkins

“Write that amount down and circle it. That’s $21,000 to you if things work out as I plan. Tell me, is that the kind of return you were looking for when you requested the information?

“I never saw things this way Sofia. I usually let my broker do the work and I trust him.”

“Understand this Mr. Jenkins, my motivation is to make you money and built a relationship with you. Now, what I just gave you was the good news, the so called cherries of the investment. However, I can’t just give you the cherries without also giving you the pits of the investment as well. It is the risk. The risk of this opportunity is that you could lose all or part of the original investment, but never pay a penny more. Understand?

“Yes, like in all investments”.

“Now, there is a risk management tool that we can use on your acct. Known as stop loss order. Are you familiar with a stop loss?”

“Not really.”

“Not a problem, let me explain it, a stop loss is an automatic sell trigger that is attempting to limit your losses should the market move against your position. We set the stop option around 40% of the original investment, so based on the amount you’re considering, we would set the stop to attempt to limit your losses and protect about $4,000. So you understand stops are not guarantees, they are attempts, if the market moves dramatically against you, you may protect less than $4,000 or on the other hand, if the market rallies back up after the stops been triggered, you may get more than $4,000. However, in my experience, when the stops work properly we will get out of the market protecting what we are originally expecting. Make sense?”

“Yes, it does. Why no one ever explained this to me before?”

“I can’t answer that Mr. Jenkins, furthermore, as our firm finds additional opportunities, we will advise you so that you might take advantage of other situations that we believe will offer you similar profit potential. You’d like that. Right?


“Mr. Jenkins, remember I told you that there are two keys to making money with these markets. They are Leverage and timing.”

“Uh hum”

“We’ve pretty much covered all the leverage. The other key to money making is timing!... and the time on this investment Mr. Jenkins, is right now… the reason I bring up timing is that these markets move quickly. One of the most important parts of my job is to position you properly in this market, and with the news that’s out I think we can turn a quick profit on your $10,000 investment in just the next 2 to 3 weeks. You’d like that right?”

“I don’t think I am ready yet”.

“If you need to take your time, just remember that once this news gets get absorbed by investors, everybody will be buying into this market. That’s why the more seasoned investors are buying now, in anticipation of the move. Of course I realize not everybody can make a decision right now, but let me ask you, if you had this information in front of you and it all makes sense. How quickly can you act on this investment…If you loved it could you get involved today or tomorrow?”

“Hey Sofia, my wife is calling me to eat lunch. Can we talk more after lunch?”

“Absolutely Mr. Jenkins, but before you go, let me give you my information.

“Sofia, where are you from?”

“I am originally from Brazil, but I have been in America since 1988 Mr. Jenkins. I know it sounds funny when I say WE, referring to America, but I am an American as well. My accent will stay with me for as long as I live. “

“I kind of like it Sofia. You sound sincere and knowledgeable”.

“Thanks Mr. Jenkins, but before you leave,   I want you to have the NFA web site. There you can see who I am and where I am working. Are you ready? Ok. Please jot down this information for me: My name, Sofia Keller and my NFA ID is 0385773. My number here is 561-330-2332. The site is www.nfa.futures.org , and the other I want you to check is  www.barchart.com . The second one will show prices of commodities today. Check them both out.”

 “I will call your number and ask for you directly.” Until then!”



Lauro Muller SC Brasil – um pedacinho


                                                Um pedacinho da Historia de Lauro Muller, SC Brazil



Álvaro Rodovalho Marcondes do Reis, um dos administradores da Estrada de Ferro Dona Teresa Cristina, em setembro de 1905 propos dar a area o nome ‘Lauro Muller’, em homenagem ao Ministro de Viacao e Obras Publicas (Industria, Transporte e Obras Publicas) Dr. Lauro Severiano Muller. Muller era um engenheiro e tambem um diplomata, alem de estar servindo dois termos como o Governador do Estado de Santa Catarina.

A ferrovia foi inicialmente projetada para o transporte de carvao mineral de Lauro Muller ate o porto de Imbituba. Curiosamente, foi a menor estrada de ferro do Brasil com 164 kilometros de extensao. Em homenagem a esposa de Dom Pedro II, a Imperatriz do Brasil D. Teresa Cristina de Bourbon-Duas Sicilias a ferrovia entao, foi nomeada.

Embora com um nome de origen aleman, a cidade foi colonizadda por Italianos ate o final do seculo 19, o que fez com que o local se desenvolvesse. 

A historia da ferrovia vai em paralelo com a descoberta de carvao no solo catarinense. A construção se inicia em 1880, pela empresa James Perry Co. A mão de obra empregada era em sua maioria de imigrantes italianos, que aportaram na região alguns anos antes.

Tudo indica que por volta de 1830 a mineracao seguiu fracamente, mas acerca de 1861, os Sr. Felizberto Calderia Brant Pontes (Segundo Visconde de Barbacena) recebeu concessão para a construção da Estrada de Ferro Dona Teresa Cristina (EFDTC), inaugurada em 1884. A estrada de ferro foi iniciada com involvimento de investidores ingleses, que criaram uma companhia de mineração, a The Tubarão Coal Mining Company Limited e uma companhia de transporte férreo, a Donna Thereza Christina Railway Co. Ltd.

No ano de 1887, a ferrovia teve grande parte de sua malha destruída por forte enchente do Rio Tubarão. As águas arrancaram a ponte da Passagem, paralisando a ferrovia por três meses.

O prejuízo decorrente iniciou o desinteresse dos investidores ingleses na região, aliado à baixa qualidade do carvão catarinense. Estes fatos culminaram com a desistência dos ingleses que nao viam um futuro promissor para continuar com essa companhia, assim Em 1922, os Irmãos Lage se associaram a Arnaldo Werneck e Augusto Rocha tornando assim a companhia CNMCBB uma sociedade anônima, com o nome de Companhia Nacional de Mineração do Carvão Barro Branco S/A. e  o direito de explorar foi repassado para a empresa Lage & Irmãos, do Rio de Janeiro.


Aos poucos, a Lage & Irmãos foi se tornando proprietária de todas as minas de carvão da região da atual cidade de Lauro Müller. A empresa mineradora ficou parada de 1887 até 1916 e, posteriormente, os ingleses perderam o direito sobre a estrada de ferro, que foi repassada para os norte-americanos, sob a administração de Farquhar. Mas a proposta não teve bons resultados e em 1918 a ferrovia passou às mãos de Henrique Lage, firma Lage & Irmãos.

Após novas descobertas de carvão na região de Criciúma, a ferrovia foi arrendada pela Companhia Brasileira Carbonífera Araranguá (CBCA) ate 1940. Um novo ramal foi construído, interligando as novas minas, em Criciúma, ao trecho já existente em 1919. Seis anos mais tarde outro trecho foi construído, desta vez ligando até Urussanga, passando pela estação de Esplanada. A cidade de Araranguá recebeu os trilhos da ferrovia em 1927.

A empresa carbonífera The Tubarão Coal Mining Company Limited    agora com novos proprietarios  passa a ser denominada CNMCBB—Companhia Nacional de Mineração de Carvão Barro Branco. Esta vinha sendo preparada para tornar-se uma sociedade anônima no ano de 1917, mas isso só aconteceu de fato em 1922.


A estrutura de produção da CNMCBB estava organizada com diversas minas espalhadas pela cidade de Lauro Müller e possuia:


·         Usinas que forneciam energia para todos as localidades de suas instalações, nas diversas vilas operárias e para todos os equipamentos da extração do carvão;

·         oficinas mecânicas bem aparelhadas para o concerto das ferramentas usadas no trabalho nas minas;

·         várias máquinas para a lavra do carvão;

·         olaria onde aproveitavam a camada de barro extraída do sub-solo para fazer tijolos e telhas;

·         depósitos para o armazenamento do carvão escolhido e lavado;

·         vagonetes para o transporte do produto extraído; lavadores que faziam todo o processo de beneficiamentodo carvão até o estoque;

·         reservas florestais plantadas sobre o rejeito do carvão; serraria que fabricava tábuas para a construção de vagonetes; trilhos, casas e também para os escoramentos das minas.


Em poucas palavras a CNMBB tinha tudo para fazer de Lauro Muller uma cidade exemplar de uma democracia socializada. Foi por influencia da CNMBB que Lauro Müller passou a ter movimentação com a nova atividade econômica. Veja este artigo: Jornal “O Direito” de Orleans, de 21 de novembro de 1926 sita o seguinte:

Lauro Müller, onde a opera firma Lage e Irmãos transformou aquele distrito outrora despovoado numa magnífica vila operaria. Oficinas bem notáveis lá se encontram, como sejam: serraria, ferraria, uma grande charqueada, estabelecimentos munidos dos mais aperfeiçoados aparelhos para a lavagem do carvão, uma ideal fábrica de telhas e de tijolos refratários, sendo tudo isso movido por uma colossal usina elétrica.


Lauro Muller tornou-se distrito em 1915, vila em 1922, passando a município em 20 de janeiro de 1957. Localiza-se a uma latitude 28º23'34" sul e a uma longitude 49º23'48" oeste, estando a uma altitude de 220 metros. Sua população estimada em 2013 era de 14.900 habitantes.

Lauro Muller se comportou como uma cidade socialista. Havia somente uma empresa e a mesma controlava tudo o que acontecia no municipio. A empresa por si criou varias amenidades para os funcionarios. Todos os residentes estavam de uma forma ou de outra interligados a unica empresa. Os que nao tralhavam para a empresa, faziam servicos a mesma empresa. Lauro Muller tinha tudo para ser uma cidade exemplar. Ate mesmo com um “monopolio,” ou seja uma so industria, exemplarismo poderia ter acontecido se nao fosse a ganacia dos empresarios.

Os empresarios ate criaram método de moradias para os empregados, mas com o objetivo  de dominação e de controle sobre seus empregados, para que esses não viessem a causar danos futuros aos seus negócios.

A empresa ignorou o planeta terra completamente. Retirava a riqueza do solo e jogava os entulhos pelo rio abaixo matando toda a flora e a fauna. Nunca se preocupou se os toxicos pudessem causar doencas de inflamcao pulmonar para os que ali residiam e trabalhavam.

Por um lado, a empresa criou amenidades, mas nao se importou com higiene ambiental.

Havia em Lauro Muller, no inicio dos anos 50, o Cine Lauro Muller, criado pela CNMBB como uma forma de entretenimento, porem visando um maior controle sobre o que os empregados faziam durante os momentos livres. Alem do cinema, foi criado o Clube Recreativo Cruz de Malta, aonde os empregados poderiam frequentar em bailes de gala e dancas semanais. Uns aproveitavam para usar o clube como um casino de cartas, e perdiam o dinheiro do mes todo num so dia.  Havia uma igreja catolica (religiao da epoca no paiz) que foi construida no centro da cidade. A cidade compunha de uma carneacao chamada Charqueada Sao Pedro Ltda no bairro do Arizona, em Lauro Muller. A carne vendida nos acougues era de melhor qualidade. Tudo o que era necessario pra sobreviver bem havia em Lauro Muller. Inclusive, existe pessoas que jamais tiraram os pes de Lauro Muller. A nao ser para uma viagem ate o litoral, duarante o verao, nao era necessario sair de Lauro Muller para nada.

Ate mesmo uma estacao de Radio ja existia no local. (Cruz de Malta com 1540 Klz)  O progresso havia chegado em Lauro Muller antes mesmo de todas as outras cidades ao redor. Eletricidade ja existia desde 1910, porem foi aperfeicoada depois de 1917 a dinamo.

Lauro Muller tinha menos de 5 mil habitantes e a maioria trabalhava para uma mesma industria carbonifera.

A Industria construiu vilas para os operarios, e casas individuais para os supervisores. A Industria sempre convidava circos para se apresentarem na cidade, ou ate mesmo teatros ambulantes.  Havia tudo de bom para se sobreviver.

O problema era o seguinte:

1-      Operarios eram discriminados e forcados a trabalharem muitas horas por dia

2-      Nao havia estabilidade

3-      Nao havia seguranca

4-      Nao havia equipamentos de protecao individual

5-      Nao havia leis trabalhistas adequadas.

6-      Os gerentes abusavam dos empregados, bypassando qualquer lei, com o objetivo de intimidar.

7-      As condicoes de trabalho eram teriveis

8-      Nao havia leis para insalubridade, e se houvesse, seriam obscuradas.

9-      Nao havia agua limpa.

Com estes problemas, e tendo chefoes com mentalidade do tempo de escravidao, nao era facil sobreviver com o baixo salario, qual nao era suficiente para se ter uma vida digna. Alem da falta de dinheiro, a igreja catolica determinava que filhos nao podiam ser evitados, fazendo assim a populacao dobrar entre os filhos dos empregados. O salario nao aumentava, e numa vila com apenas dois quartos, uma sala e uma cozinha, em cada casa, viviam familias de 10 pessoas.

A Agua potavel poderia ser boa, mas nao era tratada, e tinha muita acidez. A mortalidade infantil foi a uma das maiores do mundo durante os anos de 1940-1950. O problema era higiene. Nao que as pessoas nao fossem limpas. Pelo contrario, a cidade nao oferecia agua limpa aos empregados, e era muito dificil sobreviver quando ha todos os tipos de bacterias na agua.

De todos os problemas ate entao mencionados, o pior foi a calamidade causada na ecologia municipal. Mataram varios rios atravez dos toxicos. Nao havera peixes nem vida aquatica pelo menos ate 2030. Ninguem ate entao e responsavel por isso.

Um dos pontos turisticos da cidade e a Serra do Rio do Rastro. Esta foi asfaltada na decada de 80 e iluminada por completo na decada de 90. E uma das estradas mais lindas do mundo, e tambem uma das mais perigosas.

A cidade de Lauro Muller, no berco da Serra do Rio Do Rastro esta a 220 metros acima do nivel do mar. A  parte mais alta da cidade chega a 1460 metros. Na verdade a subida para a serra ja comeca em Tubarao, SC., onde o  nivel e de uns 5 metros , ou seja, o oceano e a cidade nao se tocam, mas estao pertinho em altura. Porem, em menos de 70 kilometros de distancia, seguindo o sentido oeste, ou seja, se afastando do mar (o mar esta no leste) ate lauro muller se sobe 220 metros.

A viagem ate Lauro Muller e espetacular. Se voce esta viajando pela BR-101 entre Florianopolis,  Santa Catarina, com destino ao Sul, ou seja, Rio Grande do Sul, assim que voce chegar a Tubarao voce tem 3 opcoes de chegar a Lauro Muller, SC.

Primeira Opcao – Em Tubarao –

Se voce fosse diretamente oeste, voce chegaria a Lauro Muller, que fica no sentido oeste de tubarao – indo em direcao ao centro do estado, ou seja, se afastando do mar. Porem, para chegar a Lauro Muller voce pega em Tubarao, SC  a rodovia SC-438 em direcao a Gravatal, Braco do Norte, Sao Ludgero, and Orleans e ate Lauro Muller. Nesta viagem voce vai bastante pro norte-oeste, pra depois voltar pro sul e chagar ao destino, porem com uma estrada asfaltada e vista e magnifica. Se ve a Serra ao Oeste por todas as areas desta estrada. Embora voce va pro norte pra chegar ao sul, esta estrada e mais rapida devido ser uma rodovia asfaltada criada antes da cidade se desenvolver.


Segunda Opcao –

Seguir o destino do Rio Tubarao, que desce a serra e passa por Lauro Muller em direcao ao mar, passando por Tubarao. Neste caso deve se entrar na cidade de Tubarao, SC. e tomar a estrada pra Orleans, SC. Basta perguntar pra qualquer pessoa qual e a estrada pra Orleans, que todos sabem. Em mapas ela e conhecida como a estrada geral da guarda, ou rodovia SC-440. Esta Rodovia, SC-440, foi construida ao lado da estrada de ferro, ou a estrada de ferro foi construida ao lado dela, o que seja mais provavel, porem acompanha o rio tubarao de uma certa forma inacreditavel. Isso tem haver com a compra das terras ao lado do rio Tubarao para a construcao da estrada de ferro. Esta estrada chega ate Orleans e continua ate Lauro Muller, porem em Orleaans ela muda de numero – o que antes era Estadual 440 – agora passa a se chamar Estadual 438, ou SC-438. Vejam que a Estadual SC-440 ate hoje nao foi asfaltada. Trata-se de uma estrada abandonada. Seja por motivos politicos, ou motivos ate entao nao clarificados, cada prefeito deve questionar direitos sobre estas areas, quais ao meu saber haviam sido vendidas ao criador da estrada de ferro.


Terceira Opcao –

Seguir a BR-101 mais uns 30 kilometros, ate o trevo de Icara. La tomar direcao a Criciuma, SC. pela SC-444. Em  criciuma tomar a SC-446 (Nao em direcao a Nova Veneza), em direcao Norte Oeste, ou Urussanga, e entao Orleans, qual voce ao ver Orleans da altura, voce toma a SC-438 em direcao a Lauro Muller. Esta viagem e a mais recomendavel devido a vista que proporciona das videiras e tambem da cultura.   


Dentre as 3 opcoes, eu crecomendo a opcao numero 2 – simplesmente porque e a mais direta, e leva mais tempo. Mais direta porque de Tubarao voce chegaria a Lauro Muller pela menos distancia, numa estrada indo sentido Oeste, aonde Lauro Muller se localiza em referencia a Tubarao.

Embora tenha curvas envolta do rio, esta estrada da uma grande ideia de como foi contruir a estrada de ferro.

Devido a contrucao das estradas de ferro envolta do rio que surgiu a cidade de Pedras Grandes que cidade viveu um período de extremo desenvolvimento depois da descoberta das minas de carvão em Lauro Müller e da construção da Estrada-de-Ferro Dona Thereza Christina, quando foi erguida no município uma estação ferroviária – depois transformada em Museu da Cultura Italiana.

O que aconteceu com a estacao rodoviaria de Lauro Muller?

Sim, esta e a questao que quero levantar a todos os leitores.

Porque nao torna-la num museu da estrada de ferro? Porque nao solicitar ao prefeito que veja verbas para tornar isso um monumento nacional, seja elas de onde virem.

Agora que comecei, gostaria de falar sobre o castelo.

Sim, foi criando por Henrique Lage, e supostamente doado a sua esposa, Gabriela Bensanzoni, que deve ter usado como um refugio de tudo e de todos, enquanto estando ao lado do marido Henrique Lage.  Ja e de sabedoria comum que o castelo serviu de moradia para engenheiros da companhia que atuava em Lauro Muller.

O castelo de Lauro Muller deve ser comprado devolta pelo municipio, com intervencao do estado para ser uma obra de utilidade publica. Sim, de uma maneira diplomatica o castelo deve voltar ao municipio, e com isso arrecadar ingressos de turistas que querem visitar. O castelo deve se tornar um MUSEU, com tudo o que teve na epoca de sua existencia. A fazenda deve se tornar algo para se visitar.

O Lago deve ser propriedade do Municipio.

Nao estou aqui me referindo que deve ser tomado, mas estou afirmando que deve ser de propriedade nacional, municipal, estadual e historica. Os donos devem vender, e receber o valor que pedirem, mas entenderem que se trata de algo historico. UM MUSEU

Lauro Muller merece um hotel de luxo – IBIS, preferivelmente, para hospedar turistas que vem visitar a mina modelo, e tambem o castelo, a radio Cruz de Malta, e durante o dia visitar a Serra Do Rio do Rastro. Porem, o castelo nao pode ser algo privado. Imagine se o dono comecar a cobrar 5 reais pra cada visitante? Ou se recebe dinheiro das empresas de TV que querem fazer uma reportagem da cidade. Que absurdo isso seria se nao fosse parte do municipio.

Isso nao teria cabimento!

Como Lauro Mullense, eu gostaria de saber!

Como trazer o castelo para as maos da cidade novamente? Digo de uma forma digna, sem apontar dedos!

Com Segunda Guerra Mundial em andamento, o governo brasileiro de Getúlio Vargas celebra com o governo americano os Acordos de Washington, criando o parque siderúrgico nacional e impulsionando novamente a extração de carvão no sul de Santa Catarina. A ferrovia Dona Teresa Cristina tem papel fundamental neste quadro, realizando o transporte do carvão das minas aos portos de Imbituba e ao Porto de Laguna.

Do periodo de 1922 ate 1945 Lauro Muller se mostrava um lugar promissor. Embora ainda nao tenha se tornado um municipio, e pertencia a Tubarao originalmente, a emancipacao ocorreu em 1957... olhe o mesmo ano em que...Em 1957, é incorporada ao patrimônio da estatal RFFSA – Rede Ferroviária Federal SA. O estabelecimento da Indústria Carboquímica Catarinense (ICC) em Imbituba, no ano de 1978, com o objetivo de aproveitar os rejeitos piritosos do carvão como fonte de enxofre, aumenta significantemente a demanda de transporte ferroviário.

A segunda crise do Petróleo aumentou o interesse pelo uso do carvão nacional, levando a um novo período áureo da ferrovia, entre os anos de 1983 e 1986, quando o transporte alcançou o nível de sete milhões de toneladas/ano.

Com a superação da crise do petróleo e o fim da obrigação, em 1990, das siderúrgicas de utilizarem o mínimo de 20% do carvão nacional, e também com a paralisação da ICC em 1992 a demanda de transporte reduziu-se às necessidades de suprimento do Complexo Termoelétrico Jorge Lacerda, situada no município de Capivari de Baixo, cuja primeira unidade iniciou a operação em 1965.

Em 1997 a ferrovia foi privatizada, sendo gerida pelo novo concessionário – Ferrovia Tereza Cristina SA (FTC), que a arrendou em leilão no ano anterior por R$ 18.510.000,00 por um período de 30 anos.

E assim, Lauro Muller fica a cidade que tudo teve! Teve uma industria que poderia ser a alma da cidade ate hoje, porem esta alma se mantem afastada. A alma reside no povo, que ate hoje mantem um senso religioso maior do mundo. Todos participam, seja de quaisquer religioes.

A Festa da Santa Barbra, Padroeira dos Mineiros, e a maior festividade da cidade.  Mas la no fundo, os moradores gostariam de fazer de Lauro Muller a cidade turistica antes de chagar a Serra.

Os moradores querem uma LAURO MULLER  (sendo a unica na rodovia Estadual 438) que leva ate a Serra do Rio do Rasto, e a primeira no Brasil a ter Mineracao de Carvao, que seja uma cidade TURISTICA! E para isso seria necessario a criacao de um bondinho de Guata ate o top da Serra, um aeroporto e tambem varios hoteis. Porem, antres disso tudo, e importante que o municipio compre devolta o castelo! Ele deve ser ser um patrimonio historico.

Ate entao!



um video - saindo de Orleans chegando a Lauro Muller -


Doping in Sports and a viable solution

Doping in Sports and a viable solution

The use of drugs to enhance performance (Doping) is considered unethical by most international sports organizations, and the reasons for the ban are mainly the health risks of performance-enhancing drugs, the equality of opportunity for athletes, and the exemplary effect of drug-free sport for the public. Anti-doping authorities state that using performance-enhancing drugs goes against the "spirit of sport."

It is wrong to strip anyone of their achievements simply for the fact that they were caught in a lie, our used stimulants before or during  past competition. If the competition already took place and was not reported any wrongdoings at that time, it is too late.

It is wrong to go back in time and strip Olympic participants who used performance enhancing drugs, unless we go back 2000 years ago and start scrutinizing all horses in competition to find out what they were fed, and if doping was present. Unless we go back and analyze the creation of the medication Benzedrine, and its relation to sports, we can learn that amphetamine (another name for Benzedrine) leads to a lack of judgment and a willingness to take risks, which in sport could lead to better performances. We also learn that this medication should not be used while trying to fly an airplane. To properly judge any wrongdoing or bad activity in sports, it must be done before the game.  If later, much later, some wrongdoing transpires, it must be dealt on a management level, by firing all those who were involved in covering it up with the big organ or facility that sponsored the event. It should not ever be dealt with the individual athlete alone, especially if such individual went through “medical tests”, and passed them. If Doctors were involved, they are accountable. Not the player.

Like any other drug, doping can be addictive, and lead to death. Any sportsman, when on top is under pressure from sponsors, fans, and specially the team management. Youngsters are influenced by hungry managers.

Once it is proved that a player who won the tour of France, for example, was using doping, everyone in charge should be accountable for allowing such disgrace to take place, but not Armstrong, all by himself. He holds little, if not zero accountability because he is another victim of the “doping athlete’s system”, in existence since the beginning of times.

Furthermore, doping should be allowed in sports.  Sports will be a more challenging competition  of  super humans, capable of running one 1000 miles, or endure days of starvation, or a six-hour tennis match in the hot sun.  Anabolic steroids have been used for decades by all types of people, and a few died because they took it on their own, without a proper guidance.

I vote for science! I want to see a doping that is designed for each sport. A doping that when taken, does exactly what it is supposed to do. I want to see a complete engineering of doping been explored, created and presented.

We are spending too much money screening athletes, when we know that the entire system of screening doesn’t work well. It makes mistakes. In the end, people’s consciousness speaks louder. The athlete will drink alcohol and tell the truth about doping, and the newsman calls it "what is trending today".  Others athletes are caught during screening and later exposed. One way or another most will confide into others what took place. No one likes to be a cheater forever.

The biggest problem with doping is that because they are illegal, most drugs are not available in any market, and are created by private organs with the purpose of dominating the doping business. Doping has many side-effects, more so because it changes the entire metabolism of the body affecting liver, kidneys, and ultimately the heart. It tells the body to endure certain tasks, mostly physical, but it doesn’t tell the user it is addictive, and when mixed with any other medication can affect the emotional side, sometimes creating a beast out of a man.

People are addicted to sports. Sport is the mass form of entertainment. People go to stadiums, gymnasiums, tracks, etc. to see a competition of endurance. Removing doping from sports will encourage the doping pharmacy to create the newest undetectable drug that will enhance performance, available to a few, while everyone else will be in disadvantage.

My point is: It is a waste of time to watch someone to “fall from grace” when grace was everything, but graceful. We should hide it and move on. It is not even fair to expose how such athlete was caught, when we know that he did not act alone. Shame on inspectors! Shame on the team (athlete) management! Shame on the Athlete!  More shame to the industry that creates such a drug and places it into a clandestine market. Yes, it is a shame because these industries may as well have people in various areas of the sport, as inspector of this or that department and maintain control of this entire business of making, showing and destroying an athlete, while making millions of dollars, if not billions each year to control the anti-doping screening process worldwide. Who knows?

It is very ironic for us to get entangled into a dispute between something as banal as doping. Like any illegal market, doping has a lord behind a bigger lord who controls the entire monopoly of that commodity. Because it deals with drugs, it should be legalized once and for all. Lords should deal among themselves the process of legalization of all drugs, making the user liable for his actions. Prohibition will not work because it divides society. Today society is divided in the war against drugs. The same people, who plow, plant and harvest the drug, are doing for a larger group, this larger group is so large that it is composed of complete infra-structure for mass distribution. If a member decides to boycott or create a small distribution, this member will be then exposed to the media, the drug will be recuperated and burned and everyone is appeased.  The fight to control the drug distribution should be minimum, but it escalates when greedy from the lords dissatisfy those who are involved. The business is so big that it creates an entire army of soldier ready to fight against another group who is interested in taking the distribution away from them. These fights are orchestrated by the lords, who furnish artillery to both sides, control the fight and win regardless of the outcome because both sides’ works for the same lord.  Sometimes, to make it good with the authorities, the lord calls the police and gives a tip about the traffic that is taking place. It is usually done to expose certain individuals who are becoming trouble makers within the organization. Most have no desire to expose their bosses, and end up incarcerated for a while, returning to the same life as before.

The drug business is so large that no Lord will allow any country, nation, or any organization to take control. This business belongs to the richest group in the world, and if it could be combined with the group that owns the banking industry, it is fair to say that they own the whole world.

Now we can get to the point of the story.

An Athlete who uses doping is a human being who needs enhancement in certain areas. Unfortunately, the doping is a mixed bag of cocktails and medications that no one can ever imagine what could result from such act. He won, but probably will die not old enough to solidify roots.

If all medication are exposed ---- all competitions will be about who can get the best results with what type of medication. Nothing wrong with that! We will see super-humans doing things unimaginable if they can keep focus. If not, don’t post it.

Until a time when we find out that our mind can control our body, we will be taking all sorts of medication to better one thing or another. By allowing doping, science can study the consequences of each drug and eventually create one that is less damaging. Eventually they will create a drug that will enhance the brain to do its job without any other drug-related interaction.



Bird's Meeting the thirteen colonies of the USA

The first Meeting was taking place….

Let’s’ get rid of tyranny!

“Thus ever to tyrants.” The Cardinal said to his twelve friends. “Either they surrender, as General Lee surrendered to General Grant in Virginia or they will be dead.”

“I totally agree with you.”
Chickadee whispered to Cardinal, for agreement.  “By the sword we seek peace but peace only under liberty.” Chickadee is originally from Boston.

“Exactly.” said Purple Finch while trimming his feathers. “Live free or die”! I am tired of hiding during fast winds. Purple Finch came from New Hampshire for this meeting.

“Not so fast” Said Baltimore Oriole to Cardinal, Chickadee, and to purple finch. “Wait a minute… ‘Strong deeds, gentle words.”

I agree, lets’ be firm, but gentle. Robin said to no one in particular. “He who transplanted still sustains.” Let’s be thankful to God and also to Eli Whitney for making my state the birthplace of mass-production manufacturing. Robin is from Connecticut.

“Hey Robin, you are off the subject. But now that you started, King Williams School was the first school opened in this country, in 1696." Said Baltimore Oriole the rest of the flock. Baltimore Oriole is from Maryland.

“Who gave you permission to delegate this meeting?”

“No one”

“I just think we must work together and ‘hope’.” Said Rhode Island Red, already annoyed by the others. “I know I am the smallest, but not necessarily the weaker.”

“We are here to agree with ‘liberty and independency’. I know I am not the greatest either, but I was the first bird to ratify the Union, and also the first to ratify the federal constitution. I am a simple Blue Hen Chicken, but I am never late.” The Blue Hen Chicken said to the Cardinal. She turned around to face the others.   

“I am not finished yet. I did what I said, therefore I am. I am not sure about the rest of you.”

“I am with Blue hen Chicken”. The Cardinal 2 said to everyone. “I am from North Carolina, and I also think ‘to be, rather than to seem’.” She continued. “ My state was the home for the Wright Brothers, and they were the first to fly an airplane.

“You guys stop it”! I know for a fact that: ‘prepared in mind and resources while I breathe, I hope’. Said the Great Carolina Wren, “and I will make my state a leading shipper east of the Mississippi River.  

“I vote for ‘Liberty and Prosperity’, and I am sick and tired of military maneuvers that took place in here. Said Eastern Goldfinch from New Jersey while drinking water.

 “I am the bluebird from New York. I was the first capital city of the United States. As such I say: Ever Upward.”

“Ladies, Ladies”, clam down! The Mountain Laurel said to everyone.  He was munching chocolates, but when noticed by Cardinal,  he placed the remaining pieces under his wing. “I agree with ‘Virtue, Liberty, and Independence’.   I have nothing else to say.”

“Wait I minute. I did not make my point!”

“Go Ahead Brown Thrasher.”

“Thanks. I am sure that we will be great when we acquire ‘Wisdom, Justice and Moderation’, and do not forget that Georgia is a top producer of the three P’s – peanuts, pecans, and peaches.”
We will not forget!!!!!

The meeting was adjourned.