About Me - Milton Laene Araujo

My photo
Lake Worth, Florida, United States
My name is Milton and I am a reader. I love to feed my mind with what if’s?, through stories.


New Language for Texting in town

 The English Language coming as a TEXT near you.

This text is ABT the new English Language. You are ABT2 ACK and ACPT it ASAP B4 U-L be TTLY SRY if you DNT. 

It was not an ACDNT.

AMOF, ATM kids tend to CR8 new words W/O RX for Grammar. It is a trend since the invention of texting. A sentence with a Subject, a Verb, and an Agreement will LLF CUZ PEEPS PROLLY HV RX for formal language in dispute ABT POV.

PPL H8 to send an MSG or a PM ONL, IMO because of the fear of being taken for an uneducated person. It SUX.

FYA and also FYI SC CUZ most of the words can be D/L. You may need your EMA, maybe ADDY, and be aware of the FAQ FYEO. U-L WIP in a  WKD W/O WRK hard and HF.

I DNT LUV HAK except my GF. HAU?

B4 COVID I enjoyed H&K on my BDAY. 

ZUP? TY 4 BYOB. BTW, we are BFF AKA BF4L. Said friend Number 1.

“TY. I am SRY, SS! “I ACPTD to ZZZZ W/ WR BOYF.” The SK8RB said girl number 2.

“WAM.” this is TMTH. IUSS, it is FBM. I have to get B2W”.  

“W/8!!! IBH. OJ!!! Today is AF. “JK”, ILY. I have my own SO.

“IK. but please, MYOB. TMB. TTFN.

Darn! It is UFB. My Gym closed UFN. I FW my application. 


“Sure, I am ROFLOL”

I got hired! QL!!  SOAB. YBS. I am going to sue. 

PLZ, I am not the creator of these words or acronyms. I found them while checking online. 

The credit goes to the internet and new text messages.  I also visited https://grammar.yourdictionary.com/slang/texting-slang.html 

Milton Laene Araujo. 


  • ABT - About

  • ABT2 - About to

  • ACDNT - Accident

  • ACK - Acknowledge

  • ACPT - Accept

  • ADD - Address

  • ADDY - Address

  • AEAP - As early as possible

  • AF - April Fools

  • AFK - Away from keyboard

  • AIGHT - Alright

  • AKA - Also known as

  • AMAP - As much as possible

  • AML - All my love

  • AMOF - As a matter of fact

  • ASAP - As soon as possible

  • ATB - All the best

  • ATEOTD - At the end of the day

  • ATM - At the moment

  • AYT - Alright

  • AYT - Are you there?


  • B2W - Back to work

  • B4 - Before

  • BDAY - Birthday

  • BF - Boyfriend / best friend

  • BF4L - Best friend for life

  • BFF - Best friends forever

  • BLNT - Better luck next time

  • BM - Bite me

  • BOYF - Boyfriend

  • BRB - Be right back

  • BTW - By the Way

  • BYOB - Bring your own beer


  • CIAO - Good-bye

  • CM - Call me

  • CMB - Call me back

  • CMON - Come on

  • CR8 - Create

  • CTC - Care to chat?

  • CU - See you

  • CUA - See you around

  • CUL - See you later

  • CUL8R - See you later

  • CYA - See ya

  • CYAL8R - See you later


  • DOS - Dad over shoulder

  • DIY - Do it yourself

  • DKDC - Don't know, don't care

  • D/L - Download

  • DL - Download

  • DNT - Don't


  • EMA - Email address

  • EOM - End of message

  • ETA - Estimated time of arrival

  • EZ - Easy

  • EZY - Easy


  • FAQ - Frequently asked questions

  • FBM - Fine by me

  • FC - Fingers crossed

  • FTW - For the win

  • FW - Forward

  • FWIW - For what it's worth

  • FWM - Fine with me

  • FYEO - For your eyes only

  • FYA - For your amusement

  • FYI - For your information


  • G - Giggle

  • G2CU - Good to see you

  • G2G - Got to go

  • G2R - Got to run

  • GB - Goodbye

  • GBTW - Get back to work

  • GBU - God bless you

  • GF - Girlfriend

  • GG - Gotta Go

  • GJ - Good job

  • GL - Good luck

  • GLHF - Good luck, have fun

  • GMTA - Great minds think alike

  • GN - Goodnight

  • GNIGHT - Goodnight

  • GNITE - Goodnight

  • GR8 - Great

  • GRATZ - Congratulations

  • GTG - Got to go

  • GUD - Good

  • GUDNYT - Goodnight


  • H8 - Hate

  • HAK - Hug and kiss

  • HAU - How about you?

  • HAV - Have

  • H&K - Hugs & kisses

  • H2CUS - Hope to see you soon

  • HAND - Have a nice day

  • H-BDAY - Happy Birthday

  • HF - Have fun

  • HFAC - Holy flipping animal crackers

  • HRU - How are you?

  • HTH - Hope this helps

  • HUB - Head up butt

  • HUYA - Head up your a**

  • HV - Have

  • HW - Homework


  • IB - I'm back

  • IBH - I’ll be honest

  • IC - I see

  • IDC - I don't care

  • IDK - I don’t know

  • IHNI - I have no idea

  • IK - I know

  • IKR - I know, right

  • ILU - I love you

  • ILY - I love you

  • IM - Instant message

  • IMHO - In my humble opinion

  • IMO - In my opinion

  • IMS - I am sorry

  • IMU - I miss you

  • IRL - In real life

  • IUSS - If you say so


  • JAC - Just a sec

  • JK - Just kidding

  • JLMK - Just let me know


  • K - Okay

  • KK - Okay, Okay!

  • KEWL - Cool

  • KIT - Keep in touch

  • KUTGW - Keep up the good work


  • L8R - Later

  • LLF - Live life to the fullest

  • LMAO - Laughing my a** off

  • LMFAO - Laughing my f***ing a** off

  • LMK - Let me know

  • LOL - Laugh out loud or lots of love

  • LTNS - Long time, no see

  • LUVYA - Love ya


  • MC - Merry Christmas

  • MOS - Mother over shoulder

  • MIRL - Meet in real life

  • MKAY - Mmm, okay

  • MSG - Message

  • MTF - More to follow

  • MUSM - Miss you so much

  • MWAH - To give a kiss

  • MYOB - Mind your own business


  • N1 - Nice one

  • N2M - Nothing too much

  • NBD - No big deal

  • NE - Any

  • NE1 - Anyone

  • NIMBY - Not in my back yard

  • NM - Nothing much / never mind

  • NOYB - None of your business

  • NP - No problem

  • NT - Nice try

  • NVM - Never mind

  • NVR - Never

  • NW - No way


  • OB - Oh baby / oh brother

  • OI - Operator indisposed

  • OIC - Oh, I see

  • OJ - Only joking

  • OM - Oh, my

  • OMDB - Over my dead body

  • OMG - Oh my god

  • OMW - On my way

  • ONL - Online

  • OTB - Off to bed

  • OTL - Out to lunch

  • OTOH - On the other hand

  • OVA - Over


  • P2P - Peer to peer

  • PEEPS - People

  • PIC - Picture

  • PL8 - Plate

  • PLMK - Please let me know

  • PLS - Please

  • PLZ - Please

  • PM - Private Message

  • POS - Parent over shoulder

  • POV - Point of view

  • PPL - People

  • PROLLY - Probably

  • PRT - Party

  • PZ - Peace


  • QIK - Quick

  • QL - Quit laughing

  • QT - Cutie

  • QTPI - Cutie pie


  • RIP - Rest in peace

  • RLY - Really

  • RME - Rolling my eyes

  • RN - Right now

  • ROFL - Rolling on the floor laughing

  • ROFLOL - Rolling on floor, laughing out loud

  • RU - Are you?

  • RUOK - Are you okay?

  • RX - Regards


  • SBT - Sorry 'bout that

  • SC - Stay cool

  • SIT - Stay in touch

  • SK8 - Skate

  • SK8NG - Skating

  • SK8R - Skater

  • SK8RBOI - Skater Boy

  • SMH - Shaking my head

  • SO - Significant other

  • SOAB - Son of a b****

  • SOL - Sooner or later

  • SOS - Meaning help

  • SRSLY - Seriously

  • SRY - Sorry

  • SS - So sorry

  • STFU - Shut the f*** up

  • STR8 - Straight

  • SUL - See you later

  • SUP - What's up?

  • SUX - Sucks or it sucks

  • SYL - See you later

  • SYS - See you soon


  • TBC - To be continued

  • TBD - To be determined

  • TBL - Text back later

  • TC - Take care

  • TGIF - Thank God it's Friday

  • THX - Thanks

  • THNX - Thanks

  • TMB - Text me back

  • TMI - Too much information

  • TMTH - Too much to handle

  • TOJ - Tears of joy

  • TTFN - Ta ta for now

  • TTLY - Totally

  • TTUL - Talk to you later

  • TU - Thank you

  • TTYL - Talk to you later

  • TTYS - Talk to you soon

  • TY - Thank you


  • UFB - Un-f***ing believable

  • UFN - Until further notice

  • UL - Upload

  • U-L - You will

  • UOK - You ok?

  • UR - Your / You're

  • URW - You’re welcome

  • UW - You're welcome


  • VBS - Very big smile

  • VIP - Very important person

  • VM - Voicemail

  • VN - Very nice

  • VRY - Very


  • W@ - What?

  • W/ - With

  • W8 - Wait

  • WAH - Working at home

  • WAM - Wait a minute

  • WAYF - Where are you from?

  • W/B - Write back

  • WB - Welcome back

  • WBU - What about you?

  • WC - Who cares

  • W/E - Whatever

  • W/END - Weekend

  • WE - Whatever

  • WIU - Wrap it up

  • WK - Week

  • WKD - Weekend

  • W/O - Without

  • WRK - Work

  • WRU@ - Where are you at?

  • WTF - What the f***

  • WTG - Way to go

  • WTH - What the heck? or What the h***?

  • WTM - Who's the man?

  • WU - What's up?

  • WUF - Where you from?

  • WUP - What's up?

  • WYA - Where you at?

  • WYD - What ya doin’?


  • X - Kiss

  • XME - Excuse Me

  • XOXOXO - Hugs & Kisses

  • XLNT - Excellent


  • Y? - Why?

  • Y2K - You're too kind

  • YARLY - Ya, really?

  • YBS - You'll be sorry

  • YGG - You go girl

  • YHU - You

  • YNK - You never know

  • YOLO - You only live once

  • YR - Your / Yeah right

  • YT - You there?

  • YW - You're welcome


  • ZUP - What's up?

  • ZZZZ - Bored or asleep

Texting Slang Symbols and Emojis

Texting slang goes beyond abbreviations and acronyms to include symbols and images too. It’s important to know that some images have secret meanings beyond their appearance.

Slang Use of Emojis

Emojis have taken texting slang to a whole new level. An image of a simple object doesn’t always mean what you first think it might.

  • avocado = basic or doing whatever’s trendy at the moment

  • frog = ugly

  • goat = the G.O.A.T, greatest of all time

  • octopus = cuddles

  • peach (the fruit) = a butt or the word “but”

  • snake = backstabber

Simple Texting Symbols

If you don’t have the use of emojis or don’t want to use them, you can use common keyboard keys to create emotive symbols.

  • :) - Smiley face / happy

  • =) - Happy

  • :-) - Happy

  • :( - Sad

  • =( - Sad

  • :' ) - Happy Tears

  • :-* - Kiss

  • :-D - Laughing

Milton Laene Araujo - 10/26/2022


Abortion and a viable solution

 October 24th, 2022

Abortion - and a Viable Solution

When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall… (Bee Gees). 

In the past, when I was a high school student I could not purchase any adult magazines. There was always someone at the store to block my purchase because I was a minor. Back then we had a regulatory body at every bookstore deciding what a kid could or could not purchase. Later, when they started with video rental, the store had a small room with videos for adults. No kid was permitted in these areas. “The man,” would come after you and remove you from that area. When I was small, music had a different meaning. It was not appropriate for musicians to write a song with derogatory words. I lived in a world where kids could play outside with the entire village and grow into a person with values. Today, I am taller than our Christmas tree, and the kids have the freedom to enter any adult website. The regulatory body simply vanished, allowing kids to see websites that definitely are not age-appropriate. “The man” is not there to remove them from that site. I wonder why. It seems to me that Politicians are more worried about abortion than raising our kids. We are more concerned about the life that is to come than the life that is already here. It is truly out of order.

In the United States alone, since the First World War, we have lost around 750 thousand men in various wars. 

Bellow, we have an estimate of the number of people in each war. 

This information was taken from the site updated in 2019. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/many-americans-died-u-s-wars

The true tool of death may remain unknown and immeasurable because the data has been badly collected, or ignored by those responsible for its collection. 

The same is true about abortion. We do not have the proper data.

We don’t even have the data on kids in poverty. 

Leaving aside the wars, and the number of kids that could be generated if these men have not died in their prime time of existence, let's get into the abortion topic.  

During an interview, Kanye West mentioned that 50% of all abortions in the USA are done by black women. He forgot to mention that most abortion facilities are within neighborhoods with minority communities. 

Leaving that aside, it is fair to say that blacks have been victims of a hidden racist agenda. The case Dred Scott v. Sanford was just the beginning. In the end, the idea of overturning Roe v. Wade is more monetarized than we can think. 

There was a time when the black population was reaching 39% of the overall population. They did not have skills for not being exposed to skilled professions, therefore they were seen as inferior in various aspects. Laws were created and a legal wall of separation deemed black as inferior, not worthy of even occupying the same space as white. Today a small percentage occupy leadership, which is an advancement, but the laws are written in the past language.

Getting back to abortion, the populace was growing indiscriminately.

  • In 1973 the USA had 212 million people.

  • In 2022 the USA has 333 million people.

We have seen an increase in the population of the USA of about 121 million people in the period of Roe v. Wade in 1973 and today. 

  • At least 60 million babies have been aborted in centers around the nation. (urbancure.org), “The effects of abortion on the black community” Policy Report. 

  • If we had not lost people in wars, we could have increased our population by at least 20 million people. (in my own Math). 

  • The total today would be close to 600 million people if no abortions were tolerated. 

As you probably can see where I am going with this…


We are in a precatory situation in education. 60 million people could have a life and procreate. The Population could have been 1 Billion people ready to live and work, and there would not be a shortage of key professionals in science, medicine, and higher education.  Let us leave what-ifs aside! 

  1. We need to respect the “right of privacy”. 

  2. We need to educate people about the consequences of having an abortion in a world like today.

  3. We must learn that all lives matter, and those already living are the ones we can help at this moment.

  4. Teach everyone that when social security was created there were over one hundred people in the workforce for every person collecting social security benefits. Today the ratio dropped to 4 persons in the workforce for 1 person on social security. 

  5. Give people a chance to digest a piece of concise information in regard to the population of your area, or your state. Especially if the law lies in your hands. 

  6. Let's brainstorm over places to accommodate everyone living today and those who shouldn't be aborted. 

In summary - Let us all drop this subject and each government (for the time being) will decide in accordance with the desire of the people of that state. Let’s allow people to go to different states and have their procedures as they please. In the end, we all are humans, and we need to decide for ourselves what is the best way to go. Only after we learn what is truly happening, we can make the right decision. We must give an identity to every human being in existence now, and then decide how to operate in terminations. Yet, it is not a political issue, it is a personal issue. The woman carries the human being, therefore it is her choice. This issue should not be brought up in the beginning. 

From the bottom of my heart, I am not sure anymore if Roe V. Wade was a creation to guide us into a place we have never been invited to before. In a sense of diminishing a race or a population based on prejudice. And today we see the repercussion and we decide to change it. People have no saying in it.  

Milton Laene Araujo


Carta aberta ao Presidento do Brasil -

 12 de Outubro de 2022

Carta aberta ao Presidente da República Federativa do Brasil

Neste momento de transição da mentalidade nacional não podemos esquecer de 5 tarefas que o atual presidente tem por obrigação com o povo Brasileiro de cumprir. A ordem numérica não significa prioridade, porém todas são prioritárias.


  • Saneamento Básico envolvendo esgotos, coleta de lixo, área de depósitos do lixo em cada municipalidade e o tratamento da água potável por completo. 

  • Demandar completa diligência dos responsáveis pela divisão dos dinheiros arrecadados em cada municipalidade, e que todas as planilhas aprovadas sejam distribuídas de acordo com o contrato da obra. Ou seja, uma obra aprovada com background investigado, somente recebe 1 ⁄ 4 do pagamento (como empréstimo) quando iniciar as obras, e o segundo montante somente será depositado mediante inspeção de fiscais de obras, que mantém documentado o andamento de cada projeto, com plena surveillance e com 100% transparência. Se houver atraso nas obras maior do que 30 dias, haverá negligência com o contrato, e confisco de equipamentos para cobrir os gastos, e outra empresa pode pegar a obra. Trata-se de um contrato. 

  • Manutenção corretiva nas rodovias estaduais, federais, e municipais. Manutenção preventiva em pontes que não obtiveram manutenção corretiva. Além de criar projetos de novas rodovias de acordo com o tráfego em cada municipalidade. 

  • Neste contexto a palavra” manutenção corretiva” significa imediatamente corrigir o problema que já existe há algum tempo, enquanto “manutenção preventiva” significa manter funcionando até que se crie um momento oportuno de parar a produção e prevenir que algo quebre.

  • Trata-se de saber o tempo de durabilidade de cada projeto, ou partes, como rolamentos e engrenagens. Assim, cada equipamento fica lubrificado e as partes velhas trocadas por partes novas e documentadas, e tudo se transforma em manutenção corretiva. 

  • Passar as estradas federais para os estados pertinentes, e pagar aos estados pelos trabalhos de manutenção. 

  • Criar uma completa unidade de segurança da internet (cyber security) em várias localidades com equipes profissionais sobre este assunto. 

  • Neste contexto, a palavra "segurança da internet” significa não perder o controle da energia elétrica, da água, e todas as utilidades necessárias à vida humana.   

  • Trata-se de proteger as áreas de utilidades necessárias para a nossa existência. 

  • Demandar transparência em sua legação todos os momentos que você tiver presente ao público ou a um grupo de cidadãos. Demandar transparência em todas as atividades governamentais.  Que o livro dos gastos seja aberto para todos verem. 

Elegemos um presidente para nos representar em termos de Federação. 

A gente…  Nós, o povo, pagamos o salário de cada representante. Pagamos o salário dos policiais e de todos os serviços públicos.

Favor compartilhar - sei que vai concordar! Muito obrigado,

Milton Laene Araujo


Transgender and misconceptions

 Olá - Nós vamos ter um bebê!

Nunca havia imaginado escrever algo assim! Mas esta missiva sera para repartir

algo sobre o sexo do infante. Vou descrever três etapas importantes que fazem

parte do desenvolvimento da ideia de ter filhos; do desenvolvimento que se pode

esperar, aprender, e observar sobre a sexualidade; e pra finalizar, o

desenvolvimento que já sabemos que pode acontecer, e uma opiniao sobre



Se voces tiverem planejando engravidar devem saber que o sexo do bebe sera

determinado pelo pai. Portanto é importante que o casal se prepare dois meses

antes da concepcao. Isso significa mudar vários habitos, como parar com bebidas

alcoólicas e tambem cigarros, e manter uma rotina saudavel. O Pai deve fazer um

exame para contar a quantidade de espermatozoids antes e depois desta dieta. A

quantidade nao importara, mas a qualidade será o melhor resultado. Quando

planejamos trazer um ser para este mundo temos a responsabilidade de criar desde

o momento da concepcao. Isso significa que se tivermos fortes teremos filhos

capazes de viver no futuro. Se nao tivermos fortes desencadearemos uma série de

eventos na vida do novo ser humano que estarao ligados aos genes que estavam

ativos durante a concepcao.

O sexo da crianca sera determinado pelo tipo de esperma que fertilizou o ovulo.

Existe somente 2 tipos de cromossomos no espermatozoid do homem que vao

determinar o sexo da crianca. e eles se chamam X e Y. Na mulher os dois

cromossomos são femininos e chamados XX.

Homem = X, Y

Mulher = X, X

Assim sendo, um novo ser é composto de 50% do DNA da mãe e 50% do DNA do

pai, porém somente um par de cromossomos vai decidir sobre a sexualidade.

Se o pai ejacular X e a mãe (só pode contribuir com X), será uma menina. Se o pai

ejacular Y, será um menino. (Logo depois da fecundacao se forma um Zygote que

pode ser menino ou menina).

O homem com o Y cromossome tem algo chamado “a determinacao do sexo do


A determinação do sexo é um sistema complexo de genes, proteínas codificadas

por eles e suas funções em vários órgãos-alvo que determinam cumulativamente o

desenvolvimento das características sexuais em um organismo.

● Os cromossomos X e Y, também conhecidos como cromossomos sexuais,

determinam o sexo biológico de um indivíduo: as mulheres herdam um

cromossomo X do pai para um genótipo XX, enquanto os machos herdam

um cromossomo Y do pai para um genótipo XY (as mães só transmitem os

cromossomos X).

● O cromossomo X é maior em tamanho e contém um número maior de genes

em comparação com o cromossomo Y.

● O cromossomo Y é mais dominante que o X? O cromossomo X é

significativamente mais longo que o cromossomo Y e contém centenas de

genes a mais. Como os genes adicionais no cromossomo X não têm

contrapartida no cromossomo Y, os genes X são dominantes.

Cabe lembrar que um ser humano tem 23 pares de cromossomos. Ou seja, 46

cromossomos. 23 vem do pai e 23 vem da mãe. Porém, enquanto 22 destes pares

(2) são identicos, o par com dois cromossomos diferentes são os que determinam a

sexualidade do novo ser. (sexualidade e sexo em todo este contexto significa

genero masculino ou feminino). Nada relacionado com orientation sexual.


Esperamos que seja sadiu e que venha completinho.

Devido ao pai ter um cromossomo menor que o da mae, (quando se refere aos

cromossomos do sexo), ele ja vem faltando genes, e isso faz com que as vezes uma

crianca pode nascer menino, porem com “tendencias femininas” e vice-versa.

Os cromossomos X e Y determinam não apenas o sexo de um indivíduo, mas

também muitas características amplas. Da força de preensão à agressão, existem

inúmeras diferenças entre homens e mulheres além de simplesmente seus órgãos

sexuais. Isso é conhecido como dimorfismo sexual e é encontrado na maioria das


● Anormalidades genéticas não tornam os gêneros obsoletos. As pessoas

podem pensar que isso não é normal ou que algo está “errado” com você,

mas esse tipo de coisa ocorre naturalmente e foi normalizado em muitas

culturas por muito tempo.

● A determinação do sexo é um sistema complexo de genes, proteínas

codificadas por eles e suas funções em vários órgãos-alvo que determinam

cumulativamente o desenvolvimento das características sexuais em um


● O processo de determinação do sexo em um organismo começa com o

desenvolvimento das estruturas reprodutivas masculinas e femininas bem no

estágio do desenvolvimento embrionario.

● O sistema de determinação do sexo é ligado de forma indiferenciada,

dependendo do tipo de cromossomos sexuais presentes nele. O que se segue

é uma cascata de eventos que compreende a síntese e ativação de proteínas e

o silenciamento de genes, e a síntese de várias proteínas (fatores) que agem

de maneira diferente em vários órgãos e levam ao seu desenvolvimento

específico ao sexo.

● Os cromossomos são estruturas em forma de bastonetes que se tornam

claramente visíveis na célula. São moléculas de DNA altamente

superenroladas que permanecem enroladas em torno de proteínas histonas e

não histonas. Os cromossomos estão presentes como estruturas semelhantes

a fios menos enrolados chamadas cromatina no núcleo de uma célula que

não se divide formando uma rede chamada retículo de cromatina. O número

de cromossomos em uma espécie permanece constante. No entanto, às vezes

são vistas aberrações cromossômicas que causam anormalidades nos seres


● Além destes, existem centenas de genes que não estão envolvidos na

determinação do sexo feminino. Os machos humanos têm apenas um

cromossomo X, enquanto as fêmeas humanas têm dois. Assim, nos estágios

iniciais de desenvolvimento, um dos dois cromossomos X é

permanentemente inativado nas células somáticas, de modo que a expressão

gênica de um cromossomo X dos dois é restrita após o desenvolvimento

bem-sucedido dos órgãos sexuais nas fêmeas. Isso garante que o número de

proteínas produzidas pela expressão gênica dos cromossomos X em homens

e mulheres humanos permaneça o mesmo. Este fenômeno é conhecido como

compensação de dosagem. O processo de inativação é chamado de

lionização e o cromossomo X inativado na forma de heterocromatina

facultativa é conhecido como corpo de Barr.

Defeitos Cromossômicos Sexuais em Seres Humanos

As anormalidades numéricas dos cromossomos X e Y são responsáveis por causar

diversas condições em seres humanos. Alguns deles são discutidos a seguir.

i. Síndrome de Klinefelter: Uma condição em que o cariótipo 44+XXY dá

origem a indivíduos do sexo masculino com deficiência reprodutiva,

estrutura alta, baixo QI de aprendizado e dificuldades de leitura.

ii. Síndrome do X Triplo: Uma condição em que o cariótipo 44+XXX dá

origem a indivíduos do sexo feminino que são férteis, com QI médio e

estatura mais do que o de uma mulher média.

iii. Síndrome de Turner: Condição em que o cariótipo 44+X0 dá origem a

indivíduos do sexo feminino com estrutura curta. Eles são inférteis, pois têm

partes reprodutivas mal desenvolvidas.

iv. Síndrome XYY: Condição em que o cariótipo 44+XYY dá origem a

indivíduos do sexo masculino com estatura aumentada, problemas de

aprendizagem etc.

Summary -

Agora que já temos uma ideia melhor sobre a formação de um ser, podemos deixar

de lado discriminacao e diferencas, e aprender a ser mais tolerantes com um ser


Recentemente um homem fez ressonancia e descobriram que ele era uma mulher, pois tinha os tubos de falopio. Porem este homem era casado e tinha 6 filhos. O que aconteceu foi uma mistura dos cromossoos que acontece de forma mais visivel hoje em dia nos seres que apresentam tendencias diferentes as do seu sexo original. 

Transgenders sofrem de uma deviacao mental se acham no sexo errado, porem ficicamente tem o corpo normal e visivel de um ser humano feminino ou masculino. Nao se percebe a diferenca neles como precebemos em homens afeminados porque o problema deles se cria na mente, e nao na parte fisica, porem so pode ser corrigido por mudancas na parte fisica. 

Um transgender imagina que o sexo que foi determinado ao nascer nao condiz com a sua identidade. Trata-se de uma identidade sexual. 

Alguns psychologistas usam o termo Dysphoria qual significa distress e tambem a confusao entre o corpo e a mente. Trata-se de uma doenca mental na realidade, e pode ser comparada com anorexia. 

  1. Como a identidade transgênero é diferente da orientação sexual?
  2. As pessoas muitas vezes confundem identidade de gênero com orientação sexual. Mas ser transgênero não é a mesma coisa que ser lésbica, gay ou bissexual. A identidade de gênero, seja transgênero ou cisgênero, é sobre quem você É por dentro como homem, mulher, ambos ou nenhum deles. Ser lésbica, gay, bissexual ou heterossexual descreve por quem você se sente atraída e por quem você se sente atraída romanticamente, emocionalmente e sexualmente.

  3. Uma pessoa transgênero pode ser gay, lésbica, heterossexual ou bissexual, assim como alguém que é cisgênero. Uma maneira simples de pensar sobre isso é: orientação sexual é sobre com quem você quer estar. A identidade de gênero é sobre quem você é.

    O que significa passar?
    Passar descreve a experiência de uma pessoa transgênero sendo vista por outros como o gênero que eles querem ser vistos. Um exemplo seria uma mulher trans usando o banheiro feminino e sendo vista como mulher pelas pessoas ao seu redor.

    Passar é extremamente importante para muitas pessoas trans. Passar pode ser emocionalmente importante porque afirma sua identidade de gênero. O passe também pode fornecer segurança contra assédio e violência. Por causa da transfobia, uma pessoa transgênero que passa pode ter mais facilidade em se mover pelo mundo do que uma pessoa que é conhecida como transgênero ou parece mais andrógina.

  4. Mas nem todas as pessoas transgênero sentem o mesmo sobre a passagem. Embora a passagem seja importante para algumas pessoas, outras acham que a palavra sugere que a apresentação de gênero de algumas pessoas não é tão real quanto outras. Eles podem sentir que passar implica que ser visto pelos outros como cisgênero é mais importante do que ser conhecido como transgênero. Algumas pessoas transgênero se sentem confortáveis e orgulhosas de serem trans e não sentem a necessidade de se passar por uma pessoa cisgênera.


January 28, 2021. What is happening?

 This post is to start a new era. 

Soon, all posts will be rewritten and updated.

Stay with me.



Donald Trump will do just fine.

Donald Trump - Our President elected is a man with a big heart. He can act like a kid, therefore, got himself elected. He likes to use social media. He uses "tweeting" as his way of communicating his opinion in different matters. Ho got rid of the middle man. His opinions come from his heart. When he teases or laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner, he imitates what he saw and he expresses how he perceived it. Like kids do. I know, he mocked people, as others are mocking him right now on Saturday night live. At least he expresses his desires. Be it good or not. Whatever he said to get elected will change, for he will ponder, as we too ponder whether it is a good idea to build a wall with taxpayer's money right now, or if one must take care of different matters. Such as?  "to think or consider especially quietly, soberly, and deeply " With the help of an entire team he will do just that.   What he promised will be evaluated. Perception can be deceiving.

Barrack Obama - Our actual President - Today 1/9/2017 -  Barrack Obama will close his presidency with a golden key. He (president-ed) our country smartly. People have jobs. He won a Nobel Prize.

As far as his big heart, Donald Trump is not self-destructive. He doesn't do drugs, or smoke, or cheats. He is what you see. He is focused, and he will buy the best of the best of anything you can imagine. He will buy (in a sense of paying for), the best engineers, scientists, hackers, geeks, and you name it. He will protect humanity, but he will make it be known how he will do it before he attempts to do it. You will have a saying in everything he does. He will publish it first hand. Just be accustomed with his way of being. He can be short tempered, and express it loudly. So what? People are short tempered at times. His united family depicts the size of his heart.

As far as acting like a kid... His is a successful businessman and it speaks for itself.

Go Trump



Get a grip on yourself - by Milton L. Araujo: Swimmers at the Olympics 2016 and their tale.

Get a grip on yourself - by Milton L. Araujo: Swimmers at the Olympics 2016 and their tale.

Swimmers at the Olympics 2016 and their tale.

The 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil is memorable. For starters, the opening was simply fascinating, as it has always been since its inception. Brazil has won 123 medals since it's first participation, not counting this year. The city of Rio de Janeiro is marvelous. The whole world noticed that. I am proud of Brazil.
The incident that occurred at the gas station was blown out of proportion. The whole word watched the 4 swimmers athletes, which claimed that they had been robbed by people disguised as officers. Today, we don't know if they were simply drunk and vandalized a bathroom, or if they were in search of empathy. They thought the Brazilian Justice would not investigate. Now they are in hot waters. They have to clarify so many discrepancies in their tales, that may cause a fall from grace for them.
We don't creat tales about a country. It is enough that we fabricate stories that involve people, but when one decides to put down a country, it can be serious for that person.

I understand that kids can do silly things, and these athletes are kids. They acted as kids. They were under the influence of alcohol or whatever they had before.  I think they should be forgiven. I think Brazil can get over it, as long as the media portrays the reality that they made a mistake. As long as they recognize that it was stupid to fabricate a story that a gun was laced against one's head, etc, etc.

I hope this incident serve as a positive note that Brazil and Rio are places where one can visit and be safe. If the media is able to portray this, everyone will learn a lesson. My prayers go to these kids and to the investigation body.


Open Borders to the world

The time is here, now. All borders must be open and everyone will be able to pass. Passport is necessary. Once Into the country of your choice, you simply must be submitted to DNA testing, along with a chip that controls your whereabouts . You are allowed to stay as long as you desire, and work anywhere you are hired. It is simple: have every human being who visits  the US an invitation to stay. Conditions will be applied on a case per case situation, and survillance will be active for all immigrants. There will be a probationary time. Each country will copy this, and the world will be good. 



Como e bom ser jovem!
poder brincar e cantar e ate dublar...  o mesmo - você pode fazer 

When someone dies – my condolences to you!

When someone dies – my condolences to you!

My condolences to you! While I’m sorry to hear this, his or hers suffering is over, only the living will continue to suffer.

The living ones need your support and understanding. They may experience guilt they did not do enough. They may also experience rage toward the medical staff for not doing enough, or anyone else that possibly could be involved.

The trauma may continue for the next couple of months with periodic flair-ups after that.
Grieving is expected to last for, at least, 6 months…

So please, help them with your gift of listening –  and respond (help) afterwards. 


Brasil intensificará esforços pelo fim da pena de morte no mundo

Nao deve e nem pode haver pena de morte em hipotese alguma no mundo. Nao importa o crime. Pra comecar, mais ou menos 50% dos presos estao cumprindo pena por crimes relacionados as drogas. Isso equivale a dezenas de bilhoes de reais sendo gastos para manter estes presos. policiar as ruas, e manter o departamento vivo. Se as drogas forem legalizadas como o cigarro e a bebida, cada um fica por si. A bebida acaba casamentos e o cigarro acaba a vida. Infelizmente, a legalizacao de tudo mantem um comercio mais transparente. Sim, havera mortes por todos os lados, mas tambem havera educacao - pois estes gastos podem ser direcionados a educacao. O fato do traficante ter sido executado, significa uma barbaridade num sistema de leis. Ha paizes que nao conseguem manter uma vigilancia adequada, e sabem que seus residentes usam drogas, pois caso contrario nao haveria necessidade desta morte -  partem para o barbarismo de matar. Isso tambem se chama coercao. A Raiz do problema esta - De onde vem as drogas? Quem as controla?... Vamos entao comecar um processo diplomatico para legalizar tudo. Se os usuarios pagassem impostos ao comprar, passariam por um sistema de vigilancia  e seriam proibidos dirigir enquanto intoxicados.  A economia estabiliza, os usuarios vao morrer rapidinho, os educados entendem os problemas, e a vida continua. Mais educacao com enfaze neste aspecto de drogas e necessario porque as guerras mundias estao em torno disso. Ja os estrupadores, precisam de um medicamento que inibi o libido. Os assassinos precisam ficar presos. Ah, os que roubam, devem pagar devolta e assim a vida segue - nada de matar ninguem! Nada de matar alguem. 


A Message to the Governor of Indiana Mike Pence

A Message to Governor Mike Pence

Indiana’s Republican Gov. Mike Pence signed into law a proposed fix to the week-old Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) on Thursday amid uncertainty as to whether the move would ease intense criticism plaguing the Hoosier State.
Angie’s List CEO Bill Oesterle said. “There was not a repeal of RFRA and no end to discrimination of homosexuals in Indiana. Employers in most of the state of Indiana can fire a person simply for being Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Questioning. That’s just not right and that’s the real issue here.”

Governor Pence! What are you thinking?
Indiana’s right-to-discriminate law must be refused by the Supreme Court as an act of vandalism created by a Governor who has not a clue about the history of this country. Sometimes I wonder whether you have common sense or the sense of a cow.
For example, if an Indiana employer showed up at work today and told a gay employee, “I don’t like gay people, so you’re fired,” that would be legal. It was legally permissible last week; it will be legally permissible next week.

OK Governor – I will impose a law that forbids the issuance of license to operate any kind of business if you aim into DISCRIMINATING any group of people based on religious beliefs, or if you feel that you can discriminate. BUSINESS and RELIGION do not mix. You can only operate a business if you can serve the population. Otherwise, your business must be closed.

Just the word “discriminating” sets ground to have any business license revoked, dismissed, cancelled, etc. This is pure and simple. If you cannot stand the heat, do not open a business. Businesses are created to serve the entire population, and if Indiana cannot operate within these standards, the Governor must step down, and business owners must watch themselves, for they can lose their license to operate if they place religion beliefs ahead of the real meaning of business.

I just wish you take a look at your own state and see how many people are living in sin, such as divorce, cheating, stealing, lying, bigotry, etc. Who are you to judge whether being gay is a sin bigger than cheating your people of values.
I am sorry, but this is outrageous.

Milton Laene Araujo – April 5th 2015. 



A Message for MEN

Please, sit while you use the sanitary vase at your home. It is recommendable that you sit while you pee, simply for the fact that your body will change positions, and give the bladder a good squeeze.  Besides, when you pee while standing you are splashing all over the place. In a public place, the use of urinals while standing is completely normal.  At home, sit and pee. Don’t see yourself less masculine just because you decided to sit while peeing.  By doing it at home, your wife will never complain about the toilet cover being open. Both will do the same. Well, it is not too late – teach your children that this behavior has nothing to do with sexuality, but with hygiene. It is that simple! 


Genetically modified everything!

Genetically modified EVERYTHING!
We humans are composed with a DNA configuration that has in it every single existing DNA in the universe.  In our DNA we can find traces of DNA of any species that ever existed in this earth. We are talking about billions of years. We came from out of space, as powder, bacteria and virus, and we evolved, not by creating new strings of DNA, but awaken what we have inherited. As the earth changed so did we. We at one time lived in the water, and later became animals and now we call ourselves humans. The major difference between a human and a monkey is the brain configuration, which is also part of the DNA. The transition from humans to monkeys did not happen as stated by Darwin, by selective manner. It happened by simply awaken our DNA to adjust with our environment. The entire configuration was there and it occurred naturally on earth. We have different eras with different types of animals living on earth, until we achieved a level of human beings taking place and many animals vanishing.
As I am writing this post, I know that many species of animals are vanishing; giving place to other species that can take the heat. This way life has been. But Darwin forgot that the DNA was there at all times. It was not creating as we grow.
Because the earth is only 4 and half billions years old, we are where we are by getting here naturally. Therefore it is fair to say that in an environment earth -like, it would take this much time for us to be where we are today, naturally.
We are made in the image of God, and for this reason our brain has achieved the capability of turning us into God-like beings.  We could have been animals for another trillion of years; yet, our DNA would have within it the entire configuration of a human, yet, not awaken.  
When we evolved into Monkeys, there were at least fourteen species fighting for space. One survived and we called it Homo sapiens. Every human is called Homo sapiens. The DNA configuration of humans made possible for mankind to survive in the earth environment, and with the help of God we then achieved our reasoning, thinking, planning, emotions, and certain feelings we did not see in animals. We also developed the speech coordination.  Homo sapiens developed their brain in size. This development opened communication with various strings of DNA configuration necessary to survive, and also to feel sorrow.
We have not found the link between Homo sapiens and monkeys simply because the brain development came along with spirituality, and it was given to us by God. Without God we would be animals.
Think for a moment, that the earth having 4.5 billions of years, we are where we are today. What would it be if the earth had 13 billion of years?
Knowing that we are the result of star explosions and dust, and we developed as we did because the earth has been what it has been, giving space to different species as time went by, we can predict that there are beings that have developed their brain configuration based on their longevity as species. So it is fair to say that in the entire universe we have beings more intelligent, or more developed just by being older than us a few billion years.
Now, at our age, we are able to study DNA and even pin point areas of the brain where it is more active. We can easily combine our DNA with anything that exist and create a different life form.  Yes, we can create half a man and half animal, if it is necessary, but what for? Just understanding that we can do it, we already passed the point of creating monsters.

Very soon we will live to be looking young forever, but we will not live forever because whenever we manipulate DNA without understanding the environment, we are creating short lived beings. It doesn't matter how much we try to replicate a human being, we will not achieve eternity because it comes with adapting to different areas. We cannot survive in cold temperature, unless we are trained since children to accept the cold. The same will be with anything we modify. It can be good for a short period of time, but there will be consequences due to the artificiality of the thing. We can modify food and make them stay fresh for a longer period of time, but at the same time we get sicker and develop cancer in a faster pace. Unfortunately we are not able to genetically modify anything by adding DNA( for it is a destruction). We can modify by awakening what we already have.  We can alter, or awake certain strings we think would do the job, but we never know, and never will know if it will be the secret for eternity. But we can not take the DNA of one animal and inject into another, for we have it all already. We just need to learn how to wake them up.

I believe that most aliens have played this game, and they arrived where they are today, playing Gods to a vast population that acquired brains, and inducing them to get a jump start into the new DNA configuration that will survive it all, but needless to say, they have no idea what needs to be done.

They are souls who are living forever, and going from one place to another, but never living the darkness.  They play Gods to most governmental institution by teaching reverse-engineering, but they cannot bring peace. They refused God - as we are doing it right now!

When we inherited from God our brain capability, it came with responsibility. One was not to destroy our earth, and respect the environment. The other was not to kill. We failed on both. Now, without any experience we are already creating clones, and replicas of people. We are mixing and altering DNA, when we should only awaken them – We have it within us.

Yes, it is agreeable that we can make dormant a gene responsible for obesity, but it will shorten a human life to a minimum because that obesity is already a result of another genetically modified DNA we ate, or we placed into our system, and it awoke strings that should be sleeping on the first place.

The pharmaceutical industry lives and breathes ‘altering DNA drugs’ to put into our body. Almost everyone takes pills. We are killing ourselves by allowing people to alter our lives. We are not using our brain to better ourselves, but to conquer more and more money – for nothing – once dead, the money stays here.
Humans are playing with embryos. We are replicating them, and we are even creating them in labs. We can create them as we can discard them, without any value for life. We create life, and we destroy it to make one life better. We have no regard for life, and we were told once that this is our chance to redeem ourselves, and have eternal life in a paradise where we can be anything we want, and transform ourselves into anything. We were offered a place where we find peace and comfort, and ultimately love. But we are being guided by a malignant force. We became the dormant ones. 

The only problem is that we have no idea what we are doing, and those who are teaching us, have their agenda. If we are receiving help from extra-terrestrial intelligence, they can consider themselves God to us, but in reality they are lost souls, who have lost God a long time ago. They go from place to place in the darkness, in search of whatever they need to survive with their DNA configuration.

As a DOG thinks that humans are God, we can easily think they are gods because they have given us for the last 100 years more knowledge than we have achieved in 2000 years. Yet, it is deceiving. Their agenda is too secretive.  They do not appear in the sky every day. They do not participate in our lives, except by giving us technology, which will backfire whenever we do not have electricity. And soon we may end up without electricity.

We have created so much comfort to our body that our DNA is already changing without us even noticing it. No one can live without TV, or internet, and water only comes when there is electricity. An elevator only operates with electricity, and a bank card will have no value when we lose some of our technology. In other words, we are placing ourselves in their mercy.

I know, it sounds absurd to imagine that Aliens are among us, but they are. How can we explain this sudden interest in our lives? Why are they so interested on us? I am sure they have an agenda, as we do when we spend billions of dollars sending a man to Mars or to the moon. We are looking for pure gold as they are as well. With Gold we can create anti-gravity machinery to travel 10 times the speed of light. They will teach us, and soon we will forget our messenger, Jesus Christ, who came here to lead us into an exit of this repetition.

In less than one hundred years we have achieved technology we never imagined existed, and we are soon getting into teleportation, and whatever else we can get. Meanwhile, we are destroying our rivers, our oceans, and our atmosphere. We have no regards for human life and we care only about money. We have no idea how to make peace! We want what others have. 
Is this a life we are supposed to live?

The biggest sin, so far, humans are doing at this time is the loss of regard for life. Yes, we are killing left and right, and we are also killing little children by neglecting those who are alive. We are spending billions to keep laws anti-abortion, which, we don’t follow. We are a mess!
Since genetically modified food was introduced, we have seen thousands of cases of diverticulitis in middle aged humans, along with premature death of infants. We have more deaths from cancer than ever before. Breast Cancer is in its highest.

I planted an avocado tree to find out that the seed inside the avocado was not fertile. It was genetically modified and it would not grow fruit. So, I cared for an avocado tree for seven years to never seen an avocado. I planted passion fruit, and got only passion flower, for it was created to be an ornamental tree.
All of these modified seeds come with altering DNA (trigger) configuration in humans, and unfortunately the only winners are the drug industry and the hospitals.
Yes, this system of things is a mess. Money is the root of all evil.
People forgot that they cannot take their money with them after they die, and those who inherit it, will be poor of spirit.

This undated photo made available by Oxitec shows a genetically modified Aedes aegypti mosquito in their U.K. lab. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is considering releasing the non-biting male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes modified by Oxitec to pass along a birth defect to their progeny, thus killing off the next generation of the mosquitoes that can carry dengue and chikungunya. The FDA is planning to release the mosquitos in a neighborhood of 444 homes near Key West, Fla. (AP Photo/Oxitec, Derric Nimmo)