About Me - Milton Laene Araujo

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Lake Worth, Florida, United States
My name is Milton and I am a reader. I love to feed my mind with what if’s?, through stories.


Lauro Muller SC Brasil - Uma cidade prosperando

Uma cidade Prosperando!

Lembro bem quando Lauro Muller tinha a Estrada de Ferro Dona Teresa Christina, que nos levava até Tubarão, ou ate mesmo Capivari, uma cidade mais distante um pouco. Todos utilizavam o trem para fazer compras ou para receber ou enviar encomendas. Era gostoso sentar nos bancos e observar pela janela, com medo as vezes, que o trem caísse no penhasco acima do rio.

Logo veio o progresso, e os automóveis tomaram conta das estradas que, por sua vez, eram construídas para encurtar distancias.

Ah ! Como o trem era importante para a cidade! Não só pelos passageiros, mas pelo transporte de carvão mineral extraído das Minas da empresa de Mineração da Companhia Barro Branco. Este veículo de transporte econômico (barato), como era o trem, viabilizava a extração do carvão em grande quantidade num preço acessível ao Mercado. Lauro Muller então crescia. Na minha época haviam o Cinema e o Cruz de Malta na mesma praça.  A cidade era muito aconchegante. Tinha uma pracinha bonita e a maioria dos habitantes trabalhavam na única indústria , ou prestavam serviços aos que trabalhavam na indústria. Era uma população que se conhecia desde a emancipação do município

Numa inesperada noite, em Fevereiro de 1971, uma tremenda chuva que havia iniciado ao anoitecer e não parava mais. A luzes se apagaram, e naquela noite o rio levou consigo o que fazia Lauro Muller se destacar; - A Estrada de Ferro Dona Teresa Christina. Os trilhos foram entortados com a força da água e a ferrovia havia sido parcialmente destruída

Com isso os acionistas, ou donos da empresa de mineração, tiveram que medir se era viável investir em reformar as estradas. Acredito que resolveram consertar as estradas e os estragos da mineração. E a cidade ferida voltou a funcionar meio cambaleando. Até que num piscar de olhos, em uma tarde de 1974, o rio resolve transbordar e levar o que havia sido deixado. Só que desta vez levou consigo uma nova esperança da estrada de ferro ser recuperada.

Depois desta catástrofe, a estrada de ferro perdeu seu valor, e com isso afetou o rendimento da empresa, qual não mais admitia empregados. Os compradores (usuários de carvão) do produto optaram por outros meios de adquirir o que adquiriam de Lauro Muller. Assim uma geração de jovens saíram da cidade em busca de uma vida melhor. Todos voltam pra visitar familiares (e a cidade), mas não podem residir numa cidade que não oferece segurança de sobrevivência

Aí me pergunto! - O que significa o progresso? Será que seria melhor termos em Lauro Muller mais empresas produtoras? Como se consegue fazer Lauro Muller atraente para investidores, ou seja, pessoas que tem dinheiro pra abrir uma fábrica, daquilo que for.

Na minha última visita notei que Lauro Muller está linda. As estradas pavimentadas, a cidade bem organizada. Há uma praça central muito elegante, e as estradas bem sinalizadas. Enquanto eu estava conversando com um amigo, um caminhão de porco passou pelo centro da cidade e o cheiro me fez rir. Ao mesmo tempo que me trouxe memorias passadas, eu achei interessante que ainda existissem essas lembranças. Logo descobri sobre o projeto da nova ponte.

A cidade está prosperando. Depois de ter perdido as pernas em duas enchentes, não e fácil se levantar. Só gostaria de ver mais indústrias. Gostaria de ver estas terras atraentes aos investidores. Gostaria de ver um plano de desenvolvimento com o objetivo de atrair investidores em montar industrias.  Sejam elas o que forem. A cidade precisa se desligar do trauma de somente ter uma grande empresa, ou somente um produto. Se isto um dia vier a acontecer; - então Lauro Muller não será a cidade de onde viemos e a qual somente podemos visitar.

Curar a Diverticulite - 2011 by Milton Laene Araujo

Por  dois anos eu estava sofrendo de uma dor minuscula no lado esquerdo do abdomem. Ja havia ido ao medico por duas vezes, e ouvia que era musculo ou gases. So que, com o tempo a dor era maior quando eu apertava, como se ela tivesse dizendo que o que quer que seja, ainda estava ali dentro de mim. Eu notava que nao podia apertar o lado esquerdo da barriga. Um dia peguei um livro de anatomia que tenho e notei que nao temos  orgaos no lado esquerdo aonde eu sentia dor. Ha visicula que fica bem acima de onde a dor existia.

O tempo passou, ate que em outubro de 2005, veio o Furacao Wilma, aqui em Lake Worth, e naquela mesma noite eu tive uma crise muito forte de dor. Eu corria de um lado pro outro da casa. Foi terrivel, pois ao mesmo tempo em que as portas da casa sentiam a forca do vento, eu estava com medo da dor, nao do furacao. O dia amanheceu e depois de tres Tylenol eu ja estava bom pra levanter.

Os estragos do Furacao foram grandes por toda a redondeza. Um bambuzal que tinhamos no quintal foi derrubado pelo vento.
Ficamos sem energia por mais de duas semanas. Ainda bem que aqui em casa temos um gerador de eletricidade que abastece a casa toda. O gerador funciona a gasolina, e nao havia mais gasolina pela minha area. Os postos nao funcionavam sem eletricidade, e assim era necessario dirigir por duas horas pra comprar gasolina. O pior da viagem e trazer varios galoes em containers de plastico no porta-malas do carro. 

Ao lado de minha casa, sempre morou a Ida Johnston, que no ano de  2009, estara completado seus 103 anos de idade. A Ida tem 4 enfermeiras que trabalham com ela ( em turnos ), 24 horas por dia desde seus 85 anos. Ela veio de uma familia muito abonada, e hoje vive com seus investimentos. A Ida e bem conservada e mantem assim sua forma de viver. Ela nao tem TV a cabo nem satellite, e somente recebe os 14 canais com uma antenna, tipo dez elementos, daquelas que usavamos na decada de setenta. Ela esta contente com os canais nacionais que sao oferecidos gratuitamente. Ela le jornais e assiste TV, e conversa eloquentemente sobre qualquer assunto. Sua mente e brilhante, e sua memoria e de ficar abismado. Sempre que posso, e isso acontece em cada 4 meses, visito a Ida. Fico somente uma hora, e converso com ela, e rimos juntos de tudo o que conversamos. As enfermeiras sempre me disseram que tenho a porta aberta pra entrar a hora que eu quizer. E uma pena que nao tenho visitado Ida mais frequentemente. 

Umas horas depois do Furacao Wilma de 2005, Ida aos seus 99 anos de didade  estava em casa com a sua enfermeira.  Elas nao tinham eletricidade, e assim oferecemos a ela uma extensao de nosso gerador, e conectamos o ventilador e um abajur .  Isso foi o que ela requestou no momento. No outro dia fui ate a casa dela pra saber como eles estavam se virando com comida e tudo o que precisassem eu percebi que da mesma extensao eletrica que haviamos colocado, a enfermeira havia colocado uma conexao em forma de T num dos terminais pra poder entao ter mais 3 saidas. Com isso ela conectava a geladeira, televisao, dois ventiladores,  e mais luzes em outras areas da casa.

Uma vez que comentei ao Jack, ele foi rapidamente a casa de Ida pra dar outra extensao do gerador para que elas usassem com o refrigerador, com medo de que haveria uma alta carga, e consequentemente um incendio.

Ficamos felizes em ajudar a Ida. Ela e uma vizinha muito querida. Veio a todas as festas que tivemos. Ela e muito inteligente e gosta de conversar sobre ideias. Nunca ouvimos a Ida falar de alguma pessoa. Ela ate hoje faz palavras cruzadas do jornal diario, e ate joga carreira com uma enfermeira selecionada pra ver quem termina primeiro.. A Ida sempre ganha. Quando a eletricidade foi consertada e a vida voltou ao normal, Ida nos enviou um cheque de cinquenta dolares pra pagar a gasolina. Na verdade o que ela usou custaria menos de vinte dolares.

Ha dois anos atras, isso por volta de 2007, Ida foi parar no hospital. Ela sentia dor na perna, e nao sentia a existencia dos seus proprios pes. Como resultado, tiveram que amputar a perna esquerda dela. Havia uma coagulacao permanente, e a veia parecia ter se rompido ali. Algo terrivel, pois ela estava sempre com aquele pe enfaixado e nada se via. Porem, no hospital, ela ja estava sem a metade da perna quando nos a vimos. Ao ver-nos ela comecou a chorar. Foi triste, pois ela estava sofrendo. A enfermeira da Ida nos chamou e disse que havia negligencia por parte dos medicos. Ficamos impressionados com a historia dela, mas aprendemos depois que ela nao havia tomado conta de Ida como deveria, e que muitos medicamentos nao foram dados. No final esta enfermeira foi despedida. Um mes depois a Ida ja estava perfeita.  Em sua caderia de roda, ela visita os amigos e se sente muito bem.  Infelizmente, ela nao pode caminhar, ela teve o banheiro preparado para poder se movimentar em sua cadeira de rodas.

Uma semana depois do furacao, ainda sem energia, havia um posto medico em frente ao hospital tratando todas as pessoas que ali passavam. Tudo de graca. Eu entao fui la e fui atendido por uma medica jovem, muito interessante, que veio do Norte. Eu perguntei a ela se ela havia se voluntariado a esta obra ou se ela havia sido escolhida. Ela disse que ja trabalha ha muito tempo com a Salvation Army, e doa este tempo como medica  porque faz ela se sentir bem. Ela me diagnosticou com diverticulite. Ela desenhou numa folha de papel o intestino, e tambem as tripas, e mostrou que eu tinha uma bolsinha ou varias no meu intestino, e que se eu comesse sementes, eu deixaria elas depositadas nestas bolsinhas, e acabaria tendo uma infeccao. Ela estava admirada por eu ter uma doenca que  aos 65-70 anos de idade era mais comum. Ela receitou antibioticos e em duas semana eu estava bom. Nem terminei os medicamentos.

Tres meses depois a dor voltou e, eu fiquei em casa. Tomei o resto dos antibioticos, e muitos Tylenols e me senti melhor.

Em 2006 fui parar no hospital. Estava com uma infeccao grande, pois a dor era muito forte, e nao consegui manter alimentos em meu estomago. Fui ate a emergencia, e somente fui atendido 4 horas depois de estar la, eperando e com dor. Uma vez atendido fui medicado e hospitalizado, e depois de uma ressonancia magnetica, foi visto que eu tinha uma infeccao grande, e que deveria ser operado.

Eu queria ser operado, a principio, pois nao tenho medo da medicina de hoje em dia. Mas ja sabia atravez de amigos que nao se opera ninguem com infeccao. Percebi que havia conflitos de interesses entre os dois medicos. A Minha medica, qual tenho por 15 anos, veio me ver e disse que eu tinha que curar a infeccao antes de ser operado, e que talves nem fosse necessario operar. O medico que ia efetuar a operacao queria que eu operasse naquela hora. Eu decidi nao operar, pois ainda estava infeccionado, e optei por curar a infeccao com antibioticos, morphina e alimentacao intra-vein, por cinco dias enquando no hospital.. Tudo isso foi receitado pela minha medica, pois ela que estava de frente ao meu tratamento – Nada oral, nem agua. So uma jarra com gelos triturados pra molhar a lingua. E assim passei os dias sem comer nada, sem mais sentir dor, mas recebendo todos os nutrients que faltavam em meu ogranismo, de forma dosada.

Uma vez hospitalizado, eu nao sentia nenhuma dor. Estava com muita fome, e nao aguentava mais ver comerciais de comida na TV. Queria sair do hospital e voltar pra casa. A cada dia, demanha, Eu recebia visitas dos dois medicos. No Segundo dia que eu pude andar, ja sem dor, e sem necessidade de tomar medicamnetos para dor eu caminhava levando comigo um tripee ambulante qual suportava 3 sacos de soros liquidos que eu recebia continuamente. Minhas caminhadas eram mais por expeculacao. Eu ja estava sem dor, e estava sendo medicado, podendo dar um descanso ao meu intestino, de nao precisar digerir mais nada. Assim, via TV o tempo todo, dormia bem, e nao recebia nenhum alimento. Recebi varias visitas de amigos, mas o que sempre esteve la foi o Jack.

Os exams eram feitos diariamente, e as vezes se repetiam, e me faltou potassio no organismo. Eu acho que foi por eu ter vomitado muito antes de ser admitido no hospital.

No quarto dia, minha medica veio me ver e disse que eu estava com uma boa aparencia, e que meus exames vieam perfeitos.  Ela disse que eu ja podia ir pra casa naquele dia na hora do almoco.  Ela ja havia assinado os papeis, e eu estava livre. Ela entao saiu do quarto e eu fui tomar banho. Claro, ainda conectado com os medicamentos. Depois me arrumei, e coloquei minhas coisas na bolsa e esperei pelo cirurgiao para que me desse alta. Descobri naquela hora que os dois precisavam me dar alta.

O cirurgiao veio e disse que nao ia me dar alta porque eu ja estava pronto pra ser operado. Por motivo de forca maior, eu decici dizer para o sirurgiao que eu estava muito fraco e queria sair,  comer e me sentir melhor pra operacao. Ele disse que preferiria que eu ficasse ate o outro dia, para ele fazer mais exames. Eu entao disse que nao podia ficar ausente de minha vida profissional, e que precisava organizar minha vida antes de vir pra operacao, e que eu estava me sentindo bem, e com muita fome. Na hora eu perguntei por que os canais que o hospital tem mostra comerciais de comida o tempo todo? Ele nao respondeu. Ai eu falei que nao queria ser operado agora, e que a minha medica primaria ja havia me dado alta, e eu so estava esperando por ele pra assinar.

Ele me fez prometer que eu voltaria em duas semanas pra ser operado, e ate deixou o cartao para eu marcar a operacao.

Ate hoje (2009) nao voltei. E com este artigo quero somente dizer que nao tenho dor e que minha diverticulite esta quieta. O que fez melhorar foi ficar em repouso no hospital por quatro dias sem ter alimentacao alguma. Isso deu um descanso ao intestino inteiro, e os medicamentos puderam fazer a sua parte. O meu erro foi nao tomar os antibioticos todos quando eles foram receitados pela medica voluntaria, e posteriormente pela minha medica.

Hoje, como um portador de diverticulite, recomendo a quem quer que sofra da mesma doenca, que procure um medico pra fazer o exame, e se obter o antibiotico chamado – “metronizadole”.Tome todos e siga as instrucoes medicas, e coma levemente pra dar um descanso ao intestino. E importante dar este repouso porque o antibiotico e muito forte. Se voce tomar os antibioticos nos horarios certos, pelo tempo determinado pelo medico, voce conseguira combater somente 50% da infeccao. Durante o tratamento, voce precisa se alimentar com muito liquido, soupas de galinha, saladas, e coisas cruas, que se auto digerem, pois voce precisa fazer com que o intestino nao trabalhe, puxando e levando nada pesado para baixo.

Se voce nao seguir os conselhos medicos, e nao tomar os medicamentos nos horarios marcados, pelo tempo marcado, voce estara sujeito a ter que ser operado –

Hoje e dia 16 de Outubro de 2011 eu deparei com este relato sobre diverticuliti no arquivo do meu computador. Quando eu escrevi tive a intencao de deixar claro que o unico tratamento vem acompanhado de 4 dias em repouso tomando soros e antibioticos, e dando descanso ao aparelho digestivo completamente.

Uma vez curado, voce estara curado por muito tempo. Eu, ate entao nao tive nenhuma crise desde 2006. Nao me submeti a operacao porque os danos da operacao podem ser graves. Se voce for diagnosticado, peca os antibioticos imediatamente, e de um descanso em sua alimentacao.

Desde o ultimo furacao de 2005 nao tivemos nenhum furacao nesta area da Florida. I Ida faleceu em 2010 aos 103 anos de idade.

Eu como tudo o que tem sementes, embora tenha sido avisado pra fazer o contrario. Recentemente minha amiga Solange foi diagnosticada. Eu disse a ela como tratar, e dei uns antibioticos que eu tinha, pois e muito caro pra quem nao tem seguro medico. Solange foi emfermeira no Brasil, e quando ela me visitou no hospital em 2006, eu comentei que na noite anterior, enquanto eu recebia potassio atravez de soro, eu comecei a me sentir mal, e uma coceira interna no peito estava me deixando desconfortavel. Quando isto aconteceu eu chamei a enfermeira e ela diminuiu as gotinhas de potassio, e a agonia havia ido embora. Solange entao me disse que potassio e perigoso e pode matar um individuo sem deixar tracos. Naquele momento eu fiquei pasmo. Meu Deus, eu poderia morrer com um excesso de potassio entrando no organismo num curto periodo de tempo. Ela disse que algumas horas depois o potassio tambem se mixture no organismo e mesmo uma dosagem letal nao deixaria marcas. O que mata mesmo e a velocidade qual o potassio entra no organismo, e nao a quantidade que voce consume.

Pra finalizar, quero dizer que diverticulite virou moda hoje em dia. Esta doenca matou Tancredo Neves em 1985, porem hoje em dia esta muito comum. Como se alguns alimentos sao fabricados com o proposito de criar diverticulos no colen, pessoas de todas as idades estao sofrendo – A dor e tao forte que eu comparo com uma dor de pedra nos rins.

April 27, 2013 - Ate entao nao tive nenhuma reacao - Quero dizer que os dois medicamentos atuais que funcionam pra curar a diverticulite sao os seguintes: METRONIDAZOLE 500 MG e SULFAMETHOXAZOLE-TMP DS TABLET - Usados juntos, com muita soupa de galinha (so o caldo) vai dar ao intestino um descanso e o medicamento vai agir - nao pode nem imaginar em beber alcohol com isso. Vomita na hora, perde potassio, e ai vira bagunca. Um abraco - Milton

July 2014 - Ate entao estou comendo de tudo - ate amendoin. Os medicamentos acima nao tomo ja tem mais de 5 anos e nenhuma reacao ate entao. Se voce curar com um descanso total em seu intestine, voce tera condicoes de ficar curado. Agradeco a DEus por isso e agora divide com voce. Um abraco, Milton

Milton Laene Araujo


Suicide is not the answer. Teen Issues 2011 by Milton Laene Araujo

Suicide is not the answer.

People in general have suicidal thoughts at some point. And teens who take a step farther, in an attempt to actually kill themselves, feel like they want to die, but at the same time, many of them are happy when they discover that there are people who want to help them overcome their issues.

There are some factors that can make suicide seem a more desirable option for some people.

  • Family history. This can include a family history of suicide, mental disorders, and/or substance (drug or alcohol) abuse. 

  • Drug abuse - alcohol abuse.

  • Abuse - mental, emotional, physical or sexual 

  • Mental, emotional or physical disorders.

  • Depression is a major factor, and it means that a teenager has feelings, thoughts and stresses that he or she cannot handle any more. They try to solve the problem by killing themselves.

    Tempting suicide is not confined to any age, gender, social or economic group. In any case it is a cry for help.

    Some signs...Here are some of the things to look for:
    • Disinterest in favorite extracurricular activities 
    • Problems at work and losing interest in a job 
    • Substance abuse, including alcohol and drug (illegal and legal drugs) use
    • Behavioral problems 
    • Withdrawing from family and friends 
    • Sleep changes 
    • Changes in eating habits 
    • Begins to neglect hygiene and other matters of personal appearance 
    • Hard time concentrating and paying attention 
    • Loss of interest in schoolwork 
    • Risk taking behaviors 
    • Complains more frequently of boredom 
    • Does not respond as before to praise
    When human beings commit suicide they destroy many other lives. They have no sense of hope, and they have lost empathy for self, therefore, for everyone they know.

    People in general - not only teens - have suicidal thoughts. Life is not easy!
    Most people (in general) have an inner desire to stay alive, to fight for life.

    Animals in general - give up living only when they are physically sick (ill).

    Suicide is not the answer because taking your own life is a coward act against the nature of our own construction.

    Travel with me in this scenery:

    Imagine yourself looking up in the sky and see an explosion very far away, what we call supernova, or a creation of a star. With this explosion many different atoms mix up with others existent in its surroundings and a new element is formed.

    From that perspective, imagine an explosion that happened before, The Big Bang -  when all matters neutralized each other into energy, and emptiness was present, except for one single atom.
    There was a time in the past when things started to vanish in nature. Trees and cars and cities and rivers were being destroyed by force of nature or wind, and matter became powder, and powder became atoms who separating from its neighbors became self. The combination of Hydrogen and Oxygen creates water. Something we have in abundance on earth. Now imagine the opposite starting to happen. Where there was water becomes dry, and  with more hydrogen in the atmosphere, and more Oxygen  trigger fire, and other elements to become gas or energy, giving life to one single strong atom called nothingness, for it is the mixture of all there is. So things were transforming and turning into the atom of nothingness, which is a correct combination of major elements found on earth that makes itself invisible, but when combined with another brings a vacuum where if anything penetrates into that vacuum it would become nothing, yet. it would just increase the atom of nothingness, which is a combination of everything there is, yet invisible, and we call it black hole.

    Simulated view of a black hole in front of the Large Magellanic Cloud. The ratio between the black hole Schwarzschild radius and the observer distance to it is 1:9. Of note is the gravitational lensing effect known as an Einstein ring, which produces a set of two fairly bright and large but highly distorted images of the Cloud as compared to its actual angular size.

    A black hole is a region of spacetime from which nothing, not even light, can escape.[1]

    like a mixture of so many types of atoms that when in fusion create others able to deteriorate the entire system into a piece of self.

    Life is the breath of air that we inhale every day to feed our longs into sending oxygen to our blood stream. Many animals and plants use the same system. They need air to maintain themselves alive.

    Imagine yourself looking at the earth from a far distance, and a man made small robot was capable of feeding itself with silica. A chemical compound that is the main constituent of most of the Earth's rocks. Silica occurs naturally in five crystalline forms (quartz, tridymite, cristobalite, coesite, and stishovite), in a cryptocrystalline form (chalcedony), and in an amorphous form (opal). It is also the main chemical compound in sand. Silica is used to make glass, concrete, and other materials. Also called silicon dioxide. Chemical formula: SiO 2This robot was equipped with a computer that could take silica from the earth, and with its combination was able to auto reproduce. This way, a small robot the size of a bee flying on the earth and landing in the Andes would start to devour the entire mountain while eating and multiplying. Like bacterias.

    Now imagine yourself in today's Universe, where galaxies are formed, super nova happening every day, the universe expanding, more elements being discovered, besides hidrogyn, and a mixture of hidrogyn and other gases that only appear when there is a supernova, such as lithium, necessary for gun powder.

    Man today is capable of mixing up elements and create explosions. Men take a mixture of atoms and mix it with others for when in contact with air we breathe can create the biggest explosion. It multiplies itself into fire, or radiation and wind with massive power all in one single atom, that multiply too fast. It can destroy an entire city to rubble. Today every country wants to have these types of protection from others. We are living in an atomic era.

    Getting back to our imagination, During the bang, the conglomeration of elements and the change in temperature made them solid, and they tended to group with others forming a mass, and this way our earth was formed. Many elements behave differently in high temperature. Solids usually become liquid or gas, and when the temperature cools down, they solidify and are grouped in a different way from when they started, for example, in the center of the earth we have  Nickel and Iron and it has not yet cooled down completely. These elements are concentrated in the center for being heavier, and any mass in the universe has it own gravity to be able to stay afloat. The combination of gravity pulling towards itself anything nearby and the elements floating, the heavier ones will be deeper down, like particles in a glass of water floating and little by little found a ground to stay, and conglomeration of elements, in areas where we find iron, on a surfice we can find other elements that could only be created if they were grouped nearby and used the temperature change of the earth to form themselves, such as copper, gold, diamond, etc, etc.,

    OK, now that we visited the formation of the earth, and somehow our existence, by being a mixture of atoms, such as carbon in our veins, hydrogen in our water etc etc, we can have a sense that we are a combination of these elements, and we need to eat these elements to keep ourselves alive. We know that nothingness exist and it is growing - and whatever is near will be diluted, but at the same time completeness has not achieved its climax. There are far away new mixtures appearing, new stars being born and the age of the universe, in despite of the black hole growing, is far away from being engulfed again into an atom of nothingness. So, we will exist for a long time, unless we commit suicide, and this is the reason for this entire conversation.

    As human beings we have the clarity of communicating and sharing experiences with one another. We do not need to experience everything in life to discover what is good and what is right. We have the capability of reasoning about what to do. We learn from TV shows, programs, books, essays or even a blog like mine, which is never proof-read. Our friends go through trouble, our non friends go through the same things. We lack desire to fight because we became lazy. We want things to be resolved, but we do nothing to counteract the problem.

    In a world where we have a government to create laws to protect every human being, and make every person count, we need to be organized and accept that we are transformation and evolution that now need to live into a society.

    We fought against billions of sperm-a-tozoids to fecundate an egg. We are now part in the journey of existence. Not one person, nor any mixture of atoms can make us change the certainty that we think, therefore we exist.

    What exactly takes people to commit suicide is the sickness of others, which can be overpowering, making some of them see themselves not fit for whatever group or society they belong. But the most important factor is FEAR. Smewhere, sometime, someone implanted this seed, or energy into pople's head, and when they can not see beyond it, they may opt to suicide. Fear of rejection, fear of acceptance, fear of ... Some can not even face a heart-break. Others want to make a relationship work, but prefer to leave and make the others suffers. In any sense, suicide is the worse thing a woman being can do to others, and to society. It is a cry for help that doesn't need to end in death.  IT IS A CRY FOR HELP -

    If you ever thought about killing yourself, please just remember that it is normal to think about it in a non-thinking moment, for if we balance life and death, life is better. We thing, therefore we exist. There are various groups that can help you to overcome whatever feelings you have. Suicide is not the answer to anything because you burn the light bulb inside of you before it could energise the world with its transformation and presence. Eliminating yourself will simply cease your continuation and the desire to fight for whatever you are fighting for, and it will make you like good-for-nothing in your casue. When dead, your powder will contribute to the energy of nothingness, and wait for another big bang to come back again, for you violated the most sacred thing - "LIFE WITH CAPABILITY OF REASONING".

    Everyone alive has a moment to die, and this moment is sacred between that person and its source of wisdom and energy. The reality is: We all kill ourselves in the end. We all commit suicide one way or another. A person that smokes is killing thyself a little bit each day, instead of taking it all at once. The air we breath and the contamination created by men has diminished many lives with diseases etc. Yet, it is not a motive to cease living at once. We have a reason to be here, although not revealed to many, we all are important in this existence. Make the best you can and share knowledge to induce others to have an objective in life. Life without objective drives a person to depression, and then suicide. Make yourself important, be good in something, for only the good ones will become important. Learn about what is going on right now - Solar panels, computer industry, made in USA products - Be an advocate for a cause. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and blaming the world. You do not have to go to prison to value freedom.

    Now, if you had a person in your family who commited suicide, please, understand that I am writig for all of us who sometimes consider doing it. I want to bring some life, and some desire to consider life.

    What I am saying is, when a person commits suicide she leaves behind many people in sorrow, and depressed, and afraid of life, sometimes ready to check out as well, if not oriented.

    The left family family members suffer, brothers are discriminated for being a part of a family that took the short cut in life. Many people will be cruel to a family where suicide took place. Sometimes just by knowing that a family member has these types of roots, a wedding may be cancelled and life itself turnes up-side down. People associate it with mental disorder, instead of any other factor. So, it is terrible to let your friends down, your family, your school when you are contemplating on it.

    Now, if you have a person in your famiily who committed suicide, remember that a human being responds to pressure differently. A car tire, when full with air, compressed into a small space, creates pressure, yet it responds accordingly to the road by keeping the weight of the car balanced. A person reacts differently to pressure. Althought, it has more to do with fear, pressure is an emotional feeling that makes the entire brain chemestry to become volatile. Mood goes up and down, and when down a variety of thoughts and actions may take place.It is no one's fault. A human being in its right mind would not do such a thing, for it is the way life is. A tree bents and make turns to have a space in the sun. When a human being takes his or her own life, it could have simply be their time.  

    When contemplating suicide, face the problem, open your mouth, let someone know that you have these thoughts. Make a friend! After that make 2 friends. Be honest and be yourself and you will see life better. Call your mother - who gave you life. Is it the present you want to give her? It is not the solution

    - Milton Laene Araujo


    About life in general By Milton L. Araujo: Texting and killing - Teen issues 2011 - by Milton Laene Araujo

    About life in general By Milton L. Araujo: Texting and killing - Teen issues 2011 - by Milton Laene Araujo

    Texting and killing - Teen issues 2011 - by Milton Laene Araujo

    The Internet was commercialized  in the 1990s and became an international network due to its popularization and its incorporation into virtually every aspect of modern human life. Coincidentally, at the same time cell phones emerged. Instant messaging became popular and so did texting, which refers to the exchange of brief written text messages between fixed-line phone or mobile phone and fixed or portable devices over a network.

    Teens are text messaging at least forty times per day. Today, text messaging has been extended to include messages containing image, video, and sound content, therefore becoming a lethal weapon, and a necessary evil. Defamation, also known as libel is the communication of a written statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual a negative image. Teens are sharing innuendos and defamation on twitter, also, sharing pictures of themselves nude, event worse, videos or anything of self risk.

    Teenagers retaliate to groundless criticism with more vehemency.

    Just recently, a teenager boy, 18 was arrested for making threats to his girlfriend via texting. After being bailed out of jail, he went back to his high school and killed his girlfriend, 17.

    It has become common for teens to " text their anger away"  to whom and where they may. This is not only a teen problem, for it also includes parents of teens who are not up to date with technology, and parents and teens who experience the same technology advance. When parents lack Internet knowledge, teens are free to do whatever they want. When parents are aware of technology, both parents and children get wrapped up into all novelties of technology.

    We are living in a society of selfishness. Families are broken and the lack of togetherness has battered the population.

    Teens are learning everything virtually.

    Internet laws are still trying to mature and gain shape. Whenever we are focusing on one hand-held device, and writing with the other hand, we are ready to ventilate.

     Both parents and teens are NOT in fault today but both need the same schooling, however, this school is in transition, or cannot keep up with technology. Schools of disciplining, and good manners is available online, but doesn't fit with with this change we are about to face.

    In the near future schools - or a building for students to meet - will be available, but all classes will be virtual, therefore many will choose to take classes at home. More room for texting -.  Classes will be pre-recorded, and teaching will become a marketing for the fit.

    How does one know the damages a text message can cause to another human being? Kids can be very cruel at times. Texting is a weapon that should be used to share information, and NOT to ventilate agony. But teens do it. People use texting to ventilate - or to promote themselves, like celebrities who text and share their whereabouts. This is a tool for a stalker. Yet, celebrities always want to share where they are, what they ate, etc. This is bad. People in general, (This year 2011), share via twitter wherever they are doing - I checked on the word bath just to check what was happening, and most of the people said that they were going to take a bath and go to wherever they were going. This is crazy, for any stalker or killer simply need to follow your messages...
    Another teen caused brain damage to a classmate after she texted something related to his brother's suicide. He reacted to his emotions, and did not think.  Like texting - no need to think - whatever comes to mind can go there now!

    When we refer to High Schools, they need a cell-phone tower as part of their building. This way any call will be connected with this same tower and communication will be controlled and semi-restricted.

    Be careful if you are a teenager. Do not send "hating" text messages, for it can be the only thing the other person may have from you. Written word is immortal, and when used to defame, it can be hard and costly to repair. Be careful if you are a parent. Anything posted in any social media will stay there, and when one human being is exposed by others in a negative manner to the entire world, it is something we have no idea how disturbing can be. In this texting era, where grammar lost its power, and words became a gizmo of letters or abbreviations, is hard to let go off the past, It is hard to embrace an era where words get distorted, and start to live today.

    Now we are collecting the fruit of what we planted in our society. It is an almost lost harvest. We can prepare for the next harvest by teaching moral examples to our kids and the truthfulness in the sentence " Treat others as you would like to be treated". Do not text hate messages. to anyone .

    Milton Laene Araujo


    Gay Issues: Passive or Active?

    Homosexuality in men is something that has not been studied completely by anyone. What we know is what people say or do.
    In the gay community, "passive" is a word used to describe a man who is the "recipient" of the penis during anal intercourse. Sometimes passive is also applied to the one who takes the other's penis into his mouth (receives it inside him) during oral sex. This is opposed to a person who is "active" which means they are the ""inserter" during anal intercourse and the "inserter" during oral sex. Someone who enjoys both giving and receiving during anal intercourse or oral sex would be considered "versatile". Often the term "versatile" is applied only to anal intercourse.

    Someone who is "submissive" is often understood to be one who submits to another person's desires, whether in a sexual way or just generally.

    "Submissive" is unlike "passive" in that "submissive" does not have to have an opposite. In gay sex, if there is a passive (recipient) person, then there must be an active person. Likewise in BDSM, if there is a submissive partner, there must also be a dominant partner because the submissive partner conforms to the desires of the dominant party. Most people, most of the time, are neither submissive nor dominant in their dealings with others, whether sexual or otherwise. They are cooperative. What we call "vanilla" sex is just cooperative sex, regardless of who is active and who is passive.

    There is good reason from what gay men say and do to believe that the passive (recipient) person in gay sex often feels or imagines himself to be submissive and derives sexual pleasure from that feeling or imagination. Likewise, the active person often feels or imagines himself to be dominant and derives sexual pleasure from that.
    The bottom line is. The root for all this terms comes from the person's background. Most Latin men see themselves as active because it is more manly than being passive. So, although they will experience and eventually will enjoy being passive, they will assume the identity of being active because it sounds better and it makes them feel as if the are the man in that relationship. This is too passe.
    American gay man are more versatile, and in my view, they are more advanced in this sense. They have no hang ups about what they are or like. While Latin men think that having sex with a man and being active means that they are not all the way homosexual. Macho man in reality is a man who is afraid of his own sexuality. Most macho behave differently when drunk, and it says a lot about them.
    In my experience, gay guys who defend the idea of being active are truly afraid of complete sexual experiences and will eventually get into marriage with the opposite sex to later find out that they made a mistake. A man who claims to be active has nothing to do with me, as a man who claims to be passive. Men should be versatile in all senses, if they claim to be gay. I do not believe in bisexuality, for it only exist for those who claimed to be active, and later decided to get married, and in order to function in the society they go after guys to have their nightly encounters. In bed everything can be different, and they may explore things they will feel ashamed of while living the other life. This is simply a mental unbalance.
    There will be a day when men will have sex with woman for procreation, and not for recreation, and eventually they will explore all sides of sexual pleasure, for it doesn't require drugs and brings one to climax.
    A woman - to keep a man in bed must explore all avenues, and eventually try to be active with her partner with objects etc, to make that relationship more complete. But while there is a ta bu, this experience is only practiced by a few couples. What i mean is: While having sex with  a woman, let her touch you in places you have never been touched before, and bring you pleasure where you never imagine. This is perfectly normal, and should not go away from the bedroom. This way men will feel more complete and lose desire to go in search of trouble outside of their relationship.
    This is all for now.
    Check on my other gays issues - by clicking on the right side of this site.


    Gay Issues: Bullying

    When I was growing up I've never experienced Bullying, nor I was a bully. The word bully did not exist, instead, we used the word cruel. Therefore, I was never cruel to my colegues.

    Now, reflecting back to that time, there were older guys who made fun of others, but we understood it as a sense of inferiority. It was simplier then. A person who made fun of another suffered from lack of self confidence, and it was seen as such by all my peers. Whenever possible, that person would hear that his behavior was simply showing his inferiority to the other human being being manifested as a superiority. Today they form a group and become stronger.

    For those who do not know what bullying is, (as myself, before living in America), Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior, which may manifest as abusive treatment, the use of force or coercion to affect others, particularly when habitual and involving an imbalance of power. It may involve verbal harassment, physical assault or coercion and may be directed persistently towards particular victims, perhaps on grounds of race, religion, gender, sexuality, or ability. The "imbalance of power" may be social power and/or physical power. The victim of bullying is sometimes referred to as a "target."
    Bullying consists of three basic types of abuse – emotional, verbal, and physical. It typically involves subtle methods of coercion such as intimidation. Bullying can be defined in many different ways. The UK currently has no legal definition of bullying, while some U.S. states have laws against it.

    When bullying is directed on grounds of sexuality, such as calling names or abusing a person for his sexual orientation, it can become very problematic for the victim. This past week a boy took his life at the age of fourteen for being bullied at school. He was gay, intelligent, charismatic and friendly. He had qualities  we do not find on bullys.

    Bullying is a HATE CRIME and must be treated as such. If you are a victim of Bullying, post it on your facebook, let the entire nation learn that you are being bullied. Take to the authorities, police, principal, parents, and make it clear that no one has the right to treat you that way. whether you are gay, or an adolescent in search of self, no one can decide for you what you will become, do, or how you act.

    While teaching hogh school as a substitute teacher, I noticed that the bullies I had encountered were usually unattractive, over weighted, strong and stupid. They did not pay attention in class and acted as if they controlled the entire classroom. I ended it in one minute. I put them on detention, I called the principal, I gave moral lessons, and they learned that it was innappropriated. In my case, I was looking for them. I asked to stay in the same detention room with them to see their behavior. Even while in detention, they formed groups. While one student was being detained for tardness, the bullies were being detained to disruption in class. Even inside the detention room they made fun of the other student. This type of behavior is easily detected by any educator. The problem is that we as educators do not have the tools nor the authority to face them as they should be faced. We have to go through proper procedures, such as, not touching, not yelling, not getting upset with them nor calling them names. Many educators lost their jobs because parents of bullys are usually blind to their children behavior. They accept whatever the child saus and go with full power agains the system.

    The solution is pure and simple. Bullies should be sent to the juvenile detention center for a program of 8 months. There, they will learn about life, people, differences and acceptance. They then will return to a lower grade. The problem is that bullys today go to the juvenile detention center and there are treated as victims. They take classes as if they are inside a classroom, yet they do not pay attention. They move on in the system, whereas, they should lose one, two, or even three years of their lives to learn to behave properly.

    The message here is. Bullies are uninteligent people that should repeat the year as many times as necessary to be up to par with others in the same age group.

    Milton Laene Araujo


    Gay Marriage and a viable solution link

    Gays Issues – Gay Marriage by Milton Laene Araujo

    Marriage is a union between a male and a female. This union consists of whatever cultural, legal, religious or even social, economical and emotional reasons they decided to get married.

    Should two people of the same sex get married? No!  It distorts the meaning of the word marriage, or creates another meaning, to accommodate a social relationship. Marriage should not be used to describe anything other than a commitment between a man and a woman, and such a union, often formalized via a wedding ceremony, may also be called matrimony.

    The issue here is whether two people that share a space for a determined time of years have the right to be taxed like any married individual today, and receive equal benefits. Differently from slavery, racism, or women suffrage, gay marriage has been stretched out of proportion by being compared in a religious sense only, and ignoring what contrasts to it.

    Gay people should not get married, but seek for a law that recognises the right of living with a partner and within duo process, the right to adopt and create a family.  Gay people may celebrate their union. But must refrain from the word marriage, for it involves religious beliefs and creates fury for those that vehemently oppose to it.  

    It is a political issue, for it involves how to distribute the monies received, and it must be decided without any participation or involvement of religion.

    A candidate to public service must recognize that a law needs to be created allowing roommates to have a brake in taxes, and enjoy whatever perks any married couple have. It doesn’t have to have a name, for it is simply a right - It may be called Union of Peers.

    In this world of relativity, where one thing depends on another, people need to relate to another to grow spiritually. A union of two people must be recognised and insurance, health benefits, etc should be shared with any other human being.

    It is a simple math. Considering that 50% of all marriages end with divorce, why a group of individuals with different sexual orientation, would want to get involved in something that brings nothing but law suits? Union of Peers should be simpler, and require the same address. 

    Due to the distortion of the word marriage, and how it has been impregnated into individuals' mind, it is common to see on TV reality shows with gays getting into matrimony. Yes, it is disturbing to any form of faith and religious belief that most people follow. This is what has been played into people’s mind in relation to a “right to support other” agreement, which should exist: Union of Peers.

    Therefore, the topic gay marriage should not be an issue. We need to have the right to pass our insurance to a friend or a roommate, or anyone to whom you decide to share, without affecting any premium. All individual policies would not exist anymore. We live in a world of relativity where we need a point A to refer ourselves to point B. We need to relate with others, to know whom and where we are. I oppose gay marriage because it is a mockery to the origin and conservation of the sacrament of marriage. I am in favor of a law recognising Union of Peers with less complication. Something more temporary. Open to all. Now, if you want the nutty gritty of this subject, visit this essay. http://www.bidstrup.com/marriage.htm

    UPDATE - March 27, 2013 -

    After I finished reading the link above, and doing some some soul search, I changed my mind in relation to gay marriage. I think that gay people should get married because it is a right. I take back all my idea of creating side steps for something that is imminent. People have the right to be free from religion, therefore, there is no arguable dissent to this topic. My post was written in 2009, and it was my idea then. I feel bad for my parents to presence something that they are not ready to face due to their religious belief. I feel bad for everyone who is offended at first for this law, that until now, has not been approved by the courts, but it will be approved, no matter what happens. But if we take a look at History, all changes related to civil rights occurred after great turmoil. I imagine now how difficult it was when a decision to free slaves, or to end segregation came about. Liberty and equality is happening, and only after it is settled that we would see that it makes sense. My heart goes to everyone who will be saddened by this occurrence, but they should not take it personal, unless they want to get married. I have been a racist against my own class because I used my emotions and my feelings that I inherited somehow. I have used bigotry, and I regret for being this way.

    Creating laws to accommodate groups is the same as segregation, therefore it can not exist (I am referring to the creation of a Union of peers mentioned before). As you can see, our mind changes and we grow!




    Gays -

    A man has an infinite number of pieces. Each piece is connected into a central computer. This computer, called brain, collects each piece of information for its functions in all aspects of its existence.

    We are electricity! Our organs to function need electricity. Not the same as we use in our home, but similar, yet, reversible and more complex, but incapable of self adjusting. Think for a moment of an automobile riding on an Interstate, perfectly fine without a motorist. Think of a time when it will be common. Would any of this be possible without electricity of any form? We know that electricity is a form of energy, and there are various forms of energy needed in our system. Our brain evolves as we evolve, for it is capable of storing anything we have presenced.

    Back in the past, gay people were treated with electrical chocks, which is called aversion therapy. Using aversion therapy to try to change homosexual men's sexual orientation to heterosexual was controversial. In some instances, notably a series of 1966 experiments, the process was initially judged to have worked surprisingly well, with up to 50% of men subjected to such therapy not acting on their homosexual urges. These results produced a great burst of enthusiasm about changing homosexuality. However, indings were later shown to be flawed: most of the men treated with aversion therapy who stopped homosexual behavior were actually bissexual among men with an exclusive or near-exclusive homosexual orientation.

    Certain pieces can not be changed. What makes a gay person gay is his or hers sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is a development that starts in childhood and it manifests itself after or during puberty. It can bring confusing at first, but with time everyone will be certain of his sexual orientation. A human brain is so complex to understand, that humanity will go through billions of years to discover that one single photon is capable of compiling all the information of its existence, in other words, our ashes will have stored what we are, and only time will decide what we will become.

    That being said, one of the pleasures in life, that brings one to Ecstasy, is sex. Men and animal are the same. A wild male cat would travel the entire Forest looking for a mate to couple. Once domesticated, things changed. A man, although domesticated, does the same.  For a man, domestication is called marriage. The rest is normal. For a cat, domestication means neutering or have partners selected by the owner.

    Here we apply the law of survival. As it was done to gays in the past. It was necessary to procriate, and if you have different sexual orientation, it was against the norm.  At first, to be able to keep a partner, it was necessary to purchase it. The man owned the woman, and could bit her up if necessary. He would pull her through her hair and place her upside-down through her legs. Gay people simply did not exist. It all started when a child played with another child and their brain got that information to manifest it when it was time. Many got over it, but others had this information sink in. For this reason, many scholars thought that the problem was with behavior, but it is yet, more complex that just behavior.

    Today we know by experience that there are all types of gays, but the only thing they carry in common is their sexual orientation. They are all different. Like all straight men. They only have in common their heterossexuality.

    For this reason it is important to appreciate everyone's sexual orientation, for it is part of their being. It is not a choice that people make when they are living, but a force that orients them into that direction, and no other force can pull it back. It is important to say that no one knows of anyone's sexual orientation, but oneself. Most people choose to live in a closet because they have lived an entire life being one person, and to make that transition would make that person miserable. Others, would prefer to live in a closet for safety reasons, and it boils down to individuality. Every one has the right to manifest whatever they deem necessary for their existence. No one is perfect. Not even you who is reading this post.

    Now, when one human being sees homossexuality as a sin, this human being is blinded to all other sins that exist in his world, even his own sins. It is a waste of energy.

    To finalize, I have to say however, that among gay poeple there are more promiscuity. This is a simple math. Gay people are not married, they can not have children, they can move from partners to partners in higher frequency, they can interfere more easily with other people's relationship, for they have no concept of the value of a relationship - A civil relationship is not permitted, and today it is not accepted - Even though, what makes a person is his or her character, whenever people are led into temptations it is not easy to deliver from evil alone.


    What is important in life

    What is life?
    Life is a survival!

    Observe earth from a satellite view!  See the earth from  "far away enough"  where you can se many large cities, as small conglomeration of bright spots. Observe the immensity of the earth.  Now...
    Close your eyes for one minute and imagine yourself looking at a well designed wall, in a bathroom or kitchen ...yet, when you look at the corners you see dirt sports of midlew growing all over ... you are back into reality now! Let then, your thoughts go back to the satelite view of the arth - You are a dark spot on the marble of infinite immensity, which of  make all the difference.

    Milton Laene Araujo

    Socialized Democracy

    Socialized Democracy – By Milton Laene Araujo – September 1, 2011

    1-     Freedom—not only individual liberties, but also freedom from discrimination and freedom from dependence on either the owners of the means of production or the holders of abusive political power;
    2-     Equality and social justice—not only before the law but also economic and socio-cultural equality as well, and equal opportunities for all including those with physical, mental, or social disabilities;

    3-     Solidarity—unity and a sense of compassion for the victims of injustice and inequality.

    Certain things in life, such as home, food, and education need our attention.

    To begin with Home – It consists of a residence – Every human being must have a right to own a house. Food – It consists of what we eat – Every human being must have access to food in abundance. Education – It consists of where you are in relation to “all that is”. It means that you are growing spiritually.

    By just thinking of certain things, such as home, and food you can travel-on in the idea of a perfect world. Imagine living in a place where you are happy to be a part of that community, and also able to move away whenever you feel it is the right moment. Imagine being fed and sheltered in your existence –

    Now when we move to education, things get more complicated. Education means that our body is accepting the environment that has been created, in every-way possible, yet, receiving waves of information from all over. The desire for knowledge persists as a self-instinct to be.  

    Milton L Araujo


    Is this the beginning or is it the end?

    When can I see you again? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_TzIUlaQok

    In reality we all talk about the end, but little we know about science to have a firm position. Let me share with you a few topics.

    A solar flare is a sudden brightening observed over the Sun surface or the solar limb, which is interpreted as a large energy release of up to 6 × 1025 joules of energy[1] (about a sixth of the total energy output of the Sun each second). The term is also used to refer to similar phenomena in other stars, where the term stellar flare applies.
    Solar flares affect all layers of the solar atmosphere (photosphere, chromosphere, and corona), when the medium plasma is heated to tens of millions of kelvins and electrons, protons, and heavier ions are accelerated to near the speed of light. They produce radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum at all wavelengths, from radio waves to gamma rays, although most of the energy goes to frequencies outside the visual range and for this reason the majority of the flares are not visible to the naked eye and must be observed with special instruments. Flares occur in active regions around sunspots, where intense magnetic fields penetrate the photosphere to link the corona to the solar interior. Flares are powered by the sudden (timescales of minutes to tens of minutes) release of magnetic energy stored in the corona. The same energy releases may produce coronal mass ejections (CME), although the relation between CMEs and flares is still not well established.
    X-rays and UV radiation emitted by solar flares can affect Earth's ionosphere and disrupt long-range radio communications. Direct radio emission at decimetric wavelengths may disturb operation of radars and other devices operating at these frequencies.
    Solar flares were first observed on the Sun by Richard Christopher Carrington and independently by Richard Hodgson in 1859 [2] as localized visible brightenings of small areas within a sunspot group. Stellar flares have also been observed on a variety of other stars.
    The frequency of occurrence of solar flares varies, from several per day when the Sun is particularly "active" to less than one every week when the Sun is "quiet", following the 11-year cycle (the solar cycle). Large flares are less frequent than smaller ones.
    Solar flares impact Earth only when they occur on the side of the Sun facing Earth.  Because flares are made of photons, these travel out directly from the flare site, so if we can see the flare, we can be impacted by it.

    The solar cycle is an average 11 year cycle where the number of sunspots goes from very few per month, to many, and back to very few.  At solar minimum, we might see no sunspots where at solar maximum, we can have 200 sunspots in a month.  Solar flares, coronal mass ejections and solar energetic particles all increase in frequency as we get closer to solar maximum.  High speed wind streams are more frequent at solar minimum, thus ensuring that space weather is something to watch for no matter where we are in the solar cycle.
    """Research to improve solar forecasting is occurring in two major areas. The first area is the correlation of observable
    phenomena with effects on Earth. For example, we have observed a strong correlation between sunspot cycles and
    disturbances on Earth. However, this correlation is very coarse; we know that during a certain period of years there will
    be high levels of solar activity and the accompanying disturbances on Earth. But we cannot accurately predict these
    disturbances as happening over specific days or hours, as we would like to be able to. Many researchers are trying to
    refine the correlations between observable symptoms, like increased radio emission, and subsequent eruptions of
    mass. Some of the best correlations yet are those that have been found between the evolution of sunspot groups and

    The second area of work is that of constructing a model for the Solar-Terrestrial environment. In addition to the
    complexities of MHD, the problem is difficult because there are three different domains involved, which all couple
    together. The first domain is that of the Sun; to simply construct a mathematical model of the Sun is far beyond us at the
    present time. There are still many mysteries about what is going on inside the Sun, what triggers flares and even why
    sunspots form. The second domain is the interplanetary medium, once thought of as empty space. This space is filled
    with the solar wind plasma, which is not fully understood. The third domain is the geomagnetosphere, with its many
    regions and currents. The magnetotail, extending for millions of kilometers out from Earth, has been difficult to study
    directly and remains poorly understood. We are not close to having a model for any one of these domains by itself, yet
    the final complication comes from the fact that these three domains are not at all separate. A change in one of these
    domains can have major consequences on the surface of Earth; we hope one day to have a comprehensive model for the
    entire solar-terrestrial environment but this is certainly a problem for physicists of the future.